Mad Max Fury Road had a FEMINIST Advisor ON SET. Why deny its Feminist overtones?

>As you’ll recall, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley recently revealed that “Vagina Monologues” author, Eve Ensler, served as a consultant on the movie, and she’s shouting out the film for its progressive character work.


Yes, they had the author of Vagina Monologues on set as their Feminist advisor. Google will turn up a ton more articles about it.

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They had her on because she experience with helping victims of sexual slavery, a plot point in the film.
you faggot mongoloid

I cant wait until people like you are gone from this board so we can just have echo chamber, ehe

>women in the movie are either sex slave baby farms or cow slave milk farms

very tolerant

Who cares though?

>Analyzing a brainless action film like Fury Road for themes and overtones

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Any brap barns featured? Or is that too modern

>Who killed the world? MEN killed the world

>"I think George Miller is a feminist, and he made a feminist action film."

Dear "faggot mongoloid", it was more than just one plot point. Cry harder.

Who cares, the movie was great and that's all I care about. I don't give 2 shits what happens behind the camera.

Please have sex

People deny its obvious feminist angle? For fucks sake its call Mad MAX and the poster, br cover and all marketing is centered around the chick.
No ones telling you NOT to like the movie, go ahead, but be honest with yourself, its a pro feminist movie.

>Why deny its Feminist overtones?
Because it was a good movie, so it's against the narrative.

This was a response to the recently archived thread where the OP and everyone supporting him were being attacked for pointing out the feminism in the film. My point is that not only was the feminism there, but they bragged about it to the media.

>brainless action film
It had the best pacing and editing of any action film in recent memory. It was not just a bunch of shitty jump cuts and crappy camera angles hiding shit film work. This was true cinematic KINO, sadly infested with feminist dogma. I like it because Max isn't downplayed into being an inept male needing to be saved, he's badass on his own and saves their asses on several occasions.

>Please have sex
Quit begging, you incel loser

You know Max is just the vehicle fir the viewer to experience the world.

Max himself is not the focus of the story in any of the films. He's simply the lens for the viewer.

Are you new to the Mad Max movies?

Is there a feminist message in Fury Road? Yeah.
Does it hurt the film? No.

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Yes, women always claim to be oppressed. Fury Road was supposed to be some commentary on society like that dumb Handmaidens Tale or any retarded Jordan Peele movie that soi fiends cream from their dilation wounds over.

You would literally have to look like pic related to think this movie wasn't overtly feminist

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Yep he has milking rooms it's kino

not that user, but overtly feminist is an overstatement. It was quite feminist, but it didnt bother me. 4 broads are esceping from a tyrant, while another broad is helping them is alright feminist theme. Not necessarilly feminist propaganda. This was done right.

>Fury Road was supposed to be some commentary on society like that dumb Handmaidens Tale or any retarded Jordan Peele movie that soi fiends cream from their dilation wounds over.

"Who killed the world? Men killed the world"
You're not wrong, BUT this film did it RIGHT by not downgrading Max into a pussy cuck who needs to be saved. I didn't care for much of the Feminist Dogma in this film, but it still earned a spot on my Blu Ray shelf because overall its still a good film while having a strong white male character in Max and not saying all whyteman bad. Max kicked ass.

>Have a working society which keeps humanity alive
>Women take over: completely waste all the very scarce resources along with killing most of the men who's in charge of keeping the society working

yeah sure, feministic, alright

Is there a single film with better cinematography than Mad Max: Fury Road?

Art imitates life breh.

ok, so, why do you care?

why does it matter?

Literally old news you fucking newfag.

And? Good for them, at least one recent movie with feminist message turned out great.

Setting the record straight, in response to someone else's now archived thread.

And yet people are still arguing otherwise. Have sex.

Not denying. I liked E;R's take on it.

Movie was amazing in how it didn't try to get any point across, just a bunch of characters with legitimate motivations and flaws crossing paths and fucking the whole thing up in the process.

People liked the movie, get over it already.

Attached: ohlook.jpg (460x500, 42K)

The film was good so it doesn't matter

just more proof that feminist are incompetent

seriously max has to save their asses the entire fucking movie

if the badass male protagonist wasn't around they would have been caught or slaughtered at the first canyon scene

>The film was good
Film did not make sense. Visual were nice, that's about it.

is Max a cool name? That's my name so I wanted to know what Yea Forums thought about it

>just more proof that feminist are incompetent

Kind of makes it more Kino, doesn't it? George Miller knew which way the wind was blowing with the screeching Tumblerite crowd, pulls in the author of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES on set, crows about having her feminism on hand to keep him PC, and STILL manages to make your point about their incompetence.

Fucking 4th dimensional chess right there, mate.

>Film did not make sense.
This is why retards shouldn't be allowed to watch movies. They can't even understand a movie that was 99% chase scene.

i thought the film approached feminism from the right angle by having the women be strong complicated characters without reducing max to nothing. the women are feminine, strong willed, emotional and intelligent whilst max is physically stronger and keeps his complicated character. this is a great way to write feminist characters imo.

even if it wasn't this way it's still a god damn fun movie lol

>This is why retards shouldn't be allowed to watch movies. They can't even understand a movie that was 99% chase scene.

That's why Deadpool was such a hit with the reddit crowd, they literally spelled out the plot in crayon.

That's called good writing, newfriend. Female characters have flaws and weaknesses and work together with men to achieve something - that's very rare in our days.

oh no i'm not at all denying that it's simply good writing haha, all i mean is that a feminist film can also be well written, as in a lot of 'feminist' films nowadays forget what good writing is in an attempt to make 'strong' female characters who are instead overpowered and unemotional (see: captain marvel) that's why mad max fury road is such a gem to me

then again i think most people enjoy it for the awesome action more than anything else haha, although good writing is also always appreciated

Just admit it faggots, why do people desperately want to pretend feminist shit isn't everywhere? Its not necessarily a bad thing

>that's very rare in our days.
Agreed, newfriend, hence why I bought this film on Blu Ray and supported it by seeing it in the theater. I feel this was the end for generations of Kino. Now, everything is dark, and there is no more joy left in tv/film, since they prefer to bash men incessantly.

>Its not necessarily a bad thing

Mad Max Fury Road = Done well, agreed

Bad thing = see Star Wars, Ghostbusters 2016, Captain Marvel, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

So that's why Tom Hardy barely spoke....

but the movie is good so who cares?

>but the movie is good


>So that's why Tom Hardy barely spoke....

To avoid the nagging?
>Waits until the end to tell girls his name

mel gibson barely had any line's too you faggot

You're off by 96 thousand you idiot

Yes. Just because some user otherwise on my Yea Forums board doesn't mean it's true.

>mel gibson barely had any line's too you faggot
Mel was the star, he got ALL the lines! It was the supporting cast who only got key bumps.

feminist shit is everywhere, but fury road is a movie where either intentionally or unintentionally it gets massively subverted.

don't believe me watch it again and count the times when if max wasn't there they would be absolutely fucked.

Feminism isn't always the ultraistic insanity /pol/ has you believing.

It straight up took the movie from a 10/10 to a 9/10. Incredibly retarded every single scene.

>hire feminist advisor
>get to have half naked super models running around on set on a movie that showcases every decision women make on their own leads to death and ruin
>get lauded as progressive because you had a feminist advisor say its okay
Miller is a fucking genius and played the system like a fiddle and the rest of you are fucking idiots.

>Miller is a fucking genius and played the system like a fiddle and the rest of you are fucking idiots.
Yeah, I remember people mentioning this. Maybe sly fox did indeed mean this.

Why did they get an actual sex slave survivor to consult,
you know instead of and elite upperclass New York jew?

I think Fury Road demonstrates that it's better to make a good movie and then pretend that it's feminist than it is to make a feminist movie and pretend that it's good.

>hijacked an established IP to promoted your stanky cunt ptopaganda otherwise people wont bother paying ticket just to be told that you're fucking stupid, here's how you should act instead
Its a woman's work alright

the blond girl was the most milkable imo

I'm sure feminism is foremost on the minds of every inhabitant of the apocalyptic, resource-starved, bandit-infested wasteland.

World ends:
Men form societies around water, guns and cars.
Women form some gay ass farming comune in the middle of the desert

Becouse Miller is a feminist communist muslim traitor and deserves to be hanged for his crimes against our Greatest Ally.

Why the fuck would anyone deny Fury Road (main character FURYosa) is a feminist movie? There are different waves championing different messages.

Characters like old general, snake guy or Lord Humongous were way more talkative than Max who mostly grunted.

>The Passion of Joan of Arc is feminist propaganda

>Autistic faggot who missed obvious cocaine joke