>here's your meal sir. enjoy Alita!
Here's your meal sir. enjoy Alita!
I see my snack. But where is my meal
unbased, cringe and bluepilled
I just wish there was pesto on the shrimp
I wouldn't stop shitting for a solid week if I ate that shit
looks like shit. gimme a classic fish & chips with tartar sauce
What the FUCK are you talking about
I fucking wish
Needs a life preserver for butter and one for Old Bay
>having a reddit digestion system
lmaoing at your life
Almost perfect but ditch the nautical-themed platter it just looks tacky, put in a stainless steel trough and pour gravy all over it
Why put rope around it to absorb all the food drippings from the previous patrons' meals?
Shrimp is unironically n*gger food. It's the ocean's version of cockroaches in the most literal version. They are always full of nasty shit from pollution and some insane ocean borne disease. I love seafood but I'm not touching shrimp. Fuck that shit. The only people I really see who like shrimp are elitist wasps (white yuppies) or poor as niggers who eat the shitty shrimp every found.
If you eat shrimp and you aren't rich you'll probably die around 50 just because of how stupid you are and unhealthy you are just to eat that shit. it's below eating rat meat
>you'll probably die around 50
sounds bretty good
seriously user bro, 10 years of diaherra you can't explain then you die of like a stroke or some cancer.
Don't eat shrimp lol I'll give you articles on it. It's probably the worst food you can eat for your healthy. It's worst than transfat
Transporting the hot pan
Maybe you can have a onions beverage instead
another exaggerative white male? how unique...
>only poor people or rich people eat it
also shrimps are great and have amazing macros
t-thanks Robert, y-you too
No butter for the potato's?
thank you
i assume this platter will give my lap 4th degree burns?
>this is only an appetizer in america
This is how people felt about lobster 100 years ago. They used to feed it to prisoners.
As we deplete the Earth your standards lower.
Fuck you, reddit is all pro shrimp and shit.
Fuck I had to do a paper about this 3 years ago. Shrimp is the worst meat to eat. It's not even close. Even rat meat is safer and won't kill you as fast. You could drink lard every day for the rest of your life and you'd still be healthier than if you ate shrimp. It's just that bad for you. If you eat shrimp and you get the ass squirts you know you just ate some poison with mercury in it because most of the time that's what it actually is. The shrimp you just ate had a shit ton of mercury in it.
Every time you get the booty squirts from shrimp you just ate mercury
I don't give a fuck. Go cry about your mercury you fucking faggot.
I'd just eat the shrimp and throw everything else away
>you'll probably die around 50
and that's a good thing
that's incredibly wasteful
kys you socially needy, retard
>British taste ladies and gents
thank you for looking out for the health of your fellow posters on Yea Forums television and film
Cockroaches are actually pretty good sweaty
Fine when you die young of some weird diseases popping up your body, as mental disorders coming from the mercury get worse and your immune system is shot you'll never be able to say
"I wish someone told me not to eat polluted garbage that ruined the rest of my life"
Basically 1/20 piece of shrimp contains some crazy ocean disease which will fuck up your digestive system and will stay with you for life, or has mercury which will fuck you up or some other industrial waste which typically will make you go bald early or cause you erectile dysfunction.
I gave you the warning peace out
i hope, for your sake, that you're younger than 18 and is still pretty much a child
based schizophrenic poster
I gave out links, suck a dick
i don't care about your dumb links
It's like a crawfish boil for people too pussy to eat crawfish.
damn, I was not aware. I am kinda convinced shrimp is bad now, it all makes sense, thank you based thesis sperg. but I seriously hope there is nothing bad about theater crab legs, kino just won't be the same
Oh is that why Japan has such a high life expectancy? Dumbass.
>not oranges and chocolate
get out
>water insects and potatos
You know what, I think this is bs but just to be safe I will never touch shrimps for the rest of my life
Japs all die of stomach cancer, I'm not sure their diet is some hill you want to die on.
>not terry's
all other fruity chocolates don't have half the /soul/
Yup. Go vegan or die.
That faggot linked a report about farm raised shrimp which mainly come from se asia and are horrible. But fresh caught shrimp do not have all that nasty shit in them because they arent being farmed in napalm tainted soil.
Imagine being this weak
literally everyone either dies from cancer or heart disease or alzheimers, but nips have longer lifespans. once cancer and heart disease and brain degeneration are cured people are going to be living book of genesis tier lifespans
All the shrimp in the us are either farm raised in se asia or from the gulf and filled with oil and all the nasty chemical dispersants they dumped in there to deal with that spill that happened a few years ago.
They live a few years longer and die of stomach cancer at 10x the rate people do in the west. I am pretty sure it is related to their diet.
>diarrhea eventually
>baldness eventually
>ED eventually
>stroke or cancer eventually
These "symptoms" are so common I don't know how you could possibly link them to shrimp. All of these will probably happen to all of anyway.
what race cant digest even seafood?=
Get fucked
Stfu vegan whore go chew on a stick
Are you retarded or baiting?
Jews, but they complain about everything so it's hard to tell if it's genetic or just them being whiny.
The human race
Shrimp crab and lobster is not kosher.
Please list some other major sources >20% for shrimp available on the US market. Ill wait.
No I'm talking about the whole gulf of Mexico being full of oil. You could argue pesticides or plastic/pill run off since shrimp are caught near shore. But oil? Your so fucking retarded.
get that bland shit outta my face boy
Where is the Old Bay seasoning?
The stuff they dumped in to make all the oil sink to the ocean floor is probably worse than the oil itself. But yeah if we were honest the whole gulf would be a superfund site at this point.
pic related is what i usually have while watching the godfather
wow, you are like the most physiologically pathetic person i "know", what kind of unevolved piece of shit can´t eat seafood?
here's your crab legs and your crab
>fish & chips over shrimp and crab with corn and master race potatoes
what the fuck, kys
nice buddha statue
also why are you looking up horse racing stuff?
Seafood is for peasants. Fucking disgusting.
Shellfish is literal cochroaches of the sea. I'd stay away from that shit.
man, that poor thing is suffering beyond our imagination, what kind of sick fucking bastard do this? what the fuck.
thanks buddy
i bet on horses now and then
I think Jews are the only ones. Every other race LOVES seafood but for different reasons.
There are numerous reasons why lobsters weren't popular back then though. They were on average bigger and bigger lobsters taste worse, they were killed before cooking which makes them taste worse and also increases risk of food poisoning and because they were so plentiful people either got sick of them or saw that poor people ate them and wanted to be different.
>what kind of sick fucking bastard
Not even once.
Shrimp is pretty much the only seafood I don't eat, but you're still a faggot for censoring nigger
ctrl + f gives me zero results for mercury.
based. the bugs of the sea are for peasants and offer inferior nutritiom
If we could breed spiders to be more like lobster it would be cool. Spiders lay like a million eggs you could feed the whole earth after like 5 generations
Thanks, but I'll pass, it will take way to much work to eat all of that and it will be cold 5 minutes in.
this is the most pretentious chocolate also it isn't even that good I could pick a random fucking brand of chocolate bar and odds are it would taste better than that shite
>tfw hairline is slowly receding and slowly becoming real life feels guy
Have sex
You'd have to convince the population to eat them as well. Couple supermarkets chains here made a huge commotion when they began selling cricket bread. They failed miserably as it was mostly met with disgust. It had only 5% of crickets in it.
>booty squirts
>terry's is pretentious
u wat nigger
imagine not liking seafood
feels pretty good
How is this Yea Forums again?
Can't you just make any bread and put "Alina says" at the end?
Kill yourself faggot
>Shrimp shells still intact
do you have any chocolate?
Life would not be worth living like that.
Pretending you would get sick when really you're a burger munching picky eater.
>t. butthurt autist who gets convulsions from eating seafood
this is a shrimp pissed off I bought another shrimp cocktail box this week
>No crawfish
Why even bother ordering seafood.
And you wouldn't shit solid for a week either.
based southern lad
catfish nuggies are my jam
I ate 12 raw oysters I shucked myself earlier this year and got a parasite in my gut. Fuck seafood. Also fuck jannies and niggers.
I stopped eating shrimp after I've gotten sick from eating it two times in a row. Never touching that shite again.
>Eat literally raw meat from the most polluted environment on earth
>wtf why I get parasite
Utterly repulsive.
I made a movie in high school where a terrorist was interrogated by a cia agent that beat him with one of these
invertebrates are unable to feel pain
Japs really love their food hurtin(they actually think that more agony food goes thru, same tastes better=!).
Now, I'm not saying that human pain=crab pain but they do try to escape from predators, almost as if being devoured by predator is uncomfortable sensation no matter on what evolution branch you end up.
I love meat but ,fuck, kill it for fuck sake .. then boil it,slice it or whatever---
wtf are you talking about
If they try to survive from predator attack , being eaten if not painful(in human terms) is extremely uncomfortable..
Spotted the Jew
>shrimp not mud bugs
>no sausage to be seen
shit boil son
Yum. You will not find a sweeter meat outside of crab legs.
I only have one thing to say about that.
If candy is already overprised at the movies, you can expect to pay more for this than the show itself. Luckily, you can easily sneak these into a movie in Tupperware containers under baggy clothes. Line the inside of your containers with aluminum foil to preserve heat.
ye, I usually only smuggle in candy though. I'd rather not be the dick to ruin other people's experience by bringing in some strong smelling or hot food.
I never liked crawfish. Too much fucking trouble for what it tastes like.
You sound like a massive faggot and I don't like you.
>farmed seafood
Yeah no shit, that's why I only eat seafood that is actually caught from the sea, not that cheap shit.
>t. The weak genes
I've always thought this looks kinda good
I get it Goldstein, shelfish aren't kosher.
Even if you're meming it's still a pretty fucked up webm since crabs and lobsters have been documented to feel pain. In Italy and Spain you'll get fined if you don't stun the lobster before boiling it.
>not enjoying the aftertaste as the animal's life essence slowly leaves its fresh body
Buncha pansy asses want everything packaged and dolled up like you're not even eating something that was alive.
>tfw you've eaten crawfish 3 times this week and are getting more tomorrow
Crawfish season is the best season
thats bullshit
crustaceans have evolved to regrow limbs because they lose them so often. no pussy ass crab is going to in agony over losing some body parts
"Robert, don't I get any tomato sauce on this?"
why do euros always wear jeans with a lot of flair and zippers on them?
Based elephant ears
One of the greatest fairground foods.
This is legit nightmare fuel
what lovecraft kino is this
Do they not feel bad that it is suffering? Jesus.
This would be a lot worse if crabs didn't pull their own legs off for various reasons.
I guess he was having a bad day
>If they try to survive from predator attack
Plants do this too. All life does this.
A 'pussy ass' crab would.
That crab just looks disgusting honestly. Even if was stone dead.
It was likely damaged or in some way being an irritation. It's like when you can't stop picking at a scab, but instead of a scab it tore it's leg off. They regrow eventually.
It's prolly not the same for a crustacean to lose a limb than to be boiled alive. Their nervous systems are much less evolved than those of mammals, and they do lose limbs on a regular basis.
Animals like that don't have a consciousness like a mammal. They're halfway towards plants as far as that goes. They do feel some pain, but not in the same way we do.
It's still fucked up tho, who wants to eat a crab that's still moving ffs, just kill it and get it over with.
They probably removed its flippers as well. Don't know how disposable that is, though.
i hate it when the ushers make a big deal of bringing me my family size seafood extravaganza boat. i always ask them not to sing the song but they say they have to it’s part of their job. i just want the other two guys in the theater to enjoy alita as much as i do. sometimes i don’t even watch the movie, i just watch their faces light up.
>Too much fucking trouble
I mean you crack it in half, suck out the stuff from the head, and then pop that little nugget of meat out of the back.
I eat shrimp like twice a month and I've never gotten sick. Enjoy your weak immune system.
nigga do you eat raw shrimp or something? You know you have to boil or grill them, right?
That's a lot of fucking trouble for a crawfish. I'll stick to other shellfish. I made a half ass jambalaya the other day that was pretty decent, but the shrimp was frozen so it wasn't that good.
>andouille sausage is my favorite part of a boil
I don't know man, I put in more working cleaning a chicken wing than I do eating a crawdad.
They're Asians. They can barely register other humans suffering, let alone animals.
>10 years of diaherra you can't explain then you die of like a stroke or some cancer
Fuck, that's gonna be me. I think I can count on one hand the number of solid shits I took last year.
Just eat more fiber yo
Wash your fucking hand, you filthy slut.
That's a cool report for foreign farms in 2009, user.
Shellfish is fine, it's just as bad for you as any other rich food. Moderation and don't eat low quality shellfish, SAME AS ANY OTHER FISH. Fish and shellfish will fuck you up in a bad way if you get spoiled or low quality fish like escolar or whatever.
>Do they not feel bad that it is suffering? Jesus.
This is what happens when you remove the Judeo-Christian ethic, or never had it to begin with.
fpbp I went to Alita and was offered popcorn but I turned it down
What the fuck is their diet?
>taters are too big
>crab legs instead of lump crab meat
>no butter
>no crawfish
Literally how the fuck do you plan to do this
Its easy to avoid them honestly. They are the lowest tier of shellfish anyway. Try eating based scallops instead.
shrimp is rated as one of the lowest mercury containing seafoods though. general rule of thumb, the smaller they are the less contaminated they are.
What? Does someone force you to eat shrimp?
You must eat all of the shrimps.
it's disbased you retard
How much tho?
Try not drinking for week.
Right here sir
Sea food is for peasants and asian people. No self respecting white man should be eating any of this. Even indians don't eat meat unless it's stone fucking dead and burnt to a crisp.
sea food is trash
the only good fish is mahi-mahi
i'd smash it hard
pescatarian master race reporting
Farmed is okay, just not the shitwater in the Philippines and Thailand
tatos look so flavorless.
What's the point?