What ever happened to movies like this?
What ever happened to movies like this?
>the directors of Airplane! went on to this shit
Parody films are mostly dead
Scary Movie 1-3 and Don’t be a menace will never be topped as parody movies
Their target demographic graduated 8th grade.
I liked the end credits.
They thankfully stopped existing.
a capeshit parody movie cant be far off
Teen Titan Go to the Movies premiered last year.
they became less funny, and really retarded.
I remember watching superhero movie in 9th grade and turning it off to watch kingdom of heaven
It already happened
We need an updated one
You can not say "I love the Room XD" and then proceed to shit on Epic Movie.
They already did Deadpool which is itself a self-aware meta pseudo-parody. Also every capeshit is full of quips.
What was the last one that killed the genre?
People finally caught on to what low-effort garbage they are. Epic Movie was the first time I ever walked out of a movie, and demanded my money back.
disaster movie
>Epic Movie was the first time I ever walked out of a movie, and demanded my money back.
thats was the last airbender for me.
Real kino
They found a new way to launder money.
scary movie 5 came out 2013
Disaster Movie was 2008
why parody something that's already a joke?
I liked the Spartan one
You have to leave. now.
>jay mohr
whatever happened to that guy
They became capeshit
it was worth the watch just for this scene
Even this shit made a profit
Aaron Seltzer and Jason Friedberg literally killed parody as a movie genre.
I think superfast was the last one. Did that even get a theatrical? David zucker is gone, Aaron seltzer is gone. I think the only guy left is Marlon Wayans.
i expected her to fall or get crushed or something. That sucked
I really need to re-watch this fucking thing. The last and only time I ever saw it, I don't think I recognized ANY of the fucking references.
>Also every capeshit is full of quips
you are such a lemming. You realize you don't have to regurgitate everything you see on twitter, right?
Wasn't Meet the blacks a parody?
You have to go back. Now.
What is pic related?
It's okay to be retarded
>The film opens with a Spartan elder inspecting three babies. The first, an ugly, talking baby ogre (Shrek the Third), is abandoned to die for its deformity; while the second, who is Vietnamese, is adopted by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The third, Leonidas, is accepted as a Spartan for his already-present muscular physique and prepared for kinghood through brutal training. An adult Leonidas (Sean Maguire) is cast out into the wild, survives the harsh winter, and hunts down a gangsta penguin (Happy Feet).
Basically YouTube, when it came easy for anyone and their dogs to do their own spoofs on movies.
The girls she is standing next to looks a tad uncomfortable.
is this the wikipedia synopsis?
top kek
>the second, who is Vietnamese, is adopted by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
They were a thing in the early 2000s. They're no longer a thing now
my nigga
"this is why we cant have nice things"
Wired to the crack
They made too much money.
>not posting the greatest parody movie made
Pretty much. I like to think of Walk Hard as a parody though.
the novelty was lost in a sea of really shitty parody movies
Based 2007
what about kickass
Films that start out as parody then cleverly turn into full blown genre are as rare as they come.
I can only think of Galaxy Quest, Orgazmo, and Casino.
>watching movie for single scene of someone you can find hundreds of nude pictures of for free
Probably splitting hairs but he just breaks the 4th wall. He's still firmly planted in the fiction.
Kind of like The Tick. It parodies a lot of comic tropes but it's still it's own thing.
I watched Scary Movie 2 and I question how it got another sequel when 2 was the kind of movie where my brain threw the information out the second I finished it.
just because it was directed by zucker doesn't mean it's a parody flick.
Halfway through it turns into a comedy. Some say the whole thing is.
it's a parody on professional sports and shits all over them, how is it not?
>I am at fourteen
this is unironically funny 2bh
>Epic Movie never got an HD blu-ray release
this shit is so terrible compared to the naked gun, airplane, and top secret
Ages better than I thought it would.
All you need to remember
this is really not funny
I can't find any other movie called Casino than the Martin Scorsese movie other than some chink kung fu movie, so what the fuck are you talking about
this is like calling airheads a parody movie because the group is a parody of a rock group.
Top Secret is so fucking awful
>completely different type of movie
>hurrrrr see?!?! it's the same thing!!!! DURRRRRRR
This is how ridiculous you sound
you're fucking aweful, Top Secret is a classic
you're the moron who thinks any comedy is a parody if it makes fun of something
pure kinégröphie
Yeah it starts out as a Scorsese crime film and turns into basically a comedy version of one.
and where did I say that? point it out, faggot
All of this.
your very first post. also you don't need to sign your posts.
Why are you being retarded
so glad i never saws this shit
no I didn't you moron
>sign your posts
yep, retarded
How? Even as a retarded 13 year old in the target audience at the time, I thought it was shit.
Can you guys bond over the fact that some other guy thinks Casino is a parody movie for some idiotic reason
I always think that too but I forget that these guys:
Keep making them. They did a parody of Paranormal Activity too. They’re just not as popular so they fly under the radar.
retarded here definitely agrees with them
You mean their shit?
Copy that I'll get in touch immediately with Leslie Niels-
We switched to irony.
Absolutely based
>hates himself hates fun
Scary Movie 3 was never good though.
Galaxy Quest is just a futuristic The Three Amigos though.
They were offensive and basedboys would boycott the kino
Walk Hard is peak parody
That one was terrible. Rented it with my dad and we couldn't finish it.
Walk Hard
you don't speak for me fucko, but yeah that idiot who this is Casino is a parody is a scrub
>ITT: Movies that aged like shit
Because nowadays movies are already too cynical and self aware, so making a parody of them would be completely un-needed.
Here's the plot summary.
> Three out of work silent movie actors are accidentally drawn to a Mexican village that is being harassed by a gang of outlaws. The three, 'Ned', 'Lucky Day' and 'Dusty Bottoms' play 'Lone Ranger' types in their movies, but must play their parts for real now.
>but yeah that idiot who this is Casino
sounds like you need someone to speak for you since you're busy stroking out
As parody movies go I think this is my favourite.
What is this song even parodying?
It was an actual comic, not really a parody
you know what you have to do.
Whatever garbage that was popular in 2007.
>Alyson Hannigan is 44 years old and still looks younger than 3/4 of current Hollywood A-list women
>and significantly more attractive
scenes zoomers will NEVER understand
shut the fuck up reddit
Don't be a menace isn't even the best hip hop parody film.
I can't believe I used to find this shit absolutely hilarious
I just love the gag of having a stunt double the way they did it.
Simple visual humor. The nutcracking and ball hair grabbing is of course infantile but the main gag still makes me smile
Was this mentioned? I don't see it. But it's flawless and so rewatchable
Films today are already a parody.
>I'm not wearing any diamonds
>the camera spinning causing them to puke
Pretty much.
>Polly want your Momma's sweet ass
>what is your dream? To have a dream!
Porn parodies took over
..."Menace" isn't a "hip hop parody" to begin with though? It's "hard life tryna make it out the hood parody" one?
>be me a hollywood producer
>see scary movie box office returns (278 million)
>see scary movie budget (19 million)
>realize if I can tap into even a quarter of that market I can pump out cheap profitable movies twice yearly
>be hollywood producer so I have no issue with killing an entire genre by flooding it with garbage
>within 10 years a "parody" genre tag on a movie is associated with low quality, weak narrative, and a B list cast at best by audiences because of my jewish hollywood producer ways
they do it pretty frequently. its why I'm convinced the mouse is paying other companies not to flood the market with crappy super hero movies so their brand isn't devalued.
is shazam a kinda parody movie?
>can anyone please tell me about this movie that isn't out yet
Shame Chris Evans became a total pussy
>hurr its only ironic when i act retarded
kys b8ing faggot
>disaster movie
Holy fuck
I remember that feeling of slowly dying in the theater
NO ONE was fucking laughing
Hour of my life just GONE
It was a fucking torture
You don't understand humor, alien.
What's this difference?
all big movies started being only superhero movies
This. Don't Be A Menace is legitimately one of the best parodies of all time.
this actually wasn't that bad
at least compared to all the other X_Movie ""parodies"" that were out at the time
Really says alot about how the target audience changed, huh?
>there are no 8th graders in the world alive anymore
And yet the orville got 2 seasons and critical acclaim (for the good episodes)
It's coming back it's just that parody movies are dead
Angie tribeca is pretty good
the anwser is the movies aren’t good
Not another teen movie is forever high school kino