MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE movie starts filming

Will it be kino?

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Skeletor is gonna make or break the film. Who's playing him?

Unfortunately not Frank Langella.

No idea,filming starts this summer in Prague,casting most likely will be announced in april-may.

Jared Leto would make a good Skeletor.
He's enough of a dramafag that wearing a mask wouldn't diminish that

I read it was cancelled three weeks ago. Nice if true.

It isn't. They got the right back from Mattel and decided to go fast and do it,if Sony lost them then WB would've do it.

Andy Serkis CGI man

Why? He's awful

Last I heard, Sony's plan was for He-Man to square off against a different villian firstand save Skeletor for the sequel.

Yeah, I know how fucking retarded that is. Good news is that Mattel has more leverage in the film now than they did a year ago and I doubt they'd go through with that.

Haven't these kikes learned their lesson yet?

NEVER make a movie just to set up a sequel

He-Man does have other villains in their universe. Hell, there's three evil factions: you have Skeletor's Evil Warriors, you have Hordak's Horde (yes, he was a He-Man villain first), and you have King Hiss's Snakemen. While Skeletor is undoubtably the most famous and recognizable, and they should do him first, it's not that impossible to save Skeletor for later.

desu Langella will never be topped, but hopefully we get something decent at least


This. Just make the movie and if it's popular enough, make a sequel. Marvel didn't make Iron Man planning on a cinematic universe. They didn't put all their eggs into one basket.

>Will it be kino?
Doubtful. It will probably feature Teela saving He-Man's ass, but will definitely have plenty of screen-time for cowardly Prince Adam. And She-Ra will likely get some snarky anti-male quips in as well.

Do you REALLY think we'll get some testosterone ass-kicker in Current-Year? Fuck, even Thor Ragnarok featured Thor saying how it was "about time" to have female Valykries and spouted crap like that, with Valkyrie shown frequently upstaging Thor. Expect more of that, sadly.

Hmm it's being made by Sony so there's at least a chance for it to be kino. I'm in total love with the universe, aesthetics, music, effects everything with the original.

It was such a shame to see She-Ra's memory raped by fucking SJW crap this year, so I'm praying to see a remake that'll be the opposite.


Why is everything being filmed in czechialalala these days?

Great scenery and cheap labor.

it's cheap

Prague is great, bro

Attached: elle cappuccino.webm (640x800, 2.27M)


Man-At-Arms will be black

>Muh Langelo
He was awful because the rubber mask was so distracting. Evil Lynn was kino tho.

Idris Elba?



There are blacks in Eternia at least?

>you have Hordak's Horde (yes, he was a He-Man villain first)
What? What other franchise has Hordak been in, I only know him from MotU.

Go be triggered somewhere else, kid.

Probably meant as he's the main villain for She-ra.

Have STDs

Unchecked quads, trips, and dubs? I'll claim these numbers for the forces of darkness and use them to defeat he-man once and for all!

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That guy doesn't look like He-Man at all. They should have found a guy who looks more like Dolph Gungan.

Meesa no think yousa meant to type what yousa did.

Imagine being this based

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leaked pic. looks kino

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The interview with Frank is very interesting. The guy really cared and put a lot into playing skeletor . The guy was a real actor but gave 100% into what was basically a low budget Cannon film based on a shitty Saturday morning cartoon based on a cheap plastic toy line.
Pure professionalism. Some other actors could learn a lot from him

Apparently the directors are a pair of indie brothers who made this and not much else:

Gives me some hope, there must be some treason they got it and it could be a god-tier pitch and passion like how Gunn got Guardians of the Galaxy,

Rubber Body suits actually look good. Wouldn't be against them using one

Only Snyder could handle the homoerotic nature of He-Man. But he would ruin it by making it too washed out


Yeah as long as they fit the whole aesthetic of the film they should look fine.

Some people thought a He-Man / Florida Project crossover wouldn't work but here we are

No. He will probably be busy with Suicide Squad


much better than the dolph ludgren one

It might've been a bad movie, but Langella took the role seriously and gave it everything he had. Crossed the line from scenery chewing into actually being based


Clamp Champ

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how is it this sunny rn

This guys us gonna trow hirself

Id like the movie to be over the top but without sarcastic quips. Doesn't seem like that's really possible now though. Can't do Campy without cynical jokes pointing out how Campy it is

wtf, we need hordak, also what is that gay ass skeletor?

Man I hope they don't get some shredded buff actor to play him because that would be sexist bullshit. Also give him a bulky set of armor because he shouldn't have to demean himself running around in a fur underwear.

IDK user, and I know this is a lot of hindsight and alone wouldn't have been enough to save the trainwreck, if Green Lantern had stuck to a smaller scope and set up the option for a sequel rather than going all out and fucking including parallax as the end all bad guy then it would have been a tighter story

No clue, it's been raining for the past two days.

>filming starts this summer in Prague
How do I get hired as an extra? I wanna be an extra in this shit.

A Game of Thrones inspired He-Man would be kind of brilliant.

>Game of Thrones inspired
>MCU inspired

You stupid fucking zoomers really don't see what cancer this is?

Are you buff ?

he how is the coffee at CottoCrudo

yeah apparently some parts of prague got a bit of sunlight not mine :(


Attached: furry fool breakdance take off your furry pants, take off your high heels and put them in your ass.j (832x581, 44K)

Will it have a Norem aesthetic?

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Subsidies most probably
t. Prague dweller

Not He-Man level, but I've been known to browse /fit/. Maybe I should tan, get a haircut and have some pictures taken by a professional... And then use that to apply.

> Triggered by a turn of phrase.


Really? It's been raining around Haje like a motherfucker.

Only if it doesn't follow the cartoon. A darker He-man is what it needs.

Smichov and southern part had like 20 minutes of sunlight today.

Disaster of the Universe. Amirite?

Not a response

I hope it gets warm soon, I really want to get a tan this year before we get hit with 30+ degrees weather.

A modern take on 80s fantasy is what it needs. It's tough because modern production methods seem to make it impossible to capture the atmosphere of films like Legend, Willow, Conan and the like.

I got my spring/summer wardrobe ready and then the weather kicked me in the nuts


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when I was a kid I used to play with my he-man and she-ra toys in the bathtub. the plot was ALWAYS the same: she-ra gets kidnapped and he-man comes to rescue her, just to beat the shit out of her too after he finished off the bad guys. they always ended up fucking when he-man was done smacking her around. hmm

All kids play like this. The only thing that makes you an epin self diagnosed Joker is you refuse to outgrow it.
