I dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda...

i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick

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have sex

How is it feminist propaganda? You can argue they would have lost without Max. The fact it has some chicks in it and one super badass chick doesn't make it feministic. It's like saying Ripley from the Aliens promotes feminism. Do you not want equal rights for women? Oh, i forgot where i was

The women get their asses kicked just as hard. They also showed them in several moments of weakness where they wanted to go back because they weren't strong enough to go on. Nothing Furiosa did took away from Max as a character either.

Women are not allowed to be strong and save the day, op? You're a musclebound hero yourself, are you?

Wtf is wrong with you? Sexist scum.

It's not propaganda although there are some feminist themes. Overall I found it mediocre

okay Kate now go and sob a bit for attention on your blog. we discuss real stuff here

>Do you not want equal rights for women? Oh, i forgot where i was

You forgot who frequents Yea Forums in 2019. We're not all incel losers like you.

>how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda?

They make it clear by the end that Furiosa's new society is destined to fail, which is why Max doesn't decide to stay.

immortan Joe was the good guy in this movie - he literally wanted to build a society in postapocalyptyc world, literally trying build something from nothing but Strong Wymyn TM happily saved the day thanks to womn magic and emotions. pathetic

Did you miss the part where the women are sex slaves and milk factory? even Furiosa mellowed when she knows Max can be trusted and instantly ask for his help.

All the sand hags die.

> Literal white males being treated like disposable tools being thrown into an unending war machine
> Immortan Joe is a "bad guy" but somehow manages to run three distinct cities, the only examples of civilization that are seen or even mentioned in the entire film
> Joe stockpiles fresh water for his citizens and forces them to ration it as it is a precious resource

> Stronk Wahmen takes off with Joe's harem
> Has shaved head to appear more masculine
> Fucks everything up
> Every decision Charlize Theron's character makes is wrong
> Is saved by a Straight White Male multiple times throughout the film
> Have running battles in dope ass high test monster trucks, semis, and roid rage hotrods
> Joe is finally defeated
> Charlie The Ron's character decides to open the valves and turn on the water, meaning it will be completely gone in a matter of hours
> The entire civilization will die in less than a week
> Max decides he'd rather fuck off into a godforsaken desert than deal with a woman led government

The entire film is a love letter to men, I don't understand how anyone could be stupid enough to think it's a "feminist movie".

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oh yeah remember that sand hags are pretty much a jesus in the movie - thy plant shit to restore earth than evil man destroyed. future is a woman, im a woman hear me roar

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Watch pic related instead, no bull dyke "who killed the world" bullshit. Most realistic post apo flick (including the role of women).

Attached: the-survivalist-56bd135af2a0b.jpg (1000x1426, 669K)

lmao at that mental gymnastic

its called cope mechanism, probably written by woman *sigh*

shut up fag loser. This movie is how female roles should be done

>Did you miss the part where the women are sex slaves and milk factory?
Annnnnnd??? did you miss the part where it is the actions of the big bad guy? that they kill at the end?

this movie was based and an example of non-female propaganda movie, that doesnt force women into being empowered

feminist consultant on the movie outright said it was feminist propaganda meant to be done subtly enough that idiots wouldn't be immediately resistant to it

Just because she's a strong woman that's not her only characteristic. Is Alien a feminist movie because Ripley is the strong hero? Max is more of a mary-sue than her if that's what you mean OP. It's not a feminist movie at all.

exactly this

The women are good at shooting there, and despite being weaker than men in most aspects in the real world they're comparable when it comes to shooting. Furiosa is never as good in close combat as Max or the men, the breeders are not particularly useful and the old women all die very quickly.

You both should have sex first then post your garbage incel opinion

This is still around? Fuck me.

>every movie with a hero is propaganda for whichever group the protagonist belongs to