I forgot about this nigga
I forgot about this nigga
i forgot about dre
>set up a villain for 2 seasons
>oops we have no idea what to do with him because we have to have the white walkers as the main villains soon
>just blow him and all the other secondary characters in kings landing up lmao
Excellent as always dabid
The only good part of GoT after Season 4.
He was really fucking annoying. I'm glad he died, and I was rooting for cersei.
There's no proof he's actually dead though, sure you see him "die", but you also saw the mountain die and he came back too so
Yeah he doesn't like the fucking Americans.
i can't believe i know people who actually thought that was good writing. i guess they were easily impressed by the fucking piano thing and the long shot before tommen's suicide. it's like a fucking anime
i forgot everything that happens with each new season
>currently watching season 4 with my gf, it's her first time
>joffrey dies
>she literally says
>"yayy i love a happy ending"
what the fuck is wrong with women
What are you talking about he turned into a skeleton
It was never about the sparrow, you mong. It was all a lead up to Cercei getting the faggots gold.
no he wasn't
>low-key boasting you have a roastie to complain
fuck you
>rooting for queen incest
>grils ammirite
are you 12?
damn son checked
why are you faggots so bitter
>religious analogy to Christianity
>"Let's blow him up in an empowered wymyn scene!"
Literally all the thought that went into it. Daily reminder they're Jews. I wonder when we're going to get that scene where a sneaky cabal of insular religious cultists aid a Dothraki invasion so they can profit from selling captured children into sex slavery. Let's just cover the whole religious gambit, here.
The primary sin of the entire thing was that it took twenty fucking minutes to happen and you absolutely knew she was going to kill everyone almost immediately. It reeked of pretentious writing. They should have made it a surprise, where you thought Cersei was fucked until the very last minute when she pulls some shit.
Imagine being this obsessed with jews
Hillary Clinton defeats Bernie Sanders
Why not? They're obsessed with us
Daily reminder that the High Sparrow was the last hope of King's Landing.
it may not be good writing but it was far more logical and prepared than what happened to littlefinger. the high sparrow had consistently been underestimating cersei, abusing her and acting as if there was no way he could be killed or stopped. and there was no way for him to know about the wildfire whereas littlefinger had to know about bran
the "oh there happens to be a ridiculous amount of wildfire stored in the middle of this extremely populated city" was extremely convenient though
Maario Naharis
Retard, Mad King Ares planted the entire city with wildfire as a safety net for when he got couped. It’s the whole reason Jamie kills him
>that scene where a sneaky cabal of insular religious cultists aid a Dothraki invasion so they can profit from selling captured children into sex slavery. Let's just cover the whole religious gambit, here
based and redpilled
Still alive in the books. Good knowing that the shit with the wildfire won't be how it goes
I actually like how Cersei had to blow a bunch of people just to get rid of him.
It' shows how fucking overwhelmed and outplayed she was that she had to resort to going nuclear to get rid of the problem.