Why was it so much more comfy than LOTR?

Why was it so much more comfy than LOTR?

Attached: hobbits.jpg (212x281, 17K)

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You already know how's it's gonna end, so there's no stress that something bad might happen

...We knew how LOTR would end too, you illiterate fool.

Overall the tax structure was much simpler.

Attached: Dank Shire Smokerings.gif (589x250, 2.37M)

>Why was it so much more comfy than LOTR?
you probably love soap operas and movies mave for tv, because this was shit.

>Actually reading Tolkien
Those books are for children

You mean garbage.

cgi abuse made it absolute shit and you are an absolute retard for thinking it was better under any aspect compared to lotr

But I read it when I was a child.


Attached: 1548742717372.png (323x570, 151K)

>He was old enough to read the books before he saw the movies
Get outta here, gramps

less at stake

The first movie would be as good as the LOTR trilogy if it weren't for the dumb fucking CGI

It's on TNT right now actually

that'll do it

Only good part in the book is mirkwood

the "making of" videos on the Tolkien movies are better than the actual films. The production was amazing.

Beorn/mirkwood and gollum were great.

Attached: TN-Beorn_Lord_of_the_Wild.jpg (1194x894, 288K)

you're gay and have a gay crush on azog.

not an argument

The final battle is pretty kino, even if Bilbo doesn't see it himself
>you will never see Beorn become a kaiju-tier monster on big screen
I fucking hate Jackson for this

Whatever, old man


It wasn't. It was brown, dark and dreary.

Lol we really do need to spread the "for children" meme.

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise