>80-95% drop off
Your opening weekend means nothing Marveldrones.
>80-95% drop off
Your opening weekend means nothing Marveldrones.
Why are you such a pathetic incel?
It'll probably be a 70% drop off, which is normal for these films. Real question is why do people care? It's not your money. You aren't getting rich or poor. Only people profiting are a few jews at the top.
If the movie does well it tells the producers to make more of this garbage.
Disney is trying to force this to be popular by literally buying out the theaters to only play this opening weekend. It's trash and people shouldn't support it
Many people reported sold out theaters running Captain Marvel to empty seats. No surprise here because the rat did the same for Black Panther. Not counting the thousands of tickets they gave to non profit organizations. Still, the rat gets 70% of all ticket sales in the United States first weekend. Second weekend is where we see if their dyke has legs.
I'd argue a greater drop off. The only thing it has going for it is the Marvel brand recognition.
>Top critics who aren't part of the elite are harsh towards it.
>Feminists don't seem to like it.
>Twitter Normies are mixed on it.
>Yotube critics and incels say it was bad.
>The multiple dramas surrounding it.
>One really liked the character even before the movie.
Just for a comparison Spiderman HC had biggest drop off to date of any MCU movie to date and he's Marvels most popular character. Just think about the drop off of one of Marvels least liked characters added on with all the negative baggage and drama it has. I predict this won't be your "average" drop off.
In parts of Australia several theaters had to carry only Cap'n Dyke.
Reminder only incels went to see Captain Marvel. They are so desperate they thought if they went to it they would have the privilege of looking at an RL woman, but women didn't even show up lmao
/tvpol/ wants to fight the culture war.
Was this meme ever confirmed or was it just that people were checking screen times weeks in advance? Most cinemas only show advance times for the most high-profile releases, with the rest of the listings being updated each Monday.
This, all the male feminist incels got played by Disney.
Hating on movies is not pathetic, defending blockbuster movies like dorky white knights is absolutely pathetic though.
Because its funny you idiot, its not so complicated.
It makes all these commie libfags suddenly start supporting Disney like retards, shows how much RT will squirm if Disney gets hurt by trolls while allowing fake good reviews with no issue.
How do I convince my normie friends to boycott this movie without sounding like an incel manbaby?
Tell them critics say it bad. That's what I did.
The only reason capeshit still exist is because it makes money. The less profitable capeshit becomes, the more likely it'll die.
Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.Your friends will be to happy to go watch the movie and might go to a bar to celebrate.
>its funny
I find nothing funny about jews making money. That's just everyday life.
>If the movie does well it tells the producers to make more of this garbage.
How does this affect you, though? At the end of the day, just don't go. If they make a Captain Marvel 2 (and they will), don't go to it. Problem solved. Obsessively following the box office is just a waste of time.
Cry more
>mouse cum drinkers think a bad movie can keep making that much money after opening weekend
oh nononooo
>yfw it's already tracking for 1 billion
>It'll probably be a 70% drop off, which is normal for these films
Normal for a BvS tier disaster
Cry more.
it's unbelievably bad
pt 2
I guess but shouldn't they be cheering on Captain Marvel? She is white, and she's destroying Black Panther and Aquaman, two movies starring non-whites. Shouldn't this be a win for white power?
>Shouldn't this be a win for white power?
not if it's Disney
Have sex.
oh wow, what will they do, will they drop another avengers CM with her in it like they did with black panter to ensure new wave of normies
you have only been posted 27 times in the last 2 days
>Many people reported sold out theaters running Captain Marvel to empty seats
so far not a single report of this happened. We only had retards taking photo of 2 front rows 20 minutes before screening starts
Have sex incels
Have sex
It literally needs worse legs and WOM than Batman vs Superman to make less than a billion. And that's not going to happen you dumb incel.
That's virtually impossible. You get that, right?
Literally only 12 movies in history have had an 80%+ second weekend drop off, and none of them had massive franchises like the MCU behind them.
Even a critical and commercial bomb like Batman vs Superman dropped 69% in its second week. If Captain Marvel were going to drop 80%, it would have to be hounded by terrible reviews (real reviews, not "audience scores") and a general vibe of people saying don't waste your time seeing it. Captain Marvel by and large is getting a good response (plus there's the MCU cult fanbase who'll see whatever bullshit MCU puts out).
It's nearly made half a billion in one weekend worldwide.
Jesus Christ, how’d this even happen?
That's why a $500 million treasure chest for PR will do for your movie.
Marvel hype and an actually decent movie? And a general public having a good enough bullshit detector (if they even heard of the "controversy") to disregard a bunch of incels living in echo chambers?
>decent movie
lul. It's Thor tier.
Acquire intercourse incel.
>Captain Marvel by and large is getting a good response
t. delusional cuck
I bet they spent at least 150 million buying theaters on thursday night.
They could have done it overseas too where it would be harder to track, not that we can track it at all.
They know it's shit.
she looks weird there.
she has big shoulders and no neck
haha yes just like Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Black Panther, right? oh wait!
>CM will bomb in reviews!
>CM will bomb its opening weekend!
>i-itll do bad in its second week! < you are here
Alita is more talked about. Wait for Halloween.
I have bad news for you
Have sex incels
>Marvel hype and an actually decent movie? And a general public having a good enough bullshit detector (if they even heard of the "controversy") to disregard a bunch of incels living in echo chambers?
what it's like to be white knighting cuck?
Have seks incel
>That's virtually impossible. You get that, right?
Not if you throw a little bit of pocket change at theaters to buy tickets from your own movie.
>Literally only 12 movies in history have had an 80%+ second weekend drop off, and none of them had massive franchises like the MCU behind them
The fact you mention this and don't see anything suspicious about it at all, is more telling of who you are then anything else.
>If Captain Marvel were going to drop 80%, it would have to be hounded by terrible reviews
Oh you mean the same reviewers being paid already to give positive remarks?
>and a general vibe of people saying don't waste your time seeing it
Oh you mean like they're doing right now?