White audience for Captain Marvel the minority in America

Opening weekend breakdown for this (white) female empowerment movie
>61% male
>47% Caucasian, 21% Hispanic, 16% African-American and 12% Asian

Attached: merlin_137397132_46b817e8-5854-47bf-9661-e7c8d75d87de-articleLarge.jpg (600x400, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS712US712&biw=2327&bih=1243&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=M1uFXLntL7G1ggfYyaaADg&q=brad muir &oq=brad muir &gs_l=img.3..0i30j0i24l5.10285.10285..10529...0.0..

is the pic shooped?

Attached: 1470437525539.jpg (303x303, 20K)

incel manbaby capeshitters are main reason we are flooded with capeshit every few months

Attached: SUPERHERO AUDIENCE.jpg (994x745, 166K)

100% onions

>Whites are the minority in America
Fixed for you retarded /pol/tard

is that ethan van schiver in the third row?

I don't think you know what minority means.

Not like us, based Magawarriors

Attached: savior of the white race.png (218x397, 138K)

Yes, we know. White people are fucking cucks.

You can say you fucking hate them and they're dogshit and you wish they were all and black guys fuck their women while they cry in the corner.

But they'll turn the other cheek and smile. They're weak.

I can't wait until China takes over their fucking country.

Majority is still white guys, because 16 year old white boys think Marvel is the best shit ever, as is Fortnite

just a bunch of minority parents finding something to distract their kids for a couple hours so they dont have to

>can't wait until China takes over their fucking country

any proof this guys a white nationalist? or do you just like slandering a 14 year old fat boy

Absolute unit.
I'd rather be on his side desu

What the fuck, are they ticking off racial/gender catagories when you buy your ticket at the theater?

google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS712US712&biw=2327&bih=1243&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=M1uFXLntL7G1ggfYyaaADg&q=brad muir &oq=brad muir &gs_l=img.3..0i30j0i24l5.10285.10285..10529...0.0..

is he the original basedman?

How new are you?

>ONE SPIC TICKET, enjoy the movie sir.

Box Office Mojo has been doing this for years.

>47% Caucasian
i don't get it

My God! Are Americans really that fat? That much mass should bend the light from the projector.

why do they all have fat bellies but arms like Kate Moss? I saw one of these creatures in the wild once, at the immigration check in at Shanghai Airport. He was like this but infinitely more depressed looking with two hapa kids. The children were running around and dancing whilst he looked ready to kill himself.
I thought - that will never be me. So I dumped my girlfriend 5 days later.

The debate is exaggerated. No one who isn't constantly on movie forums gives a shit; they just want to be entertained and don't care who the protagonists is. The film is heavily hyped and has little competition till Shazam and Endgame.

Are you German?

He may be new but he is still based

Need more Hispanics

Attached: e7e.jpg (932x960, 101K)

Have seks incels

except nobody was in the theaters