Captain Marvel Soars With $157 Million Opening Weekend

Captain Marvel Soars With $157 Million Opening Weekend

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Let´s see how it does next weeks. It have no legs.

I wonder what the excuse will be when this miraculously ends up petering out to around $500 million?

good. capeshitters want female hero to ruin their franchise. can't wait to see butthurt over that shitty avengers movie when it goes the last jedi way

39% Female audience

I thought you guys said it was 160m?

Or was that just the projections?

How can it be WEEKEND totals if its still sunday. Fuck. Or are they admiting they know what number CM will end with because Disney really did buy out theaters and tickets?

Close enough

The actuals will bring in the rest

750 World Wide

No you fucking idiot

They always do this they base Sundays numbers on what the movie made on Saturday

Didn't people say the same about Black Panther and instead it ran for over 6 months and made almost 1,4 billion?

The internet is making fun of us again!

Yes they did

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150 mil on empty theaters
Mickey is truly a wizard

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We're still in the denial stage. Shut up.


We will know the exact numbers tommorow.

Isn't that impressive? The only times I see girls in capeshit screenings is some gymbro bringing his gf.

>March 7th
If you're trying to convince people of your bullshit try not to use tweets from THE DAY BEFORE THE MOVIE IS ACTUALLY OUT

>They may have stats, but I have anecdotes!
bro, just... let it go. we will get them next time.

Fucking millenials.

>bunch of bitter loner virgins that hate Disney spend all their time the past few weeks spamming bad ratings for Captain Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes hoping the movie bombs opening weekend
>actually gives Captain Marvel more publicity and helps its box office

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>They may have stats
Oh yeah stats like the ones that told us Hillary is president. Those are good stats.

What's the difference between virgins and incels?

this thanks a lot TheQuatering you made her movie not bomb

Am i the only one who thinks all these super hero movies are boring as fuck?

Not that guy but you're right they did. Although all my normie friends on FB wouldnt shut up about black panther for weeks. I havent heard a peep about this movie. I think people might have watched it just because its a marvel movie and they know its gonna be connected to end game. I havent even seen 1/4 the hype for this as I saw black panther not just on fb, but anywhere. Guess we'll see

>March 7th

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DC movies are boring, Marvel movies are kino.

>you're trying to convince people of your bullshit try not to use tweets from THE DAY BEFORE THE MOVIE IS ACTUALLY OUT
>the world is flat
>different GTM are an illusion
>only I and my shitty town exist

Released in all euro countries like france, you moron.

Cm wont do BP numbers, but will still be a massive success I expect 800-1bil depending on drops

The only spergout that ever paid off was probably Ghostbusters. And it still was just an uniteresting reboot with terrible marketing. It probably would have flopped even more without it, like Robocop remake.

Stop falling for grifters with financial interest to make you angry.

>only 157 million

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They release movies the day before all the time late at night. how is this a new thing for you? Not saying that guy was telling the truth though. also, Take time zones into consideration.

>movie that no one likes makes a lot of money
>theaters are half empty
>not a single person sincerely like the movie
>constant incessant scamming with ratings, fake bot reviews, paid critic reviews

Really makes you hmm.

Virgin is lack of sex. Incel is incapability of getting any sex.

We all know what the excuse will be.

Soars to the 7th biggest MCU opening

If that is the only time it worked, then incels are total idiots for continuing to do it, huh?

No you're not and you're not alone. If you look at $160,000,000 divided by what we assume is a $20 dollar conservative average movie ticket price that's only 8 million people going to see it, Fuck all when you look at the pop of America.

>to make you angry.
But the only people who are angry are Yea Forums virgins crying about a woman being a hero.

Doubt it. I can't see it doing well in China, Chinese want sexy women not ugly mutts. The other problem is negroes don't care about white woman lead, black panthers only saving grace was muh diversity, captain marvel doesn't have that at all.

the weekends not even over yet

The difference is that incels don't exist. If your dick works, you can get laid. The should be called volcels for "voluntarily celibate" honestly.

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I saw it, it was meh.

I hate Brie Larson. But I hate the whining incels on this board even more so I wanted to support it. Lesser of two evils and all that.

7th out of 30+? That's like 70th percentile. Barely a C-. Confirmed flop.

>States 157 million as the final fact

Incels do exist.
A virgin is someone who hasn't had sex.
An incel is someone who hasn't had sex because they are undesirable.

I have a chick I could easily call and bang whenever I wan't but im too lazy. Instead I fap to the thought of the times we have banged. I do call her up when I feel its been too long since I've gotten laid though. I'd call her more often if she wasnt against blowjobs.

Incels are trying to replicate Ghostbusters, by throwing tantrums every other week, despite the actual reason for it failing probably not having much to do with it proven by spergouts being rather ineffective after that.


Wait what

>If your dick works, you can get laid
>If your dick works, you can get laid
>If your dick works, you can get laid

if you're still a virgin by now then it means you are undesirable.

It's doing very well internationally.
I think it did around 50-60 million domestically.

because it was a virtue signal. If you really think all those views were legit, your a bit ignorant. You really think they didnt pad the shit out of all those numbers? I look at tickets sold, same way to debunk the "Hollywood making more $ than ever". Yea but how many physical people are going to see the movies given the inflated ticket prices and as i previously stated the act of seeing it to signal, not to see the movie.

I think that Attila the Cyborg looks generic as shit and I wont see it, BUT I do see genuine enthusiasm for it by actual movie goers, not virtue signalers.

It's funny how people think they have so much power to make this movie bomb. Hate it all you want but don't be delusional. Your youtube dislikes really don't mean much


wasnt the production budget 150m? So the total with marketing and everything was probably ~300m. They're taking a fucking bath.

>I judge box office results by how youtube comments look like
Facts don't care about your feelings. You got stomped on by mousechads again,

lmao just because your dick works doesn't mean any woman will want it. I guess prostitution is a thing but if you're a smelly fat basement dweller AND have no money you're stuck being an incel. Sorry.

Yes, that's what an incel is. Are you that fucking new that you just accept a colloquialism that was coined maybe a few years ago as some kind of meaningless Yea Forums lingo? What did you think "involuntary celibate" meant?

you're saying that a lot but it's not true. it's obviously not true.

>your a bit ignorant
I'll never not laugh reading shit like this.

>if you're a smelly fat basement dweller AND have no money

You can change literally all of that if you're not a paraplegic. Therefore, "involuntarily" part is incorrect.

You're only drawing imaginary lines where you want them to be. If this tinfoil hat shit about padding numbers is real I promise you it happens to literally every movie ever, not just the ones you don't like.

you realize this is fake news right? pretty much all theatres were empty, disney and the threatres are literally making this shit up

7th biggest MCU opening is big

Then change it. :^)


>Review bombing
Did this shit ever work. Marvel's films sell itself. Even if 50000 review botters were able to rally 4-5 other people to not watch the movie, it'd still be less than $5m in price tickets. It doesn't fucking matter at all, the mouse still laughing all the way to their bank

What? It's been out for like 2 days. Do you have brain damage?

Without looking, one assumes (((they))) are including Thursday in their 4 day weekend, as shills are wont to do.

>Captain Marvel Soars With $157 Million Opening Weekend

$100 Million only on this sunday, right?

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Cope or literally retarded

>shitskinned poo in the looer knowing anything about tradition

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Captain Flop

Incels should just go out and rape bitches. Problem solved.

Reminder that it needs at least 1.5 billion to break even. They were expecting at least 300 mil opening given all the shilling going on.

Cringe fanfiction of an incel, pathetic

It's funny you post him since he's right about 99% of the time

Please, the average Yea Forums edgelord is either too scrawny to force themselves on anyone or too fat to even catch someone to rape.

you need more on that than a twitter pic. It may be enough for a youtube video, but even this place has some standards.

Buy a gun. Guys, it's not that hard to have sex. C'mon now.

Burgerland education.

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You sound gay comicbookcast2

21 not 30+
Also this is surviving off of the success of the previous movies. They did a gigantic media push for the new face of the MCU and it couldn't even get close to the top

Alitafags on suicide watch.

>empty theaters everywhere despite showing that they are fully booked online
>150m $
Something isn't right here.

It has to make $5 billion to break even

You are learning to break your NPC conditioning

femoid movie bad

Imagine posting this for free.

Are you guys having a stroke?
Type whatever it was that you wanted to say but this time in English.

Virgins are leftist, incels are right wing

incels gave up, blame society instead of themselves and are venting by getting insanely angry about mostly irrelevant shit

Have sex

You guys talking about incels, what would you say to the chinese? Thanks to female selective abortions, they have ~70 million more males than females. A literal incel uprising is in the works over there.

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Soaring like mad!

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who cares they have billions of people. 70 million is nothing

It's about 35x more people than they have active military troops

>A literal incel uprising is in the works over there.
Unlikely, china is already farming them off to their African colonies. Hopefully we'll get to see China get their vietnam when the looming civil wars in CAR, DRC and (hopefully) SA finally kick off some time in the next year or two. That'll be a decent happening or three.

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Thanks for reinforcing the stereotype that incels' lives do not matter. 70 million is bigger than most countries, and bigger than any army.

arent you supposed to be the empathetic ones?

How Does She Have Legs When Her Feet Are Unreal

>entire generation of blasians

Can't wait.

A billion might sound like a big number, but if you do the math, 70 million is 10% of their total male population. So 1 in 10 Chinese males will permanently be >tfw nogf even before you start counting all the ugly dudes, poor dudes, spergs and other unfuckables. That's a big problem.

but according to incels don't females have 20+ partners? whats the issue?

Sure but it's the top tier dudes they're all sharing. Look up the average rating studies people did with okcupid data, I don't remember the specifics but for men it was almost a perfect bellcurve, IE a 5/10 was literally the median, but for women it was heavily skewed toward the top end, I think the median ended up being like 8.

That's just in general though. In china specifically if you don't see a problem with 10% of the fighting aged males being demographically limited forever alones I can't help you. Since this is Yea Forums I'll quote on of your favorites at you, true detective.

>past a certain age, a man without a family is a dangerous thing.

they're not looking for relationships, they're looking for sex.

Of course. But once again, I refer you to true detective

>past a certain age, a man without a family is a dangerous thing.

Literally every woman on the planet is having sex with only 20 guys. True facts.

according to incels its much higher than that so if they can't even manage to be one of those then yes just off yourself

No it's not, she's supposed to replace RDJ as the new head of the MCU
her intro movie is losing to Iron Man 3

20+ rich chads, not 20+ average dudes. Given that the vast majority of chinese men still earn less than $2 a day and look and fuck like chinese men, you can be pretty certain that 90% of them are wizards at this point.

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well I'm sure china will have no problems with retroactively correcting the problem in an incel purge

>It's 153M now
oh no

That's literally what's on the table. Planned starvations just to get rid of the excess men. Gonna be an interesting decade or two, for sure.

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why would they bother starving them? Just make them disappear

>I went to watch a shit movie to stick it to people I don't know and can't prove even exist
Have sex.

Just like TLJ "soared" with a $160 million opening weekend. :)

They don't have real numbers, these are fluff numbers.
We'll know how well it actually did minus the mouse propaganda tomorrow.
Until then, ignore shills like

Make 70 million people disappear? That's more than the entire population of france. Are you retarded? They only have 2m soldiers in their entire military.

Black Panther all over again, will incels ever learn?

TLJ made a lot of money, yes.

TLJ had 220 million weekend

The number has been revised down every day. Wake me up Monday afternoon with final numbers. Oh, and 75% drop 2nd weekend incoming.

>that pajeet name

then I'm sure their neighbors will be happy to oblige

>yeah fellow 4channers lets start hyping movies to be different ;3

Nope, they are laughing at the movie. All the articles were crying about their precious rotten tomatoes score being hit by trolls though

>Estimated 157m
>Downed to estimate of 153m as off now
Actual number should be at around 140m. China already showed 10% overrestimation.

Based Scott rubbing salt in incel wound

pol incels aren't known for their smarts

Imagine defending a movie by Disney for free? Even ironically, that's hilariously pathetic

Learn to cope and have sex

Brie won't fuck you dude. She's a celebrity, defending her will do no good

160 Million box office in the entire world? I thought this movie would get the same amount of money just in burgerland?

Actually they're projected to need 200 million new bodies in the next 20 years to stop their economy from collapsing due to the combination of a aging population and their economy being based on exporting cheap labor.
Unfortunately the CCP hasn't had good experiences with the African and European migrants they've been bringing in, so they're currently in the process of kicking most of them out again (turns out people who aren't brainwashed from birth to be loyal to the party aren't loyal to the party).
Also they need a shit load of people to move into these shitty new ghost cities that they've been erecting with the life savings of the middle class and since nobody is biting, they're looking at forced relocations. Interesting times ahead.

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i would move into one of those if it came with gigabit

black panther was actually good tho


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TLJ had a 76% drop by the end of its first full week and never recovered.

It cost Disney over half a billion to make and market TLJ. And the film did horribly internationally, it didn't make as much as you think it did.

Bitter incels btfo

Sure, Brie has said some dumb shit but what do you care what a pampered, spoiled stranger has to say about anything?! You don’t need to like the actor to like the movie.

The movie was good and Marvel knows what they are doing. You people don’t realize yet, but in 20 years kids will be asking you what it was like to be around when Marvel was King, or in this case, queen of cinema.

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Not if you’re ugly.

usually entertainment is supposed to end with a bang, instead we got a pop-corn bang instead of a tank bang

China already had their Vietnam, in Vietnam

you know that if the drop off wasn't so bad, TLJ should've easily done like 1.6 to 1.8 billion instead of barely 1.3 billion right? that's pretty bad.

So basically no chance of $1b then.

Getting BTFO by the gooks in a month isn't a proper vietnam. I'm talking an endless insurgency that taxes their economy and culture.

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", tell them this.....

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!

That's called everyday life in china. The chinese military spends orders of magnitude more time and money on internal repression than it does on external/expeditionary forces.

Whose hoping Shazam btfos Captain Marvel in March

And they had their Korea, in Korea
Makes you think

That's domestic retard

Worldwide it's at half a billion

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I can smell the virginity on you. No one except virgins think this way.

Fucking Carol Danvers made more than Justice League on its opening weekend. This will never be normal to me.

Or just tell them they will be replaced by companion robots soon and walk away.

>It has the word "statistic" in it, that means it's true!

>movie makes a billion dollars
>It's a failure because there are more billions!

So did these "underprivileged" girls show up to the movie? Did anyone see them?

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I mean if you are trying to be obstinate as possible, the production budget for TLJ alone was nearly $300 million and the marketing budget was over $260+ million. Then you have to calculate that foreign theaters get an immediate 20-30% cut on the ticket revenue from day 1.

You know how profit and revenue works right? You know that since 2015, the Star Wars brand under Disney has lost 20% profit and the only division that is losing money under the Mouse.

>Or just tell them they will be replaced by companion robots soon and walk away.

Or Asian women, who white women hate!!!FACT!!!

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Makes me wonder if a good amount of those sales are disney. Sports do this as well, buying up their own tickets. Would be interesting to know.. the largest week to week drop was TLJ. Marvel, Star wars, Disney has a lot more than just profit off those single movies riding on them. A loss is fine, momentum, even fraudulent is very bad. They need people to think its a social event, everyone is watching it. Solo was a huge blast to Star Wars, even if TLJ was the cause. Can not let that happen to Marvel.

We will see in the difference between this week and next. Does it drop the same or near percentage TLJ does? Will tell us something.

Why change the algortihm then?

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Real talk are women interested in this at all?

Have sex.

I don't know why you fags care about box office #s , other than to maybe laugh if someone else fails

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Incels aren't human.
>I have no legs

If we knew what the accounting was for buying tickets from theaters for your own movie was I think it would tell us a lot. We already know they launder tons of cash in hollywood. This would not even be remotely illegal. An expense.. tax write off.. put it against the money gained from the endgame movie. You are "paying" your taxes and padding your stats.

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So what was the actual truth behind the 'controversy'? Was there a real campaign to mess with the ratings online, or was it a false flag that attracted idiots who decided to oblige the narrative? It just seems really stupid for people to give corporations ammunition instead of trying to organically let a movie fail or succeed based on what it actually is.

>70 million
>just disappear
You're 12 years old, right?

Incels are not human but women are almost never adults. Neither should be allowed to vote. Almost never are women a net positive in taxes. Did you know that? Pathetic.

>Are you retarded?

"Fucking idiot", whoa man youre so cool.

And making assumptions and regurgitating them as facts is fine yea? Moron. For all you know there could be a huge sunday drop like with BvS and its domestic comes nowhere near 150mil.

Disney and co false flag so they can control the review sites. They already pay journos, of course they paying these sites, still need a flimsy excuse. This is not politics. Most of this is all quasi legal and if it isnt at some points, there will be no ramifications.

Yes? That's the fucking point. It made profit but according to Disney not enough since they wanted more then what TFA made. That TLJ fucked up SW in the process and any movie taht'll come now is just the icing on the cake.

>Worldwide it's at half a billion
But 2 hours ago I was told that it was already at 600 million. Really, you should just pick one story and stick to it.

What people don't understand about those OKCupid numbers is that they are based heavily on first impressions and profile pictures. And while these are very important, they are far more important for men judging women than women judging men.

Men, by default, rate an unknown woman 5/10 and then add points for beauty or subtract for ugliness.

Women, by default, rate all men at ZERO and add points each time the man does something appealing. Very few men are attractive enough to get all their points from looks.

>first impression in which a woman decides if she has sex with someone or not are important
Mind fucking blowing.

It had the worst Sunday drop of a superhero movie in China

Guess we aren't so different after all. Maybe Geopolitics is the friends we made along the way

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Your probably right. Bp was a piece of shit and made a ton of money. Why not this?

Imagine having a ghost city all to yourself, you'd feel like living in the end-times

Niggers are literally retarded.

I expect CM to make a billion safely and that's good enough

This sounds familiar..

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>The narrative where projections lowered from $150m to $80m was fake news
Color me shocked, who would have thought

It was meh and the cgi was shit

$ 4 5 5 M I L L I O N

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>no one besides the guy for ghostbusters
Also, no one complained about wonderwoman

Double that, you fucking moron.

It used to be 180 but they low balled it to 100 so now it being 50 over seems like a significant accomplishment for the Mouse House instead of being a disappointing 30 short.
It's just optics

Lots of people were shitting on it here pre-release. Its only since the console wars really ramped up that people here pretend to like it.

It’s made more than Alita in ONE WEEKEND


yeah I am sure Scott is rolling in pussy with his round head and receding hairline.

Yeah but once it came out people realized it was actually good

It’s actually lowered from $180m.

>black panther was actually good tho

Aquaman and Wonder Woman had a 52% female audience. It means the audience for Captain Marvel is mostly so yboys.

by good you mean "boring and forgettable" right?

50% drop in week 2

Nor a butt

That's just means that men went to watch it in spite of what she said.Thats MCcucks for you

>empty shitting streets

Why the fuck are you on Resetera, you fucking tranny in denial?

Disney bought 150 mils worth of tickets again, epic. Fuck these jews

Yes,you're the 1st brave soul on Yea Forums to ever say that.Heres your ((You))

>buyout tickets to your own movie
>Great Success!

I thought it was just a meme with the empty theaters but having just checked one of the big screen showings in my city it really does look to be the case.
A showing a few hours from now in the pic.

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That's a sold out crowd.

It has actually passed Iron Man 3, but comparing it to a movie that did phenomenally well doesn't change the fact that 7th is good.

There's still 100 people in that picture, which is more than they need to average per screening (~70) to get the amount that they're claiming to have made.

Cope and have sex

This movie’s ((“advertising”))) is nothing like the positive anticipation that came before BP’s release. + Every black in America went to see it at least two times here in Murcia and it did well internationally.

Trips of truth.

It's already at 455 global

Green means the seat is available buddy.

Virgins are virgins. Incels are any man that lefties don't like.