Say what you want about Cruise

I've rarely had this much fun watching a sci-fi..

Don't care if he's a scientologist or whatever..
This was pretty good too.

(and so was the latest mission impossible even though i'm no particular fan of the franchise)

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Tom Cruise makes some good movies.

why would you write this facebook "let me qualify this", "say what you want about him being" junk? you know that tom cruise is beloved on here

>Say what you want about Cruise..
Why would anyone say anything negative about Cruise?

can you stop strawmaning faggot op?

The only two negative things about Cruise are that he's a scientologist and a manlet.


why didnt they make a sequel?
I thought it did alright

its a better movie than all the MI shlock

>do i have something on my face ?

how do you even respond to this without sounding like a beta?

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Supposedly one is in the works

Attached: edge of tomorrow.jpg (3548x1556, 1.42M)

my dick

cant bruise

Pic related is a great movie and pic related is a great actor.

>Why would anyone say anything negative about Cruise?

I've noticed a lot of people seem to hate the guy's guts because he's a scientologist. I personally don't give a shit. But that's basically why i'm saying this.

He comes off as weird. And many consider him kinda "nuts". But i'm only judging the films he's in and what he's doing as an actor. He's (more ofen than not) fucking great.

Admitedly , this made me laugh

But no matter how much we make fun of the guy, he's generally a top notch actor.


>can you stop strawmaning faggot op?

I'm not. It's the truth and you know it.

>a lot of people
where? on facebook? on public radio? what people? Is there some other site you're often on where they don't like tom cruise, big boy?

I liked Edge of Tomorrow, it was a really fun take on time travel sci-fi but man those mech suits look awful. Whoever they got to design those things needed to be fired. Why did it even need Mech suits anyway? They're utterly pointless to the plot.

>where? on facebook? on public radio? what people?

Yep. Even youtube. there's tons of negative stuff on his personal life. Maybe most people are not like that on Yea Forums, but outside of Yea Forums...Different story.

what the fuck are you on about?

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so what you're saying is you actually care about what people from Facebook and youtube comments say enough that you think you have to say "i mean, i know, that uh, he's like crazy and all that and i'm not defending that i just...i thought the movie was good". Like what kind of fucking coward are you?

>Why did it even need Mech suits anyway?

On the contrary, i'd argue that it's the future.

Attached: dims.jpg (738x529, 115K)

but without cruise? i bet it will be like starship troopers 2 and others, just riding on the name

>but without cruise?

>without cruise
y u say

i liked the suits. They give me the vibe of future tech but with very rough look, unpolished, realistic.


you know what that means

If they ever make one people would actually use in combat it wouldn't look so bulky and awkward to move in. Basically the lazy fuck copied prototypes that exist now and tried to pass that off as futuristic, when really it just looks awful and impractical.

It's the difference between 90's VR tech and the VR tech we have today. When you're doing scifi you have to attempt to predict where things are going like this scene here They actually tired to predict where it'd go, they didn't have keanu strap on a 20lb VR headset from that time and try to say that it was futuristic.

Attached: vr.jpg (1475x922, 239K)

Edge of Tomorrow was pure kino and really underrated.

>rita uses a huge cleaver as a weapon
>exosuit doesn't have any hands on it
>shes just holding it with her hand
>all the extra power from the exo is going straight to her hand
So stupid. All the bones in her hand would shatter.

this isn't that kind of movie
i'm fucking obsessive about movie tech should actually work except you can see from the start of this one it's not that kind of movie and just relax

This. Based Tom is a Yea Forums God.

Attached: tom-no2.jpg (480x408, 27K)

Saw an interview with Emily Blunt once about how she tried to get Tom to complain. The suits in the film were very heavy and uncomfortable, and as they're sitting there for hours inside them, she turns to Cruise and says "Doesn't this suck?" He turned to her and said "It's a challenge." Based OT11 training keeping his mind right.

Tome cruise has never stared in a bad movie. Closest hes come is 6/10 mediocrity like MI 2 or The Mummy

Not yet

>this isn't that kind of movie
Just turn you brain off right? Seriously why defend the dumb mech suits if they look terrible and add nothing to it? The movie would actually be better without them.

Knight and Day


You can tell she's a main character because she doesn't wear a helmet.

>how do you even respond

You don't.