Why are women so hellbent on ruining cinema?

Why are women so hellbent on ruining cinema?

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Women don't like it when men pay attention to anything that isn't them.

apparently so

because there's opposition.

If nobody cared, it wouldn't even matter.

The momentary attention.

they're women it's what they do

Women don't want to ruin cinema, they want to ruin everything.

Why do you cry about stupid meme shit about fucking literal soi entertainment

You manchildren and fucking problematic bitches run on the same whinging batching energy
Fucking unironically kys

I've always (inexplicably) hated Star Wars so I think women are just based for ruining it for their insufferable fans

Star Wars itself did more damage to cinema that having a new bunch of Star Wars sequels with a female lead will. Star Wars' destruction will help American cinema, or at least avenge its death.

It's not inexplicable, it just means you're a valid human being.

This. They're hardwired to ruin everything. Even if nobody cared or liked the thing, it's mere existence would cause a woman to make it worse or destroy it.

>kids movies

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>the force is female.
how does that even make any sense?

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Star Wars was never even that good, just a couple of silly science fiction films that become a pop culture icon because of manchildren idiots

rip in pepperoni

Its literally women's job to ruin anything men take interest in.

have sex

It makes sense from I biological perspective when you realise that anything that competes for attention with or removes resources from a woman is her enemy.

women are biologically hardwired to try to be the center of everything
it doesnt matter what it is, if men are doing it, something in their brains tells them they have to be involved too
they can't help it, but the men who enable this kind of behavior can and should be the ones taking the blame

They aren't, literally only men are ruining cinema. Women are not going to see these pandering movies, it's men that are going to see them in droves and talking about them.

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it's mostly due to social media. women are easier to brainwash and manipulate then men so they see shit on facebook and it brings out the crazy that exists in every women. reality TV also contributes. they see these crazy cunts constantly throwing temper tantrums on these shows and they start thinking that's how women are supposed to act

Women have no real tangible power other then calling the cops so they must weaken and subvert real natural power structures.

Same thing with jews.

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star wars is not cinema, have sex please

why is OP so hellbent on not having sex

This. Men are the ones buying most of the tickets to Star Wars and trash marvel films, but then they turn around and attack women over it. These Disney executives that are trying to capture the female audience are so out of touch they don't even know what women like in their films. It's literally a case of "the male cries out as he strikes you"

It's not that they're hellbent on ruining cinema. They're using what's already established in popular culture, as a platform for spreading the message of "women can do what men do too".

The only concern I have with this trend (that, in all fairness, has been happening since WW2 broke out, and women were needed in the workforce) is that it implies that in order for women to be "strong", they must be like men, and to be Feminine, or have characteristics of a traditional Female, are "weak".

It's not easy to maintain a household, its not easy to raise children, it's not easy to put up with a shit husband and live with a life of regret, for the sake of maintaining a stable relationship.

When did all of that stop requiring strength? Why do women need to have their own version of Super Man? Why do women need to be portrayed as warriors in armour?

Are those the only things that require Strength? Must women become versions of men, in order to prove their worth to Society? What a fucked message to send to young women.

I'm not going to pretend to know what it takes to be a Strong Women, because I'm not one. But I don't think it involves being "like a Man".

good post

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>Men create something that is interesting to other men
>It becomes really popular amongst men
>Women see it, get in in order to gain social points
>Environment becomes toxic since you need to dumb down your thing in order to cater to females

>Men create something that is interesting to other men
>It becomes popular, they get rich
>Women get in due to virtue signaling and gender quotas
>The thing men created becomes shit, hated by everyone

Rinse and repeat with every new thing.

Reminder that if it wasn't for men, Captain Marvel would have actually flopped.

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Because WE allowed them. At some place some men gave incredible power to some women just because they needed a quick blowjob. At the bottom there are these male gobshite who still watch nu-wars after all they did.

You do realize we're in an era of toxic masculinity, right?

magine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

"men" make me fucking vomit. how cucked do you have to be to go to this? did they think it would get them laid?

And if it wasn't for your own women, Trump wouldn't have been elected.

This is why there's so much focus on turning whites against other whites.
Everytime you see a thread promoting racemixing, shitting on any white people, or BLACKED threads, it's 100% of the times a jew wanting to turn you against your own people.

Don't let the internet's capability to make minorities loud distort your vision of reality.

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It's more understandable once you realize women are incapable of independent thought

If they can't enjoy it, no one can

Have sexual intercourse with opposite sex.

Why are you so hellbent on not having sex?

Is this English?

No, it's simple, your enemy isn't a specific gender, it's an ideology.
Time and again we've seen proof that there's countless women willing to support you, it's just for (((some reason))) the only ones you get exposed to are the bottom of the barrel, the SJWs and feminists who wouldn't dare say in real life 99% of what they say on the internet.
Not all of them are good, that much is true, but that's because there's always outliers in all groups.
There's people who are very interested in not seeing you united and will try every single trick to separate you: movie fanboyism, politics, promotion of racemixing, falseflagging...
Don't fall for it.

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Capeshit and starshit aren’t cinema

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the left cannot meme

After talking with my girlfriend, I've just realized that women are very jealous that men have genuine passion about things. It's a very bitter feeling for them that they can't experience passion so they engage in some cheap simulacrum of it. This is why they want to enter Male hobbies but don't have the passion to sustain the hubby's health


I'm not sure if you are talking about women or millennials in general.

have sex

Based incel pasta

Next time attach the comic too

I know this is old pasta but it still brings a smile to my face every time

After talking with my girlfriend, I've just realized that women are very jealous that men have genuine passion about things. It's a very bitter feeling for them that they can't experience passion so they engage in some cheap simulacrum of it. This is why they want to enter Male hobbies but don't have the passion to sustain the hubby's health

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Not an argument

is this the commie version of "cuck" insult? It fucking sucks. There's no creativity at all.
Oh, I get it, it's like in real life. If you step out of the line and be creative your communist comrades will shoot you in the head for dissenting.
Or you're just mentally challenged. Works both ways.

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Like all twitter "memes" like "yikes" it's garbage that Yea Forums eats up ironically but then spams it fucking everywhere.
It's okay because DUDE IRONY LMAO.

Someone in a writers' group thought that slogan would be catchy and cute and all the women present smiled and tittered to themselves about how clever and neat it was, without ever really thinking it through.

>There's people who are very interested in not seeing you united and will try every single trick to separate you: movie fanboyism, politics, promotion of racemixing, falseflagging...
>Don't fall for it.
Thank God we're so woke on sitting on this Vietnamese fish farming forum fuck normies amirite

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Based harry Potter watching, horoscope reading, 5e playing, GoT watching, cards against humanity playing subhuman showing these incels what's what

you know what else there's none of? you, having sex.

why are incels so hellbent on not having sex?


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Don't get mad. If you're not an incel, it's meaningless.

...wait, you're not an incel, are you?

Thankfully, most people already assume this.
It's just, for some reason, the ones who should know this are the ones who are fighting against it.
Maybe because people here get their worldview from Twitter.

star wars ruined cinema before women had any involvement

It's actually invented by Nike and had nothing to do with SW, except they wore it to a film festival while making a speech that quoted Yoda so they made it about SW.

Well put, user.

lose weight


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Girls give cootiesszz

A comeback should be short and pithy. Open ended gay questions and then lol mental illness. Apply yourself zoomer. Not even sex can help you.

have sex

>this redditor in charge of having sex

You're right. I took the blackpill already. Niggers will inherit the earth and then completly trash it. There is no point in even trying anymore. Blacks are humanity's Great Filter. We will never conquer the stars.

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>Women are worth more than their vaginas!
>If you don't get vagina, you're worthless!
My favorite meme

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Actually, it's pretty effective. The incel pretty much spends all his time fuming about how he can't get laid. If you remind him about this, he becomes irrationally angry and there's literally no response he can give that can change the fact that he's a pathetic little facsimile of a man.

lose weight

woman ruin everything

they ruined cinema
they ruined comics

and they ALMOST ruined the gaming industry, thank god japan exists

Have sex.

They're trying to keep you from having sex, and doing a great job at it, apparently

Stuck here on places like Yea Forums, your knowledge of women is basically that of your own internet extremist counterpoint. Most of them aren't like this. True story, some closet sperg went on a date somehow with a chick and she brought up feminism in a very basic, agreeable sense and he proceeded to go off on her /pol/ style for twenty minutes, ranting about feminazis and such. Most people don't get caught up in the internet, echo chamber, culture war.


>replying back
kek, hit a nerve

now respond to this post with "have sex" porky


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You're obese and smell :(

Thats a dude

It just gets stale after like 3 threads seeing the exact same response to widely different thread topics.
I kid you not, was talking about Tom Cruise's acting and Edge of Tomorrow stuff and here comes edgelord and post his lefty meme.
Like why?

Tell yourself that.

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To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "Yes, I am fat, but tomorrow, I shall be fit, while you shall never have sex."

>one of the best soundtracks ever
>top effects
>one of the few good non-Earth centric sci-fis

They ruined stupid soi male entertainment

Too bad your entire world is made up of that media. And you don't even expand your horizons or create something now that you deemed there is a problem. You just bitch. And continue to consume shit. You would be a shit person to have as a friend, at least normies are earnest even though they don't know any better.

Your enemy isn't a gender, it's an ideology.
Numales are your biggest threat, not women.

>Like why?
Because it's 4channel and we collectively make it our mission to ruin everything via overuse like an anime bodypillow

Do women smell when they have their period?

Does period goop smell?

Why do English girls always have thick tangled horse hair? Don't they have hair brushes and hot air to blow out the hair?

my favorite media is intact,

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who is this cute boy

What a bunch of virgins

They do.

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That's a weird way to spell jews.

All these white knight incels need to have sex

Fuck off weeb virgin

Women are the jews of gender

That's what you're mum is for.

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>feminism in a basic agreeable sense
Women are literally the most privileged and advantaged strata of society

If it wasn't for men, Captain Marvel would have flopped.
Most men and women are pretty normal people with normal tastes.
Those who attempt to further that divide are most likely jews themselves.

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


I'll agree with you, in the sense that many women are more "agreeable" with general thought/forms of authority.

They are capable of independent thought, but likely chose not to be different. This likely plays into Female "submissiveness". I hate generalizing like that, but it's how I view them.

Humans are all capable of intelligence and different forms of creativity. There are unique characteristics which each gender has, which has developed throughout our history.

It's shallow and simplistic to portray Strength as just being something which is solely Male.

Sorry user, I’m not gonna kiss the ass of the gender that hates me just because you’re too much of a cuck to dare criticize the “fairer sex”

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Someone actually meant it the first time they typed this out and thought Yea Forums would care

Ah yes, the power of cherrypicked twitter screencaps.
Lets ignore that the majority of Captain Marvel's audience are men and that without women, Trump wouldn't have gotten elected.
Who cares about stats when you have a folder of 20 pictures, right?
Now tell me which race you propose white men should racemix with, Schlomo Goldsteinberg.

Name one single original idea or concept women have thought of

Yea, except a horrifying percentage of them got diddled by boomers when they were children and continue to deal with stupid, demeaning shit from them now: "smile, sweetheart", "don't worry your pretty little head", *grabs ass*. I don't see anything wrong with being against that shit. Boomers are the fucked up retards who think women are basically children with tits, and you guys are trying to adopt that attitude, but you are clearly conflicted and having trouble because it is difficult to be that retarded.

collectively deciding to not have sex with you

Wow, some women voted for a feminist jew. They were also the reason Hillary got nominated instead of Sanders. They also got Trudeau elected because he was “attractive.”
But keep being a bluepilled faggot. I don’t care who you fuck but I doubt you could get laid anyway considering pathetic cunt worship is not a turn on.
Fuck Yea Forums really is filled with white knight cuntcucks from reddit.

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>smile sweetheart

This never happens to women. Meanwhile, every waking minute, boomer women at my job are calling me hun and sweetie constantly. Touching my hair or pinching my cheeks. I've never even seen the mythical chauvinist Male boomer pinching every ass in a room

You haven't answered, Goldsteinberg, which threads do you make, the ones promoting men racemixing with asians, or the BLACKED threads?

It definitely happens alot

Don't be like that, user. Women have made massive contributions throughout history. And it's not that I want women to stop making those contributions, and for the world to be "dominated" by Men.

I believe we need to realize and appreciate the differences between genders, rather than all try to be one thing. Masculinity and Femininity are old things. They shouldn't be ignored, for the sake of Modern Sensibilities.

Neither, I don’t make off topic threads. Hope your half black son was worth it though because you respect women too much

>They were also the reason Hillary got nominated instead of Sanders
According to this picture, that was most likely black and asian women, considering most white women voted the same as you.

>I doubt you could get laid
You say that while posting a picture glorifying the millennial lifestyle?

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>I doubt you could get laid
The falseflagging jew exposes himself, as if the nose didn't already do it.

No, i'm going to have a white son with a white woman.
Advantages of white women being the demographic least propense to racemixing, even if you are trying your hardest to change that, Rotenberg.

I would have said conceiving your faggot ass but there is nothing original or novel about you

So basically you unironically believe women are being oppressed by jews? So you agree with feminists?

No, I think they are trying their hardest to brainwash them, jews such as yourself who want to see them have non-white kids.
Sadly, that's not working too well, every single other demographic racemixes more, after all.

>If you aren't sexually validated by a woman, what you say doesn't matter.

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>how does that even make any sense?

literal bacterial microbes are women

have sex

Name 10 without googling.
You can't do it right?


Rosalind ( I think that was her first name) Franklin did a lot of the xray imaging for what would eventually turn out to be the understanding of the Structure of DNA.

Marie Curie basically formed the foundations of a our understanding of Radioactivity.

Those are the only two I can come up with right now. I don't know if those could be original ideas, or concepts, but they're definitely big contributions by humans who happen to be female.

I can't think of 10 on the spot.

basedboys aren't men

>Marie Curie
had a husband too, she didn't work alone

Yeah, he made the electrometer, I know. That doesn't take away from her achievements.

What scientist works alone? Now you're just reaching.

The point is, you can easily think of 50 or more male inventions.
And as other user said, Marie Curie worked together with her husband, it's hardly her own achievement.

Look at pic related. Tells you a fucking lot about women.

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So would you prefer not knowing about Radioactivity and DNA's structure? Efforts of discovery should NOT be hindered by concerns of gender. That's not to say gender issues should be ignored.

as a married couple? not many i believe

>If you aren't sexually validated by a woman, what you say doesn't matter.
Honestly, if you're so defective that you, as an otherwise normal human adolescent male, cannot socialize effectively with girls such that you're a virgin past the age of 16, then something is seriously wrong with you and your opinion is highly suspect.

A lot of people are virgins past the age of 16, don't pull arbitrary standards out of your arse.

Ah yes, because having sex is the best standard of determining the quality of men.

Im sure the guys that have 10+ kids and dont pay child support are the PINNACLE definition of health, that every man should follow.

You're a fucking retard.

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>Cope with not being an r-type nigger whos willing to fuck anything that moves.

Sure retard.

to make you mad

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>why are women so hellbent on making everything about them


A character like Batman holds an audience not because he has a penis but because he's interesting, and has an emotional history.

He's brave, resourceful, intelligent, conflicted, emotional strained, confident. None of these are gender specific. So a woman wanting to have a character similar to this and not just a pandering "Batgirl" who lacks the characteristics and history I mentioned.

I commend you for pointing out that strength is not just physical, but it goes both ways: Nothing you said is wrong, but why can't a movie be aimed at women who want to be brave and fight for justice who want to fantasize for a few hours and not "prove their worth" to society? Why is that a male pastime?

>fucking hyperbole
Seething and terrible at arguing? Lmao being functional at sex is healthy and contributes to being a well adjusted human male.

You know what's funny?
Millennials being in charge of man/woman relationships.
You are literally autistic in that regard.
You either try to claim that men can become women for putting on a dress, or you are completely baffled that men and women are different.
It's like a generation is rediscovering fire and trying to impress others with their discoveries.

>women can do what men do too
they can't, so there's that

>deflecting with racism
Having the social skills necessary to get a girl to sleep with you is definitely an important, measurable quality in a man.
Humans are social animals and we use our ability to socialize in the same way bighorn sheep use their horns.

>copes with hyperbole
You can't argue and can't have sex. Brainlet and manlet. It's probably best you don't reproduce dumbass

No, no it doesn't, being a sexual deviant that doesnt take reponsibility for their relationships and only uses them as a means to a hedonistic end is not "well adjusted".

Get off your fucking high horse because youre such a fucking beta cuck that your willing to sacrifice your pride and integrity for a bit of pussy.

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>Why are women so hellbent on ruining cinema?


"Oh you want that? I want it too! Gimme Gimme Gimme!!"

a generation raised by divorced women, fucked from the start

The most accurate of pastas. Notice how much it hurts them by the (you)’s as well.

*hands you the unplugged controller*

the only integrity here is that of your 30-year long streak of virginity

Raised by careless boomers in general.
It turned them all into autists who are in their 30s and still stuck in the "ewww boys/girls have cooties" phase.

Physical strength and the ability to defend yourself against people who want to harm you, are specifically Male dominated characteristics.

Women are the physically weaker counterpart to be defended. This has been how stories have been told throughout history, as it reflects Reality or our desire of Reality. All men want to be Batman, to be rich and famous, but to also help those in need in a physical way, and to have the female partner who suspects, but never truly knows it's you, until you reveal it to her.

Of course that concept can entertain women, but it speaks to what men fantasize about.

Masked heroes (in the Western world at least), originate from Medieval Knights. Men who rode into battle, masking their faces with Iron. It's Male specified strength that's the focus, when it comes to Heroes.

what are you talking about? they're all on tinder and grindr now

>copes with pussy
>I have sex, u don't, me better than you.

The funniest thing is i have had sex, but i dont hold it as some golden standard of quality like you to cope and compensate for a lack of healthy introspection.

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All that seething and a reaction image to boot. Calm down sperg. Who said anything about proud and integrity MUH STANDARDS lol. Go tip your fedora somewhere else permavirgin. They choose not to touch you not the other way around incel. You have just made it some sort of a crusade in your head. Weak. Your mother shouldn't have smothered you and given you precious boy complex. Or maybe she didn't smother enough and kill you so we wouldn't be here reading your insipid bullshit.

You're an example of that kind of social defect. You can't even consider the idea that women can enjoy sex and also would like to have it.
Let me guess, the last time you spoke to a girl was when she was assigned to be a lab partner. The last time you voluntarily spoke to a girl was never?

>bags of sand

>women can enjoy sex and also would like to have it.
Horrible, will we need to cut off her clit?

Just coz some uggo let you do that weak 2 pump premature missionary shit you unfit faggots cry about doesn't make it less important
Maybe if you had an active sex life and had the perquisite skills that came with it you would have more practice and be less of a sperg
>reaction image
Fucking cope lol

they also don't like it when men they don't like pay attention to them

Is this hungarian?

Perform coitus.

no, he's trying to sound ghetto since niggers are of the highest value in the american culture nowdays.
little Billy here wished he was born to a single mother in a ghetto.

Probably my favorite pasta.

I think it supposed to be like those “God is a woman” shirts, but misses the entire point that the force is impersonal and nonsapient.

All you have is Ad Hominem, you're too fucking stupid to judge arguments on reasoning and evidence.

You're such an emotional bitch, you cant detach the messenger from the message.

What? do you psychologize every fucking person you meet and ask them if they had sex to judge whether you should listen to them or not? Sounds like a very autistic and retarded thing to do.

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Maybe he was?

"have sex"
that's shit, how about this
commence RAPE

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Writtinf while i fuj it''s fifffficullt

Okay, masturbate then.

I suspect all this "have sex" talk lately in Yea Forums it's a condom seller conspiration.

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Imagine wanting to have sex with roasties that took hundreds of miles of dick.

Have sex


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Imagine going back something like 1600 years in time, meeting with a Roman (((intellectual))) and hearing this exact shit but with germonkeys instead of niggers.

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this shirt was from a Nike ad campaign and had nothing to do with star wars.

Imagine wanting to have sex...and no one will have sex with you.



>is this English?
>Is this Hungarian?
Unoriginal and lame. It's funny how the meme HaVe SeX still is funnier than you. Sad.
You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with black men and their prowess. Are you sure you're straight? This entire thread is you crying over that premise. The faggot doth protest too much.
Lol nigger fuck off. Basic human interaction is based on value and demonstrating that value fucking faggot. How much you earn. Where you live. Who you fuck. Who did you used to fuck. Do you not know how men think and work? Did you not have a father and mate's and banter? It may not be the most progressive and enlightened thing to your fedora tipping but it's how the real world works. Grow up manchild. Or just stay indoors and don't breed like the genetic mistake that you are.
>all those insults
Lol I fucking struck a nerve. Go thank your mother for raising a failure.

Get fucked you dumb roastie.

Imagine wanting to make an argument...and no one will have an argument with you.

I would just masturbate and be done with. It's not like I want children at the moment.

I'm sure you would eventually convince yourself that you're somehow better than all the Chads and Stacies who are having enjoyable sex with each other. In fact, you might even make it a point of pride and delude yourself into believing that it's YOU who are denying sex from all the other women, and not that women have no idea who you are because you don't ever talk to them.

Not an argument le bald yeller man

>muh human interaction


Guranteed walls of seething replies that you won't read lmao

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You did, you supreme gentleman. Keep screeching about how nothing's "a real argument" whatever that means.

t. butthurt retard spends hours on a internet forum. kek. Lesbian blue haired trannies don't have a lot of sex you know? Of course you know.

>won't read

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>You're a failure but im still gonna keep responding to you to show you just how much of a failure i am not

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Let's break it down:

Your premise is that the inability to convince anyone to have sex with you does not make you any less of a man.

The rest of the human species disagrees and counters with the fact that one's inability to have sex stems from one's inability to effectively socialize with the opposite sex and THAT is, in fact, something that does make one less of a man.

>The Force is female
"I hate the Force. I hate that it seems to have a will, that it would control us to achieve some measure of balance, when countless lives are lost." - Kreia

They think they are improving it. They don't get what made it great, all the see is a story their boyfriends, dads, bothers and husbands like. They don't understand why, they don't even care why. Women will like whatever their largest male influence likes. they want to change it to 'represent' themselves. They only like Mary Sue cahracters, a great example of this is the Twilight books, the main character is so poorly described they can just insert themselves, which is what they do in movies too.

Women aren't malicious, just fucking stupid and painfully unaware of what makes a good story / movie.

Uh, you don’t get to bring friends

So like women

>Im on Yea Forums, spending the Sunday posting on Yea Forums about how much of a normie i am, instead of hanging out with friends and family.

>Haha you incels.
>Have sex.

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I hate this argument
"If person A hadnt discovered something youd never have it"

No, the next guy would have discovered it. Science doesnt just sit on its ass, its always asking questions.

And statistically if she didnt discover it a man would have later

Women suck at discovering and inventing shit




Why are you so worried about people sexual habits. Please tell us, I want to help you.

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Kreia did nothing wrong.

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>If all the other men didn't have sex then statistically women would have sex with me, so I count as having had sex.

I realized the other day that the media is pushing this condascending and patronizing view of women "firsts" after seeing an article about the first all woman space walk. It's like an entire gender is being infantalized when they get a pat on the back for doing what a man has already done, like how you would encourage a toddler after he took a shit for the first time. Same in film, "What if we took this buddy movie about guys but then it had ALL women?" "YEAH A WIN FOR WOMEN EVERYWHERE!" It's all kinda tiresome.

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>Women aren't malicious, just fucking stupid and painfully unaware of what makes a good story / movie.

That would be actually true for most prog directors.

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she did EVERYTHING wrong

Correction: certain retarded feminists are hellbent on ruining cinema. Most women aren't cool with it.

Is the whole "have sex" thing the idea that if you hate women, you cannot have an unbiased opinion of a movie that stars a woman? I thought it was a /pol/ thing.

Only people who haven't had much sex, worry about other people not having had much sex.

Do you want a pat on the back for fucking your first couple of roasties?

Oof seeeething

Stay indoors and don't try to contribute to anything ever that involves performing in hierarchical structures that compound and scale human effort and endeavor

Your mother ruined you

>teehee moral disengagement and moving goal posts
You fucking idiots can't argue a position anymore on this website. Zoomers truly are spineless brainless fucks. This website isn't dying because of MUH MODS MUH MEMES MUH ADVERTISERS

Its because you shits cant carry a tradition of shit posting and running thread battles. Come at me you fucking cunts. One handed all day everyday beating you dumb fucks. Fucking disgrace.
Not an argument. Give up and go home faggot.

>willing to sacrifice your pride and integrity for a bit of pussy.

Jesus Christ dude its just sex, chill
Its a fun thing people do with little consequence, as long as you're not a brain dead autist and dont pull out

But it is tho. Explain yourself incel and stop yelling.

Not succeeding?

If you'd have sex, then your opinion on the matter wouldn't sound like something an incel would have

>Why are women so hellbent on ruining cinema?

Because women are butthurt about Hillary Clinton not becoming the first female President of the United States of America.

Actually true. It's not as much all women than feminists.

>muh pussy
>muh effort

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Boy has standards. Studying the blade too.

fuck off faggot

"Its not working, people on screen are still doing whatever they want"
"How do I make them do what I want!?"

This is the brainpower of the incel! All that non sex has made him keen and sharp of mind and tongue and will answer all who press and vexing him!

Fucking end yourself

>One handed all day everyday beating you dumb fucks. Fucking disgrace.

Top kek, you confirmed that you are just one person spending hours here arguing people?

Our resident retard.

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how do i turn myself gay lads?

Oh wow! More images and green texting! If I repeat what he said then that's an argument! Fucking faggot.

Tap water + microwaved plastic

You're probably already there.

What for?
So that you have to put up with men even more unstable than SJWs?
So you have to risk AIDS?
So when you have sex, you end up with your dick covered in shit and blood?
So when you see an attractive man, 99% of the times he's not gay?


that reddit spacing. go back faggot