Why does Superman call his mother by her first name?

Why does Superman call his mother by her first name?

Attached: Martha.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Why doesn't Superman just reverse the plant and make all the trouble disappear

you don't?

Adoption Resentment Syndrome

I always hated that. So disrespectful

My mother = Alien, Batman may want to kill ther too
Martha Kent = Innocent victim being hold hostage

Why is so hard to actually try to answer that question all by yourself? why do retards always want everything to be explained to them?

To a stranger?
If anything, if he was trying to protect his identity or whatever, he would've said "save Martha Kent" and explain Luthor has her, so at least Batman knows there's someone in peril and might act on it. But just sperging out Martha to get it countered by an even spergier Batman, yeah, no

>yeah, no
you know where you need to go back to

I did for a while and then she told me it bothered her so I stopped.

still pretending the movie was good and flawless?

Because Superman is an edgy teenager in the DCEU.
He hates his dad to be fair though, Pa Kent is a bit of a dick up to the point where he imagined that his dad tells him a story about how he killed a bunch of horses.
The only time he can be bothered to do anything that won't let him end up looking like he'd rather do something else is when he saves his girlfriend (presumably hoping he'd get some poon later)

>he would've said "save Martha Kent"
He was trying, he had a spiked boot on his throat

Watched this for the first time last night. It's got lots of scenes that follow one another but they're like islands separated by an ocean; they don't connect. What is this style of film-making called?

it still amazes me how retards didn't pay attention. he's clearly trying to speak but cant.
it's called getting screwed by the studio. you didn't bother to watch the ultimate edition cut.

there's a kernel of a good scene here but its execution just fell flat on its face.

Like appealing to you trying to save your parents is a surefire way to get through to Batman, but Snyder fucked it all up.

>you didn't bother to watch the ultimate edition cut
No I watched the movie they released and showed me.

Because Zack Synder is a terrible fucking storyteller

yeah it's not your fault but if you are aware of zack snyder most of his movies get meddled by the studio and he later releases a directorsncut for it. if you even partially liked the normal cut i suggest watching the ultimate cut after a year or something. its 3 hours long though

Regular version took me three hours with the commercial breaks anyway. I'll get around to it one day.
Not gonna watch Justice League though.

what did they cut in theatrical version anyway?
I watched the """ultimate""" edition and still didn't understood jack shit because there's too many subplot and they just ping pong all over the place

that's cool. yeah don't bother with Justice League and suicide squad. did you like Man of Steel?

I didn't dislike it as much as a lot of people seem to do. For one I think killing Zod was the right thing to do so that part doesn't bother me at all.
Wish Faora'd been in it more but alas. Clark learning to fly is probably one of the best scenes out of any superhero movie. The displacement of air when he flies is something I like a lot, makes him have weight and presence.
Definitely not going to touch Suicide Squad, Ostrander's run is one of my favorite comics of all time and just one trailer convinced me they raped it.

some very scenes are rearranged or cut unnecessarily. I've blocked the theatrical cut out of my memory. yeah they had too many things going on but I feel still it works. can you elaborate which you didn't understand

>and still didn't understood jack shit because there's too many subplot
You are just dumb, it's capeshit, BvS isn't a complex movie, it's a dense one

yeah it's not a perfect movie but it does so many things so well. the scale is also epic. I feel it gets better after each viewing. same with BvS

"save my mother" wouldn't make any impact on bruce coming from an alien

even though i enjoyed bvs i admit it's sloppy writing but i think there was little they could do about it

wholesome burgerstan tradition

>Superman getting blamed for the death of CIA agents and Jimmy Olsen (why the fuck would they make Olsen CIA agent) in the desert
>Batman's weird dream
>piss jar
>Batman's obsession of Supes being the bad guy (the absolute one percent certainty yadda yadda)
>Batman kills

it's not complex, it's confusing

what if alfred wasn't listening in on their fight? batman would have just flown around searching every building in gotham?

Attached: 3070531-irons1.jpg (800x400, 34K)

Because it'd be weird if he cried out "mom!", and batman said, "I too called my mother that".

>Superman getting blamed for the death of CIA agents and Jimmy Olsen (why the fuck would they make Olsen CIA agent) in the desert
Jimmy Olsen CIA agent thing was weird they said they didn't have a use for his character in this world, so. Superman interfered in some war thing going on there for Lois Lane when he isn't supposed to. they burned the bodies so people think he used heat vision to kill them
>Batman's weird dream
first dream - shows he's still has trauma about him mom
second dream - his paranoia that Superman would one day turn evil
maybe a timeline where superman did go rogue. you know it's better to pretend this never happened because they never go there. but still it reinforces the belief that he's right about superman
>piss jar
>Batman's obsession of Supes being the bad guy (the absolute one percent certainty yadda yadda)
this a batman that let his Robin die, feels that his 20 years in gotham didn't yield any result. at the beginning of the movie he tells them to get out the building, but a little late. jack and his employees die as a result. he blames superman
>Batman kills
i think he mostly doesn't give a shit or thinks criminal need a second chance. he was ready to murder superman, so he didn't care about the causalities.
I may be wrong about some of these. so take it for what you will

>piss jar
it's about his conversation before with the senator, where she says he can't fool her. it's just intimidation tactic I guess

>>Superman getting blamed for the death of CIA agents and Jimmy Olsen
That didn't happen in neither of the versions, you are a retard. They went out of their way to show you that a nigger actress is claiming superman involvement resulted on WARLORDS attacking the villages after he leaves. She is an actress paid by luthor, and KGBeast is Luthor's agent.
>>Batman's weird dream
The same, Batman memories from a possible future product of Flash trying to reach him, it's a prophecy, nothing more than that.
>>piss jar
Bad guy luthor mocks someone he is about to kill
>>Batman's obsession of Supes being the bad guy (the absolute one percent certainty yadda yadda)
Nothing confusing about that, superman being evil is irrelevant, Bruce thinks Superman existence treatens humankind.
>>Batman kills
And he is the antagonist, nothing wrong with that, he kills becuase he is not longer part of the good guys, he is broken, a fallen hero.

If you got confused over that shit you should stay away from popcorn movies, your brain is already rotten

>Jimmy Olsen CIA agent thing was weird they said they didn't have a use for his character in this world, so. Superman interfered in some war thing going on there for Lois Lane when he isn't supposed to. they burned the bodies so people think he used heat vision to kill them
You could misunderstood that in the theatrical cut, but not on the ultimate

So batman could save "Martha"?

Have sex incel