Anyone else still butthurt about Stannis as much as I am?

Anyone else still butthurt about Stannis as much as I am?
>Shown to be a just man to a fault
>Cuts the fingers off the smuggler that saved him, his wife, his soldiers and his castle from starvation, because he was a smuggler
>Cares very much about his daughter, despite the greyscale
>Is the only king who cares about the realm and understood the danger coming from the north, went there to fight the wild folk
>Disciplined, stoic, dutiful, the rule of law is paramount
>Welp, guess I better burn my daughter
>Welp, guess I better march my men to Winterfell like a retard
>Welp, Ramsay has cavalry, lets not assume formation, lets just charge them head on, despite me being a proven commander in the field of battle
When Stannis burned Shireen alive, I was done with GoT.

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no but fuck d&d

>>Welp, guess I better burn my daughter
He had no choice
>>Welp, guess I better march my men to Winterfell like a retard
His daughter was dead, his wife was dead, half his men left, all because of his choice to sacrifice Shireen. There was nothing left to fight for, so he just went to his suicide (and also to hurt Bolton's army)

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he didn't burn her in the books

he was in a tight spot after losing the battle for the capital
he needed a decisive victory otherwise he would have completly failed, winter was close so no time, red bitch delivered effectively when he needed to kill the faggy brother
he should have thought better about it, sure, but the pressure was strong
if the magic worked better, he could have won after all, if all his cavalry and deserters were still there, plus some curse to ramsey, he could have won
what happens in the books?

The books haven't gotten that far yet but she is at Castle Black so theres literally no way he can burn her.

So what? There's a lot book Stannis did and did not do

so they should stick to the books

The books will never be finished. The only way to get closure on the series will be to watch the show. I've reconciled to that fact and so should you.

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Really is a shame what they did to his character. Stannis was the man. I thought for sure he was coming back since dick&douche didn't even give him the common courtesy of being killed on screen. I still like to think he's out there wandering the woods alone

If anything it is going to be Mel who burns here to bring Jon back to life.

I'm gonna play devils advocate here and I hate D&D and how they gutted this character. But you didn't include the part where he cheated on his wife and used blood magic to kinslay his own brother, was going to do it again with a nephew, was peepared to use the Wildlings in his army which is surely against the laws of the realm and doesn't mean he has the compassion for them that Jon has he just wanted them as an asset to win the war. I'm sure theres lots of other examples but I haven't read the books in a while and those stand out. It's been shown that for Stannis his pursuit of the throne comes above all else and hes broken his own moral code to get there many times.

But it's kind of like Jaime Lannister who D&D also ruined go figure. The Fat man started the character off as a huge asshole with very obvious flaws and aspects to hate about them then throws a curveball in Storm of Swords that makes you think very differently about them and wanting to root for them. But we can't just gloss over and nt scknowledge afterwards that these people have demons and are are capable of very bad things and like Davos himself we are hoping with that inner conflict the good wins out over the bad.

I think the real catch here is that D&D were massive renlyfags and angry that so many like the OP forget Stannis bad deeds and whitewash him. So whereas GRRM is trying to delight and surprise the reader with Stannis story, D&D dont want to explore that they wanted to just double down on his asshole tendencies and wanted to clean him off the board because hes probably going to die anyway in some way. Same with them inverting Jaimes arc and making him garbage for so long while GRRM is doubling down on that more optimistic route we are interested in. So at the end of the day yeah they fucked him but it wasnt a completely invalid or unbelievable choice, just overly cynical.

>killed on screen
Why do people say this? They just switched to his POV and there was no reason for Brienne to not behead him

I have long since transcended butthurt and lost all interest in the franchise. Fuck Dabid and fuck Fattie

Radmure tully

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Is this /got/?

>His daughter was dead, his wife was dead, half his men left, all because of his choice to sacrifice Shireen. There was nothing left to fight for, so he just went to his suicide

You're not wrong, but treatment of Stannis by D&D felt so out of character. He was shown to be a man driven by a sense of duty - he obviously saw becoming a king as his duty, and I can't see how he would go for a suicide attack, you cannot become a king if you're dead after all.

Agreeing to burn his daugther felt weird too. Again, it didn't feel in line with what he was shown to be.

If it was any other series, that would be understandable, but the GoT doesn't shy away from all the gore possible and then some when it should be obvious some character died.

>i can't see how a man that burned his daughter, had his wife commit suicide, had half his army desert him, and had the witch that granted him victory until the day before desert him, could be having a momentary breakdown that pushes him to a suicide attack after realizing that he actually has failed in his plans

remember how stannis marching was a priority because winter was coming yet winter didn't come for Jon Stu?
>there was nothing left to fight for
the realm
>so he went for the suicide
that's not stannis. we know he survived a brutal siege, won a spetacular battle against the Greyjoy fleet AT SEA, and conquered the bigges of the iron islands. Won against Mance when the odds were 10 to 1. Why would he give up?

littlefinger wins so the show is redeemed

yes, he was my favorite character.

>2 seasons later people are walking around in the North with less than an inch of snow.

Maario Naharis

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Because it's completely out of character for him to burn his daughter. Dabid don't understand Stannis at all. From the get go they called him a religious fanatic, which is completely untrue since he's an atheist in the books.

It's weird how they treated Stannis and Littlefinger, do people like Jon and Dany so much that they had to kill everyone else?