Never before in history has a movie exposed what a bunch of fucking NPCs and drones that will just eat up everything...

Never before in history has a movie exposed what a bunch of fucking NPCs and drones that will just eat up everything mass media serves them so-called "redpilled" people on Yea Forums are. If you think MJ is guilty because you watched this garbage you're literally a fucking ant.

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Other urls found in this thread:

have sex
(preferably not with children)

I legitimately think this is them going back to compare how demoralised the population has become and how willingly they will accept something they throw at them with no information compared to how they did 20 years ago.

The only thing this movie shows is that the social classes must remain seperated at all times. Rich folks should never mingle with poor folks or it ends like this.

But they wouldn't LIE, would they?

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>>accused 4 times, paid off others
>>could have sex with beautiful women all >>over the world, but had sleepovers with 8 yr >>old boys
>>constantly lied about his life and plastic >>surgeries
>> "he didn't have a childhood!" you'd think by >>age 30, he'd get over that and start being an >>adult

theres so much more that obviously points to him being a pedophile, retard

>pedo board defends a pedo

He fucked them keedz, deal with it.

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Lmao. The redpilled people knew he was guilty before. The documentary just adds to it. Imagine defending a child abuser. Your life must be pathetic.

Imagine being a Jewish Pawn.

>Oprah celebrates her Birthday in St Barts aboard David Geffen's 300 Mil $ Yacht watching Michael Jackson documantary with her best friend Gayle
>Is a close friend of Harvey Weinsteins
>Leaving Neverland was a late entry to sundance that wouldn't have been accepted under normal circumstances
>Coincidentally around the same time a Harvey Weinstein documentary releases that the global elite would want to sweep under the rug as fast as possible
>"Weinstein’s best mate Oprah leaked a story promoting the Jackson doc. From David Geffen’s boat.

It was added to Sundance Film Fest at the last minute, despite not being a film, and the press buried the Weinstein doc. Now Oprah’s holding events promoting the Jackson doc."
>Oprah came home from her Rising Sun jaunt (coincidentally, just a few miles from Epstein and Branson’s islands) and not only promptly threw her support behind LEAVING NEVERLAND, she arranged an interview with the two alleged survivors who are featured in the documentary, Wade Robson and James Safechuck. Just like that! Almost as if this was all planned ahead of time.

>LEAVING NEVERLAND was funded by none other than Oprah, Gayle King, David Geffen, Harvey Weinstein and TMZ founder Harvey Levin

Enjoy your black pill.
Michael Jackson is used as a scapegoat to protect the hollywood elite. Yes, it's (((THEM)))

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>parents saw what MJ was doing with the sleepovers and coached the kids into making up stories that made them millions
>fast forward 20 years later at the peak of #metoo where its become popular to get rich off shaming celebrities again and (((they))) decide to roll out the mj accusers again because (((they))) can make money off it now while also not having to worry about repercussions since mj is dead and rotting in the ground
I think this is the easier truth to believe honestly

Yes, imagine it. You know that's you, right? You think because he said kike me in a song the evil jews are doing this to discredit his legacy? Why would they? They still make enormous bank on his music and license.

Oh, by the way, it's possible to call out the jew and still molest young children. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Likewise even if this were some grand deflection from something else; one conspiracy existing doesn't rule out the other one from existing.

>> "he didn't have a childhood!" you'd think by >>age 30, he'd get over that and start being an >>adult

Wow, you're a retard.

A lot of people never get over childhood traumas. Even by the end of their lives.

>A lot of people never get over childhood traumas. Even by the end of their lives.

yeah, kinda like the two men accusing MJ now, retard


did you even watch the documentary?

Yep,Google current news on Harvey Weinstein, first few articles are about him . Then all of a sudden MJ articles.

based I knew it

Answer me this: even if all of this is true, how would that negate the MJ docu events from being true? This shit happens all the time in just about any field in life; they use events to deflect from other events. It doesn't always mean one is the truth and the other is a lie. They could both be truths. They could both be lies.

Now, listen here, newfriend.

I do not know who the hell you might be, or where your interests may lie, be they political, economical or personal. I don't know who is paying you, nor what exactly you want achieve. What I do know is that every single goddamn time that I have opened uup the catalog in the past two weeks there are two, three or four Michael Jackson threads. You are obviously a paid team.
Now I would very kindly ask you to refrain from making such threads in the future, because otherwise the only thing I can do is the following:

Now beat it.
Beat it.

did I watch the doc that was funded by none other than Oprah, Gayle King, David Geffen, Harvey Weinstein and TMZ founder Harvey Levin no I didn't

Do I think that MJ is probably a pedo? Yes.

Is his music fucking banging? Absolutely. Off the Wall has not one bad track. Bad? Great fucking album.

lol, exactly. This made me smile. MJ fans are goddamn mentally retarded.

Not the new one, i watched the old one and came away thinking he was an innocent man who probably was too pure to even have sexual thoughts...whats the new one gonna change, its all just testimonials still. People can memorize a script, doesnt mean it happen because they go into elaborate detail about it

Lmao MJ is a fuckin creep. His reputation will be dogshit as the years keep going. If you like him, enjoy. You’re gonna be put through the ringer from here on out :)

Not saying he didn't do it, but your statement was fucking retarded.

A lot of people will never overcome childhood traumas.

>Calling MJ a jew
He was literally a black guy who got so successful that the Jews had to burn his skin to turn him white so their Jewish tricks would work

Dance to their tune you schlmo

>If you think MJ is guilty because you watched this garbage...
Clearly OP never actually watched the fucking thing. Kill yourself so you can be one with your Pedophile King.

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So what? The whole world is talking about Michael Jackson right now. You do realise Michael Jackson was/is one of the most popular names of all time?

Why do you act as if you were in the bedroom and watched Jackson touch those kids?

We dont KNOW anything in either direction. But there seems to be a lot of weird inconsistencies with the whole jackson pedo thing.

Isnt this documentary based of a book that details an incident with a child, a child who later on defended jackson saying jackson never touched him?
That kid grew up and never once heard that a grown man touching a kid was wrong? He grew up thinking it was okay until conveniently recent times where " oh NOW i know what he did was wrong..i didnt know that when i was a kid..didnt realize that when i was 18..or now do i know.."

Do you have any proof it was funded by any of those names?

Too pure? He grabbed his dick and thrust his hips 400 times a concert. He was hyper sexualized and a harem of young boys he’d tongue fuck. You are a piece of work.

Low tier bait. Try again

Thriller is the greatest track of the 20th century. Some shitty HBO documentary isn't going to make me change my mind on that. Kikes and 90s born queers can get fucked.

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Yeah then this causes them to manifest their trauma in different ways. MJ never confronted his childhood trauma which he then manifested as abusing young boys. Of course he was fucked in the head. So are a lot of pedophiles. People fucked in the head who dont deal with their trauma and, in turn, abuse others. Its very simple.

I was born in 97 and I maintain that Off the Wall is far better.

idgaf who funded it, theres photographic evidence, theres videos, theres voice recordings, theres old faxes that all show MJ seducing children....

it makes zero sense that he'd become that obsessed with these kids if there wasn't some pedo shit going on.

>heebs get btfo with mj truth in last thread
>just start over playing a different angle


>is this documentary..

Nope, watch the doc dummy.

MJ defenders
>Court documents
>Contradictory testimonies

>MJ accusers:
>He was creepy!

There's no doubt that MJ was a mentally troubled person who was emotionally underdeveloped but didn't commit any of those crimes.

You mean just like that other adult man who grew up thinking it was ok to do sleepovers with children and cuddle them and touch them and god knows what else? The man we call michael jackson?

hmm compelling argument you have there. Why would a grown man lock himself up with a child in a bed room, denying the parents from entering the room?

You have to do some serious mental gumnastics to explain that.

(1)Jackson sought and befriended prepubescent boys. He took these boys as companions and traveled the world with them. Every so often, he would find a new young male companion and move on from the old one. This fact is not disputed.

(2) Jackson lavished the boys' families with gifts and money. This fact is not disputed.

(3) Jackson invited the boys to his home, which was filled with toys and candy. This fact is not disputed.

(4) Jackson invited the boys into his bed. This fact is not disputed.

(5) Jackson had a stash of bondage porn by the bed. This fact is not disputed.

(6) The bed was in a room, behind a locked door, at the end of a hallway equipped with alarm systems that would alert him when someone was approaching. This fact is not disputed.

Which leads us to the last piece of the puzzle:

(7) Five of the boys who shared a bed with Jackson later accused him of abuse. This fact, also, is not disputed.

>harem of young boys
Where, all the other ones are defending him besides the two that made money off him before and the kikes are making money/using them as a distraction ploy now

was thriller really that great? I just know it as the halloween song that gets played once a year

And every white boomer does that one fuckin move with the t-rex hands. Fuck that song.

>MJ accusers
> Watch "Leaving Neverland"

try to defend Michael after watching that. You can't.

>photographic evidence
Please enlighten me

Mj defenders
>60 iq
>want to diddle kids themself or have

MJ accusers
>high IQ
>can dance better than MJ
>super bowl winners

The comparison is quite nice, pedo loser

his bedroom door had a lock on it?!

here's his most prominent accuser. a very trustworthy character.

The Making a Murder shit being total bullshit has made it to where I simply don't trust any docu anymore. It was pretty convincing.

yes and many of them turn into pedophiles themselves

Can MJ defenders name one other person, celebrity or in your personal life, who constantly hung around, talked on the phone with, and slept in the same bed with multiple 6-12 year old boys? Just name one other guy who did this and wasn’t a pedo

imagine defending a blatant pedo? He man slept with young boys in his bed, don't give me that "he had no childhood" bullshit. That is not a normal thing for any grown man to be doing in any situation. It's fucking weird and creepy and obviously the parents are to blame for being so retarded.

Safechuk and Robson take out a mutli-million dollar class action against the MJ estate based on "I didn't remember being violently raped when being grilled under cross-examination years ago but I do remember now"

It gets dismissed December 2017

February 2018, Reed interviews Safechuk, the first interview for the documentary

>but they're in it for truth and justice, not money

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counter offer -

watch "the greatest story never told" on youtube then come back and tell me mj is guilty

At least 4 have accused him credibly. One’s enough for me. But, hey, Im not a pedophile apologist like you. So, maybe wait until 6 come out. Maybe that will make it a “harem” for you.

NPC memes are literally Snowflake shit

>(4) Jackson invited the boys into his bed. This fact is not disputed.

Thats it right there, thats the smoking gun. Thats how he got away with molesting the kids, after he normalized the kids sleeping in the same bed with him. Its a set up for the abuse.

And I can post literally anything of MJ and he looks and acts like a clown satire of a typical pedophile.

They explicitly say there was no repressed memories, they never forgot anything they just didn't confess the truth because victims have Stockholm syndrome and did not want their lover (MJ) to go to prison

It's textbook pedo creeper behavior. Only MJ did it with class. He was straight macking them 10 yo hoes and got him a new bottom bitch every month.

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Oh look another dumb shill with no understanding of childhoof trauama and sexual abuse. Love your naivety. Wish I could live like that.

This is literal Facebook tier comment

I dont think its wrong to say its strange, but what i dont get is how you and everyone else can say "hes guilty there is no chance the parents were using their kids to get jacksons money! Hes just a pedo!"
After one case, no matter how much a fan you are, you shouldnt let your kids be alone with a grown man whom you dont know if you can trust.

There seems to be no leway with you people, it was all him, his parents would be guilty too if he did commit a crime, because if its "so clear he was a pedo!" His parents didnt care.

Then theres also the fact that he allowed FAMILIES to sleep in his room, a two floor room mind you. But you paint it as just the boy, alone in a room no bigger than a broom closet.

Again, i BELIEVE hes innocent because its not inconceivable to think people might take advantage of a troubled guy, but not all troubled people cause others harm, but you guys are just so convinced you know hes guilty.

Noone is denying that he was mentally ill and that he slept in the same bed as boys. That doesn't mean any abuse of sexual nature took place though. I know, it might sound very, very unbelievable but there are some men who just have a very creepy desire to feel like children and be with children without wanting to fuck them. Yes, it's wrong, but it's not a crime.

With the presented facts its obviously very easy to make the leap to "HE DID IT" with just a bit of help from a very deliberately presented documentary that tries to frame him in a bad light (without any evidence) This is of course the point where NPC's will come to the one and "only" conclusion: Michael Jackson was a monster.

The man is a total freak if it wasn't for it being such a slow transition and famous it would be immediately obvious. He belong on 18th century wood burnings eating babies and shit.

That's the question the "he's a pedo!" crowd never seems to answer: If he was a pedo, hence a threat to children, then why are all the cases brought against him CIVIL cases and not CRIMINAL cases?

Literally none of them were credible. It was all crass cash grabbing. They were conspiring, skipping the country and all kinds of shit

trips digits of truth

Yikes. Pedo defenders getting desperate.

they didn't get violently raped as MJ has emphasized multiple times he would never "hurt" a child. What he did do was tongue their assholes and jerk off in front of them while they posed naked for him. MJ didn't see this as abuse which is why he can say with confidence he was innocent. This is a sick man, just look at his weird ass lifestyle and mannerisms.

How traumatic could it have been if they didn't even know it was wrong?

Oy Vey, shut him down, he can't say this!

This is not anything your absolute kike. It's the accusers painfully jewish father and step father conspiring to shake him down. Gas yourself.

>Never before in history.........

OP is a fucking genius and a sauce of inspiration to lovers of children the world over.

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first criminal case was dropped because boy was paid off

and the second case was a criminal case, retard

It's funny that everyone's attention is on this documentary and everyone is busy spouting about that MJ was a pedo and how bad he was when:



Name another guy who slept with boys and didn’t fuck them? Just one. If this is a behavior that grown men do, surely you can name one other person for whom it was acceptable?

>the second case was a criminal case, retard
And what was the outcome of that case, in the much more rigorous criminal court?


harvey didn't do anything wrong though. ADULT women fucked him in exchange for movie roles.

There's strawmanning and there's this. Just outright lying about what's been alleged so you can say it didn't happen. Pedo defenders don't even have a leg to stand on.

Don't forget Weinstein and all the metoo stuff. This shit is literally
>Hey, look over there
tier. On a dead man no less.


Woody is legitimately innocent, MJ has much more going against him.

It was so much more than just sleeping in the same bed. They would hold hands, talk on the phone for hours, and send love letter to each other. If this was a random guy on the street and not michael jackson it would be completely inappropriate. Yet because it's the king of pop, everyone just turned a blind eye and made up excuses for him.

Everyone knows about black cube shlomo

Where's the lie?

t. astute retard

It's not about what Harvey did concerning the metoo shit, it's about him and the HOLLYWOOD ELITE PEDOPHILE RING.

People have been calling the pedo a pedo for 30 years. The doc just put it in the news. It’s not about believing one accuser or the other. It’s about looking at a flamboyant man who was seen with multiple 9 year old boys at his side for a decade and admitted to sleepovers and spending hours on the phone with them.

Can you name one other nonpedo guy who hangs around little boys all the time like this?

That's not the only thing though. Just look into other paedophile grooming cases. They are all fairly similar from the perpetrators' viewpoint. Read this if you're interested for example. It is a comparison of the Jackson and Sandusky cases.

The accusers never claimed they were "violently" raped and they never claimed they forgot. They were loved tenderly by MJ and they covered for his misdeeds because they loved him back.

Hey user, one question you say the neverland doc isnt a film, and so shouldnt have been accepted into sundance, but if thats true how did the weinstein doc get in sundance if that too isnt a film but a doc?
Genuine question

The parents are guilt too you retard, the victims don't even speak to them, some of the fathers committed suicide. That doesn't excuse Michael

i love yo-
>leaves you for younger child

Howling with laughter at all the sickos desperately defending this obvious pedo. All his methods and behaviours are fucking textbook...these aren't things eccentric people do, they're things pedos do. Slippery slope, sleeping in the same bed, porn everywhere....oopsies lol. It is possible Jackson didnt fuck some of them, or had some method of muddying the waters to make it harder to figure out, he was after all insanely rich.

>who’s worse: the pedophiile or the parents who let their kid around a pedophile
>clearly the parents being shitty excuses the pedophile he makes good dancey songies after all!

This is your logic? Both can be bad

Is it really so hard to believe that he was a pedo? There was obviously something deeply wrong with him. Doesn't mean you can't like his music.

>There was obviously something deeply wrong with him
it doesn't make him a pedo though

Honestly this aspect of MJ is probably worse than the child rape. One of the kids said they had a secret wedding in MJ's bedroom. What kind of shitty person would break their marriage vows to a 10-year-old?

If you can judge a man by his enemies then it is hard for me to believe user.


Just name one. I’ll except “yeah dude my uncle bob has a few nine year old friends he hangs out with” or any anecdote that shows this behavior is not just pedo grooming shot. Just name ONE other man who does this.

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It does when what's wrong with him is a sexual obsession with pre pubescent children, you sick fuck

>Is it really so hard to believe that he was a pedo?
Yes, considering there's literally no evidence and everyone who ever accused him of it has either admitted they lied for money or been proven a liar. He was weird, sure, but you would be too if you had the childhood he did. Weird =/= nonce

Jew harder.

>name one other person but he has to be famous too!

>this one-sided documentary made me feel like Michael was guilty - so he is!
Absolutely pathetic

>there's literally no evidence
Being seen in public with kids at his side, constantly upgrading to a newer younger prebuescenf boy best friend, talking on the phone to hours with boys, and having sleepovers isn’t evidence? If your neighbor did this what would you think?

fair point, and like i said its one of those doesnt look good for jackson at all, and really he shouldve learned his lesson after the first kid and tried to always have a third party around if not the kids family but there seems to be inconsistencies, like supposedly the kid who drew jacksons wang, the drawing and actual dong didnt march up and was thus not used as evidence against jackson, though msm reported it as if the drawing and irl wang were the same.
Again the one kid saying he was innocent and then only years later when money became a thing again did he go back on it.
That one author expressing how publishers refused to print jackson defense books

Theres a lot to at least say, hey theres something fishy about all of this, on both sides of the aisle, youre right, its weird of him but again, is it not odd that publishers dont want any counter argument, that parents keep throwing their children at him, that kids who are supposed to die, dont and then sue MJ for money?

I said I’d accept your uncle. Name one other person for whom you accepted (or even seen) this behavior.

You have a reading comprehension issue.

>Having a rotating harem of pre pubescent boys around you everyday and expressing your love for them
That's a bit more than weird, you sick pedo fuck

I don't know man. I think it's certainly possible that he was and i'm not willing to rule it out completely like others are but there's a whole lot that stinks about a lot of people who came forward. To be fair there's also a hell of a lot that stinks about Michael himself as well but society has a tendency to demonise somebody just because they're a bit eccentric or different. There's a lot to consider and people are quick to jump to conclusions on either side of the argument. All we'll ever really have is hearsay.

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So apparently Robson is full of shit and lies about going to Euro Disneyworld in 1988 when it wasn't open until 1991, among other lies. Any one got defense for that?

>says "except"
JK Rowling, is that you?

>there’s a lot to consider

No there’s not. Name another person who hangs out with kids like this and isn’t a pedo. Just one.

docmentaries dont lie op

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Now you're just parroting made-up arguments from past threads.

“I’ll even except”

Clear typo. Strange that you STILL aren’t naming a dude who’s best friends with little kids

>Someone who was relentlessly molested as a child is now a dysfunctional adult
Wow how surprising. Also lmao at all the stuff about money grabbing, if I was diddled as a kid by a multimillionaire I'd want money too

no it just says "I'll except"

Is it a made up argument? I honestly don't know and don't care enough to look it up desu

Oh shit sorry you’re right. I did mean “I’ll accept.” So do you know any men, famous or otherwise, who have little boy best friends?

have a sex
(preferably the one born with)

Nice kiked out web page you got there mister Shareblue? Is it as reliable as factcheckdotorg?

there was girls also. his bed was huge! slumber partys every now and again. yes he did fall asleep with them watchign movies but never sexual. there was never just 1 child on the bed with him which people somehow block out of there imaginations.


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>He sleeped with keedz in the same bed
>b-but dude his bed was HUGE

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Honestly the biggest red flag for me personally is that the victims talk in an effeminate way, that child molestation victims usually act like. Even Macaulay Culkin comes off as someone who has been abused.

If any Micheal Jackson supporters could clear that up I'd appreciate it.

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One bulletpoint in and you're already blatantly lying. Their previous testimony in favor of MJ is discussed and explained extensively. Pedo defenders cannot stop lying.

Who said worse? Disingenuous.
Retard. Sure, im trying to see where you guys are coming from, is this how you enlighten people?
That is a great point, its strange but is that it? Eccentric guy has an odd tendency to befriend young boys.
Absolutely questionable and a very rare and unique case, so unique in fact that there really arent any other cases that come close to it.
Isnt this one of those things where, its so rare we dont have a metric to gauge it by?

MJ was a kike lover and he raped white children

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Does the wienstein shill brigade make these threads?

>the basic bitch double jew bluff

Off-topic but why don't we see hordes of screaming girls surrounding pop stars anymore? Is it because we have access to celebrities 24/7 on social media?


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This. I honestly felt like he never perceived what he did was inappropriate or hurting a child. Both times when the accusers said they tried anal they stopped because they were in pain and Michael didn’t want to hurt them.

>There was obviously something deeply wrong with him
almost every agrees about that. doesn't mean proof that it happened suddenly appeared

>Even Macaulay Culkin comes off as someone who has been abused.
No, MJ never touched me, why?

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Can someone post the Wienstein doc? I haven't seen it yet.

I think its that but also that no one really cares for the celebs we do have these days. Deep inside as much as teen girls find this singer or that songer hot thats all it is, theres nothing deeper than that. They dont really like their music, they just fall into it because its whats new, in the past people fell in love with the art, the artist and the character that artist uses on stage, nowadays its just, oh hey that guys famous..

you sound like a negro

Latoya Jackson saying over and over again that Jackson is a pedophile and that her and her mother were angry because their mother found out Michael was writing checks to several little boys.

She also says Michael's mother said she couldn't believe her son was a "faggot", in response to finding out that he molested children.

Latoya in the first clip saying he's a child molester:

>"What 35-year-old man do you know, sleeps in bed with little boys and stays with them a week or two weeks, or whatever?"

This next clip she accuse Michael of using his fortune to essentially buy children, cutting checks to their parents.

Third clip in which she says he was only getting married to shut down the child molestation allegations, saying that Michael is gay and doesn't like women, and hates them, all women. She also says that in her eyes he's a pedophile.

lets be honest, just like the kavanaugh thing, this would all be a little bit more believable if the accusers weren't so dubious and shady, am I right?

Are you dumb? People on Weinstein's side would be pro-Leaving Neverland

Latoya is pretty fucked up herself though, not gonna say that totally makes her statements trash but we cant take them as gospel.
If those statements are true and you think theyre enough to billify MJ then when Latoya also says that she believed he was murdered than youre in agreement wih her there too.

Personally i think she genuinely thinks he did it, she thinks hes gay too prob, but she doesnt KNOW shit, so its more hearsay.

If i really believed my brother was a pedo id try to catch him in the act, maybe try to get into his room and set up a hidden cam or something..sounds a bit out there but if you are THAT convinced he is a pedo you shouldve done more to prove that and send him to jail.

Kavanaugh was accused by one single woman, in her 40s, that said she was "molested" years ago, just before Kavanaugh ran for the supreme court.
MJ has been accused of being a pedophile since the 80s and there are pictures and videos that prove this is a fact.

True but even a weistein shill would pretend to be anti LN simply to drive discussion and have people be distracted.

In a 2005 story, Feldman suggested that Jackson tried to groom him and was planning to testify against Jackson, saying he had lied to cover for him in 1993, because he was friends with Michael, much like he was friends with other pedophiles.

In the book Coreyography, Feldman says the reason he ultimately was never called to testify was because he gave conflicting stories in the 90's versus what he was claiming in the 2000's.

Feldman saying Jackson tried to groom him:

>"If you consider it inappropriate for a man to look at a book of naked pictures with a child that's 13 or 14 years old -- then your answer would be yes."

>Feldman says he had such an encounter at Jackson's home when he says they stopped there on the way to Disneyland. "We went to his apartment, and I noticed a book that he had out on his coffee table. The book contained pictures of grown men and women naked. And the book was focused on venereal diseases and the genitalia." Feldman said the singer sat down with him and explained the photos to him.

>Feldman said, "I was kind of grossed out by it. I didn't think of it as a big deal. And for all these years, I probably never thought twice about it ... But in light of recent evidence ... I have to say that if my son was 14 years old -- 13 years old, and went to a man's apartment that was 35, and I knew that they were sitting down together talking about this, I would probably beat his ass."

I have no say in whether he did or didn't do it (I don't think we'll ever know).

All I have to say is... watching a documentary and changing your mind entirely to match exactly what that documentary was telling you without looking further into the matter is peak brainlet.

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>Latoya is pretty fucked up herself though

Her brother is a serial rapist and her father likely abused his children. That will fuck you up.

the doc only confirms what everyone with a brain already knows
if he wasn't famous no one would ever ever accept an adult having sleep overs with a bunch of kids, that's pedo shit

yet even after seeing the documentary Feldman defends Michael Jackson and claims that he was never sexually involved with him EVEN THOUGH he says that Michael Jackson is partly responsible for ruining his like because he just dropped him like a hot potato when he got bored of him.

this is your brain on NPC script

>there are pictures and videos that prove this is a fact
WOAH, here's a photo of Trump and Putin getting real close!


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Formerly raped sneed

Feldman went on CNN and said he can't defend MJ anymore. Go watch the itnerview

Feldman is an odd one, and rightfully so what with his revelation that he was molested by execs and shit. Anyway, feldmam flip flops on MJ and i dont really get why, maybe hes just an opportunist or just attention hungry. He claimed he was gonna name names but opted out of that, so i cant really take his word either.
Corey feldman is not a reliable source.

>Kavanaugh was accused by one single woman

This is a lie.

>The child was able to draw distinctive marks on Jackson’s penis and buttocks – as the legendary entertainer suffered from skin condition vitiligo.

>Police in California then strip searched and photographed the Billy Jean songwriter’s genitalia – something Jacko, who denied all allegations of sex abuse made against him, called "the most humiliating ordeal of my life”.

>Following the strip search, Jackson agreed a massive settlement with the Chandler family reported to between $20m and $24m.

>According to numerous reports, including from investigative journalists such as Diane Dimond and Jacques Peretti, the child correctly identified the marks on the star’s penis prompting Jacko to settle.

Look Arsehole, we all grew up with MJ and loved him, but he chose to be a child molester, no one forced him. That's no excuse for you to go getting all shitposty about it.

There is a mountain of evidence and accusers, way too many for an innocent man, or a wrongly accused one.

We are actually at the stage where someone needs to show some solid proof that he is innocent.

What about raccoons?

>as the legendary entertainer suffered from skin condition vitiligo

Hold the pedo debate for a minute because I wanna talk about this. Was the vitiligo real or was it bullshit? I was always told he bleached his skin, but I don't even know what that entails.

It was real. The police stripped him naked and took pictures, so there is actual evidence that he suffered from vitiligo. Now I don't know if vitiligo turns your face white like in the case of MJ. But it gives you white spots all over your body.

Unlike the accusers, we know that Michael was a habitual liar.

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>Unlike the accusers

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Can't believe theres still rubes like people in this thread who actually buy into Oprahs bullshit and Wade and Safechuck swindling everyone as they warm up for another shot at the estate for millions.



MJIDF is at full force today, I see.


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>that one paid pro michael shill that always shows up to these threads

I bet they are all niggers who can't accept that another one of their idols is falling.

You weren't even alive when mj released his last album, quit trying to make it sound like this involves you in anyway, you incel zoomer

t. another zoomer

HBO funded it you sperglord. They don't need a fucking underwriter, they have mega billions and can greenlight anything they like.

imagine being this fucking naive and clueless

>(5) Jackson had a stash of bondage porn by the bed. This fact is not disputed.
>(6) The bed was in a room, behind a locked door, at the end of a hallway equipped with alarm systems that would alert him when someone was approaching. This fact is not disputed.
>Which leads us to the last piece of the puzzle:
>(7) Five of the boys who shared a bed with Jackson later accused him of abuse. This fact, also, is not disputed.

Citation Needed. also
>reddit spacing

Let's not forget that they had former NSA experts who pulled fingerprints from MJ and children off porn mags. If he wasn't actively showing pron to kids, he made it very easy for kids to 'find' porn at neverland.

Victims accused him of giving them drugs and alcohol to make them more pliable. Even MJ's defenders have admitted he gave them weed.

Aaron Carter age 14 did not agree to share a bed with MJ, woke up in the night with MJ in bed with him anyway.

Mac Culkin says he was never molested, but two different staff members say that they witnessed MJ abuse Mac.

One butler said he had been called at 3am to bring fries to the arcade room, and came in quietly, he found MJ holding Mac up so he could play the game machine, with his other hand down Mac's pants. A different staff member reported abuse of Mac too.

Feldman does not admit abuse, but says he cannot defend MJ any more.

Forensic examination of MJ's bed found 4 different samples of semen, one of them is MJs. There was no female DNA.

Claimed to have only had 2 nose jobs, nothing else. Claims not be gay, can't point to a single woman he has fucked other than Lisa Marie who is not necessarily credible. Has a ton of gay porn, and nudes of boy children all over.

Fuck off /pol/ scum. Adults are talking.

You have to go back.--->

>be only child
>a few of my family relations were babies when I was 10
>be like an uncle to them, take them to amusement parks, arcade, the playground
>people from church see me with a group of 6-8 year olds all the time
>get accused of being a pedophile
>still spent time with them but evenutally I stop seeing them
>They're like 20 now, still ask about Uncle user

I missed those kids.

>every white boomer does that one fuckin move with the t-rex hands
Th are you talking about sonny
get enlightened my nigga. he didn't have child porn. what they found was a hustler magazine.

Kavanaugh had the same amount of vultures flock on him as MJ you lying little snake.

Sick of this fucking line.
"It is known"
Well that's real empirical fuckstick.

of course not he's a raving /pol/tard lunatic like the rest of them and everything is a jewish conspiracy.

Is there really nothing better to talk about than a pedo who died last decade?

Truth be told his music wasn’t even that good, it was just different. I only like 2-3 of his songs now, most popular ones (beat it, Billie jean, smooth criminal, etc) are fucking garbage that make me turn the station.

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>there are pictures and videos that prove this is a fact.


>MJ was a pedo
>jews are jewing
not a surprise

Fact: To believe the stories from these two you have to accept the fact that they are both serial liars.

Let that sink in.

This is the image MJdrones don't want you to see. Please don't post it in every MJ thread.

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I can't listen to this obnoxious douchebag for 35+ mins.

He is off track five minutes in. They did not find 'kiddie porn' They found mountains of photos of nude underage boys. Books that are still legal to own, but that no sane individual would ever want to own, especially not one who slept in bed with other people's underage children.
they also found adult porn with childrens faces stuck on it. He did not have a few mags, he had a mountain of erotic material.
A hustler magazine is totally understandable for a predatory boy paedophile to have around in case he is trying to molest a boy who is mostly interested in girls, to try and get the child into a sexual situation.

ironically the /pol/tards are the ones who are jumping on the MJ accuser wagon, retard

you didnt watch the video and they didnt find that those mountains of child porn. how would he would have been found innocent if they had that on him?

>haha I'm so hetero!
Michael Jackson: That Angelina Jolie’s got quite a pair of dick-sucking lips. I bet she could suck the chrome off a tailpipe. Oh man, the things I would do with those funbags! She’d need a wheelchair after I was done fucking her!

Rabbi Shmuley: Michael, Michael! Always with the sincere, genuine expressions of heterosexual lust! You’re incorrigible! But we need to find you a nice wife, not some trollop who runs around with her tuchas out, kissing a lot of guys!

because it's legal for adults to own pornography and art nude books of kids. But it does mean he is a nonce though.

Nothing that could ever come out can change my opinion of him as an innocent man.


there wasnt mountains of it. also it was a basic art book not in the way u describe.

Why does a middle-aged man sleep with little boys? Where are the girls? Why are they always white twinks? Where are the fatties?

Sean Lennon knows.

Daily reminder that despite him being a weirdo there is no concrete evidence and a bunch of people that accused him later admitted to lying.

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LaToya knows.

>(preferably not with children)
sure, whatever homo

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This. And I will shamelessly enjoy his music until the day I die

Reminds me of the Trayvon/Zimmerman trial. What is the path to truth if we choose to entertain heresay over evidence?

Smooth Criminal and Stranger in Moscow are his best

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If this fucker got a pass for forty years R Kells needs to get pardoned immediately. If dedicating your career to making pure kino doesn't permit you to pee on some hoodrats then what the fuck are we all doing with our lives.

protipp: do it in secret.

>Had huge collection of CP
>Was cutting checks to accusers as early as the mid-1980's
>Had giant child size sex dolls
>Loved to sleep in bed with little boys and only little boys
>Admitted to sleeping in bed with little boys
>His own family says he's a gay pedophile who was cutting checks to the parents of his victims to buy their children essentially
>The police found bloody clothing in his home from when he fucked a child in the ass
>Another accuser says he bled from the ass when Jackson tried to stick his dick in him when the boy was 14
>Was photographed numerous times snuggling and holding hands with accusers

I heard You Rock My World for the first time in years the other day. Still love that one

>And then I realized that the son of a bitch even got the masses into the street for him. Of course, he had to pay them, but take a look at that stupid movie trailer that Diane Sawyer ran during the show. The streets are lined with weeping fans. They’re holding up signs saying KING OF POP. And here comes Michael, like a conquering monarch. He’s got the gay militia outfit on, with the hockey shinguards, and he marches into town, surrounded by troops, waving, blowing kisses. The camera is pulled back so you can’t see the melting face. It’s a perfect world. There’s confetti and tickertape falling and fans are fainting. And then they unveil a giant statue of Michael. It’s interesting that the only line of dialogue in that whole video is spoken by an eight-year-old crewcut white boy who looks at the statue and says, “Michael, I love you.” Up there on the screen is the bizarre scenario I was supposed to create. Sure. Only in the movies. My fans would have booted me in the ass. --Howard Stern

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>>Had huge collection of CP
This one ain't true, but the rest is.

He had books, polaroids, and mags of naked boys, but not "illegal child pornography."

People will claim he's a monster to fit in with their liberal neighbors but the facts don't lie-we still all enjoy his music

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1-2 songs are ok, rest is just gay pedo moaning.

And that's a good thing!

Why are pedophiles such good artists?

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Michael Jackson didn't write any of his music or lyrics anyway.

A mountain of it. And that's just what they actually found.

He wasnt a pedo you brainlet. He was an asexual manchild

>believing that asexuality is a thing
beat it kid

This. Mj is the king and jews just try to outjew eachother

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>wordpress article
Damn, I'm sure this article will btfo of years and years of excruciating investigation

fuck off.

>The people that defended him later admitted to lying.


Maybe he was a pedo, but that doesn't mean he molested anyone. And all his books were legal.

sorry but you can't "fix" reality into fitting your fantastical vision of the world

>doesn't mean he molested anyone
he called it love makin'


(Formerly consentual)

c r i n g e

All my libtard friends love Jackson and think he a dindu nuffin.
The MSM is still generally supportive of Jacko. We'll see what permanent waves this doc makes.


'Twas the Jews!

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>years of excruciating investigation
but all the investigators have said he's a guilty child rapist
>inbf muh 10 year FBI investigation

The Jonathan Spence polaroid that Leroy failed to destroy is the real smoking gun.

You literally made up the funding and production bit, so I'll disregard the rest shill.

same (((fag)))

what a petulant faggot he was. Even if he didn't touch demkeedz he still needed to have the shit kicked out of him. Papa Joe had the right attitude to this repulsive cretin

Shut up fake news

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

Ever wonder why shills here attack MJ the same way they attack DC movies? Using the same tactics and style? It's almost as if they're using a handbook. Why would someone waste so much time attacking something they don't like? Defending something you like makes sense because you feel a kinship and a sense of justice when you do so. Attacking something you don't like is just a waste of time.
Exceptions: if it's funny, or if you're getting paid for it. I don't see any jokes around here, so...

maybe because everybody loves drama?

The men in the film were pro-Jackson witnesses in his trial. They disavow their testimonies. This is a fact.

Before this doc even released there used to MJ threads about who would play him in inevable biopic and not once did they have these long winded posts of BS like these

here's photographic evidence that he's innocent

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A sudden influx of outsiders who's only purpose is to maintain the validity of a documentary, huh? How unusual. I wonder why that would be.

Ummmm, no sweetie. P.Y.T. is the best track followed closely by Human Nature and They way you make me feel

What other reason is there for Michael Jackson to build a pedophile-kingdom and have regular sleepovers with unrelated little boys? No one ever has a valid explanation for this. At the very least he was seriously mentally disturbed, and pedophilia is a stretch in that context?

>Documentary mysteriously loses nearly an hour of its runtime after a week because it contained easily disproven lies.


BULLSHIT. Nobody gives a fuck about some biopic. Every MJ thread has turned into a Pedowood thread for years.

Show me your meme folder to prove that you're from here.

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This didn't happen faggot.

Show me your hard drive and prove you're not a pedophile.

Anyone got comparisons?

Checkmate. This is undeniable proof that these people are paid shills that aren't from Yea Forums. This is the perfect test. Just say "show me your meme folder" and they won't be able to, since their jobs don't provide them with any memes. This is why they only use text and no images despite it being an image board.

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Worse, why did Jackson and his legal team put them on as witnesses for the defense in the 2005 trial if he'd abused them?

If you had molested a kid, and was being put on trial for molesting a kid, would one of your star defense witnesses be a kid who you molested knowing full well they'd be absolutely grilled by cross-examination? Gee it's a good thing they're mentally strong and never suffered anything like BEING MOLESTED AS A CHILD, that might be something that could make a person crack on the witness stand. Micheal must have had balls of steel to have them as part of his defense witnesses.

>show me your meme folder
You are so fucking lame it's embarrassing.

The international release was 3 hours and 15 minutes compared to the 4 hour american version. Entire segments are just edited out.

No memes = not legit. It's that simple. You're mad because you have no counter.

Too bad the story took a dip after Shishio

You're thinking of Making a Murderer
It literally would've taken a quick google search to realize how much evidence they left out of the doc and still retards felt like playing detective to clear the name of a murderer and rapist

Why would him being a child predator make the music worse? Also he's not alive and isn't profiting because of the music, it's going to his estate and his kids who afaik are not child molesters so it's honestly all good.

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>he was weird therefore he was a nonce
Fuck off.

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>Posting a babby tier 2016 pic

Sure showed me

By sleepovers what you mean is that occasionally guests to theme park mansion would crash in his room,
and in his two story room that's bigger than your house.

lol have you even read the court documents? The fbi report, the list of items the lapd found in his home?

someone make a They Live gif out of this "HAVE SEX" shit

If the documentary supposedly exposes him then how come he was proven innocent in court?

It fit with the situation, but that's not what matters. I bet these shills don't even have pics from 2018.

Acquittal != proven innocence. You are presumed innocent by law. He wasn't proven guilty, that's all. But again, how the fuck is anyone justifying his regular sleepovers with little boys as a full grown man?

Anyone catch this amazing pic?

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Peanut butter, mini, chocolate, peep, or creme?

See There were enough beds in his room to fit entire families, and often times entire families did - if only because he was paranoid about Sont trying to kill him.

Unironically nothing wrong with CP possession, victimless crime
It was legal in Japan until 2014

because the Arvizo mom was an uber chav and the jury didn't like her. Also the false testament of Wade. There's also a strong chance Gavin did lie here - he wasn't really hot enough to be one of Michael's special friends.


Would you live there Yea Forums?

ITT: Literal paid pro michael jackson shills

Show me the memes.

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all lies, he died a virgin.

>If the documentary supposedly exposes him then how come he was proven innocent in court?
Because he had groomed his "star witnesses" from age 7 to lie about the abuse, and be fearful of being caught. The jury believed these brainwashed kids.

Sources to everything?



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I had to watch it to see what hard evidence they provided since it even convinced The Simpsons to remove the MJ episode.

In the end, the only evidence was the phone calls and faxes and all they had was Michael saying that he loves Wade. Everything else was just first hand accounts by the two guys.

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See now this guy is legit!

>is discussed and explained extensively.
and makes no sense lol

I watched this shit last night. It was total shit. I don't know how this got a green light. it was 2 parts. 4 hours long. NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE. ALL OF IT WAS ALLEGATIONS. They accusers didn't even have any real pictures of Neverland Ranch. They only had 1 picture of Michael each. THEY HAD TO USE A BROCHURE THAT ANYONE CAN GET OF THE HOUSE (WHEN IT COMES UP FOR MARKET- A BROCHURE THAT SHOWS THE LAYOUT OF THE HOUSE AND PICTURES OF WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE INSIDE) Because they had no evidence. The facts are:

>The all cleared michael when they were kids
>The parents were the ones that should be arrested or sued, because the mothers admitted they were willing to do anything to get their kids fame, including leaving them alone with a stranger for weeks at a time.
>None of the accusers could even shed a tear or make their eyes water (well up) when talking about the supposed abuse (and they go into graphic detail of what supposedly happened)
>The stories didn't add up. The kids all said he didn't abuse them to news agencies and to the courts, the video is in the documentary, but their adult selves are now claiming it happened.
>The adults that are now claiming they were molested, said they were molested, and then afterwards they were begging their parents to stay with Michael. Kids that are molested don't beg their parents to stay with their abusers.
>The mothers admitted to being vultures, the type of people Michael tried to protect himself from. The one mother actually left her husband to move from Austraila with all the kids because she thought she could get Michael to let the family move onto the Ranch, she admitted she got pissed that when she got off the plane that she had to find an apartment and Michael wouldn't pay for her lifestyle.
Funny how this documentary came out right when the Jefferey Epstein FOIA sealed indictment news is coming out, which will name some of the serious players and how they were involved in lolita Island.

>They showed a picture of 1 door in the house that had like 10 deadbolts on it. (Obviously a safe room/panic room)
>Michael never had sexual intercourse. Michael was chemically castrated by his father as a child because he was his fathers money maker.
>Michael was abused by everyone. Not a single friend. He was used by adults all his life. They showed the sad/depressing notes he sent to the boys and their families. He didn't just show attention to the boys alone. He wanted to be a part of their families, he wanted their parents to be his parents. Because he did not have that in his child hood. Very sad.
He had all the money and talent, but not what he really wanted- a family.
They admitted in the documentary that the mothers actively sought out Michael to offer their boys to him as a trade for fame/money or future lawsuit.

The documentary does a good job at contradicting itself. Also, as rich as Michael was, he could have had his own epstein island or sex toured in 3rd world countries like Thailand and South of the Border where they ignore age of consent mostly. You can watch the documentary and it's as if the mothers don't know how easy it is to find a child prostitute in those countries. Because when they traveled to those countries with Michael, they were part of his world- private jet and limousine and chaperoned. When you get off the plane in any 3rd world country the first thing the taxi driver will ask is if you want a hooker and if what age you prefer.

This is a smokescreen for something. Maybe the Epstein story this week.

>rich, famous person tells you he loves you
>rich, famous person buys you a house
>rich, famous person asks you to lie

This shit isn't rocket science.

>kid is able to outwit high level experienced prosecutors grilling him
Even geniuses have a tough time against prosecutors. One slip and it's over.

The only hard evidence they showed were the faxes, and in all of those Michael tried to show the boys encouragement. In most of those faxes Michael included the whole family in who he was talking to. The boys were part of his show. He had them come on stage and perform in every concert and TV ad. Once they got too old he had to fire them and find new talent. They try and make it sound diabolical.

>Once they got too old he had to fire them and find new talent. They try and make it sound diabolical.
Why is this seen as a bad thing? I don't see people getting triggered every time they need to have a new voice actor because the previous one got too old.

They also showed Neverland and how it really worked. To run Neverland Ranch Michael had to have a full staff of hundreds of people there 24/7. They had chefs, maintenance, security, butlers and maids, people to run the rides, to take care of the zoo. And people that worked for Michael had access to the ranch 24/7. He had such a huge property and wanted it used. He wanted to be able to go on tour and come home to families having fun like an amusement park (like Disney World- he even recreated the train) because he was so lonely. This is obviously to get people talking about MJ instead of Epstein.

But they weren’t just apart of his show they were his personal friends. Can we at least admit that it’s weird that a grown man has consistent fixation on having child best friends, even if innocent?

After the Chandler allegations he should’ve grown the fuck up.

>After the Chandler allegations

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He was obviously mentally ill. He wanted to have eternal childhood, innocence. He admitted this in many interviews. Just think about it. He was used by the closest people in his life. His parents, his siblings, his "friends" in Hollywood. Everyone wanted to use him. He saw kids as innocent and knew they would not try to fuck him over. Their friendship was genuine. I would say he was lonely, had all that money and couldn't trust anyone. As easy as it is to be a sex tourist and abuse kids in 3rd world countries, and with what we know about Jeffrey Epstein and lolita island, I know MJ is innocent. You don't shit where you eat, unless it's in international waters like Epstein.

MJ surrounded himself with yes men and fired the ones who told him what he needed to hear. Were there users around him, of course. But he obviously had ‘everyone is out to get me’ level paranoia. Very mentally ill.

His fan base is cult like (and I know, I was apart of it) and looking back, he absolutely encouraged it. The people in his life who didn’t enable or blindly support everything MJ said or did would be seen as his ‘enemies’.

I now get Corey Feldman’s conflicted feelings.

the fact he made it all cosy and family like is the creepiest part. Mj spoke about the horror of hotel bedrooms and his brothers getting pussy while he closed his eyes and the negro recreated that shit every night for years with his bedroom boys. The essence of pedophil is the loving, sexually satisfying relationship. It's like the same as incels not just banging escorts hahaha.

>ts a people spread lies about MJ again episode
If you even have the slightest doubt in MJs innocence at this point, you are complete fucking tool and shouldn't be aloved to vote

Based truth

They don't actually think he's guilty. They're just shills. You can tell by the fact that they don't have any memes or reaction faces.

>MJ surrounded himself with yes men and fired the ones who told him what he needed to hear.

mj-drones don´t fail to astonish me

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Former manager of almost 20 years

Title is biased (the name of the documentary is actually ‘secret world’) but I decided to give it a chance and it was interesting.

Have sex, incel.

I don't believe he ever molested these kids because he was too fucking ill to even feel his rotten piece of shit cock. This fucking weak ghoul would die from a strong wind, his black minuscule heart could barely keep him "alive", imagine if he got a little excited. So he wanted to fuck kids, but his aids and leprosy and tuberculosis and syphilis and every other disease known to man prevented him from doing it.

this. they don't even hide it, one guy has been spamming the same video of latoya jackson for days.
i remember a few years ago shills used to do organised raids on michael jackson youtube videos. really bizarre stuff, i wonder who's behind it.


Russel Crowe in Master and Commander

Uncles are uncles.

Are you one of these feminazis that think every man is a pedo and children should be raised by singlemothers?

the look in their eyes...

>it's going to his estate and his kids who afaik are not child molesters so it's honestly all good.

+ they are white

i think he was guilty because I'm not a retarded 16 year old contrarian zoomer and I actually lived through the rise and fall of MJ.

if you think MJ was innocent you are a literal retard. if you think he was innocent because of some sort of ridiculous (((conspiracy))) to ruin him you're even more of a brainless moron and you need to go back to your containment board.

>I lapped up everything CNN, Fox News and co. told me back in 1993 even!

I think he did the same thing that Walt Disney did.

Disney had a secret apartment in Disneyworld in the magic kingdom that he lived in secretly in one of the buildings inside the park above the crowds for when he was in town. Just to have that atmosphere when he wanted it. Jackson is innocent.

Do you have anything outside of name calling? Perhaps a factoid or two? No? Though so

yea! it's perfectly normal to pay out over a hundred million dollars to stop dozens of sexual abuse victims from speaking out against you, and settle out of court for tens of millions more against people who did actually speak out against you, if you're innocent and have nothing to hide! lots of celebrities do it!
oh, wait...

I've seen you spamming this dumb comment on Razorfag's video. You are pretty invested in this, aren't you?

>be about to start world tour
>some lying leech is mad you didn't give him more money so he makes up a scheme to get more money out of you using his son
>they delay the lawsuit UNTIL you are about to go to the tour
>either stay and easily win the trial, but lose out on the tour and make your partners and fans mad
>or pay a "little" sum of money you can make up in a night

MJ rented a store to see what it was like to go grocery shopping. What was "normal" to him is not normal to everyone else. He wanted a family. A friend. The media has smeared MJ for years because he pissed off (((certain people))) and his record producer was trying to find any way they could to get the rights to his music, and him going to prison would have won them big money because it would have voided his contracts and you aren't getting all the facts. They have created a narrative that MJ was alone with boys when in fact, he had their families there too 99 percent of the time. The rest of the time he ensured there was a chaperone around to protect himself from allegations, that is why he was found not guilty twice. These allegations were all debunked in court already and I am surprised the MJ estate isn't suing HBO for this smear.

>victimless crime
except for, you know, the victims created in its production that you're supporting the market for, you fucking retard.

I mean, it's impossible for someone guilty to escape justice. It just doesn't happen.

>or pay a "little" sum of money you can make up in a night
>it was tens of millions of dollars
>he cancelled his tours anyway
this is the most flimsy, mental gymnastics defense of michael jackson's pedophilia and child abuse that I've ever seen.