Most kino moment of the century
Most kino moment of the century
Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never serve under zhukov
and rape upper class berlin hotties with your huge 4 inch dick
>Jason Isaacs is wearing fewer medals than the real General Zhukov. The director thought that the real number of medals was too unbelievable.
This movie was so unfunny
Shukov got rapists shot. Without any èxceptions.
Why even live?
t. beria
is this a docu?
no, it's comedy. but it's more or less historically accurate. they cut down some stuff, but most stuff happened as displayed. that historybuffs goon did a video on it, in case you're interested.
Daily reminder that Zhukov was "forced" to retire by Khrushchev less than a decade after this happens. Commies are neurotic.
Jason Isaacs is fucking great
reminder soviet medals are meaningless
OUT OF MY WAY YOU FFFFffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaannnieeessss
Complete and total fucking LAD.
Zhukov was an absolute freak, easily one of the greatest military men to have lived
Russians probably think the same, they'd probably have melted them down into bullets during the war anyway.
Cathedral of Light will never be topped
this movie looks like it was made for retards that would enjoy the Green Book
Reminder: Khrushchev was so jealous of Stalin's fame that he purposefully and falsely blackmailed him for decades which results in many a retard nowadays firmly believing that Stalin literally ate children and was worse than Hitler instead of a based and wise leader he actually was.
>scenes that'll grow some hairs on your nuts
Reminder Zhukov and Rocckosovsky accomplished more than all the quippy warrior poets from the US combined
Death of Stalin was absolutely fantastic.
Has Jason Isaacs ever delivered a bad performance? He's consistently the best thing in almost anything he appears in.
Hang on now, I've been trying to model myself after Stalin for years now. Are you telling me that I ate those children for nothing?
I mean, they tasted good, but the amount of legal loopholes I had to jump through, and all that paperwork was just staggering.
yeah well youd be neurotic too if your governmental system boiled down to whoever is strongest seizing absolute power and killing all potential opposition
>be US
>calmly wait for Hitler to destroy your common enemy the USSR
>oh shit ruski too strong
>oh shit they btfo nazis in Stalingrad and are invading Berlin
>throw in troops pretend to be on USSR's side
>this is part of the plan we're the good guys I swear
Hey, he was talking about USSR, not third reich.
Sounds like I'm in the right thread.
>have Patton compose quips while cultivating new strains of syphilis within his body and suffering from the inadequacy of knowing that he would be shat out and run over by tank treads in a week on the Eastern Front
shit user, sorry your bait was so weak. here's a (You) and maybe another post you can reply to
When the fuck is this thing coming to blu ray. I watched it for the first time off the pirate bay and now i actually wanna own it
>based Dr Goodsir on the left
never noticed
You would never anyways as you’re a tranny faggot that sits inside all day and considers going to the grocery store an anxiety triggering activity
>cold war begins
>look we're not even going to pretend we'd be a match for the red army, let's just say we don't want any conflict and try to "contain" communism
>still manage to get BTFO in Vietnam
>get BTFO in Cuba
Can amerisharts ever win?
Major medals were awarded for events known to everyone, if someone pinned them on their chest for pomp like Brezhnev people knew immediately.
Zhukov got his medals for overseeing and winning battles with hundreds of thousands of men on each side that dwarfed anything else in history, his medal of victory is worth more than every American medal ever issued combined
Good catch.
>Be US
>Be too much of a pussy to join the war stright away
>Finally be attacked in late 1941
>Don't start giving it an actual go until 1943
>Do some meme island hopping in the Pacific
>Invade useless shit like North Africa in the European theater (I know, sounds weird)
>Finally start actually doing something useful against the germans mid 1944
>Still, Soviets do all the heavy lifting, 90% of Wehrmacht casualities were on the eastern front
>Soviets still take Berlin despite literally just making it a free ride from the west
>Kick the nips out of everything outside of Japan proper
>Can't be arsed to do some real fighting, drop a jewish nuke instead
>Nips won't surrender
>Drop a second nuke
>Nips won't surrender
>Soviets invade Manchuria, taking the area the size of 1/3 of Europe in a matter of days
>Japan surrenders
funny isn't it?
>>Finally be attacked in late 1941
Oh yes....(((attacked)))
Yeah I know how important Zhukov was, just he would be the first to say use my medals as ammo.
Also not even the Germans had the opportunity to use there soldiers as literal cannon fodder, he was using cheat mode in alot of his battles.
He’s criminally underrated.
Ah yes
I'll go to my grandpa's memorial grave and tell him how mericans won the wor by dropping lmaonukes on innocent civilians.
Eastern Yuro here, my great grandpas where Nazis and shot Commies like flies at the Eastern front because the Commies (Jews) send soldiers to fight against the Reich with NO WEAPONS!
The Commies said just take a gun from you dead Comrade.
One of my great granpas (Wehrmacht officer) shot 857 Soviet soldiers in 3 days because of that, he felt bad and sick shooting at unarmed soldiers.
He had nightmares of those days, a literal hill of dead Soviets in the 20s.
The Soviet Jews sended their own into the meatgrinder.
After WW2 he became a high ranking Communist, and got filthy rich.
The others became either Soviet spies, or government officials.
Jews have no soul!
Why is this film so kino and comfy
>all USSR does is build gigantic plants and melt an elephant gargantuan ton of metal
>no weapons
How retarded are you to make this shit up? Get the fuck out of here.
> ripe apples in 1953 ussr in March in the very first scene
Not a fucking clue about the ussr lol
>ywn give your life defending not real socialism
>one man takes the rifle meme
By 1942 all soviet armies were better equipped
Ah yes, these poor poor innocent germans. Remember guys, they dindu nuffin and were the good boiz.
Ever heard of "You reap what you sow" faggot?
Germans deserved everything they got and much much more. Raping your grandma wasn't enough. All of you should've been genocided and we'd be rid of the eternal destroyer of Europe once and for all.
and he had even more medals than the movie showed
and that's all after getting attacked at dawn out of nowhere and losing half of your standing army almost immediately
>Commies ITT
Cannon fodder is largely a meme. They lost a shit ton of people at the beginning of the war accomplishing absolutely nothing because fucktards from the Russian Civil War who thought horses>tanks and that assault rifles were for police not soldiers. After the first few months soviets started to trade evenly despite having to relocate all their industry and invent a competitively military industrial complex on the fly.
The one place they used cannon fodder was rzhev grinder because they needed Germans to commit there instead of reinforcing Stalingrad or attacking Moscow again
Does anyone know what those three giant star looking medals are on his lower chest? They look pretty important
the absolute state of historylets in this thread
Truth hurts!
He got 2 medals for that, but he never put them on.
They are in my basement.
The Soviets where under absolute Jewish controll, and thus sended the Russians to die for them.
Sad stuff!
>you lost to Russian chads who beat your grandpa to death with their bare hands and impregnated your babushka
hero of the soviet union if I had to guess, dunno commie medals
Shittiest bait I've seen all evening.
Try that on reddit lad. Will probably work out well for you.
Hero of Soviet Union is the small picrelated
Second-large stars are Victory Medals 1 and 5
Was he, dare I say it, cringe and genocidepilled?
Why else do you think I posted it in this thread?
>win 2 wars simultaneously
>while giving everyone free stuff
>barely wins 1 war
>while getting free stuff from US
FACT: Stalinboos are the most PATHETIC race in the WORLD
He killed 857 in 3 days mate, they wheren't Chads just young people who died for nothing.
Typical Beta person reply
He married a women he met at his way home from the front, and became as said before a high ranking Communist and politician in the parlament.
He worked to protect the nature and the farmers rights.
He even met Gorbachev in his late 60s!
Teached my granpa how to shoot.
He was a good man.
Don't care incel
Nukes are cheating, you didn't win shit.
Everybody gangsta til' trees start speaking Vietnamese.
>Sit way back across the ocean being safe slurping corn syroup
>Have war in your borders
FACT: Americaboos are the most PATHETIC race in the WORLD
It wasn't genocide, you see they where just 13 man in a empty village.
And thousands of Soviets where trying to enter.
He had to kill them.
Yes your grandmas boyfriend had a bigger kill count in 3 days than the most celebrated German snipers over the course of the war, have a You shaped like soviet dick he had to suck when the red army advanced
>free stuff
>less than 10%
American "help"
good. that way I wont get killed
>Being this cringe and triggered
You must be an American living in a big city.
You will be anyway if a strong enemy is hell-bent on eliminating all of your people with no remorse.
I'm Russian and there are fucking millenials here that genuinely believe we'd be in a better position right now if Hitler conquered us, and not completely utterly eradicated.
>we'd be drinking german beer right now lmao
The fuck?
Let me tell you the real story of your grandpa or whatever it was.
He didn't actually fight in the war. He was born after it. His daddy was actually a mongolian trooper who raped your grandgrandmother.
This is why you were bullied during childhood by your peers for looking weird.
lmao what the fuck really?
>Russian youngsters actually believe that
well russia wouldnt be better off, but the rest of the world probably would be
Russia has unironically become so free and prosperous compared to other points in history that retards like them no longer get Darwined
>92.7% of the wartime production of railroad equipment by the USSR was supplied by Lend-Lease
>by 1945, nearly a third of the truck strength of the Red Army was U.S.-built. Trucks such as the Dodge ¾ ton and Studebaker 2½ ton were easily the best trucks available in their class on either side on the Eastern Front. American shipments of telephone cable, aluminum, canned rations, and clothing were also critical.
>Lend-Lease also supplied significant amounts of weapons and ammunition. The Soviet air force received 18,200 aircraft, which amounted to about 30% of Soviet wartime aircraft production (mid 1941-45). And while most tank units were Soviet-built models, some 7,000 Lend-Lease tanks were deployed by the Red Army, or 8% of war-time production.
Joseph Stalin, during the Tehran Conference during 1943, acknowledged publicly the importance of American efforts during a dinner at the conference: "Without American production the United Nations [the Allies] could never have won the war."
In a confidential interview with the wartime correspondent Konstantin Simonov, the Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov is quoted as saying:
Today [1963] some say the Allies didn't really help us ... But listen, one cannot deny that the Americans shipped over to us material without which we could not have equipped our armies held in reserve or been able to continue the war.
I remember some 15 shitbrain in my city got arrested for urinating on Eternal Fire (WW2 memorial)
That's because even our history books now portray the war as Stalin with satan horns straight up killing his own people and then throwing corpses via a catapult and that's how the war was won.
Meanwhile psychos on Ukraine are rewriting history to be centered around Ukraine. Jesus was Ukrainian, dinosaurs were Ukrainian, every major invention and discovery were stolen from Ukraine, and then Russia (a completely separate country) came along and ruined everything.
The fuck.
>He got 2 medals for that, but he never put them on.
>They are in my basement.
proof btfo!!!
Nobody likes you, Russkie. No one wants to associate with you.
The percentage of nihilistic braindead junkies amongst our youth drives me up a wall. No ambition, no ideology, no concrete worldview, no respect for history, tradition, values, morality. I'll be surprised if a random 15yo you'd stop on the street is able to point where Russia is on the world map.
he's such an asshole in the patriot
Your replies are getting more and more pathetic.
Do you have a hard life?
I think you are 30 with a bad beard and overweight living in a major American city in a poor neighborhood, have barely any human contact and think that it's someone elses fault that your life is where it is.
You need a hug man, you are a very sad depressed man.
Russia murdered 20 million of his own people before WW2 even started. fuck off commie lover
>dinosaurs were Ukrainian
Some of them were, based russian shizo poster
>Russia murdered 20 million of his own people
What? No.
What a chad
That's what they're trying to push right now. And it's ONLY a slight exaggeration. Only a slight.
I'm not schizo, I'm not making this up. Ukraine is fucked.
Fuck Russia, seriously. If has a fascinating history but its a miserable place and it always will be
What an absolute unit
wow. those are amazing rebuttals
Any place you live will be miserable if your lifestyle is miserable.
Millenia of shitty cold climate and constant attacks of lmaocatholics from one side and desert shitskins from another made us strong and resilient. That's not something you can earn by dropping nukes on people.
Russians are braindead mutts, no one expects anything from those "people"
commies circlejerk itt
nobody likes you, not even in russia, kys
>gets raped in mongolian
A fitting rebuttal for a baseless lie like yours.
People die from all kinds of things, including old age.
Can you elaborate on your retarded claim some more? Who killed who? For what and how? And when? Was it Stalin himself breaking into houses and shooting civilians from an AK? Or what?
Russians used to be based
What happened?
Some Jew with paint on his head ruined the most based civilization on the planet.
Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia by Robert Thurstorn
>Russians used to be based
I know this site for years has denied the holocaust happened, but now you guys think stalin and mao never murdered anyone either? do you just instinctively defend all murderous dictators out of contrarianism? wtf is wrong with you
>some actual traitors and spies get captured
>reeee stalin dictator worst country ever
Go pop a cyanide pill please.
>They deserved it because they were a traitor
Literally the defense of every dictator ever
>shorter than Napoleon
he must have had an absolute blast playing that role
Why the fuck would I want to serve under Zhukov? Where I live in an atheist c Marxist Leninists state where if I dare criticize glorious leader (who didn't murder tens of thousands of his own opposition and try to edit history per his own standards) I'm sent to a gulag to starve to death off the books? Fuck that
Soviet medals have as much value as xbox achievements.
Based and one of the rare good posts itt.
Napoleon wasn't short; I thought this was one of the myths the internet had already successfully dispelled.
But, its based to live under a brutal dictator that takes away all of your personal and political freedoms
He was short, just not for the time. He was a 5'7" manlet.
i didn't read this but what kind of person would create pic related?
no, it's book about debunking "le 40-100 gazillion" boomer meme
btw I am not a commie, I don't dream about return of termin "нeвыeзднoй", but at the same time I cringe too hard when I see some truthers from west debunking something like Convigton kids, while in the same breath repeating bs.
Sure, every document can be duped, history can be 99% lie that NOBODY knows what really happened, but still I have more trust in something documented and appliable logically, than assinine claims made by super biased people.
>Napoleon wasn't short; I thought this was one of the myths the internet had already successfully dispelled.
This it was British War propaganda
Is the movie actually good?
I need some kino as i am sick and lie bored in my bed.
he looks normal compared those two other homos
You would be dead in 2 hours, the Russians used human wave attacks, which in fairness was very effective against the Germans