What's to stop me from just moving 6 inches to the left, the spell would miss me entirely and I would have enough time to hit him with something and knock him out. Instead wizards would just stand there like idiots, at least hide behind a couch or something
actually, spells curve.
How long would it take Hogwarts to stop pic related, and how many would he take with him?
Inferior muggles have mandatory dodge ball in schools.
Wizardly fucks wouldn't stand a chance
The moment he enters the protective bubble some wizard would teleport behind him and wipe his memories.
You can't use a spell to block the killing curse however you can use the locomotor spell to move an inanimate object to block the curse, as Dumbledore does in OOTP in the books.
Also in the films, most spells are only said for the audience. Skilled wizards don't need to shout the spell.
Guns don't work in Hogwarts.
...KEdullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>What's to stop me from just moving 6 inches to the left, the bullet would miss me entirely and I would have enough time to hit him with something and knock him out.
>however you can use the locomotor spell to move an inanimate object to block the curse, as Dumbledore does in OOTP in the books.
I dont remember this. The fight inside the MoM? What did he block it with?
In the books, Dumbledore produced three statues which attacked Bellatrix, blocked the killing curse and kept an eye on Harry Potter.
In the films, the killing curse isn't used in the duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore.
Ah, Thanks now I remember
I'm not saying I could dodge it like neo in the matrix but actually yeah, I bet if I had a few seconds where I knew a gun would be fired I could easily get out of the bullets trajectory. For someone of my intellect, it would be as simple as doing math in my head.
piss off
>Guns don't work in Hogwarts.
You are thinking of electronics, which don't work because of all the magic infetterance.
>Guns aren't electrical
God this board is full of some of the dumbest mother fuckers I've ever encountered in my life
Guns don't kill people, muggles do.
Somebody post the hogwards school shooter comic
Considering Harry Potter was the final horcrux, does that mean he himself was invincible apart from Voldemort?
If, say Draco, used the killing curse against him; would Harry die?
Also continuing this question, could Dumbledore, if he wished, kill Voldemort, or was that only reserved for Harry to be able to do it?
And if Voldemort could be killed by anyone, why didn't the MoM just surround the cunt with like 50 Aurors and each and every one of them fire the killing curse?
How would a wizard deal with shrapnel bombs around a corner ?
klever. i haven't been seeing this around lately? is this post getting banned now?
>Tell me Lucius, are you feeling lucky?
>What do you think is superior, your british spells, or japanese steel
>You are within 21 feet of me, you have one shot before I close in and deliver the final blow, better make it count, baka
Based DEH poster
Yer a wizard 'ary, and the school you are going to is called hognipples
The truth regarding firearms and explosives is that the Wizards wouldn't have a clue and would be absolutely arse-raped in any wide scale Muggle v. Wizard war.
Look at the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Department.
They don't even know what the function of a rubber duck is, let alone what a fully modified L85A1 standard issue British Army firearm would be.
They could use the 'protego maxima' spell, like Dumbledore in OOTP against Voldemort, which creates a white shield but that's no good if you don't know the shrapnel bomb is there.
At the end of the day, the Battle of Hogwarts would've been 50 minutes shorter if the British Government intervened and just sent 5 Apache gunships.
Hufflepuff would often have group __________
>uses a ceramic pistol
nothin personnel wizards...
I can see apaches being shot down since brooms and shit, but how do you counter a super sonic .50 coming at you without you knowing ?
Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.
Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it.
Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12
And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal
Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand.But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger?
Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova.
Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second.
I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series:
"Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1."
And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.
One single barrage of artillery from 10 miles away, they wouldn't even know it was coming.
Mortar teams.
Sniper teams, as you said.
I think the wizards would be confused by the Apaches at first. Obviously once you've fired 5000 missiles at them, the survivors might start to realise.
Special Forces infiltrate the Death Eaters HQ at Malfoy Manor and capture Voldemort; they render him useless by chopping his arms and legs off.
"Only I can live forever", as a powerless nugget.
Dumblefag says in one of the books that it's risky to make a living thing a Horcrux because living things can die, this is in reference to the snake Nagini, which we later see Voldemort put a great deal of protection on during the final battle for this exact reason. Also, the object Horcruxes are as invulnerable as they are due to other spells that Voldemort put on them, not the Horcrux spell itself.
So yeah, Harry could totally just up and die like anybody else.
Dumbledore or anybody could theoretically destroy Voldemort's body, but it wouldn't actually kill him unless all of his Horcruxes had been destroyed. Assuming that's been done, anybody could be the one to do the job, but it ended up being Harry due to PLOT.
I imagine the Ministry would have liked to surround Voldemort and spam him with killing curses, but they never really got the chance. He's got an army of his own to contend with and he's not really the type to put himself in that position: ie he nopes the fuck out of the Ministry at the end of OoTP when all the officials start showing up.
>Takes Nagini to the final battle
>not leaving her at some pet kennel for it
what a fucking retard
"Dodgeball was invented by muggles in the Middle Ages as a practice against spells" sounds exactly like something Rowling would post on her Twitter nowadays.
Muggles can't find wizards when wizards don't want to be found AND Muggles have no defense against mindcontrol.
Muggles get made into a slave race in any wizard v Muggle war.
I think the reason he fucks off at the end of OOTP is because he's trying to remain hidden, although that's quite foolish when the Minister for Magic has just literally seen you going to kill Harry Potter.
The best thing Voldemort could've done is let Nagini loose in the wild in some random desert or jungle country.
>love protects against death
I hate these absolute meme from Rowling regarding Harry's mum protecting him by sacrificing herself.
With this, you could literally jump in front of the killing curse, sacrificing yourself, and the person who tried to kill your mate would die.
It's just bollocks.
Ginny's mum could dive in front of Bellatrix's spell and die. Ginny survives, Bellatrix dies instantly.
Hagrid jumps in front of the killing curse that destroys Harry as a horcrux, Hagrid dies. Harry survives, Voldemort is rendered a non-entity yet again.
there are 500 muggles for every wizard in england alone
There is a reason why the Wizards are in hiding, pal, and why they don't rule the world.
To be fair, he had every reason to believe he was virtually invincible and all powerful at that point, but yeah it was definitely a hubristic move.
not in rowlings mind
>One single barrage of artillery from 10 miles away, they wouldn't even know it was coming.
>Mortar teams.
I can see some bs reason for mortars teams, remember the anti dementor dome inpart 6 ? But the real question why why there arent any wizards operating with muggle gear and underbarrel/ secondary hand wands
W-we're p-protecting the muggles from us!
Which part of a gun is electronic?
I don't think that's even a word
Have you never been to a one sided battles thread? Go be a libtard somewhere else.
The Minister for Magic literally walks in to the British Prime Minister's office as he pleases, tells him what the fuck is up, and plants spies in his staff. Sounds like ruling to me.
And I mean do you really want to be bothered by a bunch of dumb Muggles all the time? Way better to be left alone with your own kind.
>But the real question why why there arent any wizards operating with muggle gear and underbarrel/ secondary hand wands
Imagine wizard SAS fucking up the malfoy estate with mp5SDs and using spells instead of flashbangs
And who says none of the Muggleborns aren't spies for the actual government?
Also, considering the MoM is considered part of the UK Government, it is only right he has access to the Prime Minister.
Also the only reference to what you said is when Cornelius Fudge goes to the PM to tell him that Voldemort is back, that the Ministry has no power to stop Voldemort whatsoever and that the Muggle world needs to be aware of this.
The most appropriate response from the PM would be to mobilise 1st Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment and place Diagon Alley under martial law.
F-f-for the g-greater good!
I have to believe at least one of the PMs got SIS or someone working on Wizard countermeasures R&D
>The best thing Voldemort could've done is let Nagini loose in the wild in some random desert or jungle country.
This, what he should have done with all of them.
JK rollin said he couldnt because they were his soul and he was a symbolic type that thought there was more power in tying them to important things and places
If the killing curse can be blocked by, say the statues in the OOTP book, does that mean a Muggle soldier wearing kevlar would be protected also?
>b-but what about my fanfiction!
I hate to break it to you but your headcanon isn't real.
Fudge straight up tells the PM that they're bringing in dangerous monsters also. Doesn't ask. Tells, as a courtesy. The wizard government has no real accountability to the Muggle government and we know for a fact that the only official to know about the wizarding world is the PM himself, who in the books muses on how he could never tell anyone because they'd think he was crazy.
But please, tell me more about your fic.
>yfw harry just had a really shiny forehead
he didn't produce the statues, they came from the fountain in the MoM. Otherwise you're right.
It isn't fanfiction, at the beginning of Deathly Hallows Fudge is talking with the PM about how he has to resign and how Rufus Scrimgeour is taking over.
I have no idea why, when dumbledore figured out that voldemort, his first goal was 'kill voldemort'. Then they could have searched for the other horcruxes out in the open without the death eaters taking over the world
Look, if you're not gonna read my posts that's fine. Have your headcanon thread.
Oh there it is!
>You will never Imperius curse a hot, stuck up Slytherin slut into being your mindbroken sex slave who lives to choke on your cock
Why even live, lads?
>ywn make sweet tender passionate teenage-awkward consensual gentle love to Luna Lovegood
I'm joining Deatheaters
>release Nagini into the equatorial wilds
>gets shot by some wild 'groid or huenigger
Draco is a male, you degenerate. Get out of here, kike.
And the Malfoy's did nothing wrong.
>Too much of an asshole to join the good guys.
>Too much of a pussy to join the bad guys.
Cute! I'd date her at Hogwarts
So kinda like USA in WW2 then.
Voldemort was an edgy fag who needed a slap and (((potter))) and co were fags. He was the good middle. All he wanted was his people to have their own space.
>voldemort the sperg
>harry the jew
What you gonna do?
Horcrux reflects all damage that isn't the sword or the tooth, retard.
Nagini would dominate the food chain.
Why didnt any of the other countries wizards help the UK when Voldemort took over it
The Who what now? I’m going to need to see this.
nibba was so mad he was about to use an illegal spell in the middle of hargwerts before veldermart got back; he was lucky dolby knocked him down before he did it
harry blocks avada with his red laser in the final fight at hogwarts
That's because of a very particular set of circumstances involving harry and voldemort; I'd like to say more but I forgot what was the exact explanation.
Louie, I'm Louie.
Not only other countries but other schools too, it was proven that theres clearly other independent magical schools, but none came to help, its the biggest plothole of the whole franchise imo
>What's to stop me from just moving 6 inches to the left
Nothing. That's what Harry did in Goblet of Fire. He threw himself behind a cover.
Hi Woowie
It was supposed to be stronger because it was a Mother’s love, and a big part of it was she was offered the chance to leave and save herself after she was faced with certain death but refused to move out of the love of her son
Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, user?
I don't know, why?
>trying to apply logic to a woman's book
What are you doing
Yes, Lucius, well done. Well done. HOWEVER
Horcrux-Harry has taken beatings every book and Voldy destroyed his horcrux by killing him with a regular ol' killing curse, retard.
Was getting pinned down by your thick-thighed mama in missionary position part of your plan?
Its the day we worship our lord and savior Jesus Christ!
That's because he was retconned to be a Horcrux as a shitty twist. Nagini visibly reflects a fireball into a crowd when Harry wakes up on Hagrid's arms. That nigga's unkillable.
Not really buddy
>Harry is affected by spells normally
>horcruxes are indestructible and reflect all spells
>Harry was a horcrux this whole time lmao
Explain that?
Shit writing.
>the MoM is considered part of the UK Government
Retarded muggle.
love magic from his mom negated the benefits of it by freeing his soul from the evil of Tom Riddle, its a trade off
You are still in good time to go to church service. Check out the nearest Catholic church and go there. Reflect on your decadent lifestyle and ask God for help.
Right you are, user!
I'm Russian, we only got Orthodox churches around 'ere m8. Does that suffice?
It does.
It's the stupid "old" magic that Dumbledore mentions that saved Harry so many times. That and Harry being a horcrux is foreshadowed several times in the book, as well as once or twice in the movies. It's not retconning if Rowling planned it all along m8
bLaCk PeOpLe CaN bE wHiTe ToO
that's given it's written without plot armor
but if we remove plot armor then also the wizards would stop being 100% retarded, it makes no sense they have no idea what a rubber duck is, fucking 10 year old harry potter could answer that
the wizards isolation is treated like they're archeologists dealing with ancient artifacts, but they're fucking contemporary, live hidden in society, have fucking muggleborn and 1000 information gathering spells, it makes no sense for them to be so ignorant
brexit means brexit
How come wizards don't use enchanted guns with magic?
What makes you think horcruxes are inherently adamantium-stronk and haven't just been heavily enchanted by Tom?
Nagini probably just had a bunch of protections woven around her for the fight. Permanently imbuing living things doesn't seem to be a thing since we don't see wizards making themselves indestructible, so if you released her without being around to keep renewing her protections she'd probably be an unusually clever snake with all of the usual vulnerabilities.
>hogwarts but everyone is training to be bayonetta
IIRC This is how the book explains it
Hoarcruxes have their own natural protection but Lord Deh enchanted the crap out of them
Basilisk venom and plot device "fiend-fire" or whatever just bypass shit
yeah that one was extra good
>only a special few macguffins can destroy an 'orcrux, 'arry, and a good deal of worry will go into having them on hand to do the deed
>and also this spell that makes a fire so naughty you should probably only use it in an open field or something, and it's so forbidden and dark that this 18-year-old boy whose sole character trait is being a fat dopey henchman can pick it up on his own
for real though is guns vs magic ever discussed in the books? I'm curious
Why didnt the MoM ask the British Ptime Ministet to level the Forbidden Forest with cruise missiles and JDAMs?
absolutley based
>200 years playing GTA: Vice City
t b h this is probably how 10-year-old me would choose to spend eternity
>tfw only ever got to play it for minutes at a time at cunty older kids' houses
Muggles are helpless compared to wizards
JK could had a perfect opportunity to fucking CHANGE THE GAME with Voldemort threatening to reveal the wizard world to them and try to enslave us.
But she chickened out because like many left leaning psychos, shes afraid of the real world.
Imagine if Voldemort had created a backup plan to fuck everything up by revealing the wizarding world to the muggles in the event of his defeat.
Honestly surprised Grindy didn't do this.
Reddit here in force.
>guns didn't exist until a little over 100 years ago
Things could have gotten so much more interesting
A new trilogy of 8 centered around new characters growing up in a world that has to come to terms with the secret world of wizards
Muggles develop machines that can detect magic. Muggles instantly begin work on magical deterrent projects. Radical wizards go on muggle killing sprees, Salem witch trials 2.0 both sides down play threats for the greater good.
Basically a smooth transition from HP to tom clancy
Magic doesn't work in areas with lots of technology
>electrical guns
the state of education of amerimutts
>Magic doesn't work in areas with lots of technology
Is this one of those JK asspulls after the fact??
No, it's magic causing electrical distortions which mess with electrical tech.
I want to fuck Nagini.
>guns aren’t electrical
>not joking
So this is the power of American education
It works both ways
>Police guns can be only fired by the police it belongs too
Of course they are electrical dumbass
What the fuck was the deal with this anyway? Why did the big snake need this retarded of a backstory? Goddamn, I need to start vetoing the movies I see with my friends.
>What's to stop me from just moving 6 inches to the left
Your massive girth. You could move two feet to the left but the spell would still hit your big fat belly.
>Which leaves...
>The horntail!
>What's that boy?
The snake has a backstory? I just want to fuck a snake.
>be American
>guns are everywhere in my country
>still don't know a goddamn thing about them
Yep, user is confirmed American all right
>EXPEL E. Armus!
The snake is an asian lady who is cursed to turn into a snake, eventually forever. Personally I'd fuck the asian lady and not the snake, but that's details.
They do this to get the retarded fan base to quit asking where things come from. Despite the inevitable autism of further questions being asked.
what was the fuckign point of this character. She does nothing. NOTHING
Well here's a question then: since fire produces a bit of electricity, how can anything fire related work in Hogwarts? How can the human body? We produce electricity. For fuck sakes all it is is electrons. If hogwarts were truly incapable of disrupting such a fundamental universal force itd be some kind of bizarre entropic black hole like spot which destroys electrons.
>That time Harry and Ron, the cheeky buggers, slip date-rape muffins to students they dislike
Jesus CHRIST Rowling
She's transblack you fucking bigot.
Why don't they combine spells like DEATH RAIN or learn how to talk and think two different spells, or become ventriloquists and fire three spells at the same time (tie a wand to your dick)?
Has Rowling reached George Lucas levels of retardation yet?
Rowling is a hack that doesnt know shit about combat or even the mechanics of her own shitty magic system
It's magic I don't have to explain SHIT
>George Lucas levels of retardation yet?
Go fuck yourself you Disney loving Reddit Letter Media turd muncher.
to what degree can just objects protect you from curses? why aren't clothes enough? just carry a police shield or something like that around.
Launch attacks on all voldemorts most powerful minions, known or suspected. Torture them into telling you where voldemort was 7 days ago. Use time turners and send back 100 aurors on his exact position while he's taking a shit.
Do above, but instead of time turners, force them to make an unbreakable vow with a bunch of people. They have to vow not to kill you or any of your allies and to help you destroy voldemort, you vow to give them a fair trial after the war. All that matters is swearing oaths, it doesn't matter if they do it under duress or imperious curses.
Or just get a bunch of house elves, and tell them to find voldemort and killl him. Elves are shown to be more powerful than wizards, and they're plentiful. Hogwarts has at least several dozen alone. And if they protest killing, then say find voldemort and bring him to the ministry by any means, or steal his wand and anything else he owns that isn't nailed down. Steal his fucking robes and shoes.
Rowling wrote dozens of canonical ways anyone could easily have defeated voldemort with.
>Harry Potter fans
if rowling never wrote the epilogue
didn't end with concrete pairings or imply the characters had fixed futures in front of them
finished the series and didn't try to write anymore lore
or have those new movies made
the series would've been remembered as a timeless YA classic
now it's just overly tread shit
based deh poster
Rowling did that shit all the time. She not only flagrantly disregards the fundamental rule of show, don't tell, she flips it around and then breaks her own rules anyways. Hermoines the cleverest witch and has a cowardly authoritarian streak: well instead of being put in the smart house or the coward house she's put in the house of brave stupid rebels. Expecto patronum is supposed a difficult spell for any wizard to learn, but anyone between 13-17 with an afternoon of practice can learn it easily.
You could make a dictionary out of rowlings hack writing.
You better not be an American you piece of shit.
You have to announce it every time you pull the trigger.
I find it hilarious that these always put atlas shrugged in the top tier.
Atlas Shrugged is the libertarian/objectivist equivalent of Twilight, self-insert Mary-Sue and all.
Is there a mainstream children's series with more plotholes?
JK Rowling isn't smart enough to create the world building necessary for a muggle vs wizard debate. She honestly had zero fucking idea where the story and world was going after the first book. It is why there is no foreshadowing at all and major plot points essential to the story are shat out by Dumbledore at random.
Rowling is a mediocre writer and does not deserve her level of success. Harry Potter's popularity is almost entirely thanks to circumstance. The first few novels were released in a time when movie's and music were dull affairs, internet and cell phones weren't popular, and video games were mostly marketed for boys. So here comes Scholastic advertising the fuck out her books to vapid girls under the age of 13 who have nothing else do with their time.
If the novels were released in this decade they would be completely forgotten.
>The constant fuck up and lackwit is able to cast the two most powerful spells in existence.