Needs half a billion to break even with little to no marketing on a budget of 200m?? I'm confused

Needs half a billion to break even with little to no marketing on a budget of 200m?? I'm confused.

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explanation: shills for disney throwing mud

We don't know what the marketing budget was but it certainly wasn't nothing. There was a Super Bowl ad, it was shilled at the Game awards, I saw billboards ads and TV commercials. It wasn't cheap.

But for the sake of Argument lets actually say it was cheap, normal marketing budget for a movie like this would be 100m, lets say she had half of that, at 50m.

250m needed to break even, the movie has made 382m so hasn't it made it's money back yet? Short answer, No. Long answer cinemas take roughly half the money a movie grosses, that cut can vary to as low as 30% and as high as 70% it depends on how much pull a studio has, Fox will likely have enough pull to get a 50% cut, something like Captain Marvel or Star Wars probably commands a return of 70% as well as other benefits like taking all the largest screens and not showing anything else on those screens for X# of weeks. The cut is however even lower in foreign territories, China is notorious movies in China only return 15-25% of their earnings the rest of it is taken by the Chinese cinemas and the Chinese government.

So lets go over the numbers we need a generous estimated 250m to not be a flop and we need 340m for a sequel to make sense

78m Domestic *.5 = 39m
191m Foreign *.3 = 57m
113m China *.2 = 22m

That leaves us with a 118m/250m after three weeks, sorry buddy, that's a major fucking flop which cost Fox -132m. Ouch.

Meanwhile if we do the same for Captain Marvel
120m production budget 100m marketing gives us 220m to break even

She made
153m Domestic * .7 = 107m
302m Foreign * .3 = 90m

That leaves us with 197m/220m in just three days, will likely break even before next weekend.

>implying cpt mar-vel ticket purchases weren't Disney just buying bulk amounts to pad their abysmal turnout with people going to see it in empty theatres
Nice try mouse

Who cares? Captain Marvel wiped the floor with it. Cameron’s a washed up hack. Get used to saying Avatar 3: A Netflix original


Couple points for studio's cut
- Domestic haul is 60%
- International is 40%
- China is 30%
78m DOM*0.6= 46.8m
176m Oversea-China*0.4=70.4m
128m China*0.3 = 38.4m
Total = 155.6m
Home video + Merch + TV license = Marketing expenses at 50m - 70m
So in reality Alita has made 155.6m/170m production budget, only 15m more to go.

I find it funny that even by changing all the numbers to benefit her you still can't even stretch it to break even. Utterly bombing.

I find it funny that you think Alita stops airing right at this moment.

sequel whenever

Attached: im thinking its fresh.png (414x424, 198K)

If Cameron says he wants a sequel then there will be a sequel.

:( its not fair

CM is clearly the inferior movie by every objective measure. Even if we pretended the fake "biggest opening ever" is real, all that would mean is that idiots will buy any trash as long as it has the Marvel logo on it.

flop or not its still getting a sequel, anime, and videogame.

According to this post 99% movies never make their money back let alone any profits. Explain this Hollywood.

I'm going to see it with two other people in 40 minutes :3

The government unironically subsidizes any movies that don't make money because hollywood is MKULTRA

wow are we gonna have to wake up?

Disney bought 21st Century Fox and is going to hold Alita 2 hostage.

I can't wait to watch the Alita anime

Alita was awful

They don't own the rights, sorry Kevin.

According to Hollywood accounting, no film ever makes a profit because then the studios would have to pay taxes, yet somehow people like Harvey Weinstein still rake in millions.