Hi wewie

hi wewie

Attached: 8EECBBA0-BE29-450D-9E93-03270B14509D.png (1334x750, 1.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Oh my god


what is this?

*head bashing intensifies*





this is etusbatus kino

Attached: Etsubatsu.png (368x379, 221K)

oh my god

Attached: kid.png (696x346, 350K)

God made him this way.

What’s going on here

this is a true art

Attached: 1548280120489.jpg (396x385, 78K)

Did anyone get aroused when his mom sat on him to calm him down.

Attached: 20190310_173037.jpg (137x319, 24K)

>hey what's up



Attached: a86f2368c721b01227fe04d53f80d0a3.png (633x634, 681K)




Attached: TAPE.png (174x279, 50K)


living the dream


This was painful. Watched the whole thing though

The whole setup looks like the start of a pornhub video

I feel bad for the kid

Imagine the smell and also living with that monster.

You need to seek Christ like she needed to seek an abortion clinic.

Attached: 82FC8F4B-9C88-4E8D-8AD9-8648A7CA20FB.gif (273x429, 1007K)

Why was the kid so angry that his mother didn't know it was tape?

because it's fucking tape you dumb bitch

You can't detect autism in the womb, unfortunately.

Hi Andy

Attached: Andy_Milonakis_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (1560x2070, 2.22M)

Not even a chad can pull this move off

Holy fucking kek

Not this again.
I grew up with a guy like this.
He was one of my best friends but as we got older it was obvious that he had the 'tism
Still, now he has a bunch of cosplay friends and seems genuinely happy with his life where as I have to think or reasons to get out of bed every day so swings and roundabouts eh

he's gonna make it, bros

Attached: Untitled.png (497x152, 11K)

What does this spell do?

>roasties talking about how hot the seething retard autist is in the comments


literally me

oh my gosh

That is so fucking sad

>Oh my gahd

Attached: pJwz8 - Edited.jpg (201x263, 9K)

how can u see comments, they are disabled?

Attached: 057e01f15303aeecc5b8eebec476b4b7d23d75c880396b06815836c1b90f7b78.png (310x299, 128K)

what a milf

she should fuck him with dem big milf tiddies

Will hollywood ever stop pretending autism is super intelligence hidden between social ineptitude?
Feels like most films these days think that all tards have the secret potential of Rainman. When in reality most just squeal, hit themselves and need constant supervision.

Attached: Louis Theroux Extreme Love of Autism.jpg (617x400, 99K)

pump it

He greets the whole room. Thing is, what you're seeing as autistic is actually him setting the dominance hierarchy in order. This towering person descended from the stairs while everyone else was on the ground, holding an object similar to that of a golden chalice. Donned in nothing else but small undergarments, he is conveying to the people that he is the emperor with his new clothes. Etsubatsu is critical here, because in its core, it's just everybody. He disregards the intimate side of greeting, and just says "everybody". That is enough to address that he has acknowledged the room, while not forfeiting his dominant position by giving unnecessary pleasantries. Louie does not understand this, and in a lapse of judgement tries to regain Joey's favour by pointing at himself and redundantly repeating his name, as if it's something that a leader should be bothered with. Joey understands that subjects must be kept content, so he immediately commands "Patience!" and then addresses Louie personally.
This is the furthest thing from an autistic simpleton, he has in that small allotted time shown the people he is the one in charge. Furthermore, when he shows his volatile side by exploding in a maelstrom of carnage, this is him showing the people that he is capable of warding off danger. Pulverizing his head in a flurry of hits, he says that even he isn't exempt from the woes of man and if need be, will destroy himself if the situation ever came to such a critical point.
This man is a God.

Attached: 12588571231.jpg (1123x1502, 181K)

This is incredibly sad, because otherwise good looking kids who are nonverbal like this are constantly sexually abused in homes.

If autistic people like the feeling of a physical action they tend to do it repetitively.

damn big bazookas

can't even fucking breathe

Attached: 1484276540947.jpg (550x343, 19K)

>dad films because "do as I say, not as I do"
no wonder his kid turned out that way

look at those jugs