What goes through the mind of an actor when filming a scene like this?
What goes through the mind of an actor when filming a scene like this?
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>I want chicken I want liver Meowmix Meowmix please deliver
Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass
>This is why I chose to be a method actor
Idk but this is gross
Stop showing this shit
No one wants to watch ugly people fuck whether they're faggots or not
>"don't get a boner"
All actors are gay so prolly nothin.
im getting paid
what does it feel like to take a dinger to the hoo-ha?
>the scene where a nude Garrett Hedlund vigorously bangs 54-year-old Steve Buscemi. “I don’t know how honest I can be about this,” laughed Hedlund when we caught up with him a few days after the film premiered. “I did feel ridiculous because after [shooting it], I asked him if he wanted to have a cigarette. And he said no! He had always asked me for cigarettes before — ‘Hey, man, can I bum one of those?’ — and after the scene, I was like, ‘Hey, you wanna have a cigarette?’ And he said, ’Uh, I’m good.’”
Hahahah, ol' Steve probably got hard from the dry humping.
based Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass poster
Wh-What movie is this?
>nucky gets lucky
why is it ok for women to show being naked but not men?
It's like cumming, except better.
>bonewalk entire
the red scare purged hollywood not only of commies but of the casting couch and illegal (at the time) sex video industry. But the Screen Actor's Guild and the producers too smart to get caught or smart enough to switch up their game have had a not-so-secret relationship since then. You want your SAG card? You need to do a few things, mostly pay through the ass for expensive head shots that should only cost about 10 dollars today but still cost up to 400 to this day, despite all the advances in cheaper, better camera technology. You should have a reel, too, but how the fuck you get that? Try your hand in indie filmmaking (and half of these scumbags are doing prono but they won't tell you until the day of the shoot - and you better bring a friend or have your phone on you with the cops on speed dial if you are stupid enough to show up to an empty warehouse thinking tomorrow you're gonna be famous) or volunteer for student films (and jesus are these assholes pretentious and insane: the porno directors will fuck you quite literally but student directors will ENDANGER YOUR LIFE and expect insane things: like putting you into a home made fire suit or asking you to crash a car for them - yes, they ask their principle actors to do this and they have no concept of safety or what a professional stunt man is).
But there is a third way: you do background work or single line work in shitty television shows - you get treated (and I quote) like a 'cockroach' (that's the name for actors just trying to make it fair and square) and are often edited out of the scenes you performed in: getting a reel this way will take you YEARS.
So SAG has a fourth and final way: they way they want you to get your card. Essentially you become a free escort for low level management, producers, and skeevy Jewish gangsters. You 'schmooze' and 'flirt' and just like legal escorts you don't technically HAVE to fuck these greasy shitstains but if you don't it could take you TWO years.
make no mistake, acting (unless you're from Canada or England - but if you're from Asia it's a billion times worse) is prostitution. Every 'straight' male actor from the States *unless they're like from Kevin Smith's group or M. Night Shyamalan or Spike Lee* is gay for pay - or gay for roles, at least.
Weinstein wasn't even the worst of the worst - he was just stupid and sloppy. Child acting in television is a Marquis DeSade nightmare and the parents are in on it. The parents love it. Most of the parents train their kids personally on how to suck dick or take it up the ass.
No one gives a shit. The vice squad would rather pick up dopey jons trying to fuck 40 year old meth addicts for ten bucks than the multi million dollar pedophile rings run by every major television studio that has children as principle actors in their shitty 'family friendly' sitcoms. Disney is the worst of the whole lot.
>So SAG has a fourth and final way: they way they want you to get your card. Essentially you become a free escort for low level management, producers, and skeevy Jewish gangsters. You 'schmooze' and 'flirt' and just like legal escorts you don't technically HAVE to fuck these greasy shitstains but if you don't it could take you TWO years.
This. Hollywood is a moral void where everyone, and I mean fucking everyone who has made it (and that includes that down-to-earth actor you like so much) is, at least, an accomplice to something terrible. The fact that this place is trying to lead the woke/metoo/-flavor-of-the-week activist cause is laughable and chilling.
>Do it for the fans.
Would be my guess.
"I hope teevee won't make fun of me, teehee."
because women are better looking.
The guy who played Borat said of how he was nearly introduced into a high class pedophile ring. Called the feds and then the feds said, nothing to see here.
Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass
It hurts.
Like heaven
That's very funny, kek, based Garrett
it was a deleted scene from who is america, some concierge in vegas offered. sasha told the fbi but they did nothing.
like shitting a big log only in reverse
what’s the context for this scene?
It was a consensual sex scene
It must suck being a fag. The absolute worst dating pool. Everyone is vain as fuck. Only care about sex. Relationships are never intimate. When they are it only lasts a year or two. Constantly cheat behind their partner's back.
How do they cope.
>How do they cope.
gay sex
What I wouldn't give to suck Jay's cock.
By getting fucked in the ass
top kek
This, but Steve Buscemi.
ah so like when you yo-yo a shit?
They are fags exactly because they only care about sex and are degenerate. If they actually were bothered that much by all you wrote they wouldnt be faggots.
I bet my dad will be proud of me and my choice to work as an actor instead of a manager he was grooming me to be.
I'm a faggot and I want an intimate romantic relationship
So being faithful turns you straight? Is that what you're saying?
No, you cant turn straight, once a faggot, always a faggot.
in all honesty who wants to see a dudes hairy ass and disgusting dick?
I too wish to find a diamond in a pile of manure
>in all honesty who wants to see a dudes hairy ass and disgusting dick?
No one, this is why we prefer twink's smooth ass and cute penis.
Same here.
Are you sexually attractive? That's all that's required. If you're not, you will die alone. Such is the life of being a gay. Even worse if you're a lesbian.
Nope, I'm ugly as fuck and I know I will undoubtedly die alone unless I get plastic surgery or something. But I've just resigned myself to admiring guys from afar and being addicted to pornography.
I am sexually attractive... to old bear dudes, while I myself only like cute twinks.
I think this is worse than being outright ugly to everyone.
This is actually hilarious.
>Are you sexually attractive? That's all that's required. If you're not, you will die alone. Such is the life of being a gay
that can be said of heterosexual relationships too you fucking retard
>tfw no cute boy to cuddle with and love
I'm average looking I guess. It's just difficult to find guys that are really sweet and romantic though.
Um, no, sweetie. Straight people settle, gays do not.
stop being gay then idiot
They're out there user, your perfect match will find you some day
They have a job to do and they have to do it well, so they get into character and do their job.
What was he choking on? Also that guy’s doing the Heimlich maneuver wrong
>I'm having sex
It’s not like women want romance either
Such unbelievable bullshit
80% of women sleep with the top 20% of men
I know exactly what you mean. I’m a little too scared of gay bars, grindr is just hookups and dicks pics, and other than that I’m not sure where to look. Florida?
Get the fuck off our board you freaks
Goldfish! Gotta bite their heads off!
Queers are hedonistic sexual deviants and nothing more. There's a reason there was a taboo surrounding socially destructive behaviours like this for the vast majority of history.
No :)
>How do they cope
They don't, they take the aidspill to escape
Kek, never
The Road
I'm from a small town in Kentucky, so there's no gay bars or anything like that here. Hope you find someone user.
One of these days you'll realize that you're the bottom 5% and all these coping methods don't work anymore, and it'll hit you hard
Hope your neighbors out you and tar and feather your degenerate ass
Shut the fuck up you pathetic hetero loser
What I say is true
Apparently so is me being part of the top 20% of men, since I get fairly regular sex
You too, fren. We’re all gonna make it.
>hetero loser
Get back to me when you figure out how to reproduce, faggot. Apologize to your parents that you're so selfish seeking out dude's assholes that you can't carry on the bloodline countless generations of ancestors ensured
>t. childless incel
My parents love me and supported me coming out when I was still in high school :)
Plus I have an older brother who already had kids, so that check box for our family has been filled.
>someone else did the job for me so I can fuck around and be a worthless queer who ignores his biological imperative
Are you White?
If yes, change your ways
If no, keep chasing that bug
I'm white, are you going to cry about it?
heaven on earth
I fucking might
Only thing gays make it to is inevitable hellfire
Kill yourself you pathetic troglodyte hetero
Have fun with your prolapsed rectum subhuman
>anal micro-tears
>anal prolapse
You get what's coming to you, faggot
Guarantee you its CIA run. The FBI actually does solve crimes and helps people but the minute there's a cia they immediately back off and act like nothing happened.
>The FBI actually does solve crimes and helps people
This """""society"""" is a joke
>when mutts take over you will be thrown off the roofs.
Finally, a silver lining to white genocide
>mods deleting anti-fag posts
Liberal faggot mods have ruined this place, fags have their own fucking board but you let them post trash here all day. The second anyone steps up to them you ban them. Absolutely shameful
Women are valued for their beauty, men not so much.
The concierge just said "yo i can get you anything..." and went on to detail some of the ethical lines he had been or was willing to cross and the people he knew. The cops said 'whatever' because nobody is getting locked up or even questioned on the basis of what they said at a bar somewhere.
So unless you're okay with being hauled out of your home and questioned because some schmuck said some shit somewhere, it's not a problem and does not point to a cosmic global kid-fucking ring holy shit you conspiritards are a waste.
more than a few of those generations spurted out of the dicks of wild men who fucked anything that moved, slowing down only when STDs and the arrows of angry fathers and husbands landed.
You think Mel Gibson is a great actor?
>the jews will be pleased with me if i promote this degeneracy!
On The Road, nor The Road.
Kill yourself then faggot god hates you
>how and i going to explain this erection to the crew
Are you implying that I think he's handsome? Because I don't think he is.
Why did he do this?
literal fag here, it does fucking suck. I literally hate everything about gay culture. way too degenerate and vain. im not closeted but im very open about being gay because i hate being associated with the culture. everyone assumes im a straight guy and im only attracted to other straight acting gay guys
I do have a guy I've been seeing now and it's pretty chill. basically we just hang out play video games watch star trek and suck each others dick. its comfy and feels more just like a bro than a boyfriend. i am starting to develop feelings for him and it sucks because i dont want to scare him aware and wade through the degenerate dating pool again
honest a good gay relationship is based as fuck. dont have to deal with roasties and just get to have your dick sucked by your best bro
Why are there so many gays on Yea Forums? You can say a lot of them are bait but go on any porn board and a good 30 percent of the content is unabashedly gay, 40 percent including traps and the like
I'm bi so every now and then I like to fuck the occasional femboy but it's always been an interesting phenomenon.
His face fits the schema that all good looking faces fit. The range of faces that fit it is separate from opinions or preferences, it has to do with health and good development.
because Yea Forums is a haven for all things "taboo" and theres still a huge stigma around being gay
there are a lot of gay people, and they're even more willing to admit to it on an anonymous mongolian stamp collecting forum than in real life.
Well, he was a firefighter
>"God I wish this were real so I can actually get fucked in the ass by Garret Hedland."
>It's art.
Their love was very deep.
Where do I go to find guys like this, user?