Insiders are PANICKING!

>D-don't worry you guys... my industry spies tell me the execs are SCARED! Larson will be fired before Endgame is even out! T-trust me...

Attached: TheCopering.png (745x775, 522K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>/pol/ finds out once again it's not a majority opinion
It's almost as if they live in a safe space where none of their opinions are actually cared for.


Why have you been flooding the board with these threads for the past six hours?

I hope you are a paid shill. It would be very sad if you were doing this for free.

And pol gets btfo again. Not as great as BP, but this will do.

>The majority of society are dumb and don't give a single shit about anything

>this shitposter again

>yet another captain marvel thread

why are u guys so emotionally invested on this trivial subject

>if I strawman, then maybe I can defend my precious /pol/brained opinion

Tell us again about how Disney is forcing every theater in the world to play Captain Marvel and nothing else

They promised to pay us with returns they made with Captain Marvel. A shame for us, it bo- OH RIGHT

Attached: LarsonLaff.gif (268x268, 2.35M)

Apparently if you shill Captain Marvel hard enough on Yea Forums, it will lead to having sex

only trannies and lefties hate pol
normal people dont give a fuck

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alpha chad vs incel manchildren. kek

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Do you fear coming across like that fat youtuber? Is he your nightmare version of yourself you want to differentiate yourself from?

Why are you pretending him and Yea Forums are some shared thing?

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I will never watch this movie but it's nice to see the culture warriors that spammed this shit here every day for a month get utterly BTFO

Its almost like it was getting free advertising from every news outlet on the planet!

Unironically, what's the point? It's okay a few threads, but why mods let so many threads about this movie?

Jewish Dracula vs manly werewolf

>should have...
>Captan Marvel...
>threads on...
>Yea Forums...

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These comic book movies do nothing but feed trolls and make them stronger. No amount of money made will counteract it. The movies will keep getting crappier though.

This is actually true, I used my mouse bucks from shilling Captain Marvel on a date and got laid afterwards.

its funny how they played the victim "well they insulted WHITE MEN and we won't take it anymore!! they can't do this to their target audience!", and then white guys went and watched captain marvel in droves lüül

both look like low test as fuck

Marvel has been making movies long enough to create their cuck slaves who pay for it on the first day.

Based, capeshit movies are based. I fucking love shilling for large corporations on tiawanese basket weaving forums. Incels with sub 400,00 views on youtube BTFO by my favorite piece of manchild fiction

white people are really fucking stupid in all honesty


sex have

I fucking LOVE corporations! BASED corporations appealing to women BASED

Disney bought out most of it

Is that Sargon the wizard of Cuckad?


I'm having Batman v Superman flashbacks.
And then it had a disastrous second weekend. Scott's attitude is disgustingly unprofessional. He might as well wear an "I HEART DISNEY" shirt and rename his article "LOL TROLLS BTFO BY BASED DISNEY!"

Only with your hand and lotion.

That's not Soigon, you blind retard.

That's great, I would hope these retards would learn hate is profitable in 2019 but they probably wont and disney will repeat this over and over.


I thought this was a revolutionary film that every woman would want to see.

Can we perhaps not have this thread deleted enough to use this to say how cancerous movie discussion has gotten on youtube? I mean even Tim Pool bro, why does everyone have to make all these cringey incel videos all the time?

Makes movie fans look worse than video game fans, I mean Dead or Alive series had a "controversy" and it lasted 3 days but Captain Marvel has been going on for MONTHS. Jesus Christ.

>manly werewolf

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Ok, Milo left himself go then, sorry i didn't recognised him.

>not a majority opinion
We know we are not the majority. We know we are nowhere near the majority. We know that 99% of the world is clown world. We don't care.

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Chances are Hiro took the same deal offered to any forum.

That's some pretty big cope from Disney shills.

Tom Meyers write movie industry news articles now?


Good to see Scott is still the same sellout since high school

56% American cuckolds have never been and never will be white.

Oh well

what happenes bros. you said this will be another ant man & the wasp

helllooooooooooooooooooooooo havre de grace

>outearns Incelita in a day

A. Pol prides itself on being the minority of non NPCs
B. Implying you half wits weren’t the ones board hopping and shit stirring all over Black Panther, you’re not half as smart as you think you are

And yet the majority of theaters of empty. It’s almost like someone is buying tons of tickets and inflating the sales...I wonder who....

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oh nononono
>b-but our robot waifu!!!

It sure is weird how all of these pictures have the lights on and no previews running.

Lordy culture warrior... it's almost like you don't know hoe a fucking movie theater works.

>muh box office
So what? Just proves it's consumerist spew with zero artistic merit to speak of.

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

And honestly... I just don't trust those numbers. No one I know even talked about this movie let alone went to see it. I would love to see the nitty gritty but I'm sure numbers have been massaged for decades and there probably isn't a bonafide source.

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so who are these "white men" we must hate if they dont exist?

Open an atlas and look at a map you dumb fuck.

You sure do, coming to a thread to whiteknight for them.

So the danes?

Scott cant keep getting awaey with it!

300 million is what disney spent on buying out the theaters

>says the europoor kike playing divide and conquer the whites on Yea Forums

>money isn't money
face it bruh your predictions were wrong

TheQuartering doesn't even care.

Why is Jeremy so based?

Me and my bud went to see it and it was great :) funny at right times, cool action and what a great twist! Really liked this movie!

Excuse me? You guys were making daily threads about how the movie would bomb, and how they would fire her. You're just getting your just desserts. Everybody thought you fags had learned your lesson after Chad Panther, but you guys never learn.

yeah, especially the website version lol idiot

>brie larson alienated the core marvel fanabse so it will flop!!!!
hopefully people here learn that internet outrage doesn't always translate to real life

>everyone is stupid but me

>I fuckin loooove shilling for youtube neckbeards, making their money by lying to people and presenting Yea Forums shitposts as facts with a shameless clickbait title!

>pol is a safespace
well, which one is it?

Yeah I think it'll legitimately pull 150m or so for it's entire domestic run, maybe 150-300m foreign depending how how it's received by Chinese and sub humans.

I never thought about it before tho. There is no neutral party that can give us real numbers. Think about if Lord of the rings "didn't make a profit" then how on Earth did we ever accept these numbers to begin with. Where do these numbers even come from? It's all rotten to the core.

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Of course he doesn't, he already tricked all those retards into clicking his videos over the past 6 months AND not gets to tell everyone that "the insiders told me the movie ACTUALLY failed! I was supposed to be even bigger than Black Panther! Execs are SCARED!" and the retards will click THOSE for six months, too.

Attached: LiveFreeOrCopeHard.png (1195x931, 1003K)

>le takes 15 minutes to say something that only needs 3 minutes beardman

/pol/ cant lose
i mean the didnt have their reputation and money on the line.
disney on the other hand...

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i think after weeks of endless captain marvel threads we deserve a little shitposting and banter. i'll never watch this capeshit trash if that makes you happy

He doesn't care about anything, yet makes daily videos sperging out about it. Really makes you think.

>You guys
who are "those guys"? this the first time i talk to you

Or that a bunch of incels are the core fanbase of these movies.

>this incel SJW cope
Even your leftist critics say it's hot garbage. Guess what you inbreds, your average mouthbreathing Marvel watching cretin never ever heard about this controversy. People don't give a fuck.

they also are seeing the shit at weird as fuck times that normies wouldn’t watch movies at

I am genuinely trolled by the fact people keep seeing these movies
I am so sick to fucking death of hearing about them all the fucking time
We're supposed to have this tiny population of children, right, cause nobody's fucking having kids
But here we are, billion after billion gushing up like geysers for fuckin Superman action figures

"Where does the incel population come from wtf how are there so many adult virgins" fuckin 12 years ago the 40 year old virgin came out and HALF the joke was "he's an adult that likes superheroes and star wars too much" but now that's the whole country

wtf is in the water
What happened


thats why you made 10 videos about this right? to show how much you don't care


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>majority of theaters
>8 pics
yikes, I'm lucky to have 3 of world's 15 kinoplexes in my home city

>bro this fucking nobody on the internet is making videos about how my faggot capeshit movies are woke and cringey, better go on Yea Forums of all places in the world to complain about it


I need screencaps!
Screencaps of /pol/ claiming the movie would bomb!

Attached: kek.jpg (1200x800, 121K)

They were though lol, they deleted the "want to watch" thing on RT. Damage control from shills. Nobody except false flaggers said it would "flop"
Trolls just wanted to stir the pot and they did

holy btfo incels

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Attached: original_result (5).png (512x512, 577K)

why are you people pretending he's influential and known outside your circles going 'look at this guy urgh i hate him'


I too remember the highly feminist tour de force that was Venom.

The mere idea you think any of that is a win for your holy interweb crusade is beyond parodical.

Have incels been btfo harder in the last 2 weeks?

>got btfo by a tranny
>got btfo by jim
>got btfo by sargon
>got btfo by tim pool
the absolute STATE of this soi filled faggot and his fans

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what's the point? any screencaps are deemed false flags and they could very well be. It's almost like it's an anonymous board or something

Left doesn't look that low t desu.

No, a fuckin nobody on the internet is making a bank out of retards by spreading misinformation. As a moralfag, I'm disgusted. This makes buzzfeed look credible in comparison.

Cope and have sex

>Captain Marvel lands at $455M USD Global Opening Weekend, 6th Best All-Time And the second best superhero opening ever
>we are winning!

>all theose toys and funny books

>half a billion in 3 days
>6th highest grossing opening of all time
So this is what incel victory looks like

WW gave them a bigger btfo because not only incels and Yea Forums were but also MCUcks at the same time.

>we brigaded everything so websites changed their layout for it to be harder in the future
And this is a victory how?

imagine how sad he'd be if he liked these movies and bought even more shit

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Thanks for reminding me of that birthday party stream. I need to listen to that again.

When I saw the empty theaters pics i said fuck it im going. I was barely able to get tickets. Fucking shills trick me into a packed movie theater with two fat couples two making so much sound with popcorn I could barely her the movie watching it on the very front of the theater.


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it was a win

in one side you see the bois having a laugh
in the other side you have a billionaire corporation doing damage control and using paid shills (commenters, reviewers, critics)


>Nobody except false flaggers said it would "flop"
Every fucking time. If it's one thing you can say for /pol/faggots they're consistent.

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As a moralfag you are in the wrong fucking place to be voicing your faggot opinion.

D-Disney bought up all of their tickets. Someone on twitter said their theater was only half full.


It hilarious how you can't see you retarded ways just accomplished that Disney show us is complete control over all mediums that could hurt its profits, you are a dumb faggot.

That man cant be stopped!

Can you imagine being a grown white male and being giddy that a feminist Disney capeshit movie made a bunch of money just so you can gloat on a website where everyone thinks you are a huge faggot?

>as a veteran of the memetic wars i deserve a full military burial...

>minority of non NPCs
>make america great again
>we are target audience so it flops because we make all their money

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Soldier, you will be remembered for your honorable deeds

oh wow, are you crying?

Have sex lol

fpbp, just look at all those wounded egos frantically moving the goalposts

Oh really? I thought we didnt like 500 damage control articles on TLJ spreading lies about russian bots.

Yes, for the death of standards in film and the ever decreasing quality of posters

Let the incels cope, lick their wounds, and jerk off into their corner about how a loss is a victory. Have sex.

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>8 pics with lights on half hour before screening
>site 12 hours before screening for time when normies will be sleeping to go to work since it ends 5 hours before their work time starts

So actual retards who arrive when lights are on to watch full hour of commercials do exist?

This board is crashing thanks to capefags like you guys. Literally who the fuck cares about this movie? Why does this thread have over a 100 replies?

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I dont give a shit. I care that a bunch of obnoxious faggots getting fuckin annihilated. Try to be less annoying in the future.

I was excited for this movie to come out because regardless of the outcome, someone would be majorly upset

I literally hope Disney corporate execs and their entire families are killed just so I never have to see a single article shilling capeshit ever again

You are more than a decade past that, bucko.

you're celebrating a comic book movie, dont pretend they're worse than you

you all buy the same toys

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Dilate between raids

>didn’t have your reputation on the line

Come on over to reddit, we’re laughing our asses off. Y’all are fucking DONE.

Imagine taking part in a huge internet crusade against a stupid capeshit movie because the lead actress said something retarded about white males, thinking that your little hissyfit will cause the movie to flop. And then imagine the movie still making half a billion dollars in 3 days. It is pretty funny

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>he replied

You worship a corporation, you’re a fucking loser.

I'm enjoying the fuck outta it, and it wasn't even a good flick.


The only reason to come to this god forsaken board is to gloat


hold back the tears user

That “internet crusade” is all Disney.

''The Quartering'' sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.

>(((white))) guys ordered tickets online in droves

this will not hit 1 billion

No, i like my film board without 20 active fhreads at a time for months about how BREEEEEEEEEEEEE Larson wants to KILL the WHITE MEN.

It's full on 21 year old progressive zoomer hell on Yea Forums with a steady uptick of capeshit obsession. That's happened in the last few years

Fuck capeshit, I'm laughing at the sexless incels bitching 24/7 about how this would flop. Go have some sex.

You have to admit Disney fat cats getting murdered would be far more entertaining that capeshit #31134710

These people seem to be invested in the performance of the movie even more than Disney. The numbers are coming in but they still try to tell people that it flopped because there were a dozen pictures of empty cinemas

Yeah, it will.

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CAHS (Cope And Have Sex

Damn Disney blew a ton on tickets

Wonder how steep the drop for week 2 will be

You are right but i think it's just people getting very annoyed at the fact that this trash is making bank and then there's faggots like OP who take great pleasure in winding people up about it, that's about it.


Do you only come here because you are worried about what the dreaded incels are up to?

1.5 here we come

Disney spends millions doing this shit, it will never go away

>The surname מענדעלסאן is transliterated to English as Mendelssohn, Mendelsson,  Man delson (surname), or Mendelson

every time

Attached: circle.png (2000x2000, 49K)

doesn't matter, Trump will win 2020

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t.random face generation in oblivion

>has terrible word of mouth
>everyone hated it bar scared shirtless reviewers
>its had it's big draw and has absolutely 0 buzz now
kek ok m80

Mendelson is /ourguy/ thou

tv tards made threads about muh feminism on muh movies for free, why the fuck dont you thing some people did this for free too? are you that retard?

When did Sargon and Pool btfo him?

>partake in an imaginary meme war against a capeshit movie as an adult white male
>best way to do this is to spam the tv board of Yea Forums with endless brie larson quotes and pictures of her feet, further bringing down the boards already pathetic quality
>get btfo by people who don't even know you exist
>accuse 10 people bantering you on said Yea Forums board of "shilling for capeshit"
but somehow poltards are not the problem, its everyone else

>Being so obsessed with youtube e-celebs that you make dozens of threads on Yea Forums about them
Marveldrones are PANICKING!

As someone that hates 'murrikkka, i honestly hope so.

Why is she such a cute?

Because they have every other corner of the internet to be a progressive tranny faggot

>no proofs at all
>empty cinemas
>hundreds of millions blown on advertising
>still considered a success

That's not a good thing. The majority is fucking retarded and will watch any movie that's available opening weekend. Reminder Transformers was one of the highest grossing movie series of all time.

That’s all Disney marketing. Kill yourself. And kill other Disney employees while you’re at it.

Imagine letting incels live in your head rentfree.

No you don't, you started these threads in the first place.
>After weeks of falseflagging, I think we deserve some more falseflagging to wind it all up
Protip: no one on Yea Forums watches youtube ecelebs

I never even heard of this guy until recently. Those streams where he was getting btfo are uncomfortable as fuck.

Honest question, why do these weird "alt right" "classical liberal" whatever the fuck types like to cannibalize one another on YouTube? Just trying to steal their limited viewership or what?

Transformers was fuckin based you nigger

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Jews want you to stop breeding
They control the media that shapes minds
They create you, the basedcel

Has anyone stopped to contemplate the fact that 20 years ago if you liked comics you where an incel that needed to get laid and now if you don´t like comics you are an incel that needs to get laid?

Also, Marvel is probably counting the giveaway tickets and the ones they buy themselves as part of marketing/ money evasion on those 455M. Plus, you know... they probably hired anti-russian trolls or something.

4channel anons aren't white

No you don't, piss off. You're defending a billion dollar movie franchise because you got tilted by some people falseflagging on Yea Forums
"Cope and have sex" as your kind would say, but I'm going to add to jump off a fucking building for getting so easily trolled as well.

Attached: Wilson_punched.jpg (129x175, 7K)

Jim is not a political activist. He shittalks anyone if he thinks the results will be funny. And a neckbeard stereotype sperging out about tits in mtg is a joke in itself.

Because they are legit bad people, and i'm not even talking about their politics.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND here we have the REASON people went to go watch CM.

I-It was trolling, you guys got baited h-haha

>Honest question, why do these weird "alt right" "classical liberal" whatever the fuck types like to cannibalize one another on YouTube? Just trying to steal their limited viewership or what?
Click, also Jeremy is very clearly faking it. He doesn't believe the shit he spews, he just flipped into this mode because he saw that it was a popular niche.
So when he's quizzed on his beliefs by other people, it results in the spergouts that you probably witnessed.

So basically you've proven yourself as petty and pathetic as /pol/. Good job.

fuck bethesda and fuck wahmen

Most of them are immature and want to troll one another. Making a difference to society is secondary to Yea Forums style epic lolz, which is why all of these dudes end up nowhere beyond where they've started.

Made more in opening weekend than Alita ever will.

Most of those threads consist of people telling mouse shills to kill themselves but they pretend otherwise

Modern marketing is downright dystopian, but even worse than that are the parasites that worship these corporations.

I love how people in this thread use "have sex" as an argument. you really show off your virginity like wearing a t-shirt.

capeshit was a mistake and so are you all.

Haha, that's a funny joke. A funnier joke would be stepping in front of a bus. That would really stick it to the incels!

Sure thing mongrel. Now tell everyone who you think is white while Mexicans bred you out of existance and your women gargle nigger cum.

And that's why so many retards just like you became invested in the financial success of the movie?

2BH if you are a male you should be out with your wife and children having family time right now instead of crying about this flick online.

>banned for MTG for life for sending his personal army on cosplayers
Yeah, I don't really believe in the 4D chess thing with this one.

>Excuse me? You guys
What guys? Show me.
>The falseflagging on Yea Forums by disney marketers
>That's why I'm defending Poor Indie studio known as DISNEY
You're fucking retarded. You literally never learn. You would go watch a fucking turd if Disney told you that it would make the alt-right feel bad.

If you complain about /pol/tards you are too sensitive for Yea Forums. reddit is more your style faggot ass nigger

Do you actually believe he did that?

>If you make fun at me, I win!
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

You're like one of those Sentinel Island nignogs attacking a helicopter with a sharpened stick. I won't ask you to kill yourself because that would force the zoo to get a new exhibit

That's when the switch happened, though. He realized that more people came out to defend him against evil MTG than people who came out to criticize him and then quickly changed tactics to cater to the people who were defending him.
His sub count only soared after that happened.

Lmao the /pol/ purity spiral now applied to who believes what more instead of just who is whiter. You people will never amount to anything.

have sex please

literally have sex

You have to go back.

You are retarded idiot if you don't undertand that the mere presence of a ''civilized'' nigger like you would kill those people just with your obvious cancerous aids germs you are carrying.

dont forget to dilate between raids

>You people
I don't visit /pol/ and I don't like e-celebs you fucking retard. Once again Yea Forums SJWs think anyone to the right of Stalin is literally an alt-right /pol/poster.
>purity spiral
Ironic coming from someone who is purity spiraling about /pol/.

We memed /ourguy/ into office. What have you done?


nobody likes an incel

Glad to see you admit your mistakes.

>you people
Cringe, worship corporations more

Of course he did, did you actually believe the explaination after conveniently deleting all the evidence. I saw those videos dude, I was subscribed for some vintage unboxings. The guy himself was an absolute sperg though and it looks like he got even worse.

It has already almost made 500mill you coping faggot just accept it's probably going to hit 1bill

The COPE in this thread is amazing, the absolute state of /pol/

WOW... it's like a movie in an established, twenty-year-long canon still has some pulling power or something.

This will go the way of the Last Jedi. Shit on your original fans, and watch that money run dry real quick.

Defending Disney on Yea Forums is sure to get you WOKE points which I heard you can trade in for sex with dudes

They were predicting $200 million domestic opening before Brie told whites to fuck off. $180 million right before the movie came out. But $156 million is a win?

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n-n-no, he was banned for his POLITICAL BELIEFS. truly a martyr.

>oh no he said nigger AND faggot! a true oldfag
please, politically obsessed people spamming tv with celebrity gossip and superhero movie news are a problem. it has nothing to do with being sensitive. be creative like poltards in the sopranos threads and its fine

Disney is going to have to do something to fix Marvel though. They CAN keep flooding the media cycle of controversy to drown out complains about their movies returning to the formula over and over again, getting less interesting, less inspiring, with poorly realized characters and ideas. But they problems are still there and still real. CM was one of their worst professionally reviewed movies. Marvel fans don't like it very much. People will criticize endgame a lot if CM just robs the heroes of their victory and their sacrifices and short-circuits the Thanos arc. Well, we'll see.

>when a movie does better than expected
"it's almost like society is crumbling and the average person is dumb as bricks"
>when a president is elected by vote
"we won! fuck you libs, WE are the better party. I'm glad America understands who the better candidate is"

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they spent 3 billion on advertising alone

*rubs hands together*
Thank you goy for keeping the party of Ilhan Omar out of the white house.

No no
They were predicting 300 million domestic. They genuinely thought this would beat Aquaman on the first OW.

What we're seeing is people celebrating over the goalposts they had to move.

>Attacking qt cosplaythots
The alt-right is literally a gigant gaymen orgy.

that's funny, discord tranny.

shut up Quarterpounder

What does obsessing over Brie's feet get you?

Yeah I agree that both of those things are a problem, but when you whine about /pol/ it makes you look like an effeminate little bitch tobehonestfaggotnigger

(((Scott Mendelson)))
He doesn't have too good a track record when observing cultural trends:

>Thanks Trolls, You Turned 'Ghostbusters' Into A Cultural Event - Forbes

>When a movie from our favorite mega corporations fail
"Haha this is why Capitalism doesn't work! Progressive ideals will never exist in our nazi white society!"

>When a movie from our favorite mega corporations succeeds

The United States of getting Own by Israel.

>go the way of TLJ
Guess it's going to the Billion+ Club. Cope harder.

depends on how close you get to them, pink eye at the worst I would think

>when you are a corporate bootlicker

When was the last time Yea Forums got BTFO this hard?

I seriously don't even care about Captain Marvel but it's pretty funny that /pol/ is going on about how society is full of retards but also the president is elected by majority vote

Imagine being a grown white male so invested in some capeshit garbage movie, talking non-stop about it and making bullshit predictions. Of course I'm going to gloat.

A large portion of the activist online right wing community comes from places like /r9k/. They are literally MGTOW incels. Why do you think e-celebs and youtube drama is so important to them? They have nothing else going on.

WW, BP and Aquaman

You will never pass

>The problem is politically obsessed people who aren't MY kind of politically obsessed
This is why it keeps happening.
There was literally no reason to be political about this movie. It's a fucking capeshit movie made by Disney. It's politics is to make hordes of retards go and watch a popcorn flick.

Yet you faggots made it about yaas queen slay the minute the promotional material came out. Then you complain about people 'politicizing it'. You literally caused this problem.

>the us president is elected by majority vote
I remember when i was 17 but I dont remember being this fucking stupid


DCucks with BvS

>muh trannies
All this fucking COPE

>I seriously don't even care about Captain Marvel but it's pretty funny that /pol/ is going on about how society is full of retards but also the president is elected by majority vote
Actually it's not, we live in a republic and the President is decided by the Electoral College.
Are you another genius progressive who thinks Hillary should have won because she got the popular vote?

Nah. Yea Forums loves Gal Gadot

>he thinks Disney will learn

They’ll step up their efforts. Controversy not cutting it? They’ll kill a theater of people. It’s going to happen. Disney will kill a group of people for advertising to perpetuate how important their meaningless garbage is.

You just can't stop winning. What a delusional moron you are.

I have literally seen one ad for this movie. All the best promo came from you incels circle-jerking over tweets. Which you did for free by the way.


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What is wrong with Americans?

These are estimates based on ticket sales (including the free ones). Real numbers are not even out yet lol

Rich liberals were buying tickets enmasse and giving them away for free.

This is what happens when you idiots make a movie popular to hate, retards.

But Hillary won the majority vote. What does that say about you?

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>which you did for free
Disney paid for that.

Obviously, people care, idiot. That's why there are so many replies. Nobody should care, but they do.

How do these rich liberals get so rich anyway? Did they just grow some money trees?

Now, that Brie legit seems like a terrible person.
Before it was a perfect storm of incels and Disney employes shitting non-stop on her and the movie for an entire year.

Seriously tho. Why does /pol/ get so triggered by random tweets? How sensitive are they?

They're stuck in a culture war because they're too pussy to go full-on civil war. So instead they grab pieces of popular media to try claiming is part of "their side" despite the fact that all of it is made by billion dollar corporations anyway, and none of it is on their side.

They'll never actually try to solve their problems, so both sides of the political spectrum are instead stuck in a passive-aggressive loveless marriage forever.


>this isn't even taking into account the merchandise and home media sales and streaming distribution rights

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Time to crown him. The new member of the JUSTice league of america

Attached: JUST.jpg (1400x1400, 281K)

god, you're stupid...

this. i was at the 7 eleven earlier and some rich yuppie gave me 3 tickets to captain marvel wtf? /pol/ bros it's not fair

>Now, that Brie legit seems like a terrible person.
Yes, she's worse than an ex-IDF israeli soldiers supporting tsahal war crimes and colonization of palestinian land

Quickly, post a picture of your Aryan wife and Aryan children.

Wait...are you against capitalism?!
Fucking commie die, die, die!!!
If only Daddy Trump could smite ye right-hater!
Oh vey!

yeah liberals literally have the thickest skin ever compared to /pol/tards, like I cant even remember a time a nigger lib has ever gotten offended over anything

>their side
Disney perpetuates this. All the “trolls” were manufactured. America is in the shit because the elite completely control the public consciousness.

Nothing is real

They literally need to be nuked

>No, i like my film board without 20 active fhreads at a time for months about how BREEEEEEEEEEEEE Larson wants to KILL the WHITE MEN.
But you're worshiping a corporation right now to 'combat' that.
A corporation that has made astroturf campaigns in the past to false-flag.

You're a fucking loser AND you're gullible as shit.
>b-better buy ten more tickets to CM to show that loser on youtube who's the boss...

Doesnt need one

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Right of the conqueror faggot. Not the Jews fault that Arabs can't win wars.

Attached: AHHH HELP ME SYRIO.png (750x522, 547K)

If it hadn't been for the retards on here sperging over the premiere I would have completely missed it.

You worship a corporation that hates you.

Have sex.

it shows it's all a scam, that it's basically soviet tier lying to the public about what the public want

who is that onions chugging faggot holy shit he looks like the stereotypical "my wife's boyfriend" caricature

They don't, you shitheads keep replying to threads started with a single tweet, so they keep happening.

>/pol/ obsessing over another man's hair
You people are so shallow.

Trump winning is also literally proof that society is crumbling though. If it wasn't then Trump and Hillary wouldn't even have been candidates.

>All the “trolls” were manufactured
Bruh, we were here for it, we know it was you guys, I don't know why you think there's even a chance anyone will believe this

I'm talking about the run of the mill neckbeard capeshitter that gets his politics from shitstains like Shapiro, for me at best Gal is a zionist hairhead and at worst a former child murderer but Brie is a prick no matter what her politics are.

I get plenty. You have sex for getting tilted enough to shit up Yea Forums or being a mouse marketer yourself.
Then go jump off a building.

JUST versus neckbeard

Not like you though right? I'm sure you have a killer hairline and are over 6'0

Conquering what?
Israel was literally given to them you fucking ignorant piece of shit, go back to talk about your fucking capeshit and stop trying to sound smart or edgy, you bootlicking cuck.

Don't shit on your base Quarterpounder. You'd be nothing without /pol/ controversies.

>Bruh, we were here for it, we know it was you guys
Post receipts or you're full of shit and are getting baited by falseflagging.
You don't know shit. You're an anonymous loser on an anonymous board getting baited by weak marketing to save Disney some social media money.

You're as retarded as all the accounts on Twitter doing exactly the same thing.

have sneed

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Keep up relentlessly astroturfing, it’s not going to make people want to kill you or anything. I’m being genuine here, never leave.

high test

Have sex



n-no they were all paid shills! 4channel is never wrong!

Kill Disney employees

1-2 dickless men baiting 5-10 brainless ones

>Scott "We should stop making movies about white people" Mendelson
>Alpha chad


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Lmao triggered /pol/tard. Look at a map and see Israel exists and Jews own your country. Now cope.

>muh pol boogeyman

Attached: keklnk.jpg (500x688, 88K)

Dilate between raids or your """"Vagina""""" will close up

Just how sad must your life be that you dedicate it to something like that?

>He thinks /pol/ hates Israel

f*ckin epic, how do I upvote on here? you tell those dirty /pol/tards comrade!

if sex is so good why are you posting?

Jim is a cowardly idiot with a cult following. He is clearly interested in politics, but won't even talk about what he actually believes because of his paranoid fear of opening himself for an attack.

>it’s not going to make people want to kill you or anything
Imagine getting this worked up talking about capeshit on 4chin.

>$500 mil *worldwide*
>On a weekend with zero competition
>After billions spent in advertising
>Critic score high, actual score low

It's not bad, not a flop, but not some crowning achievement. All the propaganda has been as bad or worse as any trolling.


In what planet is JonCuck white?
The fuck is wrong with that wop?

You shouldn't be allowed to use a computer, you pants-shitting mongrel.

>IMAGINE defending Sargon of LeCuck or whatever that hamburglar name is on fucking Yea Forums

I can answer this with an anecdote:
I have an uncle who is 100% convinced there is a secret moon around the other side of the Sun named 'Nemesis', that destroys the Earth's atmosphere every billion years and it's due to destroy us again in the next fifty. We hear about it all the time. This is a serious issue for him that literally keeps him up at night.
He's not an unsuccessful man, he has a good job, gets tons of pussy, and still goes on dates with hot chicks despite being 50. I don't even think he's a stupid man, but this minor thing in his life completely consumes him because it's the thing he worries about inbetween all of that.

I think the culture war thing is just another version of that. There aren't stupid people perpetuating it, but instead people who have become too invested in something they believe to be the most important thing in the universe. I pity them, just like I pity all the people who tear apart Yea Forums every few months when a new controversial movie comes out.

Wrong. It was 6 gorillion.

it's a mind game.based scott is secretly /our guy/ that's why he's writing those over the top articles

Ok Sargoy, how's that Gamergate 2.0 doing?

But he shilled hard for TLJ and Solo too?

Tell your uncle that turn that into a script and try to capitalize in his success when they turn it into the next capeshit.

>IMAGINE complaining about some nerdy white dude with shit for subscribers that criticizes sjw's ON Yea Forums when you should be dilating

On international women's day no less

I guess since shills are over half the board today scott really is technically kind of "our guy"

Imagine getting so tilted by youtubers that you bring that youtuber drama over here to show the world how not-mad you are.
It would kind of like getting fucking owned trying to talk about your shitty capeshit film and then bringing your butthurt over to Yea Forums because Disney (not even you) made shitzillions of dollars off of gullible retards like yourself and that somehow gives you a contact high.

You sad little shit. Look how angry you're getting. All red in the face, typing dumb conspiracy shit about a worthless capeshit movie.

This. It's overblown marketing hype.
Notice no one is talking about how good the movie is? In fact, they almost seem to want to distract from anyone talking about that as much as possible.

>IMAGINE being a shill for a neckbeard grifter with a Youtube channel with hours upon hours of him crying about She-Ra and other kids shows that end with him trying to sell you his merch.

I'm good at multitasking.

Yeah, i'm that dude is the one thats mad.
Lol keep coping with getting fucking own on your culture war by a shitty capeshit movie, loser.

>imagining how tight all these anons' cock cages are

Attached: 1546929163269.gif (188x364, 23K)

It's going great. We're BTFOing Brie Larson and Disney.

>says person making insane projections on Yea Forums because someone didn't like his mouseshit movie.
Any more conspiracies you'd like to make? Look how angry you're getting. Projecting your own sad little anger onto other people because no one liked your worthless capeshit movie.

Yeah by lying and making everything look like a self-parody at this point. Just an independend guy, doing his thing, scamming gullible idiots from money and all of that. How dare I.

have sneed

have gay sex

Best post in the thread

if global thats really sad.

Oh fuck I clicked

/pol/ is pretty autistic
But you guys are the peak basedetroopers that only serve reddit’s finest