Crashing this plane
>Nathan Bedford Forrest
oh fuck off
for you
>mfw MEW was on the plane
>mfw Yea Forums did it again
>finds a crashed plane with dead agents in it
>there's bullet casing in the plane, the windows having been shot out and some of the agents have bullet holes in them
>no one raised the alarm
CIA was fucking dumb. That or Bane made that young kid die so he could make a shitty speech.
Yes, but there were not big guys involved, so what's the point of this on my Yea Forums?
This is a very poignant image
It's 1st all-black cast plane crash. An important cultural event!
real life kino
nah it happens all the time
Wtf there are planes in Ethiopia?!
who allowed niggers to fly planes
Apparently not. They keep crashing them.
based smart plane
about a year ago, i was in Brussels visiting my gf and we were waiting to check in for our flight, while an Ethiopian Airlines flight had their checkin just before ours
I wish i was kidding, but they were all families and everyone had one widescreen TV on their luggage trolley, along with 5 giant suitcases of luggage AT LEAST, i honestly wondered how this plane took off with all the shit they brought on board
I wouldnt be surprised if it was one of those flights here
>niggers piloting airplanes
just think about it lads
They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
Average IQ by country, these are the lowest
1. Equatorial Guinea 59
2. Ethiopia 63
3. Sierra Leone 64
4. Democratic Republic of the Congo 65
thats just because their poor u racist
I'm pretty sure my dog has a higher IQ.
Damn I thought Ethiopia were among the smartest Africans. Isn't Obama from there?
He's from Kenya.
>plane is full of bullet holes
>the plan is ripped in half and seperated by dozens of miles
>all of the windows are shattered
>theres a corpse with a drop of dr pavel's blood
>nobody is suspicious and they actually think it's pavel
Obama's dad was from the Kenyan ruling class, I forget the ethnic group name but I think it's Luo. His dad went to Harvard so obviously well beyond the average Kenyan
>so obviously well beyond the average Kenyan
With colleges these days giving out scholarships to random niggers, its not that out of reach.
Kenya believe it?
>His dad went to Harvard so obviously
his dad literally enrolled in 1962
I realize that but nowadays going to harvard is not out of reach for average brain-dead kenyans.