Other urls found in this thread:
Blacks commit cartoonish levels of violence in every country they inhabit. This is not remotely surprising, although his particular case is highly amusing.
oh no no no.black americans
so hes going to meet real white supremacist in jail?
>Blacks commit cartoonish levels of violence in every country they inhabit
>meanwhile in reality whites kill eachother and others in the millions.
why do /pol/ retards lack self reflection?
You can always spot a Plebbitor when they do this
Almost all the gun crimes here in Toronto are done by black males. They are like 2% of the population.
Why are blacks so violent bros?? :(
I just don't get it....
>whites so lazy they bring millions of culturally and ethnically incompatable people into their countries after killing all the iindigenous people they already had
>complain when these people who they forced into servitude and ignorance, and lashed for 3 hundred years are more aggressive and tempermental towards them
>whites continue t support jews who actively incite the worst aspects of the blacks
>blacks shape up and mov into new states to create new businesses
>whites burn it down along with hospitals
>blacks form their own political parties>whites attack them
why are blacs so violent , we whites dindu nuffin
No one keeps track on the dead in Africa. Remember Rwanda? No one does.
War isn't a crime user. It's a damn shame, but it isn't a crime.
>this one happening right now, still, doesn't mean anything because this other one used to do other shit
aka "whataboutism is only a bad thing when it disproves MY point"
>own gun in canada
>gun crime
>why do blacks commit gun crimes
.>keep inviting 3rd world blacks to canada
Negroes are incapable of creating or working within a functioning society. Just look at how South Africa's quickly becoming just another failed African state since they took over. There's no use for them in the modern world.
this thread feels like it belongs on /pol/
It's a thread about a TV actor, retard.
It's in their genes
As a Torontonian, I need my BBC dosage
War and Conquest isn't illegal retard.
Whites are good, but no one can beat based Asians when it comes to mass murder.
And it's not fair to even include blacks in mass murder comparison, they are too dumb to organize themselves properly for that. Not to mention there was less than a 100 million blacks in Africa until white people civilized them since they couldn't even take care of themselves.
>fake and gay /pol/ infographics
>political activist posting
>muh blacks commit crimes
>muh lazy whites want slaves
>not a single post references Smollet in any way, shape or form, only using the OP pic to start a discussion on crime and race on Yea Forums instead of /pol/ where it belongs
you need to go back
they are truly inferior
like you cant compare an african woman with an asian woman, isnt only inteligence, its also emotional inteligence, attractiveness, discipline, responsability, i mean people cant hide it no more
Why are you crying?
>whites kill eachother and others in the millions
>no whites in photo
It's so sad, I just don't think blacks can ever be truly civilized.
How much potential time are we looking at here? I have no idea if 16 felony counts is an ass load or just a bit more than usual.
>War isn't a crime user.
lol if we declare war, its okay to kill people in the millions.
whitey logic
>at like whites arethe paragon of peaces and blacks are violent savages
>get shown whites are backwards savages with bigger guns
what are you expecting? blacks to unanimously apologize for some of them acting like retards?
reap what you sow white boi.
>No one keeps track on the dead in Africa.
a practice learned from whites who killed millions of africans and drew the lines and borders of africa intentionally in such a way as to incite tribal violence amongst long term enemies
>opens thread full of things he knows he doesn't like
>complains it's full of things he doesn't like
If only you could have avoided this somehow.
>what are you expecting? blacks to unanimously apologize for some of them acting like retards?
You expect this same shit of whites, though.
Do you remember what Smollet's crime was?
He created a fake hate crime. He faked having two white men beat him up for his race and sexual orientation. He then lied to the police, in order for the story to blow up and make him look like a victim. Please do not believe anything said by people with black skin. It is too dangerous a game for all society. Smollet is not the only black person who lies in order to discredit the people they live around or the laws they are expected to follow.
>some of them acting like retards?
>he thinks the empires of Europe drew maps to make tribes hate eachother
oh you cute little nigger
do you actually think the imperialists cared about your shitty little barbarian tribes even in the slightest?
they drew borders the way they did because they thought straight lines as borders are aesthetic
Negros are the most violent "humans" on the planet. They have been slaughtering each-other since the dawn of time, check out Bantu history.
The reason why they don't kill other races is simply because they are too weak. They never genocided non-blacks because they never conquered anything but other blacks. They could never overcome North Africans or Middle Easterners, much less Europeans or Asians, so they just kill each other.
>War and Conquest isn't illegal
yea I guess that means killing millions of people isnt as bad then
typical white exceptionalism. If whites do something fucked up, they label it as something else .
>blacks do and sell drugs
>whites do and sell drugs
This is factually correct.
The only poster in this thread who isn't a brainlet /pol/ magafaggot, and tried to put things into persepctive.
*heems you*
>no whites in photo
>literally all whites in photo
> whites kill eachother over politics, ethics and morals, over bonds of alliegiance and loialty
> niggers kill eachother because they are dumb retarded niggers
Thank you sir. I live in Chicago. I can assure you that Smollet's claim was unbelievable from day 1 because it made absolutely no sense for it to go down where, when, and how it did.
There are, however, actual violent crimes here that take place in black-only neighborhoods and by only black people that deserve immediate attention by the entire media.
>You expect this same shit of whites, though.
i actually don't.
see like a typical /pol/ retard you generalize blacks. i remember when you racist types actually had good arguments for ethnic nationalism and such. now youre just a parody of stormfront
noone but retards expect reparations and shiiet
most blacks just want you to answer the jewish question
Not the poster you responded to.
I personally don't think that white criminals and black criminals are any different - they're all scum. But what I do find disgusting about certain aspects of Afroamerican culture is the glorification of crime. You won't see white people seeing criminals and gangbangers as anything else but subhuman trash, while the same does not hold true for blacks.
>drew the lines and borders of africa intentionally in such a way as to incite tribal violence amongst long term enemies
>borders didn't exist in africa before the white man came
Just wait until the crazies start stating he was still in the right because being a black gay man in America what he did was just illustrate the abuse and prejudice a gay black man in America endures every day. What a hero.
This. Borders were invented by Europeans. Look into the Treaty of Westphallia.
>do you actually think the imperialists cared about your shitty little barbarian tribes even in the slightest?
yes moron. they were heavily outnumbered literally everywhere so they had to keep the tribes separate. literally empire 101
>most blacks just want you to answer the jewish question
What did he mean by this?
>Negros are the most violent "humans" on the planet. They have been slaughtering each-other since the dawn of time
because whites havent??
This better be b8.
I refuse to believe someone is this stupid.
>stone age populations eclipsed by invaders
North America just wasn't populated enough to not demographically implode when Europeans came. It's why 3000BC when an invasion of bronze age indo-europeans walked on into hunter gatherer land it ended in genocide rather than conquest. The native population would be too small to handle the shock.
The treatment of Central/South American natives was far worse yet they've survived into modernity via admixture and relic populations. They survived simply because their population at the time of contact wasn't ooga booga stick chucker levels.
>implying a million blacks with spears could stand a chance against ten white dudes with maxim guns
to be fair, the same holds true in reverse, a million whites with spears vs ten blacks with machine guns ends the same way
borders in Africa were drawn according to geopolitics and balance of power in Europe and literally nobody in Europe gave even a single percent of a shit about some pre-bronze African tribes
Sure they have, they just aren't as violent as blacks. Which is a shame, had they had a spine, we wouldn't be dealing the worthless billion of negros that white people have afflicted the planet with.
>a million whites with spears vs ten blacks with machine guns ends the same way
I'd bet on the whites in this. Mostly because whites know what tactics mean.
The evil whyte man has been gone for along time and I don't see any africans rushing to reshape the borders.
>But what I do find disgusting about certain aspects of Afroamerican culture is the glorification of crime
as a blackanon I fully agree.
but most blacks are very aware of the glorification campaign and the medias artificial role model creation of thugs and retards as black leaders.
If they are "very aware" then why do they still go murder Tyrone for his Jordans?
>They never genocided non-blacks because they never conquered anything but other blacks.
or they were adverse to wonton slaughter, and hated burying the millions of bodies. unlike whites who made a million dollar industry from dead peoples teeth
>They could never overcome North Africans or Middle Easterners,
you do realize there are blacks in middle east and north africa right? yet they didnt genocide because they integrated over generations unlike whites who had a racial hierarchy to maintain
Based Op keeping these threads active so the trannies seethe
Why are libtards so anti-science, bros?
>or they were adverse to wonton slaughter
>African nations
>if we have reasons to kill eachother in the millions and dress it up with pretty words it means our killing is okay
nice try whitey
Probably the first time I've seen it on here and I've been here a while. Do you even get the reference?
same reason floridaman raped a flamingo
he was a retard, yet noone uses retards as the representative of whites
>you do realize there are blacks in middle east and north africa right? yet they didnt genocide because they integrated over generations unlike whites who had a racial hierarchy to maintain
>he actually, unironically thinks that there isn't a racial hierarchy in the Middle East
oh you're just ignorant then
Arabs used blacks as slaves long before Europeans did and in large parts of the MENA region still do. Arabs in general see blacks as less than human as well.
Black man caught lying. News at 10.
its leftists coopting liberalism. leftists see science as an impediment to their demands
based ted wrote a paper about it
>noone uses retards as the representative of whites
Anyway, that's because whites aren't out murdering each other over shoes.
Bang-up job this dipshit did "starting a conversation," really did his friends like Kamala Harris a solid.
> they were adverse to wonton slaughter,
They weren't. And they still aren't today. It seems to be in their nature.
> hated burying the millions of bodies
The population demographics of Africa were tiny before Colonization and whites feeding you. But yes, black African did manage to wipe out entire cultures of other Africans.
>unlike whites who made a million dollar industry from dead peoples teeth
That just sounds like jealousy, not my fault black people can't run an industry, much less a country.
>you do realize there are blacks in middle east and north africa right?
Of course, thought history blacks were the primary source of slaves in both of those areas.
>yet they didnt genocide
How could they? They never conquered North Africa or the Middle East. They were the ones who were conquered/colonized by Muslims. Did you mean to say Arabs/Berbers didn't genocide blacks? Because they did in fact cause massive loss of black lives. I'm not sure how this is related, its' not like Europeans genocides blacks either. Literally the opposite, the current population of Africans is directly due to white people's kindness and willing to share food/medicine/technology. Quite frankly, everything black people have in the modern age is due to the insane altruism of Europeans.
But don't worry, China will fix your overpopulation problem.
>Arabs used blacks as slaves long before Europeans did
implying turks in arabia, mean arabs arent black, when right across the red sea is sudan
>Arabs in general see blacks as less than human as well.
citation needed
nigs literally blame whites if their food is cold
East Africans are not the same as West Africans. They are as genetically distinct as Europeans are compared to Hindus.
This data is longer valid, because the numbers are dated and irrelevant. To bring this up as an argument is an insult and only shows how much of a racist bigot you are.
>pretty black gay boi named "Juicy"
>goes to prison
He's gonna be real popular there.
those are caucasians arabs in your pic, dishonest discord tranny, look at their noses and facial features
I'll just leave this here.
Why is Africa such a shithole?
Why do Blacks commit a majority of crime?
Why are Black governments always corrupt?
Why do Blacks get so low test scores?
Why aren't there Blacks in moba e-sports?
Why are Blacks so violent?
Why do Blacks always blame others and not themselves or their culture?
Please add what you think is missing
It's not the nogs fault. Humans are animals animals belong in their natural habitat in this case Africa. Not living under the white mans law. You can't put a cat in a chicken soup and expect it to start laying eggs. The solution is physical removal of course.
This message is endorsed by jlaw she's very political and likes practical solutions.
how would you know?
dumbest and truly the most reddit insult
>blacks commit the most murder
eric holder's FBI is obviously racist
I saw that pic couple years back and did my own research for 2013 (latest data at the time) and blacks were 6x more likely to murder a white than other way around. Mind you murders were only ranging in numbers from 1000 vs 6000. But the data was still there. This is information that is relevant no matter the answer but its not as exposed as it could be.
lol hate facts removed 4cuck is pathetic
>that's because whites aren't out murdering each other over shoes.
retarded people retarded thing. its because hes retarded not because of his skin color
I dsont act like tim mcveigh, ted bundy, or unibomber are representatives of whites. whhy are you /pol/tards incapable of discerning individuals?
I mean its sad enough that your skin color is a point of pride to your self esteem when you've done nothing but be born
I like that there’s a sea monster in Lake Michigan.
I never hated trannies until you faggots started invading Yea Forums
>its because hes retarded not because of his skin color
And 99% of blacks are retarded.
>East Africans are not the same as West Africans
oh so now the distinction between black people becomes more pronounced when its convenient to your argument
this is racist
They aren't the same, it's simple enough. East Africans are dumb, but they are far more competent compared to West Africans, where African Americans come from.
>look at their noses and facial features
imagine being so retarded, you abandon your definition of whose black and who isn't when you cant keep up the generalizing of blacks into one group
>Arabs in general see blacks as less than human as well.
Cry more. Arabs aren't black.
>where African Americans come from.
>implying they werent here before whitey
>did my own research for 2013
browsing pol is no way of conducting valid, methodical research
Based Muslims.
sure they arent.
Based voice of reason
I know blacks can't read but that says indians.
Not African Americans.
>all arabs are muslims
>all muslims agree on hadiths
>all hadiths align with quran
cant help yourself can you
East africans are not Bantu, they have a large amount of caucasian DNA. Hence why Ethiopians have fair hair and European nose and facial features.
>I don't know the difference between tan skin in a black-and-white photo vs negroes
>when they agree with my racist opinions
i see why whitey keep inviting them
You can go look up the most recent NCVS user, the statistics are basically the same
>Native americans arent called Indians
>real Indians in california
why do sjws ignore stats?
They have fair soft hair. Unlike blacks.
You have plenty of examples of what people in the Middle East think of blacks.
Don't pretend this is some obscure trivia. Everyone knows how the vast majority of people from North Africa to Iran feel about blacks. Hell, they only people to tolerate you are Europeans, to their own suicidal determinant.
This has to be bait. I refuse to believe that anyone, even a brainded nigger without an elementary school education, could actually unironically believe Arabs are black.
>can't tell if retarded or autistic
Either way those people aren't black.
>reddit so mad they have to bring up ancient civilization when war time was normal to defend modern day nigs
have sex you incels.
Arabs are also super racist towards Indians (of the Asian kind) as well
For shitskins, Arabs are suprisingly redpilled. If only they converted to the true faith of God, instead of worshipping a pedophilic goatfucker.
>East africans are not Bantu,
neither are all west africans or african americans
so your definition of black people are Bantu?
Stats are racist
>the true faith of God
Which one is that? Orthodox, Catholicism, Coptic, Protestant or Calvinist?
> tan skin in a black-and-white photo
coping this hard
how are you people defining black/ negro
Seems like your definition is whatever you need it to be to suit your retarded beliefs and generalizations about "blacks"
Most americans blacks, west africans and central africans are of bantu decent. Hence the short nappy hair, wide nose and etc
>He does it for free
>You have plenty of examples of what people in the Middle East think of blacks.
implying the middle east wasnt ruled by turks for centuries, implying their definition of "blacks" is any more consistent than yours
any christian denomination will do t b h
that is an arabized bantu, he would be treated like shit in saudi arabia because he is a nigger to most arabs
Evasive but good reply nonetheless.
>how are you people defining black/ negro
Africans of the sub-saharan variety.