455 global opening weekend

>455 global opening weekend
>higher than the last jedi
>6th highest of all time
Yea Forums truly on suicide watch

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/pol/tardetties on permanent cope watch, more like

good, capeshitters are digging grave for their own franchise

>153M weekend
it's going down from their previous estimations lol

It would never be like this if Black Panther and Aquaman had not break 1 billion
Marvel felt the need to make it like this

this will break a billion

Post a few more fake reviews no one will read, that will surely stop sales

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>celebrating a shitty movie doing well to own the repubs

When you jump out of a window when literally every other movie beats it, will you livestream it?

To paraphrase Aldous Huxley, get them young and turn them into loyal ideology buyers.

But this is lower than Ant Man numbers, the movie that everyone proclaimed was a flop.
>Twitter post
Who the fuck is this guy and where is he getting his numbers?

This can't be real bros, the theaters are actually empty child sex pizza parlors, WHY DO WE KEEP LOSING?

Minus the cost of having to buy out the theaters to only play this shit.

450m from opening weekend. its obviously going to break a billion, retard

So the numbers get revised down each morning. Interesting. It's almost like word of mouth is poor.

>already dropped by 27.3%

>implying those numbers aren't bought

Who the hell thought it was gonna bomb

>clearly it's official and legitimate numbers and disney didn't put their hand in this despite multiple reports of empty theaters

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>Yea Forums says it will flop
>it makes a billion dollars

Every single time.

How come women are not watching it?

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>Release it on International Women's Day
>women don't show up

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Because cape is for men, so they felt like watching it beforeendgame comes out.

And many wanted to see how bad it is, if you take all these mediocre reviews, you might be interested to see it once.

No, superheroes are for children.
No self respecting adult watches these stupid movies featuring clowns and full of stupid ultra ironic millennial "humor".

>And many wanted to see how bad it is
No, numales is what happened.

What happens is that most women (and men) are normal people who just want to watch an action movie with hot chicks and ripped men.
Most don't give a fuck about this "empowerment" shit, even the biggest normalfags don't think that watching a superhero movie will save the world.
And CM just doesn't have any of that.
There's no ripped men, there's no hot chicks, there's no romance for the girls, there's nothing.

Turns out those "manbabies" truly are the audience of these flicks.

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Man threads like these make me realise how some of you slapdicks are gullible retards that eat up anything that’s thrown at you from the media. This movie is more than just a run of the mill superhero movie, it’s a business wide backed propaganda piece. (((They))) will never let it be known as a flop. RT shenanigans are proof of that.

flopping was never an option, this close to Endgame. the real effects of all the drama will be felt the next weeks.

This. The movie is shit and Disney was sweating, we won

Isnt it still Sunday? Also it's an estimate.

Not most women apparently lmao, women supported Trump more than Captain Marvel

>women supported Trump more than Captain Marvel
we should meme this into mainstream

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and those incel poltards spammed the board for weeks. its like having a retarded son who's fighting an imaginary war in his head but in reality he's only smearing shit all over your house irritating you

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Fun and wacky fact: here in Russialand, we celebrate 8th March via giving women flowers and gifts and thanking them for being so beautiful, lovely and joyful.
Sometimes feminists are seething that it's not the original meaning of this date, but nobody gives a crap.

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These people hate you and want you dead and you don't care because they made some other movies you like.

Lol, calm down. Just because you feel like you need to show that you are an adult you dont need to heavy signal something.
Its still just as intelligent or realistic as your typical romance movie, horror movie or half of all dramas.
Besides if you cant see any lesson or info in even a kids movie than you really are a sheeply npc.
I agree see how men or women lust over beautifull sport athletes, music stars or even movie stars.
And sex or things like clothes/make-up still sell well.

And what also drives men or women into cinemas is a good movie. Thanks to the internet many are more used to cinema and harder to impress. See Transformers, with every movie less investment from studio and it got more obvious its only explosions. Thats why asia eat it up, they dont habe reference material or the appeal of forgetting the society they live in.

>money laundering

>Besides if you cant see any lesson
What lesson?
These movies are the hero's journey formula over and over and over again.
They all have the same lesson to the point where they are driving that timeless type of story into the ground.

Still on the first week though

sure some of the money could be laundering, but not all. It's still a bigger opening than even their predictions

The russo movies have actual character development and themes

The Winter Soldier was okay, but I think I mostly liked it because I like the trope of a hero becoming a fugitive for doing the right thing.
Civil War and Infinity War were a blur of mediocre attempts at melodrama and terrible jokes that only a 5 year old would find funny.

>it’s a Disney buys out Movie Theaters to inflate their ticket sales

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>theaters are actually empty child sex pizza parlors
They screen the movie in the basement user, that's why you don't see the people.

I agree on the humor but the drama was well executed

Civil War drama was shit
Infinity War was at least acceptable

It's a shame we didn't get the original Cap 3, of him fighting against the US government, but I guess the government wouldn't allow such a thing to happen.

Literal cope

Why? I thought all the motivations and decisions seemed pretty reasonable within the context of each character

Every movie has a lesson or something that you can take with you. And i dont mean its like the world formula or everyone has a 3 feet deep message or everything is well done.
For example greek myths are nowadays kids or ten tales, back than it was adult entertainment or oral rules.
And the hero journey is still something that you can take with you after watching it. If you are capable of thinking your own.

>the opening weekend audience was dominated by males making up almost two thirds of the audience

Seriously wtf is wrong with American '''men'''?

>buy a bunch of empty seats as """marketing"""
>d-doing great!

>Every movie has a lesson or something that you can take with you.
Superhero movies are way too shallow for that.
If only they were capable of taking themselves seriously even a tiny bit, but not even that.
So i'm not going to treat them seriously either.

Keep defending Disney, that will finally get you enough good boy points for a smooch

Keep on drinking the Kool Aid, Bugman

rely on (((people with more power than you))) to fix the world's provlems

You dont have to, just saying that just because its a kids thing doesnt mean you cant enjo it or take a lesson out of it.
If its not your type or the lesson isnt enough for you, its ok.