Alien movies

What's your favorite movie from this franchise (besides the first two)?

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The one with the Betty, the last great studio scale ship of the age. Gorgeous design. It should be remembered on the level of things like the Nostromo.

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Assembly Cut

I really like Prometheus, I know it has issues but they really don't bother me that much. The running sideways thing always seemed like such a dumb meme, they were facing forward the whole time, had no idea what direction the giant fucker would take and were generally quite panicked. Any of you cunts would have gotten fucking crushed.

Resurrection simply because of Winona Ryder, deformed lab experiments, and Alien getting sucked out of hole.

It could have been a better movie if it had a more serious tone.

Second, even though I feel that first one is objectively better I like soldiers fighting aliens. When I re-watched it after many years (saw it as a kid once before) with Yea Forums lads I instantly liked it, reminded me of Halo 1 since game copied much from the movie.

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unpopular opinion time
I legitimately don't like Aliens

you took an insanely frightening horror icon that was unkillable and took out everyone and decided to just make it cannonfodder
it would be like making a Halloween movie where hundreds of people are wearing the William Shatner mask, but they all go down to gunfire now

OP said except the first two.

I think we can all agree the first two are the best.

Well, the studio gave it to Cameron. I think the story was that Cameron walked into the studio office wrote "Alien" on the board then added an "s" to make it say "Aliens."

The studio knew he was going to make way more action oriented. It's the movie that really cemented Cameron's style, imho.

That wasn't what made it scary for me. Frankly, I found facehugger more creepy. But yeah, first movie is better horror, second is horror but plus some action of space marines vs aliens.

Besides the first 2 movies, definetly 3. None of the others even come close to matching the first 3.

>inb4 Alien 3 sucks cus muh hicks and muh newt



Alien > Aliens > Isolation > > 3 > shit = the rest

I liked the movie. It just wasn't what I wanted from an Alien movie. The aliens weren't interesting or scary, and the direction they took with the Engineers wasn't how I would have done it. It's a good movie but not a good alien movie

Also, best scenes - Jonsey one and then Ash choking Ripley with porn mag and then flipping out and spraying robbo cum.

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was it much of an alien movie if it only appears in the last like 5 minutes?

i liked alien vs predator tbqhwy
kinda disappointed 2 preds got killed by just one faggy alien

Prometheus was really good. Never understood all the hate. As i movie it is quite spectacular, but I know it doesn’t stay true to the franchise.

It’s the same way i feel about the New star wars movies. TFA was a very good movie, but it didn’t follow all the rules of the originals. TLJ was not a very good movie and it pissed all over the originals.

Will Yea Forums like it?

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unironically covenant and prometheus.

what is this some kind of fanfic?

3 is the only correct answer.

I fucking love AVP

Prometheus I guess

I wish we got the films Ridley wanted to make rather than the zombie script of a movie Covenant became after we all hated on Prometheus so bad.

Not that Prometheus needed the hate though, but again I suspect it was studio involvement fucking the cut

But Ridley does reward his fans with Directors Cuts decades after the point so maybe it will all get fixed

I'm more fucking annoyed Ridley shat all over Blomkamp's Aliens sequel. Blomkamp seems to be having a bad time in Hollywood and its a shame because everything he works on is excellent and studios seem to fall over themselves to fuck stuff up for him.

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3, unironically.

1. prometheus
2. covenant
3. resurrection
4. alien vs predator
5. aliens
6. alien
7. alien 3
8. alien vs predator: requiem

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Aliens is a boomer's version of capeshit. Any other movie in this franchise is more interesting. Doesn't always mean better, but still.

Alien Covenant was pretty cool because it showed what happens when a director unambiguously kills the anticipated sequel of a previous film.

>people putting prometheus ahead of 3
...are we being raided by plebs or you just didn't watch alien 3?

If I had a rubber hose I'd beat you.

Alien = Incredible
Aliens = great
Alien 3 = good
AlienR = weak
Prometheus = semi great
Covenant = haven't seen
Predator = great
Predator 2 = great
Predators = great
The Predator = haven't seen
Avp = good
Avpr = ok/meh (would be full on good if better lit)

> because everything he works on is excellent and studios seem to fall over themselves to fuck stuff up for him.
Elysium was near great but dude Chapple was shit.

But this was already cancelled in like, late 2017.

3 is better than Aliens
so is resurrection

I like Aliens a lot, but I can't get over the fact its basically a remake of Alien but with guns. Drops it below Alien3 in my book.

Alien Resurrection > Alien 3 (Special Edition) > Alien Covenant>>>>>>>>>Prometheus

It's my favorite, but only because I like that sort of thing. Frankly it's when it started to make less sense. I sort of can believe company wanting to retrieve alien speciment for some reason, but weaponizing aliens is dumb. Nor do I think actions of soldiers made much sense.

Watched all alien movies in the past 1.5 month again (except covenant, i saw that when it came out) and I still like resurrection the most. The aliens looked the best in this one, I like the one liners and characters and the mutant alien still creeps me the fuck out. Aliens is the close second best then the rest are OK, meh or straight up garbage (AvP2). But what the fuck were those CGI aliens in the third? That has to be one of the worst CGI I've seen, even fucking syfy garbage looks better than that.

Alien 3 had zero budget. I can never take it seriously because 99% of it is shot in either a steel foundry or a coal mine. You NEED actual scifi sets in a movie that relies on atmosphere like that.

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The only cgi in 3 was when the alien's head was cracking at the end. They used a guy in suit and a rod puppet which was poorly composited onto the screen.

Every Alien film is boomer garbage.

>I know it has issues but they really don't bother me that much
you sound like a moron

>Not that Prometheus needed the hate though

It was dogshit that ruined the original lore. I'm glad it killed its own intended trilogy.

Alien 3's set design is sexy as fuck, what are you talking about?

Chappie was only shit because those no talent assclown Yea Forums fags were in it.

i know it's a game but i think it's also count as a movie too

reminder that predator isn't canon

Another vote for Alien3.

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And you sound like a shut in try hard who has no honest friends who'd kick it n watch a movie with him

Either Covenant or Prometheus. Tough choice desu.

>besides the first two
Uh, 3 I guess. I like the runner alien.

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>pick a good movie but don't pick one of the good movies

I refuse your stupid question, OP.

There are zero (0) good movies in this *franchise* (emphasis because that is exactly what it is).

Alien 3 because Charles Dance & Brian Glover.

Aliens=Predator1> Alien>Covenant>> Alien3=AVP >>>> Upgrade> AVP2=Predator2=Predators >>>Prometheus

Alien:Isolation>AVP2 >>>>>AVP2010

proof me wrong

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I quite liked Resurrection as a kid, used to watch it a lot. Betty was a great ship I agree, Auriga was cool also.

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