Wtf I hate the government now

wtf I hate the government now

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What does tv think of him?

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>low iq bible thumpers burnt to a crisp
wish it happened more often

Flyover hicks will cry but Waco and Ruby Ridge were 100% justified.

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what was his fucking problem?

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I live in Vancouver

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Explain why they were justified

Selling mass ammunitions deserves a check. He got scared and double downed.

Hopefully when you die time slows down and you have to experience the last moments of your life for what seems like hours. I wish I could know what they were thinking as they realized they were 100% going to burn to death.



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Believe me, if you didn't already, you certainly will in the coming decade. Anyone who thinks things are bad now can't even begin to fathom how horrible things will be getting in the next few years.

go on

Can't you think for yourself and picture that on your own without some anonymous person telling you how to do it?


I dont give a fuck, any self proclaimed prophet deserves to be killed, I'm glad the government killed those freaks.

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yeah the children deserved it bro

Well, for one thing, capitalism is dying and it's trying to take as many poor people with it as it possibly can, which at this point is the majority of the country. Over half of Americans make less than $30k a year. That's not enough to live on even now, but the price of everything: groceries, utilities, rent, automotives, continues to skyrocket. And that's before you factor in any more corporate shenanigans and bailouts that are yet to come. Then there's the political landscape, which at this point is just openly the corporate landscape. The will of the people is just stomped on for the interests of capitalists. And since everything in the nation is for-profit, everyone is in on it: the media, the corporations that make everything, all the utilities, etc. Then there's the complete environmental collapse and all the wars the black empire that is America refuses to stop waging, which result in millions of refugees being created, many of whom come to America or Europe because America literally blew up their houses and they now have nowhere to live. The police and military are also becoming more authoritarian every year. And it's only a matter of time before they come for the wingnut conservatives just like they've come after everyone else. Imagine the worst dystopian media you've ever seen and then remove any nice bits. That's the future.

sins of the father

lol this is the type of faggot crying about muh drone strikes in a 3rd world country
kill yourself, soft faggot

A literally jewish belief.

Not an argument

Defend them with anything resembling a good argument. Go on.

Hillary Clinton got all those people killed

That's a lot of projection. I don't think a person who is vocally against the federal government killing innocent people in illegal warfare could be vocally supportive of the federal government killing innocent people in illegal warfare. Just because you are a hypocritical cunt doesn't mean that everyone else is.

cry more, commie.
nobody is shedding tears for some backwards religious freak and his servants.

maybe the fucking faggot should have just came outside when he was instructed to.
if he really cared about the kids, then he would have.

but he was a zealot and i hope him and his followers are resting in piss.

so what was the plan here?

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That was Libya. Your thinking of Janet Reno.

>cry more, commie.
This is why capitalism will be destroyed in our lifetimes. You're talking shit to the majority, friend. Tick tock.

Kill women and children.

Good argument, can't wait for the leftypol falseflaggers to start replying to you so you can screencap the posts and talk about how the four chans are being raided.

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bootlicking faggot
shut the fuck up

typical subhuman leftists

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Not American so don't get it

Why are people mad at the government for killing those cultist? They killed a bunch of swat guys before hand

Isn't that every alphabet agency goon's plan?

Half the country lives in poverty. Talking shit to them will not be a good move for you. This country is one misplaced citizen casualty away from total societal collapse. But please, keep talking down to the majority while looting them and spreading your forces as thin as possible by invading 20 countries at once. That's worked great for empires past.

>Calling someone else a bootlicker
>Supporting capitalism

Because there were quite a few kids inside and the government just burned them all to solve the problem for them.

i never said i supported capitalism rartard

>This is why capitalism will be destroyed in our lifetimes. You're talking shit to the majority, friend. Tick tock.

let's be real, the majority are plebs, the kind of people with behaviors emergent from their respect for powerlessness ? Yeah, I don't want them on my team. Existing power structures are at least on some level natural (underpinned by variables that supervene on the physical )
and organic (self interacting and self correcting). You don't even know what you want or what you feel you're owed by society. Nobody so basic would.

hypocrisy is only considered antisocial because you plebs don't have any operational sort of thinking about large matters involving groups of people. You need to adapt to challenges and make rationally defensible decisions based on a cost-benefit analysis to make any good policy after you gotta say contradicting things to get elected by simpletons like you. The show must go on.

>A catastrophe averted is likely not to be seen as a catastrophe. A predicted event
that fails to materialize is a non-event, something that did not happen, and politicians
who have expended wealth and lives on something that failed to happen cannot be
expected to reap the rewards of their decisions. On the contrary, politicians who risk
lives and wealth to avert catastrophes such as genocide run the risk of being vilified
and punished for their efforts: To the extent that their actions succeed in averting a
catastrophe, there will be no evidence of their success—only of the costs of their efforts.
This essay uses counterfactual—‘‘what if’’—arguments to explore some of the
structural obstacles to the prevention of genocide and human rights violations in general.

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post a picture of your body

>> This country is one misplaced citizen casualty away from total societal collapse

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Conspiracy idiots thinking the agents used tanks to set fire to the building, instead of accepting the truth that another batshit religious leader pulled a Jonestown.

Why do so many people in this thread hate capitalism? It’s a system that rewards those that work hard for a better future. Why is supporting a system that benefits lazy people that decide to have children in high school seen as the answer to poverty? The more programs that “help” the poor are only making the problem worse. Meanwhile people blame the rich for their problems while they donate more and pay more in taxes than anyone else.

No. NO. We are better than that. You might want it that way, and instigate on sight... we will hold.

>i only have a GED and no working skills, why don't i make as much as the CEO of a fortune 500 company!!!
they are stupid and lazy.
it's that simple.


>governments never kill their own citizens!
>you're just a bunch of conspiracy idiots!
>how dare those people follow their God given right to express their religious beliefs!

You just told me to shut the fuck up for celebrating the death of capitalism in our lifetimes. I'm not sure what else you could be trying to say there.

>let's be real, the majority are plebs
You guys have really convinced yourselves with this kind of rhetoric, haven't you? Or is it that you're just scared and you're trying to convince others with it? No, I think it's the later. Like I said. One day soon, probably within 5 years, some fat cop will kill the wrong pedestrian to serve some corporate interest and the country will be in flames.



>You guys have really convinced yourselves with this kind of rhetoric
are you seriously implying the majority of the people in this country, and the world in general, are not borderline retarded?

>expecting plebs who have no education to understand the negatives of capitalism

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IQ is irrelevant when you can't afford rent. Nobody can be tricked into thinking they're not homeless. Propaganda only stretches so far.

Well to be fair, countries that have some socialism work wonders when done right

>inb4 refugees.

>i'm too low skilled and uneducated to attain wealth, so we MUST change the system!
imagine being such a leech.
my god, leftists truly are scum.

the worst part is, they think they are actually intelligent for wanting to embrace a shit eating ideology lmao.

You get more money the smarter you are. Hence why extremely intelligent jobs pay more. Stop talking about IQ because you got a 900 on your sat

The ATF had no reason to be there at the compound with a truck full of guys ready to start blasting shit, during the congressional hearings we found out that the ATF called local news stations to let them know that something juicy was gonna go down at Waco in the hopes that they could garner some positive publicity after the fuckup at Ruby Ridge. The Branch Davidians found out about the pending raid when the mailman saw a truck full of guys in battle rattle heading towards the compound. He was friends with Koresh, called him up and said watch out bruh, and then when the ATF got there they immediately started blasting dogs and shooting at Koresh who retreated inside the compound and then his lads proceeded to BTFO the ATF to a point where the davidians let them collect their dead in peace and retreat.

>This thread

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>Well to be fair, countries that have some socialism work wonders when done right
They are also homegenously white

> keep talking down to the majority while looting them and spreading your forces as thin as possible by invading 20 countries at once.

Do you see many American allies desperate to become American non-allies, do you ? It's pretty crystal that being aligned with Western institutions,norms, system and security architecture correlates with superior material and sociopolitical development.
You see it in every region of the world and in rock solid geopolitical causal chains. Compare America allies and EU members in Eastern Europe to Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia ? How about middle-eastern gulf states and Israel vs glorious orcs of Xerxes ? Chile, Argentina, Peru vs. Venezuela ? Japan and S. Korea ?
You can ever go further another level, to administration and local institutional sustainability indicators in divided countries. There's just way too often a link with reforming towards liberalism and good material conditions for large, acultural swathes of people

To make an omelette, you have to kill a few civilians. Compare and seethe, pinko.

t. not american

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Refugees are mostly created by America's constant invasions.

I'm sure your pontifications on Yea Forums and twitter will stop the coming riots. Maybe you'll get the chance to speak in public and catch a bottle to the head while you're preaching to the masses that they just should have "stayed in school" and "not smoked cigarettes".

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Lmao there will never be an "uprising" you're literally a /pol/ack LARPing as a commie. There will never be any type of revolution.

>life's only purpose is the generation of capital
based goy, slaving away in ghettos with broken family units while the elites live the same lives they did 500 years ago but better

at least dirty medieval peasants had families to enjoy in their poverty and decrepitude, you don't even have that; just the machine of the welfare state keeping you on life support while you drift away into oblivion on opioids in-between shifts working low-paying jobs so pointless they eat away at your soul

>Refugees are mostly created by America's constant invasions.
and if we decided to say fuck it, and not intervene in these shit countries' problems, you'd still complain.
like the other user said a few posts back, you have no idea what you're mad at or what you want.

>A furfag is also an imperialist
Can't make up end stage capitalism if you try. I can imagine Orwell trying to write 1984 and someone from the future just shaking their head and him going "What?" and them replying "No this part's all wrong, put a dude in their who wants to fuck cartoon animals while killing poor people."

Why do Americans have more cults than anywhere else on Earth?

>oh this Waco dude tells me he has to sleep with my wife, and my prebuscent daughter
>I g-guess it must the Lord's will h-haha
>mfw those figures that 60% of the kids at the facility were fathered by the cult leader

my country defunded its army months before the breakout of ww1 because it assumed war was impossible so there was no point to it anymore

>you'd still complain
No I wouldn't. That's what boomers would do. Boomers love them a good war. Literally nobody but boomers would be upset that America stopped meddling in shit around the world.

and then a dictator decides to engage in genocide to curb his citizens, and you'd be writing letters to your congressman about how we need to go protect those poor innocent children!
you bleeding heart crybabies will always find something to complain about.

Imagine being this spineless

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And another world War will never happen again. My point.

>UK sends all radical protestants to America
>wtf whys it have so many cults

>Hahahaha, I just supported the government slaughtering innocents to own those rural retards
Imagine being you. Imagine revelling every day in how great it is paying six dollars for a gallon of milk, and having to rent some shitty apartment for 2 grand a month so you can hear Juanita and her brood of guacamole hobbits above you screeching like retards day in and day out in their spic babble, just to own the flyovers. Absolutely epic.

>and then a dictator decides to engage in genocide to curb his citizens, and
they're literally doing this right now and you don't care or know about it
only reason people care is the media tells them to care. ultimately, you realize, you shouldn't care then either

Shut up boomer

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These people immediately accept that communists and fascists can kill their own citizens in the millions but for some reason the US can do no wrong.

yeah they said that too

then ww2

Mcveigh did nothing wrong.

>killing zealots is wrong

They brought it upon themselves by saying fuck you to the law and the fed. Freedom aint free bitch

>These are the autistic unlovable neckbeard feminazi faggots calling normal people "incel" and "nazi"

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> I can imagine Orwell trying to write 1984 and someone from the future just shaking their head and him going "

Imagine the people in your life outside an English class who brought up 1984 seriously in conversation. Are they the kind of people you imagine make policy ?
Effective people don't tend to have a worldview of reddit comments. I can almost see it geometrically in your mind, how your defensive and fictional thought pattern pulls something from Orwell, Huxley,or a youtuber to hide from reality.

Stretch this far enough and you'll convince some hormonal simpletons that superior material conditions : life expectancy, consumption vs higher needs, individual/political freedoms, vertical flexibility - are somehow
Just because America is allied with a lot of social democracies , the most, and most successful ones,doesn't make their policies instantly applicable in America.

When the alliance network without the US is more powerful than the US, yet it holds and policy remains somewhat congruent. Even through Donald Trump. still accuse imperialism and coercion.

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What's even worse is when you look at the actual details. With communists, they either are counting famines (which for some reason never get counted under capitalism) or deaths from war that capitalists waged on communists or you seen when the communists WERE intentionally killing people domestically it was landlords, jews and rich cunts. Meanwhile, most of America's victims, for example, are literally unarmed civilians that it intentionally is attacking with the military. Those deaths also don't count as caused by capitalists (for some reason).

Except blow up a nursery.

Nigger I'm not reading this book you just wrote.

I just love it. When someone makes an edgy joke about black people or jews: "OH MY GOD THIS IS HATE THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE OH GOD" But when the target is "acceptable" like religious white people and they feel safe they just go nuts and are absolutely gleeful in saying children should be massacred

Doesn't India literally have hundreds of thousands of them? Not even denominations, literal cults.

>government sanctioned murder of innocents is cool because I had to go to church once and it was really boring so now I want people to die
Suck start a shotgun faggot

>americans intentionally killing civilians
weird then that they spend so much effort trying not to. I guess they do that just to fool the gullible masses who literally don't even know about it but somehow cohere it with their world view through osmosis

This is literally just what happens when you let boomer protestants interpret the bible

Daily reminder folks

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>weird then that they spend so much effort trying not to.
>things that never happened
Choose both. Because they're the same.

I don’t understand how much a faggot you could possibly be to even ironically support bureaucrat weasels let alone ones that kill children

>and then a dictator decides to engage in genocide to curb his citizens, and you'd be writing letters to your congressman about how we need to go protect those poor innocent children!
America has never fought a single war because of this. It's just a good PR stunt to dupe your average Joe.

assassinate both of the Clinton bodyguards and burn the whole thing down.

And yet, people like Branch Davidians do not deserve life.
Also you're looking at the largest discrepancy between the power of subhuman pleb masses and the existing political structure in history. Seethe more

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Imagine support a cult of cucks who literally allowed their prophet to fuck their wives and daughters

The police were too meriful to them. The Military should have bombed the fuck out of their boomer cult compound.

Imagine being such an enormous faggot that you defend boomer bureaucrats like Janet Reno condoning of the slaughter of innocents because racists said it was a bad thing and now you absolutely have to defend it. Imagine needing your upcummies so desperately, that you actually think it's a good thing that Randy Weaver's wife and child were fucking murdered so you can own racists epic style.

These people hate kids, families, hard work, and everything good in the world. They're the kind of ugly that recoils at the sight of beauty. They destroy sculptures and showcase shit-smeared canvases. They want and need power to be centralized because they can't compete with anything good and upright on their own. The government is just a name we give to people who make it into a group whose members have the authority and the power to selectively persecute people. That's all it is, and this is why you always keep them in check, instead of giving them more power. They've taken enough already so cut them off.

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>White boomer cultists get murdered by cops

>Anyone else gets murdered by cops

Can this be helped at all by voting for Democrats in future elections?

Weird thread

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"Mr. DeGuerin said flashbangers can kill, injure, maim. Anyone who knows anything about these things knows they can't."

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Probably true, they even tried to import one of their cults to Oregon in the 1980s. Forget the name but you'd find it quickly by researching the general lines I gave you.

All hillary’s fault

KGB is a like a mouse compared to the elephant that is the CIA, all Yuri does is give retards this idea that the USSR was giant evil and the USA this much more decent country. In reality, the USSR was very evil, but the USA is much worse and more covert. They did win against evil USSR at the end of the day, and it wasn't because they collected more good boy points. At least in the Soviet Union you could see the gun attempting to get you.

How about we take all your favorite pedophiles in the media and government, everyone who voted for them and supports them, put them on an island, and nuked it until it turned into a flattened mass of irradiated glass? How would you specifically feel about that? Because as much as I'd love to see that happen, I still want the government way the fuck away from that power. Don't bother answering either, just do everyone a favor and slit your wrists on your way out the window you faggot soiguzzler.

>Koresh was alleged to be involved in unproven multiple incidents of child abuse and sexual abuse.[17] Koresh's doctrine of the House of David[18] did lead to "marriages" with both married and single women in the group purportedly with at least one underage girl. The underage girl was Michelle Jones, the younger sister of Koresh's legal wife Rachel and the daughter of lifelong Branch Davidians Perry and Mary Belle Jones. Koresh allegedly had sex with Michelle when she was thirteen, evidently with the consent of the Joneses.[citation needed]

>Koresh fathered multiple children by different women in the group. His House of David doctrine was based on a purported revelation that involved the procreation of 24 children by chosen women in the community. These 24 children were to serve as the ruling elders over the millennium after the return of Christ.

>In his book, James Tabor states that Koresh acknowledged on a videotape sent out of the compound during the standoff that he had fathered more than 12 children by several "wives".[27] On March 3, 1993, during negotiations to secure the release of the remaining children, Koresh advised the Negotiation Team that: "My children are different than those others", referring to his direct lineage versus those children previously released.
Was it basedry and redpillness?

>Getting this anally buttblasted over the truth

have sex

Threadly Reminder: the various alphabet agencies are literally the greatest security threat to the American government in existence because they make everyone hate it.

Yep, that happens often. Everyone on every stream broadcasting the UN resolution 1973 (no fly zone) were like ''Stop Gadaffi''. He was actually close to bombing a double-population, refugee filled Benghazi. Getting sub-Saharan niggers to rape detainees in Tripoli ? And hostile to Western interests ? Get the fuck out. And the costs were minimal

Why does this shit tend to happen to coked out orgy-fuelled genocidal maniacs, usually with tribal, sectarian or ideological gripes internally ? Why doesn't it happen to Norway which removed it's market cap of her extractive industry, making sovereign wealth fund that divests from anything Norway doesn't like ? That does more damage than 5 Iraqs switching to another currency

not even China and Russia opposed it, and Germany had the toughest speech against it.

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oh no no no no

I notice you didn't disagree with him saying you supported the billionaire pedophiles though.

Yuri literally shreds Washington DC and the US government for hours on end, you fucking oxygen-deprived brainlet. Why the fuck do you think he's talking about any of this shit? How fundamentally programmed do you have to be to miss the point this hard?

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Voting was never the solution. A republic exists to give the illusion of choice.

Why am I not surprised this awful kike was involved.

There's no such thing as keeping government in check anymore, boomer. They do what they wish.

how about you fuck off you degenerate

>B, 702x720)
Persecution is the trying fire that distinguishes truth from lies.

Two great arguments in one, how will conservatives ever recover?

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oh well that's depressing

You sound like a fed.

Based and unironically redpilled

>A few hours later, at dawn, two tanks approached separated ends of the compound with pressurized CS gas attachments to their turrets and injected hundreds of pounds of gas through all rooms of the compound. It was claimed it was tear gas, but revealed to be CS gas -a much more potent gas that can be deadly in large doses – especially to children. It is also a highly flammable gas that creates fireballs when ignited. Every room in the compound was covered in a layer of powder from this gas.
>The Davidians had some gas masks but not for children. Many of the women and children were evacuated to a lower storm bunker and covered themselves with blankets. Once the gas was spread throughout the compound one of the tanks rammed its turret into the women and children bunker and deployed gas for two straight hours. Exposure to CS gas is extremely painful. It not only attacks the cellular structure it causes the muscles to shrink and retract. Continual exposure to this gas cases the muscles to retract so violently it snaps the person’s spine. A few children were recovered from the bunker in this snapped spine condition.

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Nah no. The whole world was still in a war focused mindset and the plans were laid long before even WW1 ended. The world is not like that anymore.

it was bills turn at the time.
>2 of the 3 atf victimes were fresh new transfers that had previously been assigned to be bills bodyguards during his presidential campaign. shot execution style in the back of the head.

Does the based CIA post here?

Not him, but Lockheed-Martin lobbying contributing to the mass sacrifices of my fellow Americans has nothing to do with me not having wealth.

The ATF Chads do

1: Based is not an adjective
>based CIA
Holy shit what a fucking faggot, user.
3: The government has always posted on Yea Forums. If you're not on at least a dozen or more lists, you're a real failure at life.

some some CIA get paid to shit post

> so what was the plan here?

Rumors were going around prior to Waco that the Clinton administration was thinking about eliminating the ATF and transferring their gun enforcement duties to the FBI and the alcohol and tobacco regulation to the FDA.

This of course made perfect sense and would have saved a bunch of money by eliminating a duplicate agency but of course this would also mean most of the apparatchiks working at the ATF would be out of a job.

So the ATF cooked up a plan to go after the religious kooks in Waco and frame them as dangerous gun nuts and child molesters.

Despite the local sheriff telling the ATF he could easily attest David Koresh and other members any time they came into town, the ATF sent “undercover agents” to try and “infiltrate” the Davidians and of course Koresh and other others were instantly on to them, freaked out and bunkered down in their compound.

This was exactly what the ATF wanted, as it gave them justification to launch a huge and expensive tactical operation with an associated propaganda effort that was splashed all over the media.

Add in a couple of “martyred” ATF agents and when it was all over, nobody in the FedGov was willing to get rid of the agency and here it is today, doing fuck all but still getting a shit load of funding.

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Try that again? Is that just an extra "some"? And btw, it's not "some", it's a fuckload.

>dangerous gun nuts and child molesters.

which they decidedly were innocent of

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Hopefully they get paid to die. Useless fucking pawns

I'm curious about the construction end of this. Like how did this compound get built? What the fuck was it made out of (obviously flammable materials)? How the fuck did they get a building permit? "Uh, yeah, I'd like to get a permit to build a fuckhuge compound for my cult. We're going to stockpile weapons there and rape kids." "APPROVED"

no I mean what the fuck were those guys breaching the window planning on doing once they got inside?
>absolutely fuck up your raid
>ND into your leg while climbing the ladder to get onto the balcony
>few dudes kick in a window and get their shit fucked up
what were they hoping to accomplish?

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Muslim here, love the guy us government kills its own citizens and others around the world

>So the ATF cooked up a plan to go after the religious kooks in Waco and frame them as dangerous gun nuts and child molesters.
Koresh was a child molester.

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Oh they're glad to be meat shields too. Some "people" really are fucking NPCs and spooks are the NPCest. Can you imagine trying to kill a bunch of civilians by destroying their crops or something and then thinking "We're the good guys hurr!" Remember, these "people" are allowed to vote.

Agreed. They died because they were bitches. Fuck 'em. STOP BEING SO WEAK.

None of this would have happened if uncle Adolf had won.

More than sometimes I feel like I'm living in a madhouse dystopia.

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Honestly, they were probably just planning on bombing the place from the start. Less work for them.

Lol the founding fathers would be gunned down by some rapist cop today.

>saying fuck you to the unfair and corrupt law and fed

Well that problem got taken care of I guess.

For the love of god, go get laid.

>be american
>get shot


user, this unironically is an insane dystopia.

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>weeb faggot thinks he wouldn't get a healthy dose of zyklon b

>we need to save those kids from rape
>by killing them all


Lol pretty much the gist of it.

>>dangerous gun nuts and child molesters.
>which they decidedly were innocent of

Who knows? They were all dead and couldn't defend themselves, which only made it easier for the ATF.

>I'm curious about the construction end of this.

The place had been modified and added on again and again over the years, it was a clusterfuck of rooms built out of plywood.

>what were they hoping to accomplish?

Literally the ATF goons were hoping and planning on shooting as many people as possible, as the bigger of an incident Waco turned into, the more it justified the ATF's existence and continued funding.

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this imageboard is in so crappy state now that i can't tell if this post is satire or not

>the sheriff said to the atf he could arrest him
>nah let’s blow up the whole building and kill all the kids

Tells me Iran is a faggot nation and should be beaten up by U.S CHADS

that's what they deserve
fuck usa

Getting nervous, company boy?

Anime is redpilled and made by a people who took two atomic bombs to stop the Nationalism of.

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>US chads
>get betaten by Manlet Vietnamese farmers with old rifles

It was Janet Kino

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>it was a clusterfuck of rooms built out of plywood
That's about what I figured, given the intensity of the flames. I'm guessing because it was in a rural area, there were no zoning laws.

post a picture of your body


Germany used false flag operations in ww2, you better believe they would do the exact same shit or worse if they were in charge now.

Is this CIA shilling or CIA roleplay at this point?

it was built out of extremely flammable materials and the tanks had punched so many holes into the buildings that it essentially became an air fueled furnace once a fire started

>Agent Oranges you and your descendants

>Ruby Ridge
no they tried to get him to commit a crime since his neighbor was a cunt with friends and then they had to try and cover it up

This. The final redpill is realizing all centralized authorities and technologies are shit. Our only hope is a reset via global nuclear war. Read Uncle Ted and his teacher Jacques Ellul

more like
>made by people who got nuked and now want to pacify their warrior culture by spreading the faggiest shit possible.
anime is one of the major propaganda success stories of the century.

They were white nationalists hoarding guns and explosives in Ruby Ridge and at Waco they opened fire on the FBI during a warrant investigation because there was viable evidence they were killing people. The people who escalated it were the people at Waco and Ruby Ridge

You ever think CIA shills unknowingly get in the same thread and try to shill and countershill eachother?

Iran, constantly asks for the destruction of America and Israel in their Majlits, constant diplomatic insults, constant funding of Hezbollah through their outposts in Syria, funding of even Hamas and and funding of Houthis.
There was NOTHING they gave in return for the lifting of sanctions, perhaps just behind closed doors. No changing of discourse, no rational policy. Their adversariality has only gotten more insane.
How do you deal with these zealots obsessed with the fact Israel exists 2000km from them, raging that Israel is making peace with Saudis, Emiratirs, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and even Lebanon ?

What a nice list of regimes needing some fixin.. Makes me proud

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Im not a gook

Most of the farmers left so much men with ptsd and humiliated the greatest nation on earth and left so much men with ptsd good fuck them I actually have nothing against the military just their missions and operations and I’m going to join next year too

Can we all agree that while all terrorism is bad, terrorism that targets the federal government is the least bad?

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>dude let’s kill hundreds of innocents because of their unorthodox beliefs which they have freedom to express! This boot tastes so good!

>there was viable evidence they were killing people
Gonna need a source, fed.


Retarded masochistic schizo plebs need the boot of established power structures.
But nuclear war is still based.

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>Iran, constantly asks for the destruction of America and Israel in their Majlits, constant diplomatic insults, constant funding of Hezbollah through their outposts in Syria, funding of even Hamas and and funding of Houthis.

Fuck CIA, fuck isreal , and fuck the American foreign policy in the Middle East

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someone post the /k/ screencap of that guy who's Dad was an undercover cop and infiltrated a white supremacist militia group only to find out the entire group was various undercover FBI, DEA, Federal Marshals, etc

I know full well you're not a gook because they don't whine nearly as much as you do.
> and I’m going to join next year too
Good, maybe you'll get some of the faggot beat out of you.

I wonder if he still thinks government killed the people

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As long as the terrorists have a viable long term plan to rebuild shit after the fighting, sure.

So is this documentary any good or is it just another shit tier DEY WAS GOOD CHRISTIANS DEY DINDU NUFFIN

Who was in the wrong here?

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>drafting men to go die in a jungle across the world for no purpose
>wasting 50k lives to go kill asians in a jungle

This was such a pointless war in some jungle such a boomer thing to think anyone criticize of the war is a gook or anyone critical of drone strikes is a Muslim

>Saudis, Emiratirs, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and even Lebanon
Cuckolds and sellouts, all of them


Just cause we win so much, and being aligned with the US is just so fucking good for business I Bet you're one of the people who believe America is a loser from Syrian instability and basically all flashpoints going on, amirite ? Seethe more and learn geopolitics.

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wtf, I love the clintons now

I never said you were a gook, learn to read mongoloid. With your critical thinking skills I bet you're enlisting in the marines.