Captain Marvel Suckers

you know the profits reported publicly do not have to be the same as the profits actually booked, right? Polls and profit statements are just propaganda, because they are a proxy for peer pressure: the movie seems to have made $150M this weekend, so other people must like it, so you should like it too. Hollywood is only secondarily about business, because Hollywood accounting makes the business end opaque: it's primarily about propaganda.

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fraud and stock manipulation are crimes you know.

>yet another captain marvel thread...

>butthurt: the thread

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>delete countless of ratings to save face
>only manage to inflate the audience score up to 57%
Good going, Marvel

>This movie won't make much money
>Figures have been released and it looks like this movie has made much money
>F-f-figures can be wrong so I don't trust them.

Jesus Christ the narrative some of the peeps on this site is driving is a wild one. I call it a matter of days before some user starts a petition on to have a national inquiring launched into the financials of Captain Marvel, and then a month after that before the figures, whatever they are, are written off as false, wicked and tricksy.

For an average movie in an average franchise it is really getting so much more attention than it could ever deserve.

>y-y-yeah we really got'em! right guys??
>*non-stop cash register noises*

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But why? Why would Disney/Marvel go to such far lengths to delete reviews and inflate sale numbers? What do they hope to gain? Why don't other movie studios do this when their movies bomb? (Ghostbusters and Justice League come to mind)

Have sex

Laws don't apply to the rich. Laws are for poor people to obey or be shot by the police.

why was a 12 year old butthurt enough to draw that

To maintain their track record
It's why they bought tickets for URBAN YOUTHS to see black Panther (even though it would have been a hit anyway)

Because it's not actually happening.

Zoe Saldana is hotter than Brie Larson.

This is a fact. It's a thing you can't deny.

Still got them and you faggots to squirm all weekend. Trolls won

They did delete reviews though
>inb4 THEY WERE TROLLS and sexist ones!!
Plenty of racist trolls hate on Tyler Perry, and antisemitic ones on Sandler, same shit doesn't happen with RT deleting "troll reviews"

Did Rotten Tomatoes delete all the positive reviews when Black Panther was literally sitting at 100%?

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looks like he has a second face trying to escape through his neck.

They were trolls though

why do you guys use rotten tomatoes? why do you care? scratch that i know why. you dont care. your lonely at home and like to post laughing images with your posts. no reason behind it. you just enjoy posting

desperate /pol/rat damage control

But RT and Disney are literally in damage control mode right now.