Y'all like sex education?

y'all like sex education?

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I do, and Jackson being likeable is a p cool against-the-cliche move of the show

no. it reminds me of something i never had

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Go back.

kys incel. just do it

My wife's son loves it


he was the most admirable character for me. Otis just pissed me off with how autistic he was and all the faggots and niggers and what have you on it was the worst part.

i'll admit the writing and the character development were top notch

made for BBC

I'm sick of all the racist propaganda pushed by netflix


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I prefer blacked raw

I find it really good. Genuinely funny with well written characters. Not nearly as meme-tier as the /pol/homos make it out to be.

>watching Ted Bundy doc
>2nd episode starts with 5 minute muh women's lib montage
>literally had nothing to do with the rest of the doc

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>no. it reminds me of something i never had

you're probably better off never having it

it felt like diversity for diversity's sake. It's grounded in reality a little bit because i know 3 faggots at my school and about 60% of people are coloured. But it still rubbed me the wrong way.

I'm so glad I'm not a teenager in the mid/late 2010's.

I hard

The best part is the sexual promiscuity

>both bullies are gay

What did they mean by this?

Have sex

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Yeah I liked it more than I thought I would. I get all the explanations of the weird Brit/American High School style but I still don't think it really works though.

not even blonde, no thanks i'll stick to blacked

didn't bother me none

It wasn't hugely off-putting it just felt like a very strange choice to make

They're targeting it for Americans i guess it's what they like

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>trust me kid, ur bettter off being poor
>t. millionaire

and that's a good thing

Jesus christ she is so sexy.

it's not good or bad it's just natural selection

i remember when my 9th grade teacher touched my penis in class to show how to induce a male erection, and everyone started at my boner and i could hear girls sniggering.

i felt so bad i couldnt cum, despite the buttplug and all of her vibrating bandsaws.

Hahaha, I think you might have been molested there, bud!

d-do people really jerk off with both hands? I thought the average dick was 5"??

No they don't

average is 7'


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This show is very popular with teenagers. Make of that what you will.

I've never seen it. What do they like about it?

it's written for teenagers and it's about teenage life

I'm 8.5 inches and I only wank with one hand, the other hand is on the mouse or touchscreen and when I double handle it's awkward as fuck

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The characters, story and the fact that it centers on sex. Also they want to get BLACKED.

I always had the feeling apu posters were hung.

No, THIS is natural selection.
What you're referring to, is social selection.

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>all my normie co-workers keep talking about this show

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Only one type of interracial couple exists I guess. Nigger and white woman is the only interracial couple that exists apparently.

Why is hollywood so specifically obsessed with pairing a white girl with monkey man?

>I thought the average dick was 5"??
Maybe in your asian shithole. The rest has an average of 6.5".

>literally had nothing to do with the rest of the doc
It says right there on the montage that a new type of serial killers came along with the woman's liberation movement because they were less careful on the streets.

Because that's what white girls want to see, simple as. Plus bonus publicity from enraged /pol/ incels helps.

Interracial kino is back on the menu, goys

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>Because that's what white girls want to see

Saying this over and over won't make it true, l'il dicked black boy.

it's the only one you notice

Why is this thread still up? It's blatant racebait ffs

>what is advertising

but when you see it more on tv than irl, it's not natural selection, it's propaganda

i do sometimes, for extra hard wanking
it's awesome

i cant think of a show with more forced interracial crap.

black girls with white boyfriends get ostracized because she didn't get with a brotha
while black guys with white girlfriends get lauded for bagging himself a phatty ass white girl

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most dicks aren't very big.
t. seen plenty

I mean that women will pick the highest status male they can get and not worry about race.

if that were true i would have never been born

You whore of Babylon. You child of Sodom. You Devil pleaser. Roll up your filthy roast flaps and make like a tree and fuck off.

I'm male lol

better off without it unless it’s true love

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Your loose anus has roast flaps as well.

>I'm male lol

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I'm a virgin

The devil has sex with your soul every day.

t. butthurt towelhead


poor choice of words on your part, sodomite poopdick

I'm not even into anal lol

You have a mental disorder.


I like Meave and her beautiful beav

that's an everyday scene in the usa. don't blame netflix.

ugh Britta is just the worst

I'm surprised this threat isn't full of more /r/le_Donald shitposts about le ebin cuck meme

Incels eternally btfo

it was predictable

Me too.

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They literally say how hot the black character is.

What's wrong with that if it's part of the plot?


truly the most pathetic display

I’m not insecure lol my girlfriend is black.

>interracial (always BM / WF) in hollyjew

Am I supposed to be surprised at this point? Eventually the ONLY romantic relationships on talmudvision will be negrified

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>da JOOS

have some caramel babies for me

not him but it really is da joos

There are foundations that give grants, funding, etc to film studios if the studio meets certain requisites. Some of these requisites are: interracial marriage, having a racially diverse main cast, depicting lgbtqa+ characters in a positive light, depicting characters with mental and/or physical disabilities in a positive light (why do you think every movie has at least one amputee?).

Take it one step back and ask yourself: who operates these foundations, and why do they operate these foundations? What is their goal?

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She's such a slut

I masturbate with both hands to pretend I have a huge dick


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fishnets are hnnng

Story was good. But there was too much leftie shit. The over amount of interracial couples, the lesbian mothers, the ugly short haired black woman, the abortion propaganda, etc. I'm not a /pol/tard but it was just too much. Jackson is based, and Eric is a well written character.

post her tits


Seems legit

is he thinking of this ??

It was pretty good overall. The first episodes were a bit odd compared to the rest of the series, it had stuff like mostly unnecessary nudity.The story was fine, character development was very good.
Otis made me rage the few times he acted like an autist and dropped spaghetti. Maybe it hit too close to home, I remember being a teenager and acting retarded in front of girls sometimes.

Saw the pilot, didn't enjoy it

> I'm not a /pol/tard but


>and everybody clapped

What were they being liberated from? Common sense?!

Idk. It's a little too much sex. More than I remember in high school.

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imagine the smell coming from his mouth
coal burners are disgusting

Are they supposed to be high school students?

shes diffidently had a BIG COCK BEFORE

is this the cringe "nerdy awkward kid eventually gets the girl after she realizes what true love is" kind of show

>bonus publicity from enraged /pol/ incels
We need to start publicizing how fucking asspained blacks get over WM/BF relationships.
It is every bit as incelicious as white betas.

She has really nice eyebrows, probably the best ones in the business. Show was pretty neat too, felt weirdly anachronistic and had it's own distinct style.
the gay twist was pretty dumb though, much worse than the main twist

is this show set in sweden? this doesn't happen in the midwest US where i'm from.

That technique looks painful tbqh. Needs a whole lotta lube.



Blacks are incredibly low status. Virtue-signalling attention whores want praise, not status.

some weird transatlantic fantasyland

>because this doesn't happen in the midwest
What, black people or underage sex? Only one of those statements is accurate.

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I didn't watch the show. What's rimmin?

Only if you are a cut mutt.

>talk with my ultra liberal mother about the agenda being pushed with white women and black men being paired together
>she agrees that it's stupid, that we're not living in the 60's-70's-80's where it was still controversial
>agrees that it's racist to not be pairing black men up with black women anymore
>we both bring up denzel washington as a reference because he was based enough to refuse to kiss white women on the big screen because it's an overused and racist trope
I love having a smart mommy

Do you watch blacked with her too?

>inserting the BLACKED meme anywhere you can
Do you watch BLACKED /pol/bro?

You have never properly kissed before have you?

Yeah I do

eat da poo poo

Imagine if this was reversed, and it was a white dude boning a black or asian girl.

>dude sex lmao
i get its the point of the show but its not enough to make it good

>White female protagonist
>Black love interest
Betcha can't name the netflix original

It's those fucking hare krishnas innit

>doesn't teach you how to have sex with interactive experiments and demonstrations

you better be a doctor or something like that

lol I swam growing up so it's hard to not see any dicks when you're surrounded by two dozen other naked guys
plus I've seen a lot of people go streaking at my school

> american cucks

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unironically my first thought was "wow vic did a bad job huh" it's not easy being retarded

what the fuck


Are you in every thread whining about /pol/?

average is around 5 x 4.6 everyone lies and rounds up on self reporting. The scientific studies where they measure for them are all much smaller than self reporting studies.

Self reporting is where the BBc myth originated from

It’s only a big deal becuase the media, modern women and insecure men seem to make it one.

Modern feminism, unlike classic feminism, is more geared towards giving women less and less accountability for their actions and even promotes disloyalty and acting like an asshole as being “strong” and “empowered”. The media seems to tout degenerate acts like fucking on the side as a “pillar of happiness” and will constantly remind you of it. Modern feminist movements are the least controversial way to side with and are thus more profitable.

Modern Women often resort to “virgin-shaming” as an immediate insult because most of them typically don’t seem to have much to provide in a relationship outside of it, thanks to modern feminism (as opposed to back then in the recent past where they took care of kids, cleaned, cooked, and were a strong emotional support to a man at his weakest) They’re essentially trying to shame you for not being in their control or trying to please them enough.

Men love to swing dicks are show who’s got the biggest. Because our society is so feminized, they don’t realize how little control they have and think getting approval from a crap person a pillar of happiness.

Sex is overrated, pretty messy and I’ve come to realize most if not all women are pretty boring; regardless of what background or culture their from. They tend to be vapid, materialistic and vain. Due to how our system is run, they have far more leverage to ruin you than the other way around, as the courts will side with them regardless of how at fault they may be.

Power tends to corrupt people, and because women have a lot of it; they’re acting like entitled shitbags.

You’re good dude. Just take it easy and work for yourself. I realized I’m much happier helping myself and not caring what others think as I made myself stronger in this bizarre world we’re in

Best of luck

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>look up director of any film with interracial relationships or fags
>see its a jew

the thought alone disgusts me

Who's idea was it to put sex and education together? Two great things that both suck when you combine them.

What's disgusting about it?

The purpose of things like this Netflix series is designed to "Divide and Conquer". It's a method of causing a nation's citizens to fight each other and view each other as the enemy, instead of seeing the true enemy which are the people who control the rulers of the nation. This is a method of control going back to Ancient Rome, if not later. Everything you see which is created by a corporation is designed to enrage you and divide the nation - topics like race and gender equality, interracial and gay marriage, Israel vs Palestine, attacks on religion, religious oppression, all of these subjects are forced into media to anger you. The creators of that content know that hate sells better than sex, but if they can combine the two then they have the ultimate method to control you. These creators are also incentivized to create that sort of content in the forms of grants and subsidies as mentioned in , as well as benefiting from the free publicity that social media will give them due to the sensitive nature of the subjects in question - this is why outrage journalism is slowly becoming the only form of journalism.

Every time you see something in media or social media that enrages you, just know that you're being manipulated.

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That and Jewish pornography.

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Take away their Martini-Henry rifles and those faggoty ass british would lose. There is nothing natural about using a boomstick.

>Gwen Poole and Miles Morales

Have sex.

Then the black guy kills her

Nope Nope Nope Nope

He event

>natural selection
Mostly because the black guy ends up killing her

>Toll Status: Pending

wowee zowee



It's terrifying that fucking Ugandan anti-gay lobbyists were fucking right about the path the world's heading

my gf does

lmao poor little white boi

Context? This makes me go /pol/

High school

The white guy is sort of a love guru and helps the black guy (the one in the cool jacket) get the girl with the funky hair. White guy realises he also has a crush on that girl but can't act on it because he's autistic and the black guy is actually kinda nice.

the black guy made a public declaration of love in the school cafeteria if you're wondering why there's such an audience

He kissed and fucked Milla Jovovich in He got Game.

Allllrighty then. Not bad. /pol/ levels decreasing.

I'm getting a watered-down SKINS vibe. Netflix is a propaganda machine but Devilman, Norm's show, and Mindhunter do give me hope for the future.

So does the white kid get any at all? Maybe at least a pity handjob from Gillian Anderson?

When's the new season?

if you want to know even more:
whitey takes the girl away from the black guy a few episodes later

he actually has a hard time keeping the chicks off of himself later in a way, sadly his mother doesn't count as one of them (there is a short scene with Gillian and her lover in bed though)


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Infinitely better with sound. Her proper accent makes my little pp a big pp.

How? She's been penetrated dozens of times by the black guy's BBC, the white boy simply won't be able to pleasure her.

I do but rarely

i think so

Sex with someone you love is good, user

Interesting you should mention that, the first episode makes a pretty big scene about the main antagonist having a huge cock and he's white. No other sizes are mentioned afair.
I bet the nerd is actually packing way more than cool jacket guy.
youtube.com/watch?v=OwrqNug7NmY [nsfw just in case you weird fucks are on Yea Forums at work]

A nigger?

create a foundation to do the opposite: give filmmakers money to do whatever the hell they want and tell the stories they want without mandates and match the money the other foundations would give if the directors compromised their vision. Pretty simple, but you and everyone else don't care as much as these psychotic radicals.



This is common with white girls. If there's blacks in the school with them they'll sneak off with them to get fucked in various classrooms. This is because blacks have less impulse control than whites, so while the white boys are all "ooo we could get in trouble, I don't want to get expelled" the black boys are like "let me get dat pussy girl, what dat mouf do". If they get caught, black boy gets expelled and white girl gets detention.

>Mememan cry baby
I never saw the original but my Yea Forums roommate was hyped for it, so we watched it together. By episode 4 I could tell that the plot twist was going to be that the blonde guy was Lucifer and that the cat was also a devil.


white Christians
white Christians
white Christians


>The current study investigated perceived attractiveness and personality for 600 Black, White and mixed-race faces. Many of the investigated personality traits were correlated with race when rated by White participants. Attractiveness specifically was greater for Black male faces than White male faces and among mixed-race faces. Blackness correlated with increased attractiveness. A reverse pattern was found for female faces with Whiteness being associated with attractiveness.


>Pigmentation of the hair, skin, cuticle, feather and eye is one of the most salient and variable attributes of vertebrates. In many species, melanin-based coloration is found to be pleiotropically linked to behavior. We review animal studies that have found darker pigmented individuals average higher amounts of aggression and sexual activity than lighter pigmented individuals. We hypothesize that similar relationships between pigmentation, aggression, and sexuality occur in humans. We first review the literature on non-human animals and then review some of the correlates of melanin in people, including aggression and sexual activity. Both within human populations (e.g., siblings), and between populations (e.g., races, nations, states), studies find that darker pigmented people average higher levels of aggression and sexual activity (and also lower IQ).

Daily reminder that effeminate white nerds can't compete with hypermasculine low-inhib black bulls. What you're looking at is natural selection in action. Once social prejudices are dismantled, black guys will completely dominate dating and casual sex as easily as they dominate the 100 meters today. White boys can use that high IQ to get a well-paying office job and date Becky once she's ready to settle down and find a stepfather for Tyrone's children.

It's a good show with surprisingly complex characters and a comfy as fuck aesthetic.

I'd love to live in that town.

>y'all like sex

>TV Show
>Natural selection

More like 5' max average. lol.

good advice, and I think you hit the nail on the head about power corrupting, the worst part is it's only a marginal power differential that is incredibly recent and obviously fleeting - like the small amount of power DMV employees have to fuck with you for their own amusement even though they barely make more than minimum wage. Yet they think that they're your lord and master because you need to get tags on your jeep or some shit. It's also a problem that women, more or less, are not used to having any amount of general power.

They don't realize that they were given power because corporations want employees they can use to henpeck and gossip and control the rest: that loyalty to the job started to fade away in men after the silicon boom and they needed new ways to manipulate their wage slaves. So now women are no longer an ass to pinch for executives who bring coffee and massage their feet - now they're middle management completely without any qualifications or strength of character and they exist purely to punish any employee who tries to think for themselves or find another job (wouldn't like a sexual harassment claim on you, would you bob? I'm going to tell your future employer you quit the firm because you don't like women,).

Women don't understand how badly and one sided they are being abused because they never had to strive to excellence or exercise their brain (even if they are smart - what's the reward for them?).

Then again, the corporations and employers of this nation have been fucking all the citizens since the 1910s and they're not likely to ever stop. Just another skull on the pile.

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lol this is 100% bullshit.

samefag nigger that doesn't get to have a father.

when does this ever happen

Black male on white female violence is the number 1 highest form of domestic abuse in the united states. single mothers with a black father account for 88% of all abandoned children.

Truth hurts, huh white boy?

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Sounds like it's a winning strategy. Some white women get killed, but overall the aggressive black guys end up breeding lots of white women.

judging from this gif, yea it seems like it hurts. lel

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lol. I hope you get raped and murdered you fucking nigger bitch.

>Black male on white female violence is the number 1 highest form of domestic abuse in the united states
Actually that would be black male black female relationships. It's not like black men abuse white women any more than black women.
>single mothers with a black father account for 88% of all abandoned children
How can they be abandoned then if they a have mother? Google what "abandoned" means. Also I'm pretty sure most foster homes are like 90% white.

I enjoyed Mikael Persbrandt making an appearance

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>Only one of those statements is accurate
Neither is

the midwest is full of niggers and teenage moms just like the rest of the country

>ultra liberal


>The statistics show that the 500 killings of white people attributed to blacks last year were the most since...
>The 229 black lives taken by white killers last year, however...

LMAO, blacks managed to kill more than twice as many wh*toids as vice versa. Weak-ass cumskins BTFO.


I liked it but the radical left wing politics in it were unreal and gay.

Reminder that qt blonde-haired blue-eyed white girls are getting impregnated by black men RIGHT NOW. Meanwhile your bitter racist self is sitting in your room, alone, getting angry at an internet forum :^)

What percentage of men actually have a dick big enough to grasp the root with one hand and stroke with the other? This is giving women unrealistic expectations while simultaneously making men insecure.

don't forget that women have tiny hands which makes it possible again


It's the average


Spanish was a language created by whites. Its in the name. Think about this logically. A people unconquered should speak their native language right? Only once they have been subjugated completely and made subservient do they change languages. Now look at Mexico, a country that speaks Spanish. Its quite far from Spain dont you think? And yet they were conquered and bred by the spanish until now they speak nothing but their language. So in essence, when a Mexican is speaking Spanish, they are manifesting the cucking of their ancestors by the Great White Bull. When your wife or girlfriend says she wants to fuck, she is talking to her white bull ancestors, not you. If you are brown and speak Spanish, English or French etc, you are in fact cucking yourself to the greatest extent possible, celebrating over hundreds of years of self-cuckoldry. Surely there can be no greater humiliarion, if one thinks about it logically

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I find the psychology posts such as this intriguing. surely if you're going to lie you'd want to underestimate dick sizes, to make yourself feel better about your own dick, even if it is large even by your inflated standards. But instead you choose to say this sort of thing, downgrading your dick to average status as you consider trolling more important.

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>i-i-if you handicap the smarter, stronger and more coordinated group they lose! I LOVE NIGGERS

Your jewish "science" article doesnt have those quotes. Dumb nigger

>just know that you're being manipulated.

Into wanting to kill globalist kikes??

gonna have a fap right now

Thats a Jewish propaganda website, ill prove it, go anywhere on the internet where woman post pictures of their favorite hunks.....99% pics of white studs with great hair :)

t. dicklet

no, that just means you're on the right path

>literally copied and pasted from the abstracts, as anyone who follows the links will immediately see

Besides, why would a Jewish article point out that blacks have lower IQs?

Give me the name of this actress and I will find a picture of her with her white boyfriend. It works every time. Everyone knows these shows are unrealistic.

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And done. I don't feel sorry for white men. We can just not watch these shows. I feel sorry for the black men who watch these unrealistic nonsense shows and think they can score with 10/10 aryan women, even those these women only go for 10/10 aryan men in real life.

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It's sort of the reverse application of it. The kid understands relationships way better than her mom (a sex therapist) and people at the school he goes to. The girl knows about sex, but she's emotionally distant from others because she fears being hurt. The kid tends to be sexually repressed (up until the end of the season) but he is very empathic and develops his personality under the new social interactions that happen every episode.

Self hating loser

That's another actor.

>All the assblasted whitebois ITT

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Enjoy the party, the hangover is coming.

lol you sound like such huge fucking dorks when you think you're sounding ominous

Haha got you friend I was just larping. Collective assblasting never goes anywhere, everything is going to be fine.

have sex therapist mother, get massive boner watching porn with her, she sees it, reaches over unzips and starts to wank you off, she smiles and says "Better out than in Dear"

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