Michael defenders: can you name ONE (1) adult nonpedo guy who is known to have prepubescent friends who he spends two...

Michael defenders: can you name ONE (1) adult nonpedo guy who is known to have prepubescent friends who he spends two weeks at a time with, talks on the phone for hours with, travels with, physically embraces, and has sleepovers with? Not to mention, a guy who "trades up" kid best friends every few years to ensure they fall within a certain age range?

Can you name a single one? Doesn't even have to be a celebrity: if your nonpedo neighbor or garbageman or whatever is intimate best friends with kids, that will suffice.

If you can't name a single one, how is this not all but conclusive evidence itself of pedophilia, regardless of what the victims say? Literally nobody does this.

inb4 it's unique to Michael because his childhood was stolen or something. If that's the case, then surely other former child stars "who never had a real childhood" like Leonardo DiCaprio, Corey Feldman, Justin Bieber, etc. etc. have been seen in their adult lives with prepubescent boy "best friends" to try to recapture their lost youth, since that's a thing that apparently happens -- right??

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Other urls found in this thread:


What did Leo mean by this? Shouldn't he be hanging out with 11 year old boys to reclaim his lost childhood? That's what happens right?

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Here is Elijah Wood hanging out with friends. Not an 8 year old in sight. But he was a child star?? Maybe he cuddles with preteen boys after he gets home???

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That video's 30 minutes. Can you save me some time and just name the one other adult male who hangs out with kids like this? That's all I'm asking for. If it's excusable behavior, surely someone else has done it, right?

Everything wrong with society is summed up in the way that people pretended this pattern of behavior, all indulged in public, was understandable and healthy, because he was a rich pop star.

Do the guys who played the Bradies have 7 year old besties who they talk on the phone with for hours at a time (to recapture their lost childhoods)? Since this is normal behavior of NOT pedos, odds are at least one of the three has a young boy BFF right?

Attached: Brady-Bunch-kids.png (860x618, 681K)

>a guy who "trades up" kid best friends every few years to ensure they fall within a certain age range?
This is the most damning aspect. It's obvious how little they meant to him.

All of it's the most damning aspect. I see 200 reply threads defending Michael, but not one person can name a single other man in the world who has kid friends.

I mean, it's the aspect which makes his purely sexual motives most obvious.

Absolute crickets. Where are all the MJ defenders from the other threads?

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He wasn't just a child star, he was the central attraction in an entertainmemt family run by a domineering and abusive father over a career that started incredibly early topped off with having a disfiguring disease. He was incredibly shy and self conscious and was forced by virtue of his incredible singing and dancing talent to be the most famous person in the world for decades. He never had the opportunity to form relationships with people who loved him and it fucked him up.

None of the people you mentioned can be compared to MJ,

He had the money to be able to be

I bet OP is a Jew.

I do! Hee hee!

>None of the people you mentioned can be compared to MJ,

So he's the ONLY person in the world who you will excuse this behavior for? Do I have that right? It'd be weird and a huge red flag of pedophilia or literally ANY other person on earth, but not for Michael Jackson? How is that not just this:

>Everything wrong with society is summed up in the way that people pretended this pattern of behavior, all indulged in public, was understandable and healthy, because he was a rich pop star.

Is there ANYONE else for whom you'd excuse this "BFFs with boys" behavior as non-pedo shit (whether or not they actually do it)? For example, if Beiber started hanging out with boys all the time, would you say "ah yes, that's normal"? Or is it just for Michael?

Prove he raped boys or shut the fuck up retard.

All fucking day you consume media made by an industry literally founded on pedophilia and child rape, stop pretending you actually give a fuck about "muh children"

I did prove it. Circumstantial evidence is admissible in courts (and this isn't a court).

>hangs with kids all the time
>talks on the phone with them
>has slumber parties
>literally NO non-pedo man does this (can you name one?)
>pedos DO do this

Proof enough for me and anyone who's not blinded by "but his songies make me want to dance!"

>Is there ANYONE else for whom you'd excuse this "BFFs with boys" behavior as non-pedo shit (whether or not they actually do it)? For example, if Beiber started hanging out with boys all the time, would you say "ah yes, that's normal"? Or is it just for Michael?
You're just proving user's point.

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so you believe in some overarching pedo conspiracy but MJ was completely innocent? This is schizo thinking.

His point that what? Different rules apply to Michael than literally everyone else on earth? If "Attachment Disorder" is a known thing, then name ONE other person who presents this disorder by being (nonpedo) friends with boys?

Innocent until proven guilty. Miss us with your pedo fantasies.

And. You. Continue. To. Prove. His. Point.

If you don't think that's evidence, then surely you can think of one other adult male who does this stuff and isn't a pedo, right? Just name that one person, will cast enough doubt on my view that kiddy BFFs = pedo shit that I'll delete my thread.

Ok maybe I'm a retard. Explain to me how.

>this disorder makes people have boy BFFs
>I can't name a single other person with this disorder with boy BFFs

So you're saying Michael's the only person in the entire world who can do this behavior and have it not be pedo? Break it down for me.

Michael Jackson is a unique person; News at 11.

Gas yourself kike.

Name one other nonpedo adult who is friends with kids.

>if man does X he is a pedo
>name me one man who does X who isn't a pedo

You are aware this is circular reasoning and are just knowingly trying to manipulate, right? You don't actually suffer from braindamage right?

>Well dere dis documentarri and dis obviously proves without a DOUBT even doe it just stories and interviews wit no proof still did u see dem photos with dose kids?

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Read what I wrote again, idiot.
>Everything wrong with society is summed up in the way that people pretended this pattern of behavior, all indulged in public, was understandable and healthy, because he was a rich pop star.
I was agreeing with you.

I'm not trying to build syllogisms here. I'm disputing the argument that goes:

>hey man you can be friends with kids without it being sexual
>ok name literally one other person who does this

I guess Shirley Temple is similar to Jackson. She was the most famous person in the world from a very young age, which is why when she grew up she retired from showbiz had a long healthy marriage a few kids, and ended up as an ambassador, and never had sleep overs with children

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>So he's the ONLY person in the world who you will excuse this behavior for?

He had the money and to be this Peter Pan archetype and live out what he thought he was missing. If everyone with pathological attachment styles had the money to buy fucking 8 figure ranches and build amusement parks and fly kids in privately to pay for it then there would be more.

Lemme aski you OP how many pedophiles ACTIVELY ADVERTISE the fact that they love children more than adults? Or would rather play with trains and watch movies than hangout on yachts and bang hotties 2 at a time?

Based MJ making soiboys seethe after being dead already a decade

Read everything that I wrote again, idiot

>...How is that not just this:
>Everything wrong with society is summed up in the way that people pretended this pattern of behavior, all indulged in public, was understandable and healthy, because he was a rich pop star.

>...How is that not just this:
>...How is that not just this:

Now retract calling me an "idiot"

ok tranny, settle down, your discord trolling is too obvious

Dont forget: the Jews are using this documentary to distract you all from what's happening in the senate regarding Israeli legislation.

If you argue for or against Michael you've already lost, because you're ignoring what they want you to ignore.

Why do you think this documentary came out now, of all times? It was probably finished a decade ago. They waited until now to release it because now is when shit is going down in DC.

You don't need money to hang out with kids. And many former child stars have money, yet you can't name a single other one who hangs out with kids like this.

>Lemme aski you OP how many pedophiles ACTIVELY ADVERTISE the fact that they love children more than adults? Or would rather play with trains and watch movies than hangout on yachts and bang hotties 2 at a time?
>"If he was a pedophile then why did he ACT like a pedophile haha checkmate atheists"

>Lemme aski you OP how many pedophiles ACTIVELY ADVERTISE the fact that they love children more than adults?
Why do you think he did this? To make it seem normal so retards like you would use this argument

Ok cool yeah the jews are distracting us but if retards would just say

>wait the guy who sings the songs I like hangs out with 8 year olds and has sleepovers? Oh shit he's a pedo -- literally NO grown nonpedo man does this shit
Then we wouldn't even need debates and documentaries

It wasn't his wealth or fame because few people could directly benefit from that. It was the fact you had this supremely talented musician that acted nothing like a famous musician would and who obviously had severe emotional issues. People idealized him as this anti-social genius who basically rejected everything in society that people crave after.

Only people who benefitted from his wealth were the people who accused him just like those 2 in the documentary. So you're a world famous choreographer (because of MJ) still trying to get work with projects under his name and then all of a sudden when you hit money problems you remember how he used to fuck you when you were a kid? FOH.

Why did you quote the entire sentence? Very well, you're not an idiot, but you posted awkwardly.

>never sexually abused anyone
>despite having children alone to himself all the time

What's more likely, that the pedo chose not to diddle the kids because he has the self-control of a Zen monk, or that he simply wasn't a pedo?

>you OP how many pedophiles ACTIVELY ADVERTISE the fact that they love children more than adults?
Literally most pedos do this. They know they need a smoke screen for their activities

Fred Rogers

>People idealized him as this anti-social genius who basically rejected everything in society that people crave after.
No they didn't. Childishness wasn't considered admirable in those days. He was regarded as a tragic but unthreatening nut.

How do you know he didn't touch kids? Because you don't believe the kids who say he touched kids? Because other kids say he didn't touch them?

What I'm saying is the proof that he touched kids is in the fact that he hung around kids. Non-pedos don't do this. He did. Therefore he's a pedo. Unless you can name a nonpedo who DOES hang around kids, you have no argument.

This. It is extremely obvious. It is also disturbing that people defend it.

Interesting. He hung out with kids outside of the show? Got any proofs? Pics, people talking about it, etc?

Michael spent his money on lavish shit like nothing else, he was like any human except more fucked up and had body dysmorphia.

Prove he didn't rape boys. Checkmate.

>and never had sleep overs with children
How do you know? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The problem here is people keep talking about the court, and acting like a lawyer, what evidence do you want? Cum stained kids clothing? Strands of Michael's hair in the kids undies? No shit there's no physical evidence like that around. The evidence is in the clear relationships mike had with these kids, sleeping in beds with them, holding their hands while they sat in his lap, taking them out and shit. I mean I wish there was a sex tape but he can't be that stupid.

Maybe people would be more inclined to believe it if every single person who accused him of molestation wasn't proven beyond doubt to be a liar

>I'm citing stretched logical fallacies but you have to provide facts
Yeah, no thanks, freak.

>I wish there was a sex tape
And there we have it. OP is faget.

>I wish there was a sex tape

Yeah I bet you do

>can you name ONE (1) adult nonpedo guy who is known to have prepubescent friends who he spends two weeks at a time with, talks on the phone for hours with, travels with, physically embraces, and has sleepovers with? Not to mention, a guy who "trades up" kid best friends every few years to ensure they fall within a certain age range?

haha yeah michael jackson

Did he trade you up or something? How about you apologize for being a shitty friend that just wanted free shit

Even if MJ wasn't a pedo, and I don't think he was, this was still extremely fucked up to do to his kid fans.

>omg Michael invited me to Nederland
>"you're my best friend user, let's ride the train on my farm and watch peter pan SHAMON"
>hang out with MJ multiple times a month for a couple months, it's the fucking time of your life
>"I'm so happy user, let's stay kids forever HEHEEEE"
>MJ invites more kids over, a year later he starts paying attention to a newer kid who's two or three years younger
>"sorry user I'm so busy with my music, but I'd love for you to come to neverland and we can fall asleep under my peter pan murals HOOOOOOO"
>never get invited to Neverland again, only replies you get are from his publicist

This would have really fucked me up if I were 7 or 8 years old and cause severe attachment issues, dude definitely got off on the starstruck attention of little kids.


>falling for this stupid meme

Actually, absence of evidence IS evidence of absence, it's just not dispositive evidence. If I accuse someone of stealing my car, and an investigation turns up that they don't have it, and a review of their records shows they didn't pawn it off or get suddenly surge of cash, that "absence of evidence" suggests maybe they didn't steal my fucking car. Almost as if it's evidence potentially exonerating them.

>dude definitely got off on the starstruck attention of little kids.

Lol. So you think he "groomed" those kids because he wanted the adoration of some random kids that physically resembled each other?

He ditched them because he got tired of them sexually and wanted to have more sexual experiences with other young boys. Not because he was playing some sort of mind games with little kids
>"Muh best friend you are :)
>Not anymore though ;)

That is what homosexual pederast predators in his position would do

>>Michael defenders: can you name ONE (1) adult nonpedo guy who is known to have prepubescent friends who he spends two weeks at a time with, talks on the phone for hours with, travels with, physically embraces, and has sleepovers with?
Me and my cousins and nephews. I never had any kids and I love them very much.

>Not to mention, a guy who "trades up" kid best friends every few years to ensure they fall within a certain age range?
lol except for that part.

>they don't have it, and a review of their records shows they didn't pawn it off or get suddenly surge of cash
That is not absence of evidence, get a fucking clue.

Michael Jackson

Then what the fuck is it?

This whole thread is ignerent, HEE HEE!

have sex incel

That is evidence that certain scenarios didn't happen, therefore the theory is not proven.

Exactly, but it's still evidence, that's how falsification and verification work. You use evidence to disprove or verify potential hypotheses. Ofc he could have stolen the car and immediately drove it off a bridge, but there isn't yet positive evidence for that, but the absence of evidence, ie negative evidence, for the other plausible scenarios strongly suggests they didn't happen.

Tbf we may be using different meanings of evidence, criminal investigation vs scientific uses of the word are a bit different. In criminal terms, if you lack evidence to support your accusation, then usually "all the evidence" points to the notion that the accused is not guilty. That doesn't mean it's impossible he's guilty, just that the likelihood is very low.

So far ONE person provided a name — Fred Rogers. Does anyone know if he had kid friends outside of shooting?

Also a guy with his nephews (clearly not the same).

Do any other pedo apologists have examples of dudes with unrelated preteen BFFs?

Here's the full list:

Absence of evidence would be 7 different witnesses to you stealing a car in a red sequined suit and a tophat, then when captured wearing the red sequined suit and tophat, they can't find the car anywhere.

Beat it, man. I’m not a Michael defender, but I’m still going to keep listening to the Thriller album. These songs don’t suddenly become bad because the person who made them is a smooth criminal. The world isn’t just black or white. If you don’t want to rock with me, that’s fine, you don’t have to listen. I am comfortable looking at the man in the mirror and I am not a bad person for listening to a bad person’s music. You guys always wanna be startin’ something whenever there’s a new documentary out and it’s getting old.

listen to P. Y. T. now

I want to love you (P-Y-T)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin' (T-L-C)
Tender lovin' care
And I'll take you there
I want to love you (P-Y-T)
Pretty young thing
You need some lovin' (T-L-C)
Tender lovin' care
And I'll take you there

Pedos don't do this because it would be too fucking obvious. Fucking retard

Nobody hangs around kids like mj because you'd be labeled a pedo, even if you weren't. MJ obviously didn't give a fuck

many pedos have jobs close to kids. this is why so many pedos are butthurt about this doco. they hide in plain sight and after this doco people wont let this happen so easily anymore.

You know who was jewish? Jackson and many of his family members, including his children and brother-in-law

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I never said the music is suddenly bad, I said the guy who’s wrote the music is a pedo lmao

>Can you name a single one?

2 of my Uncles
my gym teacher
>the Parish priest
>the mail man
>the milk man
>the pool guy
>the plumber
>my step Dad
>my Scoutmaster
>my piano teacher
>my flute teacher
>my study buddy
>my next door neighbor, Carl
>my pediatrician
>my dentist
>my ophthalmologist
>the garbage man
>several door to door salesmen
>my Mom's first boyfriend after divorce
>my math teacher
>the school bus driver
>my Mom's therapist
>3 of my step-dad's brothers

let's just say I had a pretty "full" childhood
d d d idn't everybody?

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Based boi slut. Let me guess: you’re gay now?


they only defend him because he said the word kike once in a song.
They are literally that stupid.
it confirms their jewish paranoia.

They would rather think Michael was some covert Nazi, than be pissed off that he abused and destroyed the lives of several white children, and also lead to the suicides of some of their fathers.

That's how autistic the average pol faggot is.

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/pol/ has been taken over by reddit and shills years ago, mate

>That's how autistic the average pol faggot is.

tfw supporting a pedo to own the jews isn't the most autistic thing /pol/ has done.

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now THAT would be an interesting myspace friends list

Robin Williams

>I’m still going to keep listening to the Thriller album

just admit that you're gay

>he says while posting on Yea Forums

Reminder that this is the moment that MJ was targeted. He didn't worship the devil and they did everything they could to ruin his career. He made himself an easy target.

Attached: basedmj.png (400x300, 60K)

Stopped resding at beat it but then went back for more

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You probably thought this was really clever

Can you name ONE adult celebrity as big as MJ that was chemically castrated and abused by their parents to work overtime for his wealth for years as a child?

Yeah that is weird.

Lost and dysfunctional childhood I get it, but at some point you have to move on?

t. achmed

I don't even know what that could be implying

>He ditched them because he got tired of them sexually and wanted to have more sexual experiences with other young boys
And that's a good thing! (?)

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Because Michael Jackson is just like every other man and wasn't unique in any way.

Why do you insufferable pricks care what our opinion on MJ is?

Fuck off

Using michael's closeness to the pepsi kid is fundamentally dishonest seeing as he was part of his fucking tour
even that photoshoot in the OP pic was part of the pepsi shoot, it wasn't something MJ thought up

Dan Schneider.




Being against our principles is clearly being anti-white.

But what about his other special friends he took on tour with him?


It’s entirely possible Safechuck and Robson (especially) are lying, but there’s a clear pattern of boy companions here.

>Why do you think he did this? To make it seem normal
you don't actually believe this, do you?

>Sean Lennon

wow how weird that he'd get to know the kid of the guy whose fucking discography he owns
honestly I believe he was a pedo but the amount of retardation from anti-jacko people is staggering

Look you obsessed little fascist, if in my opinion there was ACTUAL facts to support the allegations that Jacko fucked children, i would fully admit to it and move on with my life.

But there isn't enough for me to state he was defo a kiddo fiddlerino or not...

I honestly don't care either way, he was a pop star who was weird and probably did weird stuff with Children... Show me ACTUAL proof he fucked kids, and ill say "Mike was a Nonce" no problem... I don't care enough be as obsessed about it as you are.

But given the MSM history of propaganda and character assassinations on public figures they'd like us to hate.... Forgive me for not being a mega reactionary retard and just believing everything these people say and then starting pathetic threads on 4channel where you cry about others not sharing your opinion on this matter.

What an insecure little bitch you must be.

>wtf where's the proof MJ was a pedo?

1. There is no dispute that, at age 34, Michael Jackson slept more than 30 nights in a row in the same bed with 13-year-old Jordie Chandler at the boy’s house with Chandler’s mother present. He also slept in the same bed with Jordie Chandler at Chandler’s father’s house. The parents were divorced.

2. So far, five boys Michael Jackson shared beds with have accused him of abuse: Jordie Chandler, Jason Francia, Gavin Arvizo, Wade Robson, and Jimmy Safechuck. Jackson had the same nickname for Chandler and Arvizo: “Rubba.” He called Robson “Little One” and Safechuck “Applehead.”

3. Jackson paid $25 million to settle the Chandlers’ lawsuit, with $18 million going to Jordie, $2.5 million to each of the parents, and the rest to lawyers. Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something “long and drawn out.” Francia also received $2.4 million from Jackson.

4. Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.

5. The hallway leading to Jackson’s bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make ding-dong sounds.

6. Jackson had an extensive collection of adult erotic material he kept in a suitcase next to his bed, including S&M bondage photos and a study of naked boys. Forensic experts with experience in the Secret Service found the fingerprints of boys alongside Jackson’s on the same pages. Jackson also had bondage sculptures of women with ball gags in their mouths on his desk, in full view of the boys who slept there.

7. According to the Neverland staff interviewed by the Santa Barbara authorities, no one ever saw or knew of a woman spending the night with Michael Jackson, including his two spouses, Debbie Rowe or Lisa Marie Presley. Rowe, the mother of two of Jackson’s children, made it clear to the Santa Barbara authorities that she never had sex with Jackson.

8. The parents of boys Jackson shared beds with were courted assiduously and given myriad expensive gifts. Wade Robson’s mother testified in the 2005 trial that she funneled wages through Jackson’s company and was given a permanent resident visa. Jimmy Safechuck’s parents got a house. Jordie Chandler’s mother got a diamond bracelet.

9. Two of the fathers of those who have accused Jackson, Jordie Chandler and Wade Robson, committed suicide. Both were estranged from their sons at the time.

10. In a 2002 documentary, Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson told Martin Bashir there was nothing wrong with sharing his bed with boys.

Both sides are way too overzealous and biased. You basically have the MJ cult fanbase who believe the man can do no wrong and wasn’t even weird and ‘every accuser is telling the truth always believe them’ people debating each other.

The only people who could end this debate forever is Jordan, and due to the settlement he’s not allowed to speak on the MJ case.

The great Mayor Ed Koch.

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So i see whats going on

>Conspiretards defend pedo's
>dem voters are the REAL heros

I see now. You horrid leftists will die the worst death imaginable come the end. Please enjoy what is left of your sad and delusional life. God will soon put you out of your misery.

>. There is no dispute that, at age 34, Michael Jackson slept more than 30 nights in a row in the same bed with 13-year-old Jordie Chandler at the boy’s house with Chandler’s mother present.

>What I'm saying is the proof that he touched kids is in the fact that he hung around kids. Non-pedos don't do this. He did. Therefore he's a pedo. Unless you can name a nonpedo who DOES hang around kids, you have no argument.

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>can you name ONE (1) adult nonpedo guy who is known to have prepubescent friends

Sport coaches

But they may be pedos as well, so meh.

>then surely other former child stars "who never had a real childhood" like Leonardo DiCaprio, Corey Feldman, Justin Biebe

>Leo DiCaprio
Manchild, only friend with other manchildren, dates 20 year old chicks when he himself is way above 40 years old and change them when they get too old, like MJ did.

>Corey Feldman
Has a harem of cheap LA whores. Litteral creep. Would you let your child alone with him, seriously?

>Justin Bieber
Very depressed person, has been treated for this for the last 5 years or so.
He could have been a good guy without all that fame at a young age.

I think MJ fucked those boys.

but how is leo a manchild. herp derp he doesn't fit my Yea Forums narrative of what an adult is.

Have sex


I thought about this after watching the Fred Rogers documentary. Interestingly Leaving Neverland feels like the nightmare hellscape version of Won't You Be My Neighbor?

I remember people cracking the same pedo jokes about Fred Rogers as MJ back in the 80s and 90s but I think he genuinely wanted to help out kids like a teacher and make children's programming less terrible. There's no proof he hung out with kids outside of the set and he was happily married most of his life.


dating 20 year old chicks is not pedophelia you dumb shit. is everything equal to you? how do you navigate life? do you show up at the bus stop to cash a check?

Na Macaulay Culkin could drop the other shoe.

Michael Jackson didn‘t rape anyone, FBI couldn’t show any proof after 10 years of investigation.

Brian Singer?

extremely cringe

Prove that no grown man does. It's on you.
I'm going to need you to contact every adult male over 18 on the planet.
Record every conversation, screenshot each email reply, photograph every letter received then compile it onto a 5 day long YT video.
If every response is negative then you will have a point and will have convinced me.
I'll know if you go half arsed, I'm waiting on your phone call.
So, what's your YouTube channel?


jonathan spence should come forward or at least contacted for comments.


Michael Jackson waa trying to save kkfs from kike hollywood pedos. He was a friend to all chiʻdren. Its sad we live in a society that treats men wvo want to love and nuture kids like criminals

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Yes: EVERY youth pastor at Christian (or other similar denominations) churches.I worked at a Christian church for 2 years as a maintenance tech and can confirm that the youth pastors - and program volunteers - were the biggest weirdos (and in the closet) of the lot.


>Michael Jackson waa trying to save kkfs from kike hollywood pedos
Yeah, that's why he tossed those kids aside when they got "too old" right?

Also, the limp-wristed dudes who run the music ministry as well.

He likes teen boys and young men, not little, underdeveloped boys tho

Coaches in sports leagues. Football, soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming, etc, etc.

if they had sleepover with the kids, you'd be 100% certain they're pedos, even if they came with a "I had no childhood" story

Assuming they are faking not being a pedo.. otherwise they would never get the job in the first place if convicted and whatnot.

They were old enough to fend for themselves against the Hollywood machine. MJ was a hero.

This. Jackson kept them safe unti they didnt need him anymore then helped other

Another boy accuses Michael Jackson of molestation (2019) – Michael Jacobshagen

The documentary “Leaving Neverland” raises the question whether Michael Jackson was a child molester or not. The doc apparently encouraged another man, currently 35 years old, to tell his story.

He met the King of Pop in Paris in 1995 and was invited on his European tour three years later where he infamously spent three weeks with the singer in a hotel suite. He was eleven years old when he met Jackson.


Attached: wowmjreally?.jpg (480x720, 57K)

So I torrented this and there are two episodes. Is this a series or a two part miniseries?


pray to mekka

Jacobshagen confessed that he found it very difficult to say “no” to Michael Jackson, which is understandable. Jackson once gave Jacobshagen a copy of “The boy: a photographic essay”, a book which was made by convicted pedophiles, which depicts young boys between the ages of nine and thirteen, fully nude or half nude. In a personal note within the book, Jackson refers to Jacobshagen as “my Rubba Rubba” which he believes to be a reference to what they did in bed together.

He wasn't an adult. Michael was severely mentally ill from all the abuse. He sought out the company of children and glorified childish behavior and hobbies because he was denied his own childhood. Christ, he called his home neverland ranch for heavens sake. It couldn't be anymore obvious guys.

this is jacobshagen with the book jackson gave him

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repeat after me:
textbook pedophile

So he was abused and was trying to act like a kid. That allows him to rape kids?

why is this guy's face orange?

You idiot a quick glance at their biographies shows neither of these clowns were abused the same level Michael was

Not him or the other guy but reread his first post. He is saying what you are saying in a different way. I agree with you too but don’t be such a melodramatic cunt and remain reasonable.

focus on the book. white people get tans, you know. from the sun.

but on related SIDE NOTE:
>The accusers in the documentary said UNDER OATH that he was innocent
>now in this new doc, ON VIDEO, admit that jackson is guilty
>IF this is true, it means they LIED, under oath
so when are they gonna get sent to jail/prison?

the effects of grooming last a a long time. often a lifetime.

his victims call it loyalty.

Didn't say I thought he didn't do it, but it is why I think the outrage mobs lack empathy, context or compassion.

okay, how many adults have had their childhood literally stripped from them by an abusive father? and we're not talking child actors, they had it good besides the diddling. i'm talking about what the father did to the jackson 5, all work no fun.

no shit he's gonna surround himself with children and do the things he missed out on as a child. he's mentally fucked up by his upbringing, can't blame him for wanting to be around pure things.

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trust me, i have all of it. i study all the angles. life stories.

seething hbo shills

I approve of OPs premise.

No-one has been able to cite any examples of other adult males who behaved like MJ other than paedophiles.

No-one has been able to cite any other examples of celebrities who had fucked up showbiz childhoods and developed "Peter Pan" syndrome to the extent they had exclusively physically close friendships with young boys (or young girls).

I've tried really hard and the only example of a middle aged man who had extremely close friendships with children is Lewis Carroll (of Alice in Wonderland) AKA Revered Lewis Dodgson, who befriended a LOT of young girls...

Pedophilia isn't a crime.

Bobby Taylor


abusing children is

no person ever experienced what mj experienced


interesting find!!!!!

many have. he was sexually abused as a child.

do you think that's the only thing he experienced?

All child actors experienced it. If you refer to abuse in show business Ike Turner beat up Tina Turner all the time despite being famous, R Kelly with Aaliyah... You can find examples of this all the time.

he licked dem soul brothers

Michael is a unique case. He probably shouldn't have been so naive about having children come and stay over at his place without their parents. It was going to cause trouble no matter what. I don't think he did anything wrong personally, but I will never know for sure 100%. Doesn't really matter what I think. I don't trust the people who made claims against him either.

>Show me ACTUAL proof he fucked kids
You clearly have no idea of the allegations if you think he "fucked kids."

If this is true, that's fucked up.

he mystified his own abuse behind some kind of unique suffering only he had to endure. he was also a narcissist, you know?

he never faced his own abuse by this bobby taylor character ( and possibly others )

>Can you save me some time and just name the one other adult male who hangs out with kids like this?
The majority of men in Hollywood, for a start. How about that? How about all of the teachers in the year alone who have been brought up on rape charges for fucking their students?

He fucked them kids, bro.

I would rather have my kids hang out with MJ instead of anyone in the film industry as we know it today. MJ was against drugs, pornography, cursing, drinking, smoking. That's more than I can say for the other stars and artists you fags look up to.

He did drugs and alcohol and they found porn in his home, though





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As the kids said in the follow up Oprah thing, he basically had the world pre conditioned into thinking he wasn’t a kidfucker by playing the whole “no childhood, mental child” act
Even people ITT who probably think Dan Schneider is a pedo but would defend Michael Jackson have been hit by it

>Michael is a unique case.
In other words
>these behaviors would absolutely be a sign of pedo shit for every other person on the planet, but not for Michael dancey man. Sure there were other childstars who were physically and/or sexually abused before, but MJ’s different because reasons. The rules and red flags for every other person in the world don’t apply to him, and it’s crazy to expect to see the same behavior in even one other person ever!

>the main witness is a self confessed perjurer

Yeah they’re all pedos. That’s my point doofus

exactly this. people don´t realize how far reaching this grooming by michael jackson was.

Okay guys. Did you believe Kavanaugh raped Ford?


If you agree with OP at all in any little way then please do yourself the favor and watch these three vids, they debunking everything said about mj being a pedo and everything in the documentary with facts.

Mj was weird for sure, that does not make him a pedo, personally I think he was too good for this world and people here treated him terribly.

I believe you, don’t worry they do too. Michael had a problem you didn’t. I hope someway somehow by sharing this it will help you move on. Michael Jackson is no longer living I try really hard not to speak about them it’s not fair they can’t defend themselves, I just hope you know you can let it go, and everything will be alright no one will ever be hurt again in this way anyways. Maybe we will have a lesson we can learn and we can listen and we can judge even though money is always involved when it come to judgment God bless.

razorfist please

Micheal Jackson

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Look up the statistics on people actually convicted of being child molesters.
The vast majority of perpetrators are family and friends: nearly a third molested their own child and fifty percent were an established family friend or non-parental relative. Only 11% of convicted molesters were strangers to the child.
So should we not allow mothers and fathers to be alone with their own children, since, remember, 33% of convicted molesters victimized their own child?
Should we not allow anyone to ever be alone with a child since they might start yearning to defile that vivacious youth?
You've been drinking the anti-pedo hysteria kool-aid a bit too much.


Mj defenders BTFO



Now that's chess.

if he’s a liar wouldn’t the stories he told for Michael be lies, therefore proving he was molested?

mj was a special unique snowflake kind of pedophile.

Not only was he investigated and arrested but they also found CP in his home, yet people defended him and are still defending him to this day.

have more jesus juice

Not him but tell yourself whatever you need so you don't have to face the fact that you feel for msm propaganda like a retard

Prove that MJ sexually abused a child.
For one, his home was raided by the FBI and no cheese pizza was found.
How many convicted child molesters don't have a huge fucking stash of cp that gets uncovered when they get busted?

But MJ wasn't inviting kids over behind anyone's back. He had the parents permission to spend time with him. Any other person wanting to sexually abuse a child would not advertise their personality like MJ did. He was honest about his intentions to just hang out with the only people on the planet he could relate to. Who didn't want anything from him other than friendship.


Why did Michael only help white kids? I appreciate that he wanted to help kids if his story is true, but seeing as he was born an N word why didn’t he ever want to “help” N wordlets?

>three books that are in the library of Congress that happen to contain artistic renderings of nude children were found in MJ's house and nothing even slightly resembling actual child porn.
Fixed that for you.

The guy who made the videos is literally a gamer and the_donald faggot.

One book actually

Why are you afraid to say nigger?

>artistic renderings of nude children

He jerked off Webster a little bit and the Lennon chink, but mostly preferred white twinks.

Who gives a fuck you over sensitive fag? Are you triggered? He goes in depth in all of the videos an debunks 100% everything with facts.

This explains everything.

Look at this video of one of his depositions. He can't stop smirking and smiling, making funny faces. It's fucking sickening.


They did find a lot of porn and "legal child porn".

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>3. Jackson paid $25 million to settle the Chandlers’ lawsuit, with $18 million going to Jordie, $2.5 million to each of the parents, and the rest to lawyers. Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something “long and drawn out.” Francia also received $2.4 million from Jackson.

I have to respond to this one because it's dishonest and has more to do with how fucked california is.
He settled the Chandlers CIVIL suit, not the criminal charges.
At the time in california they allowed you to sue for charges of sexual abuse alongside criminal proceedings.
The civil suit wouldn't have been tried by a jury and would only have cost MJ financially.
The issue is that the civil case was scheduled to take place BEFORE the criminal trial.
MJ's attorneys requested that the judge postpone the civil case until AFTER the civil case more than 10 times.
Having an ongoing trial in the months leading up to the criminal trial would completely fuck the biases of any jury involved, not to mention the fact that Jacksons lawyers would have to be handling to trials AT THE SAME TIME.
So rather than risk a drawn out CIVIL case fucking them on the criminal case they just settled and gave them money so that wouldn't be hanging over his head during the important trial.

The rest of what you said is mostly bullshit but if you looked into it anymore than your documentary you watched you'd already know that.

I mean that vitiligo shit was obviously so accurate and compelling that the state used it as evidence in their case right? Oh wait no they didn't and only a handful of people have even seen either picture but lets just keep shilling that story.

He didnt. he went all over the world. Niggers are usually only in certain places. The only time he interacted with nigger children was all the kids from LA inner cities and the times he went to africa or South America.

>The only people who could end this debate forever is Jordan, and due to the settlement he’s not allowed to speak on the MJ case.
Plus, you know...being dead...

> Shit's getting real on the news again.
> We need another scapegoat! Quick get MJ to jerk off another kid!
> We can't this time sir MJ is dead.
> ...
> I have just the plan.

if someone asked you if you raped your best friend how would you react?

Wow, lumping those nude art books with completely legal pornagraphy must make them CP now!
Guess I was wrong! Sorry about that.

Make a disgusted face and firmly say no.

t. pedo-enabler

>Michael defenders
Hollywood is full of pedos. MJ was one too. Never forget: He was called "Jacko" for obvious reasons

MJ had many black and half black kids at Neverland. His very first public special friend was black (Emmanuel Lewis).


Barnes is biracial. Arvizo is Mexican and Chandler is some kind of Causablasian supermutt.

Doesn't mean shit

The fuck a little kid want to hang out with him anyways they don't remember Thriller.

Only a pedo would buy that book.

Shirley Temple was also a massive whore and was passed by literally everyone

MJ liked to fuck all kind of races but he mostly liked white boys with blonde hair.

Can you name one person who lived a life comparable to Micheal Jackson?

Jimmy Saville

>tfw you're so unconvincing and greedy with your false accusations to garner yourself shekels that even the jackson-obsessed public and msm forget about you
The face of this sorry loser and excuse for a man is so JUST.

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What lost childhood? Leo had a normal upbringing.

Nah. He's got that 1000 yard molested by a pedo stare. I have it too.


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what did MJ mean by this?

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is obvious that even if Michael Jackson liked little boys he was so much of a pussy to even penetrate them.



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He also traveled with, physically embraced, and had sleepovers with Bubbles. Was he raping the chimp, too?

he just sucked them off a little bit

Nah, he got the le swindler face 200,000

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MJ was a little out of order himself

>cites Elijah Wood
>Elijah has literally talked about the abuse of children in Hollywood and how his parents wouldn't allow him to attend the parties because they knew better.
>He even recommended people watch An Open Secret

good luck next time MJ defensive scum

Yeah but can you name one other person who did the album Thriller?

This. Absolutely BTFO


Literally me

MJ was absolutely detached from real life. Who knows what really went on in his head, except his obviously sky-high expectations of himself when it came to his performances, drilled into him by his father.

My main issue is this - what justice do these supposed victims want, 10 years after his death? Why is money the only cure for their "pain"?

>My dad left us when I was a baby
>Didnt experience having a dad
>Become adult
>Sleep with dads in my bed

Based retard missing the point.

Elijah was diddled. Elijah was famous from a young age. Elijah’s youth was stolen from him. Elijah isn’t seen holding hands with gaggles of 8 year olds while claiming he’s “reliving his missed childhood.” Because Elijah isn’t a pedofile.

The truth.

So name another person detached from real life who has kids as BFFs then. There’s plenty of abuses child stars out there, NONE of them do this.

>Why is money the only cure for their "pain"?
Take the green pill man, money is the only reason people (and by people I mean anyone you notice in media) do anything really.
Which is why MJ and his generosity was such an oddity.

(((matt stone)))

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honestly, hanging out with 8 models at a time would be nightmarish

go at 4:20

I'm watching leaving Neverland and the dude clearly said they had sex, not just blow jobs or MJ fapping while the guy was showing his anus in all fours spreading his ass

'The truth' will never happen. MJ is dead so no breakdown interviews R. Kelly style to pick apart, and his family will never ever admit to anything. MJ's legacy is their eternal cashcow.

The world needs to know that MJ was a homosexual pedophile.

No, just a few people obsessed with celebrity stuff. People born post-2000 hardly even know his music, Kanye and The Weeknd are their MJs.

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This. MJ lived like he was an actual Louis XIV king, he was as detached from the normal rules of behavior and concern about what people think of his eccentricities as anyone could be. That could definitely make him a pedo, but it could also make him just a wacko who doesn't understand why wanting to be peter pan sets off alarm bells for people.

this video makes him seem not guilty honestly

MJ had a porn collection with a child's fingerprints all over it, and it was claimed that he exposed kids to that porn. He had a security system set in place so that a bell would ring if someone walked near his bedroom chambers. One of the kids made a drawing of MJ's penis and of the markings on the underside of MJ’s penis. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched the drawings. The sleepovers, the extremely intimate relationships with those kids, the fact that so many of them say the same thing about what MJ did to them, the fact that MJ payed their families so that they would allow him to be part of the kid's life. All these things added up, and you must at least admit that it at least SEEMS like he was a pedo? It's ok to admit that it seems like he was, and at the same time take the stance that it is not proven. You can admit it.

There will probably never be another star as big as Michael Jackson.
Dude was a mega star even in 3rd world countries and this was before the internet

Lmao you can't honestly be this misinformed. Do some research you tabloid gobbling npc


Good discussion you dumb fuck, honestly get a great laugh at these threads with how all you mj haters spew the same debunked bullshit over and over. It is moronically pathetic that you actually still believe it

ok, razorfist

>the photograph matched the drawing
Can you draw a photorealistic image of your own cock and balls?

Lmao can't prove him wrong can you?

That's not evidence, op.

He means that the child was able to locate the spots of vitiligo on MJ's cock.

This. The 90s thoroughly killed off the idea of being a pop megastar, appealing to kids, teens, and adults, boys and girls alike, as something to care about and be into. We don't have a mass monoculture anymore, and trends move too fast for anyone to really become a megastar or have people invested in their persona. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga never lived up to the Madonna hype, The Weeknd is already starting to fade and Kanye was already becoming a joke when he married Kim Kardashian.

Why was it never used in court? Or confirmed by people other than the media?

I dont hate MJ
I love his early music, even Jackson 5 era
I feel bad for him

Yet...he was a grown man who thought it was okay to sleep with kids

You can't "debunk" this;

What I find funny is the mental gymnastics you fans come up with to defend him.

are you retarded?

Later District Attorney Thomas Sneddon claimed that Jordan’s description was a match. On May 25 2005, about a week before the end of Michael Jackson’s four month long trial, Sneddon attempted to introduce Jordan Chandler’s description and drawing as well as the photographs of Jackson’s genitalia. In the Motion Sneddon claimed:

“The photographs reveal a mark on the right side of Defendant’s penis at about the same relative location as the dark blemish located by Jordan Chandler on his drawing of Defendant’s erect penis. I believe the discoloration Chandler identified in his drawing was not something he could have or would have guessed about, or could have seen accidentally. I believe Chandler’s graphic representation of the discolored area on Defendant’s penis is substantially corroborated by the photographs taken by Santa Barbara Sheriff’s detectives at a later time.”


“Jordan Chandler’s knowledge on December 1, 1993 is relevant because it could only have been acquired in the course of a close and intimate relationship with Defendant.” [1]

The "investigators" were out to get him because he was exonerated in court. If all of that "evidence" were legit mj would have been in prison.

apology accepted brainlette. if you can;t see the context in how a regular art book of innocent nude children being in the same place deliberately with pornography then there is no helping you.

>On May 25 2005, about a week before the end of Michael Jackson’s four month long trial, Sneddon attempted to introduce Jordan Chandler’s description and drawing as well as the photographs of Jackson’s genitalia.

Now tell me why the judge ruled it inadmissable
I mean why bother quoting the prosecution at all here, this isn't how it works



I get that! Its like Michael Jordan in the NBA. He was the one to take the game globally and have all the endorsements that helped make him a household name. Plus his shoe was a big deal.

Now players in the NBA are all their own "brand" even if they haven't won a championship. But theyre nowhere near the level of Jordan.

But Michael Jackson got there because he was just that damn good. Watch videos of him performing as a kid..unbelievable talent. Then he made very wise and calculated career decisions.

>MJ had a porn collection with a child's fingerprints all over it
and? My father had a box full of playboy mags and vhs tapes under his bed. If the cops fingerprinted the contents, they would find my brothers and I's fingerprints and DNA on everything in that box. My father didn't know we knew about his box, nor did he molest us.

>1 week left of the trial
>It's clear for anyone following it that he'll be exonerated
>Only just then decide to try to use this blowout kind of evidence

Tom Sneddon absolutely seething of desperation.


>A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia

the townsfolk call him old Seething Sneedon

Here are my thoughts:
From the hype surrounding Leaving Neverland, I went into the documentary expecting new evidence that would break the case wide open. There is none of that. Zero. All physical documentation presented was either completely innocuous or easily faked. This is troubling for me because if these boys had years-long love affairs with MJ I would expect them to have SOMETHING more substantial.
Razorfist has a 3-part series on MJ, parts 2 and 3 of which are about the doc. It doesn’t completely exonerate MJ, but it leaves room for significant reasonable doubt. Part 3 especially contains his strongest rebuttals, though his claims that the accusers’ stories changed several times were overblown and based more on nitpicking than anything.
Overall, I still think there’s a >50% chance that he diddled kids. I just can’t get past the weirdness of his behavior and the materials found in his house. Still, though, no jury would find him guilty and I don’t think there’s anything strong enough to merit destroying his legacy.

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>the internal machinations of an NPC

*dabs on your entire existence*


Those kids were not blood related to MJ

Yeah, Michael Jackson

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Who could've guessed that this black man who is white would have blotches all across his body when not covered in makeup? Surely not someone who's spent time with the guy playing water fights in and around a swimming pool.

the types of people who think Michael is guilty are the types of people who think day under age of consent = pedophilia


what's the problem shlomo, is your shill server fucking up?

>Razorfist has a
stop shilling your channel, you balding freak

>Overall, I still think there’s a >50% chance that he diddled kids. I just can’t get past the weirdness of his behavior and the materials found in his house. Still, though, no jury would find him guilty and I don’t think there’s anything strong enough to merit destroying his legacy.

I understand that idea but stop and think 2 seconds about this.

>black guy
>sleeps in bed with pretty white little kids for days at a time

yah he TOTALLY didn't want to fuck them. yay keep thinking that

Michael jackson was actually castrated as a child. Why is this never brought up? It's the literal reason why he never grew up. Doesnt make him a pedo

James Alefantis

OP is based and correct. Michael Jacksonfags are so BTFO by Leaving Neverland

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>He was a grown man who thought it was okay to sleep with kids
Lmao did you even watch the video you linked? You retards always spew this bullshit "HE SLEPT WITH KIDS" he didn't sleep with them, he slept on the floor and let them have his bed, he "shared" his bed with them by letting them use it while he stayed on the floor. The kids families even slept in his room because his room was the fucking size of a duplex for fucks sake.

Yes it s creepy how he holds hands and acts with kids and I wouldn't let my kids near him but he was not a pedo and didn't rape kids, he lost his childhood and kids were the only thing in the world he could connect with

are normalfag plebs totally incapable of understanding anything beyond lust and violence?

This is the first time I’ve ever even heard of him or watched his content. His vids were far from perfect and his personality is cancer but he raises substantial objections to the doc.

Imagine deleting all your MJ music but still having the beatles or led zeppelin or motley crue or david bowie or pretty much any rock before 2000...i won't defend mj either way, i'm a skeptic by nature so I don't believe anything that doesnt have conclusive evidence but all I can say is that America is the nation of hypocrisy. Especially if you are a trump supporter yet denounces MJ, don't even get me on him and his best buddy Epstein

Was MJ naked with his cock erect while playing those "water fights"?

I love the retards attacking the credibility of the accusers, calling them money grabbing liars and unstable etc. Of course they would be if they got molested as children, pimped out by their parents in the hope of an entertainment career. Of course they're fucked up themselves. If anything the mess of these "men" and their lives is further evidence that Frankenstein monster diddled them

yeah he connected his tongue with young boy's buttholes.

>i went in expecting evidence

this is the problem with wacko jacko tards. cochran, one of the most celebrated lawyers alive, shut the door on evidence, but that does not mean jackson does not deserve public scrutiny. if you believe jackson, then you should welcome it, because the next time an adult man sleeps with kids and builds an eyesore child ranch on the ass of america, we’ll have the knowhow to protect this harmless child-minded man so he can, you know, have sleep-overs and talk on the phone with little boys abd girls and definitely not groom them extensively.

pretty much every rockstar pre 90s had sex with with girls 11-14 so you might as well delete music

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The fingerprints were only on the magazine because the prosecutor took it out of the bag and let the kids hold it to see if he "recognized" it

stop shilling your shitty doc here HBO
maybe not, but with divorce rates, the popularity of porn/playboy around that time period I can guarantee you that I wasn't the only household with a hidden box of porn with child's fingerprints and DNA on

Yes, how else would be give them a super soaking?

Why wouldn’t you let your kids near him if a grown man becoming close friends to an 8 year old isn’t a sign of being a pedo?

Pic related is literally more believable than Whackojacko not licking little boys buttholes

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We’re in agreement. I still think his behavior is incredibly fucking weird and he probably did it. I just think you need something more concrete, especially against a dead man who can’t defend himself

interesting bait

Correct me if I'm wrong but from the film, it seems like none of the two guys said they had penetrative sex with MJ right, just mutual wanking and oral stuff.

Why is the go to excuse he lost his childhood? Loads of people lose their childhood, do you know how many organise play dates with kids to make up for it? None. They just spiral into drugs or alcoholism. That's the normal response you stupid fuckers. He was a pedophile

my dad left us when I was a baby

You dont see me holding hands with dads and asking them to come over for sleepovers lol

Fuck off with that "only white boys" shill. Jordan chandler was a nigger and Arvizo a spick. Brett Barnes is black as well.


Are these posts saying “yeah he raped them but so what other people do too”? That’s what they read like they’re saying. Which is fine if that’s your position, but they also seem like “he didn’t rape them” types.

Safechuck said Michael fingered his butthole ones and he didnt like it

Robson said Michael stuck his dick in his butt but it was too painful and Michael stopped. He later had to get rid of his underwear because it was bloody

it's just a bit of innocent tender fondling not like he tied them up and hurt them or anything

I wouldn't let my kids near any grown adults unless they are family.

Keep moving those goalposts though

>Comparing yourself to Michael Jackson

He would be a liar either way in this case.

>he didnt sleep with them
>he slept on the floor
>let them have his bed
>his room was the fucking size of a duplex

Ok so his room was like a house...but he sleeps on the floor? You saying he didnt have another bed he could sleep on? lol..you try to make it sound ok since the grown man slept on the floor.
gtfo with that retarded reasoning

But what about Trump and his best buddy Epstein, the convicted pedophile that Trump sent his labor secretary to get him minimal charges...i bet you will still vote for him in 2020 even though he is a pedo sympathizer and that makes you a hypocrite no matter how you wanna swing it

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ye it was jus a little suk a little tug

Why wouldn’t you let your kids around Peter Pan syndrome guys who have sleepovers and long phone convos with 8 year olds who are definitely NOT pedos?

Can’t Epstein and MJ BOTH by pedos? What does Epstein have to do with MJ playing BFF with 8 year olds for years?

michael did it and also did nothing wrong. pedophiles are the most oppressed people on the planet PERIOD and we need to end the stigma against them. the sex is completely 100% consensual and many people like milo yiannopolis have come out and said it was a beautiful thing that provided mentorship and helped shape them into great people. michael jackson is proof that pedo's can be good people and do great things for the world. all pedos should be released from prison IMMEDIATELY and the arbitrary age of consent needs to be abolished

it was a joke you retard

Jimmy Safechuck formerly James Endangeredsneed

>no retard he slept on the floor
Don't know what you are trying to prove it this post lol

On second thoughts I would

you're finally honest, razorfist

aka Jimmy Safesuck

If pedophila was legal, horny kids would have options. You STILL wouldn’t get laid, so give it up.

I only listen to underage artists anyway.

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No its more like everyone in America are sensationalist hypocrites who need to wake up and become self-aware...if you erase one person from existence just because it is the popular thing to do, you arent a good person, you are just an NPC sheep falling for groupthink

aka Jimmy Safesuck

What’s your kids number? I started working early in life, want to relive my childhood. Will be completely innocent I swear.

that sounds like something Sam Hyde would say

No ones trying to erase him, just trying to get retard nostalgia worshippers to admit that that album was made by a creepy pedo.

Kill Yourself

I'm saying if you vote for trump, a blatent pedo supporter and likely pedo himself, yet denounce MJ, you are a hypocrite and lack any shred of self awareness


Reported pedo

NAMBLA please go...you are mentally ill no matter how much you try to make emotional appeals

So what made you say Michael sleeps with kids when the vid you linked proved the opposite of that? Has msm propaganda really fooled you that much?

And if you defend MJ, a blatant repeated kiddy diddler yet knee jerk when Drumph is mentioned because he ASSOCIATES with a teen diddler, you are also a hypocrite. Hypocrite arguments go both ways unless you’re neutral on both sides (you aren’t), retard.

I admit Trump is skeevy for associating with Epstein. Now will you admit that MJ is skeevy for being a pedo?

Dude I just want to like explore childhood wonder and talk about trains and shit. Perfectly normal nonpedo behavior for a grown man.

hey my dad left me when I was a baby so I didnt have a dad growing up.
Can you come over and sleep in my bed? I will sleep on the floor. Like I said I didnt have a dad growing up.

Well done OP, well done. HOWEVER I can name 2 off the top of my head: Mark Twain and Lewis Carroll.

literal brainlet opinions. go back to thumping your bible. in 10 years you will all realize you are on the wrong side of history

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Nothing Suspicious Here

Attached: JEW ME.jpg (700x370, 79K)

I'll admit that MJ put himself in a bad position and lacked the self awareness to see how bad it could be...I'm skeptical by nature and know people will sell out their own mother for money so Im reluctant to believe this documentary wholeheartedly....there is a big difference between a fucking president and a pop star though and that makes all the difference in the world to me...MJ wasnt running a country, he was just singing songs and now he's dead...his crimes never can continue while the other has the potential to continue commiting them with the belief he is untouchable