Be jawlet

>be jawlet
>considered one of the most attractive actors to date

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he was incel before he roided.

>obviously a nigger
>considered one of the most attractive actors to date

It's "chinlet", you stupid newfag.

He's certainly a lot more attractive than you could ever be :)

That dude has a thyroid condition

all niggers are chinlets

Well, hes rich, ripped as fuck and is probably hung like a horse

actually blacks have larger jaws than whites but smaller skulls

Imagine having your whole carrer based on the fact that your a nigg named michael jordan. I would rather just not have a career.

he said chin not jaw

He's got an average-above average dick, but because he's a nigger everybody's calling it small since it's not a horsecock.
>tfw the Bee-Bee-Cee is being used to remove niggers from the dating pool since they never measure up to the myth
Wtf, the Jews are the good guys?!

So many white people have good chins and jaws that makes it a death sentence if you don't have that while being white. The standards of facial attractiveness for whites doesn't work with blacks. It's not unusual and is actually normal for a black guy to be a chinlet so it doesn't take anything away from him because all you can compare him to are other blacks that are also like that.

literally anyone on /fit/ is attractive

he looks like that guy with the biohazard tattoo and the long skinny dick

People are just being polite, like when they call trannies stunning and brave. You can see he's puzzled by his success too.

He looks good but most of the hype is just people desperate into making black guys sex symbol.
Danzel Washington was better

>hung like a horse

>shitting on Michael B Jordan.
Dude is actually a pretty actor. He was the only well fleshed out character in Black Panther. More than T-Challa the main fuckin character.

This level of cope is honestly painful

i keep seeing people say this but he isnt a chinlet. His chin lines up with his brow/forehead. His chin isnt recessed. His jaw looks good from the front and side. I think the problem is that the area under his chin is rounded making his jaw look less defined.


his chin isnt recessed its normal and even. the problem is his submental fat but he is rich he should get that fix asap, makes his face rounder.

This. Just usual kike shit of having to pretending niggers are "attractive" and normal people.

unironically look at the top of his head
it looks like his face is trying to separate from his skull


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>be average nigger
>kike makes you wear a suit

>considered one of the most attractive actors to date
Said no sane person ever.

You seriously need help and maybe some social interaction


Lmao peanut head

Have sex

>to date

Attached: planet.webm (1920x816, 1.91M)

i planned to but trump shut down backpage

He took the squint pill, this guy is always squinting