Where does Bond get all his money from?

Where does Bond get all his money from?
Aston Martins, luxury watches, designer suits.
Who's funding all this?

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Perhaps poker.

the government. retard.


As per Dr No he is found during his spare time playing Poker.

BBC tv loicense

Came here to post this.

>Works for the government
>"Who's funding this"

MI5. He's an agent whose cover story is import-export, he has to look like a successful businessman. Same reason the guys in Miami Vice look like nouveau riche drug dealers - that's the cover.

Bruce Wayne
*Judy Dench takes off her rubber mask and reveal that she was Ben Affleck the whole time*

Idris Elba?

this is now a Bond Girl thread

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What was the rationale of the DB5 in Skyfall? I don't remember but I want to say it was seized by the government.

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>tfw paying 10 to 30k pounds in taxes so some secret agent can fly a boat through a building

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>tfw you realize the world's greatest spy and womanizer has actually been living on neetbux this whole time
maybe there's hope for us after all, bros

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His apartment is pretty bare. Probably spends everything on those few luxuries.

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Blofeld. It was him all along the whole time. The author of all your gains.

That isn't neetbux, it's just being paid by your employer. Are you retarded?

It's almost like working as a high-ranking government agent doesn't get salary.

man... he's just like me!

>that telltale bump where her clitoral hood is

I know its sacrilege, but a powerful but bland executive car is probably the most realistic car for him to be driving if the aim is to be discrete.

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He isn't getting paid a dime
everything he uses belong to the government

Wrong image, I meant to post the Brosnan BMW

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That's even a plot point in Casino Royale, when he runs off with the poker winnings to Venice.

I wonder how the internet would've been like when they announced Halle Berry as the next Bond girl for Die Another Day. "omg wtf n omg wtf wtf wtf!!!!!!!!!!!" and a bunch of shitty ass bait threads

And where does the government get its money from the Jews

trying to "be discrete" attracts the most attention

until 2 days ago that black actress from 12 years a slave was going to be in the next one

all Craig films should come with an asterisk. He is in no way shape or form James Bond other than name.

this is his home

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Since bond was originally a WWII SAS vet, it always seemed wrong for him to be driving a nazimobile.

It's true the stuff and even the money we see him using in the films don't belong to him, but be obviously does get paid.

in London that appartment is probably worth £1000/mo

For the first time in my life I think I'm gonna make it.

I just had a look at central London prices. Multiply that by 3 or 4 mate.

£1000/month rent would get you a flat share well outside the city

yeah didn't want to sound like a retard but I suspected it was much more

I'm a 90's boomer and still think Pierce Brosnan is THE Bond character. I understand how I'm bias though. Like for example, my parents think Sean Connery is him.

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and soon, porn licenses

How do you get an appartement like this? Something about the way the walls and floor looks makes it look so classy. Even with that spartan interior it looks expensive.

that was a 100k car back then.

Its just an old brick Georgian building. Everywhere in places like London and Dublin.

What do you mean how? Just rent something in central Paris, London, Copenhagen, stockholm, Vienna etc

probably in Bloomsbury area. Its all very expensive around there but its nice

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his family. his parents left him a decent sum of money when they died and he's well connected with the elite he's an eton/cambridge kid

Why do you think they bust your fucking door down in the UK if you don't pay your TV license?

Hairy pusy

this apartment interior was designed by a woman to represent her ideal unconcerned masculine aesthetic fantasy

notting hill. would be about £2m to buy.

OK I didn't even read the article properly. the interior is a set, exterior is notting hill.

What's with these interracial porn licenses?


You won't even get a cupboard for that in london

He's never there and lives in hotel rooms, why piss away money for renting a bigger place

>tries to get into a girls pants to extract important information from her by driving a mondeo

>implying women are so shallow they care about what car you drive

Literal perfection.

Some of them do.


Brosnan in a Big Meaty Woman
Pretty based

Hairy is better

as per british law, any brit that can be considered attractive by international standards is entitled to a life of luxury

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try £7000/month

It's his own car.

>james bond plays video games, reads books and only has 2 places to sit.

yikes, could this be any more of an incel fantasy? didn't put the paintings up because he doesn't want to void his bond by making holes in the walls. literally kills people in the same apartment.

damn that looks super cozy
which bond kino is this from?


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the suits are funded by brioni or w/e
the cars by aston martin, or ford in one instance
the watches by omega

best bondgirl
best movie

lmao Britbongs are truly cucked

Paying 880 a month for my own studio flat in central. It's outrageous but the place being unaffordable is a meme unless you go into the twat areas.

he spend the day doing spy stuffs and not shitposting in Yea Forums

People are unwilling to see that Bond's entire life is 100% taxpayer funded. It's amazing.

>literally and unironically saves the world once every 3 to 5 years
>NEETs on here implying he doesn't earn or deserve his salary

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I think you've confused BMW with Volkswagen

Taxpayers. He has to blend in with high society powerful people who head corporations and criminal empires so he can't exactly look like an unsophisticated poor person, although I believe he won the aston martin in a hand of poker.

Connery is the definitive Bond, Moore was the "cheeky" Bond, Brosnan somewhere in between the two, and Craig is the no nonsense serious edgy Bond. Dalton I can't remember much of.

>if the aim is to be discrete.
bond rarely aims to be discrete. all the bad guys know who he is. he usually just shows up where he thinks they are and makes a big scene to draw them out so he can kill them. if they'd just ignore him, they'd probably succeed with their plans.

How do you even get into the spying business? Military career and then looking for openings in the Intelligence branch and work your way from there?

holy fucking kek user

I work here, like most of the more expensive areas of london, it's crawling with very rude and rich chinese mainlanders.

Another racy week in Scunthorpe Bond?



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plus the very good salary, 80,000+ pounds, from MI6, plus any retirement pay from the Royal Navy

He's got the looks but too bad all movies starring him are trash

Are you paying for his salaries?

Triple that and we're getting somewhere.

nah i'm american.
i'm paying the salary of BASED ethan hunt, the superior international master of espionage

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whitout quoting the books, when did he ever us his cover in the movies ? they alwyas know he isbond

His foster parents were very rich. He also gets paid a lot by the government for murdering people.

> discoloration of skin on left arm
> razor bumps
> mole on stomach
> hairy pusy

It's nice seeing a picture of a female celebrity that hasn't been airbrushed completely to hell and back every once in a while

>not some unknown god-tier tailor in Hong Kong

> bond doesn’t fuck her
> ”””bond girl”””
I guess M is one too then

>tfw paying for based OSS 117

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He comes from an old aristocratic family and he's a pro-level gambler

In london that is probably the parking space alone

>yfw bond is the one who posts wagie wageslave threads on 4chin

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Modern intelligence is a group of neets

>Where does Bond get all his money from?
>Aston Martins, luxury watches, designer suits.
>Who's funding all this?

That's like asking where the 82nd Airborne gets all their parachutes, planes and guns from.

Silly cow on the left pulling the prop the wrong way

What is his salary?

>be belgian
>paying for based agent 327

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GoldenEye was kino m8.

TWINE was better