>still no epic set in Byzantium

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>This is what Byzancucks believe

This had Byzantine shit in it

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what do they believe I didn't get it



Step aside its time for a real nigga.

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>literally BLACKED: historical edition



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*Destroys euros with ease
Nothing personal kid

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He was clearly BLACK, and not a slavic mutt with a mongolian-turkic grandfather

The cuckintine """"empire"""" is like the 50 year old former Chad telling stories about his high school glory days at a sports bar while his wife gets fucked by Arabs at home


>last half hour is literal hardcore BLACKED porn


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>let's worship the crucified kike and become giant pussies, what's the worst that could happen?

*gets fucked repeatedly by eastern european shitholes like albania and serbia but eventually overpowers them by virtue of having more men
*gets dabbed on the first time they face a competent european country

An empire on decline is not story-worthy

>what's the worst that could happen?
You get a fucking empire.

*lose half

Justinian or Belisarius should have their own miniseries but they’d ruin it with feminist shit like Antonina cucking Belisarius.

That's what they get for being ORTHODOGS

oh no no no no no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no nono no no

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*dabs on you*

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Christianity cut their empire in half.

Funny enough the Serbs were on the side of the Turks because they were that cucked. Now the Croatians, those guys were pretty fucking based.

Or they could focus on actually based emperors like Diocletian or Trajan and not christcucks

What was left of the Roman Empire in 1396?

Their empire was cut down in half because they exhausted themselves fighting the Persians in the East.


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Western and eastern factions of Christians also squabbled over the interpretations of the bible. It created division and resentment between Rome and Constantinople.

>btfo easterners for hundreds of years
>once the Christian plague spreads through a good chunk of your society the sasanids start to rape you in the ass

>american education

I guess multiple plagues didn't help but still


>>once the Christian plague spreads through a good chunk of your society the sasanids start to rape you in the ass
Nigger they were already bftoing easterners before the arrival of the muslims.

>Historical film about anything other than Slavery or the Holocaust

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As someone actively studying Byzantine history, what movie or show could you even make out of it that's more compelling than a story set in another medieval region? basically past 600AD you have nothing that''s better than France or HRE. before 600AD why not make something with the Huns, the fall of Rome, etc. How is Belisarius more compelling than Attila? Don't make a joke about how he fights an army led by Totila. Belisarius is nothing, not even Robert Graves could make a compelling story out of it, and he made the greatest historical fiction novel of all time(I, Claudius). Face it, Byzantine history is background to other histories in the period of 450-1450 for a reason: it's not as important. What are producers going for? The small amount of Byzantine enthusiasts to tune in? That'd be like +20,000 viewers at most. So maybe they want midwits who like hearing "the unknown stories of history" and watch John Green videos? That might be good, only, it'd make the series fucking awful dramatization. So please, think about it. This won't work for the intended audience or the general audience. This will never happen and it never should unless Russia conquers Constantinople in the next few decades. Then you could have "The Young Patriarch"

Yeah but not to the levels of Trajan or Pompey or Caesar.


Based Türk Kino

>but not to the levels of Trajan or Pompey or Caesar.
They raped the fuck out them on land and sea otherwise they wouldn't have had grasped some control of the inner ME.


>Still no movie about the based turks raising Constantinople in 1453

absolutely haram

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Haha. Did you make this?

I love Roman history and study it in depth right up to Julian, after that it's just a depressing spiral into temple and book burnings by Christians and L's one after another.

No some /his/user a month back

Turks avenged Hector and the Trojans by defeating the Greeks, so they're pretty cool.

My son, you are but baby CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Will you grow up to be meek Constantown or ISTANBVLL?

he can't keep getting away with it

Is there any podcast kinos about this?
I really enjoyed all of Dan Carlin’s stuff but never saw he had any on the eastern empire

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Because muslims are trash who ruined it all, and libtards have to pretend they’re amazing people who enrich us.

I always wanted a movie about Ottoman Bosnia. I pretty hard to find anything about the subject, it's all just the Bosnian Wars these days. Fucking Serbs.

The troops were part European you uneducated monkey.