What is your favorite wrestling movie?

What is your favorite wrestling movie?

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A literal down syndrome dude showed me his state wresting highlight reel and it was fucking awesome.
He broke his ankle playing football, and then just did a lot of coke.

Fuck off faggot shill

Ungrateful ape

The Wrestler was a great movie, if you haven’t seen it. Also, Foxcatcher.

op is a janetty

ha ha ha, what a story mark

Foxcatcher wasn't bad.
>tfw no one remembers Vision Quest
>tfw it sucked but it was the only wrestling movie for decades

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Foxcatcher was the one about that insane guy that inherited a bunch of money and paid top tier wrestlers to come train at his mansion right?

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The wrestler

The rundown

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this one

Vision Quest

>What is your favorite wrestling movie?
the one with Alexandra D'Addario

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I want to fuck that boy pussy

You take that back about Vision Quest.

Wrestling will never be glorified in American culture because it still carries a homoerotic stigma. It's a shame because it's an extremely tough sport, probably one of if not the toughest sports in the world. Middle Eastern/Caucasian cultures recognize this and view it as more of a fighting/combat thing than "gay shit".


Out of all athletes, wrestlers are almost always the least sane.

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