What did Wonder Woman do right that Captain Marvel didn't? I didn't see half as much hate for WW as I see for CM

What did Wonder Woman do right that Captain Marvel didn't? I didn't see half as much hate for WW as I see for CM.

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Nothing, seriously. It's another shitty movie that they only hyped for feminism, but it's not Marvel so no one cares I guess

Cast a Jew

Gal is cute while Brie attacks the fanbase. That aside pathetic men still went to see CM, women weren't as interested.

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>Gal is cute while Brie attacks the fanbase.
this. WW's marketing also didn't push "STRONK WAMMIN" the way Captain Marvel did. The only controversy for the WW marketing was using her to market diet products.

Wonder Woman was still super sexualized. Men (Yea Forums) still wanted to see it cause even thought it was a “feminist” movie, we could still see ditzy Gal Gadot in her short skirt and cutoff top. Captain Marvel isn’t supposed to have this obvious, male-oriented sex appeal. That’s why they say it “isn’t made for men”, because she isnt designed to be your fuck-fantasy.

Wonder Wamon had a short skirt.

People know who Wonder Woman is. No one's heard of Cpt. Marvel.
Wonder Women was a movie about evil white men, while CM shot that out in marketing before the movie was released.
Make no mistake, both movies have the same "women strong, white men evil" narrative, WW just waited until after you bought a ticket to ram it down your throat.

>brie fungarson
>anybody's fuck fantasy

All said and done, Wonder Woman was a superhero movie that made you feel good about humanity, as WW actually saw the humanity with its flaws and strengths and had a notion that in the end, what is good will outweigh what is bad.

Wonder Woman didn't demean her male side characters.
Her and Steve were treated as equals and they respected and complemented each other.

The Captain Marvel film has completely demystified and neutered Nick Fury.

Anther good example of it being done wrong would be the 2009 animated Wonder Woman movie which was good overall but made Trevor a frat boy dude bro to make Diana look better and above him. They even had him try and get Diana drunk and other weird shit like Diana teaching a little girl to stab her male friends just because they wouldn't let her play sword fighting.

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wonder woman got plenty of hate for casting a skin and bones stick instead of a thick amazon looking woman

There is nothing anti feminist about seeing women as being sexym

>WW's marketing also didn't push "STRONK WAMMIN" the way Captain Marvel did.
Is this nigga serious?

> Captain Marvel isn’t supposed to have this obvious, male-oriented sex appeal
The first 44 YEARS of Carol's comic existence say otherwise you retarded bag of bitch.
Taking away Carl's sex appeal is like taking the S off Superman or the glove off Freddy Kruger.

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She’s jewish so you can’t hate her.

The middle outfit would have been so good.

wonder woman was bad

>sexy women
>in (((Disney)))'s Marvel Comics
All in the past.

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>Ms Marvel
That isn't Ms. Marvel! She's a brown muslim girl from New Jersey!

Gal Gadot is much more likable and less obnoxious and she didn’t make everything political

Times are changing, granpa

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Not on Brie Larson's body, it wouldn't. They'd have to get a real woman with a real woman's body to carry a costume like that.

Except WW didn’t shove it down your throat. In fact one of the bad guys was a Turkish chick

WW didn’t have absolute horse shit pacing and awful character development. Captain Marvel was a boring slog that was clearly rammed into the existing storyline and it made no sense. How did Mar vell get the tesseract? What was the point of Ronan showing up? It was all so pointless and contrived.

Gal didn't go around talking about how much she loves blacks, hates whites and preach feminism.

WW was positive for men and woman not one against the other.

Anime isn't real.
Have sex.

>women strong, white men evil
Alright, let's compare that for a bit then.
In WW:
>main villain is a white man
>but so is her love interest, who is portrayed in a completely positive and heroic light
>WW doesn't have any hatred of men by principle, she simply uses world of men as a catch-all term for "anywhere not ruled by amazons" and thinks that they are bad rulers because their people are dying
>the message of the movie is (until the awful third act, that is) not that "white men are evil", but that "all men (as in humans) have the potential for evil"
In CM:
>villain is a white man
>the only heroic male figure is black
>Carol hates men on principle, wanting to be a fighter pilot to stick it to every strawman ebul white male who told her she couldn't do it
>the message of the movie is straight up "white men can't be trusted and are evil, you should help their victims instead"
WW's most preachy moment is the indian guy saying how whites killed his people, which isn't a lie and he doesn't even hold grudges for. CM is preaching at you basically the whole movie.

Gal Gadot didn't tweet about how much she hates certain groups of people and didn't want them watching her movie. And in the movie itself, other then one throwaway line, there wasn't any sort of feminist agenda in it. Captain Marvel and Brie Larson are the exact opposite of that.

>all those upskirt shots
Based cameraman.

it had a lead actress who embodied femininity without belittling the men around her

>Gal Gadot didn't tweet about how much she hates certain groups of people
Didn't she tweet in support of the ongoing genocide of Palestinians? That's acceptable, though, on (((4channel)))

Wonder Woman’s sexy

Its legitimately the same fucking mass sorcery that made tards love Force Awakens after the TLJ trainwreck

Force Awakens was still fucking terrible but it looks amazing in comparison to Rian's fan fiction

So now Force Awakens is good

If you're talking solely about Yea Forums reactions, there was actually a lot of hate towards WW when it came out. It was mostly due to:
>backlash over the "first female hero" push it got from the media
>the casting of a Jewish sticc to portray a busty hero

Captain Marvel is getting more hate than WW did because:
>Disney itself is trying to recreate the "girl power" push that WW had when CM isn't even the first female hero in their universe
>Brie Larsen has openly disparaged the fact that film critics and (capeshit) audiences are largely white and male, calling for more diversity in what is seen as a zero-sum game
>Brie Larsen has very poor feet
>The addition of the "most powerful hero ever" right before Endgame feels cheap
>hero's sexuality is seen as shameful and intentionally downplayed

Essentially, Wonder Woman seemed like a pretty normal movie that happened to be released at the right time in the right genre to get the massive female empowerment push that it got. Captain Marvel seems like a movie tailor-made to generate that kind of press, and Larsen's press tour has been embraced the intentional creation of controversy.

Don't fall for the revisionist history, though. Yea Forums was still very much against WW when it was first released.

i'm the opposite

I thought FA was an okay movie, and TLJ was so awful in every decision it made that it retroactively made FA worse for me because everything that FA set up had no payoff or was abandoned

>What did Wonder Woman do right that Captain Marvel didn't?

it didn't have a lead actress say shit like this

They made WW a naive fish out of water waifu, a formula later used by Alita
Both were loved despite the inherent flaws of their respective movies

Because Wonder Woman was a woman who was also every bit as much a hero as any men while still being both feminine and idealized.

Captain Marvel was forced on the audience as a hero who wasn't in the least bit feminine and we were supposed to all be impressed by how she was EVEN BETTER than the male heroes because women can be strong too. She didn't have any identity beyond being a poor facsimile of a male superhero, so she just came across flat and wooden.

This is the say nothing of the writing or acting - Captain Marvel made Superman seem interesting even though both heroes share the same boring invincible archetype.

TLDR; Wonder Woman was allowed to be both a model woman and hero. Captain Marvel was trying to be a man and a hero and it came off as disingenuous.

Because it was JJ I had a feeling it was going to be a bigger an better version of A New Hope.
I didnt know it was virtually a carbon copy right down to the deathstar and desert planet.

I was a bit miffed that an untrained nobody beat the big bad sith lord they just showed stopping a blaster bolt.
It was like if Luke stayed behind and beat vader on their first encounter.
But I was sure the following movies would have a good explanation for everything


I feel like disney is doubling down on everything now. "We're going to infect every form of popular culture until you like stronk wamin"

What I mean is she didn't tweet "lmfao fuck white guys you wh*tes better not watch my movie".

have sex

Godot sold the action scenes because she'd been an army thot. She sold the cheesy comicbook fun dialogue because she wasn't a classically trained actress. Brie is an arthouse actress, she could sell you the death of her character's child in a heart stopping straight-to-camera silent breakdown that holds for an uncomfortably long time. She was entirely unsuited to being cast as a fun superhero.

It's Disney fucking it up: they made a medicore movie and then tried to pre-empt criticism by pretending it was an intersectional feminist "statement" ergo if you say it's mediocre you hate women. They should have cast Brie as a villain, she was good in Scott Pilgrim as the bitchy ex-gf. She could have smouldered and frowned her way into being genuinely appreciated. Instead she was woefully miscast and now we have all this bullshit with RT and YT.

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>the casting of a Jewish sticc to portray a busty hero
Still haven't forgiven Zack Snyder for this.

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Foot fungus

It would have looked good on her from the front at least.

They didn't market it with endless insufferable feminist bullshit. Gal Gadot is actually attractive and not a complete cunt

wonder woman has been a sucefully established chracter for a long time in our culture, meanwhile nobody knew what a captain marvel is, i think like the most copies a captain marvel comic ever sold was like 30,000 copies

Sure she didn't m8.

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Embrace femininity as a positive feature instead of making it about women being kept down by the white man.

They're very similar movies. In both cases, you have a fish-out-of-water woman superhero, both have a war as the backdrop, both have a twist concerning who the real villain truly is, both have leads that can't really act or convey human emotions well, both are set in the past before their universe's superhero team has assembled, both are the "first" female heroes and so on and so forth. Some of these are superficial similarities and some aren't.
I'd say the most noticeable difference is in attitude. Wonder Woman had a very inclusive attitude to it. You didn't have Gal Gadot telling young men to "fuck off" and that she "didn't need them." She was really nice and fun and open in all the publicity she did for the movie, inviting everyone to come watch her movie. Brie Larson, on the other hand, has been shitposting online pretty hard and telling white men she doesn't need them (even though they're the ones buying tickets to her movie and talking about it), and by doing so created a very negative atmosphere around her movie. Granted, the box office is now saying it paid off (or at least didn't hurt) so look forward to being told not to watch movies in the future, straight white guys.
You can say "well, that's not fair, that's not judging the movies on its own merits" and I'd say you're right except that's just a part of reviewing. Sometimes what turns people off from a movie isn't the movie itself, but drama outside surrounding the movie. It goes both ways. You had critics giving Ghostbusters 2016 positive reviews even when they didn't like the movie itself only because they agreed with the message it put out. I think, as long as you're open about why you like or dislike a movie, it's all fair.

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I wasn't posting on Yea Forums when WW came out, how did people take the "they came to the conclusion that men were necessary for procreation but when it came to pleasure: unnecessary" line?

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It was a throwaway joke line acknowledging the fact that if there are only women in your entire country then maybe there's gonna be a few lesbians in there. WW lived there for thousands of years, it would be unreasonable to assume she DIDN'T have sex with women in her life.
Not like she calls back to it later to make a joke about how she had to fake an orgasm for Chris Pine or anything.

>be feminist icon making a stand against objectification of women in superhero media by
essentially wearing a burka her entire movie and raving about evil white males
>also make photoshoots like this
Where's the coherence in your narrative, Larson?

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>Only a few lesbians
>on an entirely Amazonian island

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I've made this same point against Olsen who has bitched about Wanda's cleavage and bashed the classic comic designs as being objectifying (despite the classic suit covering neck to toe) vs her wearing fully nipple revealing outfits to premeries and such and people respond basically saying feminism is about her picking and choosing when she feels comfortable showing off her body and your just trying to remove her agency.

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>Release Captain Marvel on International Women's Day
>Women don't show up

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casted jewish boy to play wonder woman

See for yourself

It will go down as an all time cringe-fest


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Pt 2

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you need to have sex user

Have sex.

Love interest, more charisma, less white male hate, more optimism.