"Well, I’d say two things. One, she does say it’s gotta be a real emergency, right? Yeah," Feige said...

>"Well, I’d say two things. One, she does say it’s gotta be a real emergency, right? Yeah," Feige said. "The other thing I’d say is how do you know he never hit it? How do we know he never pushed it before? We’ve never seen him push it before. That doesn’t mean he never did."

Yea Forums BTFO

Attached: captain based.png (868x352, 32K)

have sex then kys

>taking capeshit seriously
ok, watch these shit if you want but for god sake don't talk about it, don't think about it. don't act like it's something important. goddamn it
also sage every capeshit thread reply

>Aliens invading Earth
>Not a real emergency

>A robot about to wipe out all humanity on Earth
>Not a real emergency

Let's face it, these people are full of themselves, but I bet normies will eat it up and preach his words like gospel.

>he pushed it all the other times, it just never worked before! so he kept it around despite it never working and this time it worked :P
Jesus, why do people watch this shit?

>wwhhurrs furrree¿

>The other thing I’d say is how do you know he never hit it? How do we know he never pushed it before? We’ve never seen him push it before. That doesn’t mean he never did
Because she never appeared, you dimwit

not an emergency because Fury knew the Avengers will take care of it.

incels btfo yet again

She could have arrived after the Avengers dealt with whatever crisis, had a quick chat with Fury, and left. It must be hard being an incel.

The chitauri were the biggest jobbers in the entire history of on-screen capeshit but ultron was almost a kino villain.

''''Emergency''''', in this case, is very arbitrary then and a blatant asspull attempt to cover up a giant hole in their beloved cinematic universe.

And no, Fury didn't call Captain Fungus because they weren't a real emergency. He didn't call her because she didn't exist until 2019.

>normies will eat it up and preach his words like gospel
normies don't give that much of a shit that's what makes them normies. In that post alone you've spent more time and energy thinking about capeshit than the typical normie does.


most people aren't autistic and don't care about nitpicks or bad faith criticism.

Attached: samefagging.gif (500x206, 584K)

okay lets go again

Battle of New York was not a real emergency, neither Ultron because Fury knew it will be okay thanks to Avengers

So seeing some people disappearing is an emergeny, because he was sure brilliant masterminds like Tony or Hulk won't solve it?

>being this new

Attached: plebbitatitagain.png (539x276, 29K)

So he pushed the button before, but she ignored it. But then this time she didn't, but then why would he press it if she ignored it all those other times? "As my last action, I'll do something I've done a dozen times before even though it didn't work."
It just doesn't add up any way you try to excuse it and is bad writing. They shouldn't have added this button in. She could have found out about the whole thing happening when people started disappearing on whatever other side of the universe she's on, and headed to Earth to investigate. Now you don't need a magic pager (and it would be magic because it'd take like hundreds of years for the signal to reach her).

Captain Marvel should have shown up for all the other world ending threats, no reason for that to have no happened if nick could just call her.

>Ahhh but no those aren't real emergencies! tee-hee! xD
No, Kevin, those were real emergencies. And if you found yourself there, you'd call them emergencies too.
>Aliens invade NY
>A nuke about wipe out NY
>A giant robot wiping out humanity
>"everything left alive will be metal xDD!!"

Fuck off.

Why does it have to be only a "REAL emergency" (like the others weren') if she was just out there finding homes for green jews? She wasn't doing anything THAT important

>but she ignored i
She might have been too far away

>Because she never appeared
Then she didn't receive the signal (i.e. she was more than a few galaxies away)

Her crusade against white men outweighs aliens invading earth, user. Come on.

Kevin Soï

Because she never existed up until this point and now they have to shove their hands up their asses and hope something useful comes out to fix this narrative hole.

I like to think that pic related is Canon.

Attached: 2825D6BA-C78B-46C5-B333-B3A479C00431.jpg (1119x1456, 545K)

Nigga, capeshit is the board at this point. I've been on /r9k/ for the past few months and I came back specifically because I knew y'all wouldn't be able to talk about anything else.

>Battle of New York was not a real emergency, neither Ultron because Fury knew it will be okay thanks to Avengers
Nigga Earth is one of the nine realms in the MCU capeshit. If it's under attack, Captain Fungi better get her ass over there and help defend the Earth.

You didn't understand my sentence.
I was trying to say that according to his logic these were not real emergenies, but seeing some people turning into dust were "real"

>>Aliens invade NY
>>A nuke about wipe out N
Why are Americans so obsessed over NY. The events of Avengers are only scary for New Yorkers, no one else.

His logic makes perfect sense. A robot was going to wipe out humanity. Did you even watch the movie? The Avengers struggled and even called it quits up until Nick Fury randomly showed up in a last minute dues ex machina helicarrier. So, no, Avengers were outclassed and needed Captain Sue to help.

>What is radiation fallout
It's like Civil War's boner for collateral damage is going over the minds of autists.

There's a LOT of jew in new york. Like millions.

Chinese like it too, they like seeing real well known locations. That's one of the reason Star Wars doesn't do well in China.

Attached: china.jpg (679x240, 85K)

If you can't get over the "where was hero X when world-threatening event Y was going down" then just don't watch capeshit. It's a flaw inherent to these shared universes, though some films do a better job explaining it away than others.

The DCEU has actually been pretty decent about it, but that's a function of having far fewer films. And even then, Aquaman should have gone to Superman for help 100% when there was going to be war between the surface and the ocean. This is the type of shit you ignore.

>"The other thing I’d say is how do you Captain Marvel wasn't a piece of shit? How do we know Disney didn't give it a budget of a TV show? We’ve never seen all the other footage. That doesn’t mean the movie's not good."

What really gets me is they had a perfect set-up for Adam Warlock and they just decided to go with this pile of crap for no good reason. It wasn't to set up a skrull invasion because the skrulls are mostly good apparently. It wasn't to set up an interesting charismatic new hero because she's basically a robot herself.

>One, she does say it’s gotta be a real emergency, right?
You mean like aliens invading the planet or a rogue AI hellbent on destroying the human race?

You realize they write these projects starting from the credits scenes and working backwards?

As far as Hollywood is concerned LA and NY are the only cities in the US

Feige did so with Brie.

Or maybe he hit it and she didn't make it in time

I am going to bet that in the Captain Marvel sequels it's revealed she did actually show up at least for Avengers 1 and did stuff off planet to ensure the Chintari couldn't send their full might

You fucking dumb fucks, the same fucking scene happened in Harry Potter and nobody complained.

Dumbledore knew Harry wants to go for the stone in part one, and he let it for him to do it. He only intervened when he had to.

>people are actually emotionally invested in this garbage to the point where they need bullshit explanations
jesus christ it's just capeshit who cares

They never showed this was the case though. Unless you're saying she was fully aware of the Earth being invaded and chose to remain helping refugees for 20 years.

I don't see anything wrong with it really, both Chitauri and Ultron situations have been settled in a matter of few hours/days. Even if Fury pushed it, she came to him in a few days only to find out everything is already settled and fuck off back to her space stuff.
It's obvious some considered time has passed since the snap and Carols showing up at the Avengers HQ

who gives a shit disney is gay shit for dick niggers

They kept it to within a few blocks of NY. Plus they had Thor as well - zapping the worms and trashmobs + there to deal to Loki. Suppose he might have called her had the conflict gotten beyond NY but the (Hydra-led) WSC put paid to that.

Thor's pretty much the reason for Fury not using the pager at this point - no need to bring Carol back when he has an Asgardian or two to do the heavy lifting. Him turning up as the self-appointed 'protector of midgard' probably saved Fury a lot of thumbstrain when thinking about mashing the 'call Carol' button.

>Age of Ultron
Fury probably thought the best way of defeating a self-replicating swarm bot was in the two guys who created it. By the time they learnt of Ultron's final solution it was too late to call her anyway - she'd have only got back in time to glue the rocks back together with bits of melted quipbot.

Attached: thor myself.jpg (800x642, 151K)


Jesus Kevin you are so fucking dumb

He could easily say things like "well you know, I can't talk about it but stay tuned for Avengers Endgame where you will get all of your answers", no, he is making a shithole out of his mouth

I mean Harry Potter is lowest common denominator trash so...

How long has Thanos been subjugating planets? Like even if Gamora's planet was the first one then it was like 15-20 years ago. Why didn't she do anything about him in all that time? He's not an earth problem, he was a galactic problem and became a universal problem. Why did she wait until he clicked half the universe away and until Fury had summoned her with the pager. If she has the power to beat him with the gauntlet then why didn't she beat him before when he was killing billions and billions of people and didn't have the gauntlet yet.