What is the single best marvel movie?

What is the single best marvel movie?

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jesus christ raimi

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The one that's currently playing in cinemas

The first Avengers film. MCU hasn't even come close to this peak since

>gets frozen in the 1940s
>gets revived in the 2010s
>negroes aren't using the back-entrance of buildings anymore
>allowe to use the same restrooms and same restaurants as the white people
>they are EVEN allowed to touch white women

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I have an answer, but I've become so disillusioned with capeshit it's not even worth thinking about

Ironman 1

Howard the Duck

Mickey Mouse

Iron Man.
It was an actual self-contained movie with original ideas and a real script, not the masturbatory carbon copy nerd fest that all the follow-ups are. It was good enough to start of this retarded endless series.

Winter Soldier is close second. It's a decent action movie that can stand on its own.

you posted a scene from it

Have you actually watched the Captain America movies? Or are you just seeing what you want to see?

Captain America gave fuck-all about race, where it is all that matters to you. Which is honestly pathetic.

shuttup discord tranny, it's just a dumb filename that has nothing to do with the text of the post
nobody gives a shit about your virtue-signalling

Probably Winter Soldier

Have sex


Wow you're a fun one


Spiderman 2 > Spiderman > Iron man > Winter soldier

>not even a minute in and this happens
this one, marvel can wrapt it up, I literally just clicked play and its better then anything else

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Go outside

race matters
get over it

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of the MCU I will give it to Winter Soldier. Best origin movie is still the first Iron Man. Winter Soldier wins for having the best action.

The first Iron Man

Guardians of the Galaxy

Infinity War


I'm with you.

Damn I'm so glad we have WOKE 19 year olds on Yea Forums now, this place is so hip and happenin these days

For me its GotG 2

Edward Norton's Hulk. Fight me.

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what was cap doing in this scene?
Why is he looking at the black guy like this?


Hahahahahaha if it weren't for Captain Marvel, I'd say Hulk is the worst one.

To you!
I think a lot of anons here hold onto race because it is the only thing you losers have to hold onto.

"I may be a NEET, with little to no chance of personal success. But hey, at least I'm white"


X-Men (2000)

after that who cares

Shield is sending a bunch of people to capture him. He knows something is wrong.

In the first Captain America movie, he had Derek Luke in the Howling Commandos. I’m sure Cap wasn’t “spooked” by darkies.

>Spiderman 2
Those aren't Marvel movies.

Cap is a virgin.

Because Robert Redford just said “This is my yard, nigga. I’m a 187 yo’ bitch ass if you ain’t snitchin’ on Fury.”

He's in an elevator with colleagues from Shield. He figures out they want to capture him from their nervousness.

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>people told me Iron Man 1, The Avengers and Winter Soldier were masterpieces
>they were all meh movies that felt like a chore to sit through with only Iron Man being entertaining the first half

What do people see in these movies?

I liked Thor for the fish out of water theme and small town setting and Thor 2 for the set design but even then I only found these movies mildly entertaining.

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i dont get this. for me its always gonna be captain america 1 and iron man 2

Average people have shit taste
Now go watch some Villenueve or Fincher

>are you just seeing what you want to see?
Yes. Why would I see a movie I didn't want to see??

Are you familiar with the concept of a joke

mystery men

Infinity War > Winter Soldier > GotG2 > GotG1 >Iron Man

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Pretty sure he went through some sort of class to get him up to speed on things. Also he was a picked on skinny manlet for most of his life so I'm sure he felt some compassion or sympathy to the blacks. Anyways my pick is GOTG that movie is awesome.

The first Antman was Kino

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Unironically this!!!

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Who the fuck cares? If you've actively sought to watch any of these films after your first viewing, just end yourself. I wish hadn't even seen just the one.

>The Chad HUUUH vs the Virgin Ʞ.K

Captain America: Winter Soldier and GOTG

>Str vs Dex

Thor Dark World exists

But I guess I only like it as much since it was a break from the usual MCU-design, similar, but not as cookie cutter as the others. Same goes for Ant-Man and Doctor Strange.

That one is canon?

Derek Luke is the whitest black man ever, so it balances out.

The Incredible Hulk is MCU canon. Hulk is not.

>race mixing is communism
the soviet russians hated niggers more than anyone else though

Dark World is a good movie wrapped up in bullshit, it's sporadically entertaining which is more than just bland as fuck.

Iron Man 1.
Followed by Spider-Man Homecoming, but that's mostly because I love the character.
Iron Man 1 was unironically a good movie.

Imagine living in the world where Captain Marvel has higher box office than Winter Soldier


He's checking him out

Guardians of the Galaxy.
That and Deadpool are the only capeshit movies I've watched since Iron Man 2, so take that however you will.

Niggers kill innocent people 10x more than anyome else.

Fuck niggers fuck spics fuck kikes fuck sandniggers

That's not how statistics works or society works.

white bois can't resist a black man

Captain's about to learn blacks don't cum chocolate syrup


>Other: 5%
>White: 6%
Pakis and Indians rape more than white people though