Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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reminder: acute angle ≠ a cute angel

>hey user wanna go watch the Motorball match together?

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reposting my reply because there's a lot of doomsaying going on.

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Damn these threads are really picking up pace again. Imagine the day the blu-ray is released.

can alita get pregnant?

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i saw Alita yesterday, man i was missing out.

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Sure thing, Alita. Maybe the champion will finally pick me, today!

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Imagine the day the sequels are announced

i don't think she has an artificial womb module

It would be glorious 4K screenshots and WEBM

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>Ido what is pregnant?
>It's nothing Alita, you get out of here user

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wait, why aren't the names the other way around, lmao

This might be the funniest thing I've seen all day

I want to sleep, bros. Why are you doing this to me?

Sure thing Alita! Maybe we can stop at the chocolate shop on the way and get some snacks too?

Welcome now you can get comfy

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get some sleep user, we will here waiting :)

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who else /comfy/

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Because that's the feeling i felt finding out that amazing manga/anime adaptations can be made.

we need to watch the movie 99 times for the number 99 battle angel

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>implying Ido doesn't want to impregnate Alita himself

>I like chocolate

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Every single night man.

Why's Mars chronicle so fucked up
it's just kids getting murdered constantly

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>when it hits 500M

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>Sorry user.
>You're just not my type.

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>Why sleep when we can just get comfy?

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This movie fucking sucked, wow. Cool action sequences but everything else about it was cringe. Why even hire Marsala Ali if you aren't going to use him for anything?

I like Alita.

This is for the amazing Chinaman. #Oneofus

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>HAHAHA get lost meatboy

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I'll kill Alita next time, fucking bitch.
t. 1/2 Zapan

>US audience, you must choose my son.
>You must pick beautiful personality with a CGI body who will love you forever and make you a better person.
>Or you can pick dog face with a 2D ass.

how can meatboys even compete

because they could, and used him as they wanted to.

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>2D ass

Glad to see the movie made another 20 million this week.
A sequel is more likely now, especially if the marketing budget was lowish.

yes once she gave birth to the tree of life and chuchu crazy nova make her a full biological body out of genes he finds on the tree of life.

mars chronicles a shit

i hope yukito gets good vibes from the movie and slows down the shocking gore just for the sake of it

And they used shared technology with another movie.

Berserk didn't bother me, but MC? Fuck that, I can't stand seeing kids get killed.

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Based Alita making chinks feel emotions for the first time in their life.

Almost all the foreign numbers are still out of date, i just wanna see the total go to 400+

theres one thing i dont understand, was his mecanic a mexican?, i mean a british bot with the aztec calendar designed on his back?

>The director is Robert. We are no stranger.
I don't know why this made me lol

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´coz they lure him with a full big cheque with little to no work.

If it passes 400 million then a sequel is pretty much guaranteed.

Together anons. We need To See Alita one More time together. It might be her Last week In cinema. TOGETHER!

yes but the result is that the film is garbage and is only propped up by decent action scenes and waifufags

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CM had 60% male audience I shit you not. So much for muh feminist movie. Pathetic beta males watched it to virtue signal and prove they're not incels, while women didn't give a shit.

It will get there very soon and then some. It will by the end of it's run go over 430 or more.

>ctrl + f
>0 results
You're posting out of order. Try again.

It just looks cool and metal as fuck. Aztecs and Incans and indigenous people from that area were bloodthirsty scary motherfuckers. It's no surprise he'd put that on his back and up his scare factor.

if it's still playing next weekend maybe I'll go

yes, we in papagei corps will find those heinous criminals who committed these monstrous acts

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But for how long? I like this movie in ways that I can't even describe. Each time I watch it it feels like I leave a part of me in the theater. None of my irl friends care about Alita so I'm scared that all this will move into obscurity once the movie is pulled from theaters and people start forgetting.

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Reminder: flipped, sequel whenever


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James Cameron should just use his Avatar money on the sequel.

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Nah, she still has a couple more weeks in the cinema.

The brotherhood of Alita will always travel with you where ever you May go. You will never walk alone.

based and sequelpilled

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So why are those Martian niggers killing each other? Spoil me if you can

every time

Thanks for the retards who put Alita and CM on the same level for no fucking reasons.

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He would if he really loved Alita as much as he claims desu

Estimates are that it needs 400-500 million to break even, so 430 would be 30 million profit in the absolute most optimistic scenario. Furthermore, this is the last movie Fox has put out before they merged into Disney. So any sequel would have to get greenlit and produced by Disney.
As did Alita.
>In updated PostTrak, M25+ at 34% are the biggest quad, giving the pic its best grade at 84%. This is followed by men under 25 at 26% (with a 71% grade), then females under 25 (21% with a 73% grade), and females over 25 (19% turnout, 78% positive score).

You're right. Our bad. Alita was way better.

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Thanks, bro. That's a little reassuring. Can we make an /ALITA/ discord server or something for diehard fans?

He's 65 and has like half a billion dollars, what else is he gonna spend it on.


it's basically congo except everyone is german, who knows?

Uh, fuck no. Fuck Discord.

If Alita needs 400 mil to break even, Captain Underpants must need 800.

>yes but the result is that the film is garbage
just because they didn't use your favorite actor the way you wanted them too? no my friend, if they cut his scenes was in favor of the final product. besides he wasn't even near the antagonist role why make him one if hes not the real bad guy?


Making cyborg waifus real with the help of Elon Musk.

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Outside estimates say 400 to 500 million, but it's unknown what the actual break even is, the only inside guess being 350. And Cameron owns all the rights, so he would get the greenlight, Fox just distributed the movie.

>gunnm with no gore
pls kys yourself

Of course they are not

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>So any sequel would have to get greenlit and produced by Disney.
They don't have rights though. It's up to Cameron.

It's true, but a marvel capeshit movie will always be more popular than a brand new manga adaptation

hell, CM did more money in two days than Alita in three weeks. I don't know why people compared the two movie. Disney probably spent 300M on marketing alone

From what I've seen so far,
>The Avatar 2 production crew was basically loaned out to RR since they are on standby while Cameron figures his shit out
>Same deal with Weta
>Cameron would have directed it himself but he's far too busy with Avatar work, and he admits RR could pump out Alita faster and with a smaller budget
>There's an unsubstantiated rumor that Alita is actually a line item on the Avatar 2 budget so realistically it's not big deal money wise if it wins or loses
>The first true cult film in years with an intensely loyal fanbase that will almost certainly generate home revenue.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!



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>300m marketing
Minimum, especially considering the damage control.

Disney doesn't own Alita, our boy Jimbo has the rights

scene in the trailer has a fade from black so it doesn't loop as nicely but here

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It needs 300 mill to break even.


It's one of the lowest budget films in the MCU, almost 100 million lower then Alita actually. >just because they didn't use your favorite actor the way you wanted them too?
Because they didn't use him at all. The villains in the movie had the depth of puddles.

>The first true cult film in years
This. It's going to be around lowkey for a long time even after hype dies out.

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Having the rights means you get to make the movie, but Cameron doesn't own Fox. He would have to go to a different studio if Disney said no on Fox' behalf.

It also has the outdated eyes.

does anyone know when the blu-ray version comes out? i wanna have a copy at home

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And then Alita was Neon Genesis Evangelion

Disney spent way more than 200M on marketing. Unlike Alita, I've seen CM ads everywhere since months

>more in 3 days than Alita has made so far
Your waifu is dead, bury it. consider it mercy

Okay, and? No one would fight him, frankly. Even Disney.

Good thing it already made half that.


>implying someone is going to say "no" to fucking James Cameron

Easily double. I'd say almost triple. Especially considering the RT/Brie damage control.

cautious hope inbound

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>Iron fist full of tears

Based China

Even if they spent 250 million on advertising and distribution, that would be a break even point of 500 million, not 800. CM came out three days ago and it's already grossed 450 mill.

fuck no dude

True, and it's done spectacular business in overseas markets, even with all the Captain Marvel kikery at work.

Even if it finishes at just under $400 mil, it will have made back double the production budget and paid off most of the marketing budget. Despite the ass pull article saying it needed half a bil to break even, in reality this movie was made for next to nothing and has been far more successful than any manga adaptation has any right to be.

They can use Lightstorm and Robert's own studio again. Robert hates Hollywood and big studios, that's why he made his own and that's where they filmed Alita. The only redtape would be who gets to distribute the film and how are Cameron and his crew are going to juggle two projects at the same time.

Two madlads at reddit are tied at 33 viewings. Those Chinese guys who moved into the movie theater have never been heard from again, so they're probably just a couple of corpses re-watching Alita again and again.

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And not only that but the first movie automatically hypes up the sequel. So long as they keep the soul of it it'll do wonders.

This one isn't settled out yet!

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Reminder: Shit YouTube channel. Play button never.

>Despite the ass pull article saying it needed half a bil to break even, in reality this movie was made for next to nothing
Why should we doubt the credibility of the article in favor of your estimates? With a 170 million dollar budget a 4-500 million break-even point is completely pedestrian.

>Two madlads at reddit are tied at 33 viewings.
That's fucking amazing.

What about those Chinese guys, any source?

Why should we doubt the credibility of the studio in favor of your shitposting?
Tired shilling is tired. (You)

And thankfully, it will finish above 400-430 million. I don't know why people are even considering this worrisome territory, the film has done very well for what it even is and compared to other similar action blockbusters.

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Wtf dudes, I didn't expect Kaos to become my favorite character. He better be in the sequels. Cast him

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Based chinkbros. Any way we can communicate with them? I want to give them a huge thank you.

>implying James Cameron would ever work with Disney

I'm not saying a sequel can't happen, I'm saying it won't happen with Disney-Fox. If Cameron wants a sequel he's going to have to make and distribute it with someone else.

the chad french dessert

The Goose, duh.

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> Aztecs and Incans and indigenous people from that area were bloodthirsty scary motherfuckers.
Don't mind me, just posting my favorite Inca-based anime for Rosa.

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The studio itself said 400 million lmao. Ergo if it only makes 400 million that is (0) profit.

Sure Ali, i’ll bring us a couple of beers.

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>Two madlads at reddit are tied at 33 viewings
Still though, 33 times? Fucking christ.

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Goose is already F4

I stand corrected.

I know, why should we think in terms of facts when delusion is so much more comforting?

>responding twice


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I will estimate a $420 mil end of box office with another 80 or so in blu-ray sales, particularly since this is rumored to be the final 3d blu-ray from Fox studios. And on a zero effort marketing budget no less.

Looks like he matched his meet. She really licked his ass!

>that disarm
Hot damn.

Do Blueray sales count as profit too, and increase chances for sequels?

Could this be the start of a new golden era of good movies?

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What's scary is I can't tell if a woman or a man wrote this, these days.

at what point should there be a /tvg/ board?

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Sorry friend, the sad reality is that everyone who isn't a shill knows this movie was whack and is at best breaking even.

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Why wouldn't they? It's a part of a movie life-cycle.

Not as much as they once did, but nowadays its just free profit since bluray costs nothing to make and, again, it's almost effortless marketing since this is rumored to be the final home media release of fox studios, so on top of fans of the movie people will buy for the novelty alone

I sure hope so bro, it's about time things started turning around.

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>33 viewings

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>It takes flopped poster five minutes to do some simple shopping
1,000 hours MS paint isn't a meme for you it seems.

I can't even imagine how life must be for people who non-sarcastically think this way.

It has to a mental illness.

So, I don't usually come here to Yea Forums and I just watched Alita. Could someone explain this to me? That movie was truly great

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Why not just go to the theater and buy a dozen fucking tickets at that point?

Critics are absolutely worthless

Disney bought reviews and Alita was a threat to their Captain Marvel profits.

Corporate-bought reviews. Huge known conspiracy.

>saw her powers not as a curse but as a gift
I guess fuck that "great responsibility" stuff eh? Women just can't handle that.

>seething Alita shill
You know every post you make just makes it harder for Fox to hit that break-even point right?

Captain Marvel is for spiteful, angry people. She has powers to spite those that mock her. She was bullied for being a woman, and now it's time to fantasize about getting back at them! Everything is about her. She must prove herself as capable, strong, witty, fast, etc.
Alita builds up those around her. She uses her strength to try and redeem those that mocked her, giving them another chance or asking them to outright forsake the evil in their lives. Proving herself is just an ends to a mean.
Which of these is really a healthy female role model?

How do you know they didn't?

I'm guessing movie journos are no better than game journos and didn't like seeing black people as bad and a cute docile girl looking up to her father figure and making out with a white kid.

So they shilled the jew marvel flick instead.

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Bros I’m starting to think Casper is one of us. Beyond having a role in the film I believe he’s been healed.

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>Disney is buying Fox.
>Can get Fox for cheaper if their stocks go down.
>Can get Fox for EVEN cheaper if their own stocks are up.
>So they buy reviews and fuck with their last movie, Alita, and boost Captain Marvel.
Not hard to figure out.

Critics are beyond the healing powers of Alita, these people are truly lost, I dont envy them one bit

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It's a bad film. Every character that isn't Alita has wafer-thin characterization and is completely inconsequential. The story has zero tension because she's vastly stronger then everyone around her and the pacing was awful.

Can we go back to Alita posting? The box office is fine right now, we'll know more about it at a later date.

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>vastly stronger
>gets BTFO'd and fails to really protect anyone besides herself
Tell me more.

Why does this hurt to watch?


camrips are an offense against cinema

He was this guy in the movie.

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Ring any bells?

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>literally strolls into the bad guys' headquarters, casually slaughtering his guards, walks up to him just stabs him
>but dude she got BTFO

> Every character that isn't Alita has wafer-thin characterization
What did the retard mean by this? I can think of 3 characters that had very distince character arcs.

>full theater last weekend
>everyone goes "Awww"

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alikino will get a sequel
caspere knew this

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Like, it was so odd watching this scene. I felt like I recognized the guy but couldn't put my finger on it. Same thing with Edward Norton.
Did Cameron perfect actor camouflage?!

>Ido's character is wafer-thin
>Alita doesn't get completely destroyed by Grewishka
your argument would be solid if only any of those things were true

care to tell us how is Alita worse than these movies (ones made after 2010)?

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Only reviews that matters.China gave Alita 7.6 while Captain Fungus 7.0.

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And you're going to say her dad, her boyfriend and Jennifer Connely's character, because you're easily impressed by shoddy writing

y-yeah, camrips

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/ourguy/ Casper

>kills bad guy who was a puppet of the actual bad guy
>actual bad guy murders her boyfriend right in front of her
yeah I'd say she got BTFO

>It's not the power of the body, but the mind. She knows the secret techniques of Panzer Kunst

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mfw i want to live in iron city but cant

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Only thing that is wafer-thin is your dick :D

But how does she get out without cracking the oranges?

what the fuck is this shit

It's alright user. We still accept you. Post as much as you need, Alita would want you to.

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>got completely destroyed
>literally broke her hand off in his fucking eye because he was too incompetent to just kill her instead of monologuing

>Every character that isn't Alita has wafer-thin characterization and is completely inconsequential
Your pee pee is wafer-thin and completely inconsequential.
In all seriousness, you are wrong in everyway.

I see. I knew about positive brought reviews like anyone, but negative ones are new for me. Thank you Yea Forums bros, now let's have fun and wait for the sequel

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>listening to this while reading the manga
>suddenly tears fall
I can't take it anymore, bros.

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Denial is the most predictable of all disneyshill responses. But, rest assured, it will get a sequel and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

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Absolutely fucking destroyed!

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Gentlemen, has anyone floated the idea of a 99 morale patch yet? I want to rock that shit on my plate carrier.

If I don't get one, I swear I'm just going to finger paint it straight onto my AR.

>alita isn't a shit movie because look at these shit movies!

>tfw /ALITA/ thread is running faster then 200 posts an hour

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This looks like three different lists were mixed together: greatest, okay, shit.

It might get a sequel. What it absolutely won't be doing is making a profit if it makes any less then 450 million

Covering the eyes actually does a lot.

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it's ok user. you're not a true alitan if you don't shed tears for her

Step aside disneyshill fucking shits.

And thats a good thing

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Fucking kek

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>Shills kept saying the general was dying or let it die.
>Going stronger than ever.

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does anyone else really love that name "panzer kunst"? it's so catchy

after my third viewing of alita I was eating oranges all day long I just could not stop peeling and eating oranges wtf

Same, this movie got me addicted to oranges. Cameron trying to make us all healthy.

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ok fuck it, the movie is out from theaters in my countries since tuesday and i cant do it anymore.
i'm building a mini theater in my house this night and put the shitty camrip up.
wish me luck /alita/

Good luck!

You are being assimilated

I haven't been keeping up, how is this movie doing? Are we still on sequel course? Has Fox/Rodriguez/Cameron said anything?

Oh, I almost forgot! This absolutely didn't deter the experience for me but how many characters were not actually black in the original? Any redheads?

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>listening right now
You're killing me man.

I fucking choked you piece of shit KEK

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Which country you live in? Apparently Alita is also leaving Russia on like Wednesday this week. This week and weekend is one of the last stretches of revenue before it stagnates.

I actually drove past mcdonalds for lunch today and instead went to the grocery store and got a big orange and had that for lunch instead.

Subliminal messaging is fucking wholesome

Ugh, simple answers this time.
Movie doing fine. Will hit 400 million this week.
Not sure on sequel course, but very possible.
Fox and Cameron not anything said yet. though they've liked posts by people asking for sequels.

>been buying lotto tickets in the hope of winning so I can buy out an entire theater


Don't know about redheads since it's a black and white manga but Vector was black. Ido's assistant wasn't, probably, but it was a very minor bit role.

>Wins Lottery
>Gives it to a Cinema

And then Alita was Neon Genesis Evangelion

Wish we could make this part of the general.

What would you have me do, then? I mean... if it's enough I could just bankroll another Alita movie... hm... Well here's hoping I win!

Don't believe in the lottery, but If I won, I'd give the entire thing to Cameron to make the sequels. Why not.

>The story has zero tension because she's vastly stronger then everyone
This is what you said. Admit that you were wrong, you flaming faggot.

I hope it will stay for a couple more weeks in Quebec (Canada)

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Oh, it wasn't making much there to begin with. Probably why it's out the door. Curious about other countries though.

did anyone else feel personally attacked when alita was kicked out of imax?

Yes but it was because we knew it was coming and why it was happening.

I saw it 4 times in IMAX (2 times in real IMAX) and 1 time regular. I cant describe how awsome the IMAX viewing were, its just on another level

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>What would you have me do, then?
Donate it directly to Rodriguez/Cameron. Why give half or more of it to a Cinema?

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Back when Avatar first came out I remember reading about a bunch of people checking themselves in the psychiatric wards saying they were deeply depressed because Navis (spelling?) and the avatar world wasn't real.

I used to think that they were massive fucking faggots but now that I've seen Alita, I think I understand. Everytime I see her I feel a bit sad that she's not real.

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Well, I wouldn't do that. I might be, like, an investor in their film?

>What would you have me do, then?

Use that money to improve your life and bring joy to your soul! Invest in a business, buy a new house, make good choices!

Yeah, but, she makes you stronger by encouraging you, not guilt tripping you.

Alita, pls...

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Well, most movies are pulled from premium screens after two weeks, happens all the time at my local AMC.

what's the difference between imax and real imax? btw alita looks so beautiful there with those huge brown eyes

Whew, they better give you a poster and all the arizona iced tea you want of you give them all that.

Ok, that's better. Just means I can't make some jokes with my friends

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Dont feel about if you didnt see it in real IMAX, there are not many of those big screens in the world. Im lucky to live 15min away by car from one

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Why is BR2049 and Alita the best synthesis?!

>tfw should be working on my novel
>instead I can't stop /alita/ posting

Because you’re autistic.

A jaded, emotionally crippled but ultimately good man is saved and healed by a cyborg girl with endless happiness and encouragement...it would be grand.

Both movies offer the same feeling (one is despair and other is love)

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I have 3 IMAX theaters in my state. The "real" IMAX is owned/used a fucking museum, and never shows real movies.


I like this

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Based incels promoting quality movies.

Whats the novel about?

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Just isekai trash. I had to start over at worldbuilding so technically it's about nothing, ha ha.

Bros, I'm in love with Alita.

He’s not wrong though. The character is introduced in a manner that cleanly states just about nothing will kill her. Then her failure is entirely ido’s fault for not just giving her the WMD body.

Recommend me a manga reader for reading Alita's manga. I'm on PC.

You won /Alita/ for today bro. Truth.

Would you give a hormonal teenager the nuclear launch codes?

We all do user, we all do.

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I like you...

I'll make an effort to see the sequel in real IMAX next time. There's one in my tiny country so it must be doable.

I'd give anything for Alita, I'd give my heart if I could.

How is Alita general so positive even though it's shilled against so hard?

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recklessness does not imply invulnerability, where did you get that idea?

That's just the magic of this movie. It brings out the best in people.

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Why is there even shilling against it? I've never in my life went in to threads or discussions about movies I dislike just to shitpost and disrupt people who are enjoying the movie. Even movies I absolutely despised I have never done that.

So what kind of person actively does go to discussions about films they hate to shit it up? I need to get an idea of what this kind of person looks like. Surely they are overweight.

how can you be negative in any way when this shows up every 5 posts?

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/Alita/ is comfy because the posters are tired of being ironic and started looking up to Alita's sincerity

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I guess because the people shilling for Captain Marvel see it as competition?

>Interrogator: Officer A-L-I-T-A, let’s begin. Ready?
>Alita: Yes, sir.
>I: Recite your baseline.
>A: “I do not stand by in the presence of evil… I’d do whatever I had to for you. I’d give you whatever I have. I’d give you my heart… Does it bother you that I’m not completely human?... I don’t belong anywhere except with you.”
>I: Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: How does it feel to have fans? Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: Did you know they bought more than one ticket? Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: Do you appreciate they made a general on Yea Forums? Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: What’s it like to hold user’s hand? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Did they buy you chocolate? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Do you long to look into their eyes? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Do you dream about belonging with user? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: What’s it like to hug user? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: When you’re not making moves for user does it feel like there’s a part of you that’s missing? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Why don’t you say that three times: I’d give you my heart.
>A: I’d give you my heart. I’d give you my heart. I’d give you my heart, user.
>I: We’re done. “Battle Angel Alita.” You can pick up your bonus.
>A: Thank you, sir.

Attached: Hololita.jpg (2397x1386, 593K)

she is so pretty with her free spirited personality. everything is novel and magical to her eyes

It is a work of pure love and that shines through all attempts to quash it. If this movie doesn't uplift your soul, you don't have a soul.

>tfw my friends didn't like alita, and said it was cheesy and bad

i just wanted to talk about alita irl

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Guys when you post phenomenal art like this can you also link the source? I don't want to save such a beautiful image as just
I like to save them with the artist's name, and look at other work done by the artist. I also want to ensure I have the highest quality version of the image.

And no, reverse searching did not work, I tried it.

She's just a great character, instead of the clapped out jaded bitch dykes being pushed as female heroes like Brie and company, Alita is a happy, wholesome, genuine character who doesn't let the evil of the world get her down, and she fights hard to protect the people she loves.

The perfect example was the scene with Hugo on the tube. Even after Hugo betrayed her and sold her out for his own selfish amibitions, she was still willing to put her life on the line to protect him. You won't see that from capeshit

Because we are healed

You sneaky fucking bastard. It hurts!

I know that feel user, I was a lost man until I found this general


sorry m8 I have no idea, I saved the image here as well, but you are asking for too much effort for every pic :)

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The amount of fanart that has emerged due to this movie really amps up the healing

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In time they will know what it is like to lose.. your heart to Alita

>You thought it was John Wick
>But it was I, Alita all along!

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>Harrison's face

Attached: 1526092453664.jpg (600x399, 38K)

its commissioned by the marketing department

We're all frens here.

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Alita is exactly what Sad Keanu needs. Imagine what they could do if they joined forces.


Oh God no, user. Happy Keanu would be unstoppable!



Keanu or Goose are the only pairings that would work with Alita.

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Plus, Alita has flaws. She is far from untouchable and invulnerable. Captain Marvel is a generic Mary-Sue, especially at the end where she takes out a whole fleet of enemy ships, laughing while doing so.

Have a friend in jewlywood and he heard Cameron is mad cause of all the box office inflation going on by companies cause his movie made way more real money compared to other big releases which are big laundering operations at this point are taking away his achievements and chances at sequels

I don't care

Exactly this. It's like shes a real person, not a forced caricature designed to push agendas

Damn you two really nailed it.

Guys you are my only refuge from the darkness, I can't go public with my obsession with Alita or I will be shunned by everyone I know. All I can do is slowly inundate my surroundings with subtle symbols and totems and let people gradually put the pieces together.

*stencils Alita onto an ammo can*

Uh OK, why don't you just ask people if they want to come and watch this sci-fi movie that you want to re-watch because you liked it?

Ryan as spoiler]Kaos [[/spoiler]
Keanu as Den

I already did. People at my work already think I'm weird because I've asked every last one of them if they've seen it (none of them expressed interest)

at least you're aren't so autistic that you can't realize people aren't interested.