Jazz General - The New Flesh

>In a post for Valentine's Day, Christopher Salgado (surgeon Jazz was going to go to before Dr Ting) fashioned a transgender woman's dissected penis into the shape of a heart

>Ahmir is still conflicted as to whether he's gay

Attached: Statue_Of_Degeneracy_Tel_Aviv.jpg (1552x761, 310K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel sorry for these mentally ill people being tricked by surgeons into mutilating their genitalia.

>Jazz General every day
why do you faggots pay attention to this degenerate?

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They don't have "woman brains", they are autogynephilic

Attached: 158.png (447x378, 15K)

Is Amir gay tho


>Christopher Salgado
Man is absolutely unhinged

I love him

>why do you faggots pay attention to this degenerate?
To Redpill normies and New fags about Trannies!

Attached: Cuck Schumer Drag.jpg (1200x1801, 247K)

i had a dream last night. I was laying ontop of the covers with her in a hotel room.

Thanks brain. it was really a weird dream.

Your brain tells you that you won't some colon ass pussy!

Attached: Creepy Jew.jpg (640x336, 30K)

Before it became a general there where threads about it every day for months too, I guess people are just intrigued by it.

dank memes

Attached: 1550749969153.jpg (1205x2000, 908K)

because it satisfies my morbid sense of humor.

>too young to have sex
>old enough to decide to take life altering hormones
>too young to drink
>old enough to decide to cut your dick off
explain america

>too young to have sex
>old enough to decide to take life altering hormones
>old enough to decide to cut your dick off
Pretty sure most progressives expect and maybe even encourage kids to be sexually active by age 12 or 13.

>too young to drink
Holdover from puritanical roots.

The surgeon's instagram post. Dude was an absolute madman given you can't even post this shit on the chins anymore.
Here's the pol thread: i.imgur.com/gFOJlkT.png

Daily reminder that autogynephiles (95% of mentally ill assholes who suddenly decide to troon out after a lifetime of perpetrating sexual violence) steal biohazards from women's toilets to rub it over their impotent dicks.

Attached: transbians.jpg (1200x794, 112K)

>cuts its dick off
>is in charge
choose one, turbo faggot.

Attached: russell williams serial killer.jpg (700x394, 49K)

Better this than Captain Marvel and Brie Larson.

Attached: 2for1bigboi.png (716x888, 799K)


These threads are the closest thing to a real life Lynch-Cronenberg collaboration.

Especially the mother freaks me out, she reminds me of a demon.

Domo arigato?
Dr Salgado?

Would you be with Ari if it meant having to put up with Jaron and his mom on holidays?

>too young to vote
>old enough to be primed for a career in porn by blocking puberty and getting pumped full of the wrong sex hormones

>too young to travel abroad
>old enough to have some mad scientist akin to Mengele hack away at you and foolproof castrate you as if you're a Jewish boy in a concentration camp

Archived thread: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/205726883/

Charlie makes Skylar look like a pile of puke

>Holdover from puritanical roots.
Imagine being too young to remember when the US didn't have a nationwide legal drinking age

Ronald Reagan created the national 21 law in the 1980s

Are they really this fucking stupid? Used pads/tampons are bacteria magnets, not to mention they smell extremely foul. Have fun with your infected dicks.

>this thread 24/7
>VJuice waifu threads immediately deleted

Attached: 1546315667536.jpg (720x888, 334K)

hey man there are more than 10 Brie Larson threads too.

Charlie makes Skylar look like the product of ethical medicine.

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: Lynchian.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

The op from the last few days should be fresh at least until tuesday night, fren.


Episode 10 QRD:

>2:00: Mom Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet The New Flesh slated to be castrated.


Previous thread:

There is a sexual fetish where gay men inject themselves with HIV positive blood, so I doubt those freaks give much heed to the bacterial content of used tampons.

Charlie is a little boy and NAMBLA bait, and Skylar is a whole man unit and will be starring in Niacin and Rogaine commercials soon.

Trannies are always foul, and the natural waste products of a woman maybe smell like roses to them compared to the unexplored bacterial mayhem going down in the surgical wounds after surgery.

This is yet another scene that one could classify as very archetypally lynchian.

We are presented with a fairly normal scene of a young girl at the doctor with her parents. One may conclude that this is a school checkup or some such thing. It is only when the dialog begins that the utter perversion of normalcy comes creeping down.

This doctor is advising the girl to masturbate her penis, not for the sake of pleasure but to stretch out the skin, all for the purpose of cutting it off and turning it into a cheap imitation of a vaginal canal. The mother looks on with enthusiasm, with understanding, with some twisted version of love and the glint in her eyes gives away her glee. Glee for she is finally getting a daughter 17 years after birthing her third son.

The hapless father shifts uncomfortable as he is presented with this conversation about his daughters need to masturbate, the need to tug a penis that will soon be inverted. All while the middling thought in the back of his head "how is this right" chips away at the last shred of his backbone, a constant reminder of how he can never stand up to his wife, how he cannot save his youngest son. This is the look of hope dying before our eyes.

Attached: 1538908151499.webm (1440x792, 2.75M)

I have no idea what a stink ditch smells like, but used pads smell like rancid rotting fish. If you needed more proof that these men are mentally ill.

There's definitely worse things in those stink ditches than rotting fish. Rotting fish must be entry level to these freaks, bootcamp training for what lies ahead. Pic most definitely related.

Attached: cancer in the hole.png (645x434, 172K)


Attached: da.jpg (400x400, 13K)

Mind if ask for the source of your image brother? I want to get more disgusted.

I knew I wasn't the only one that thought this. The mother is an evil cunt. Using her own kid for a circus sideshow. Sickening.

If I had woken up from a coma from say circa 2000, and saw this scene on national tv, I wouldn't believe it. Sick.

This is your brain on neoliberalism.


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Attached: jazzmm.jpg (640x409, 67K)

jazzs teratoma will destroy neo-florida?

how we gon save them from the doctors bro?

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Redpill the dads, redpill the moms, redpill all zoomers.

Attached: sjw retardation.png (1220x1360, 354K)

my mom came in my room once while i wasnt here and saw a jazz thread. she was horrified and said it was disgusting and hateful. Like she is legit worried about me for filling my head with hateful garbage. Part of me thinks she's right. I don't like all the hateful racist alt right whatever you call it attitude that's all over this website, but I genuinely don't know where else to go online. I just need fodder to read while I listen to harsh noise.

Now wait just one darn minnit, Jonathan Yaniv. What do you mean you ain't harmin' no one, boy? You're child molesting vermin! jonathanyaniv.org/

Jazzfags be like: youtu.be/7bxEU5Jb9vI

"I don't want to be like the normal healthy people."

Tell your mom she's an NPC and to take the black pill before she offers you up for penis removal.

Nigger who? the only jazzfag in existence is amir.

>The tranny died from the super high fever the infection gave
If anyone doesn't believe in depopulation these stories might make them change their mind. It's one thing that people who transition generally can't have kids, since a lot of people don't have kids anyways, but that these surgeries can result in complications that send them to an early grave is truly sickening.

>see 35 year old child
>lol this is gonna be great
>read video title
>life with autism

FUCK. Im just glad my autism isnt that bad. and im jealous because he has the positive trait autism. hes actually DOING something. Im so fucking mad! FUCK YOU user

That niglet is gay af


>Im so fucking mad! FUCK YOU user
is this autism

was it jazz wanting to make people as ugly as she is?

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Would you?

Attached: jazz2.jpg (750x734, 341K)


Attached: her she.jpg (1600x842, 872K)

maybe back when he still had a penis. The thought of the "neovagina" is profoundly repulsing.

>call me MA'AM
Literally kys

A real girl who looked like that, probably.

Attached: 1527883465048.jpg (350x350, 33K)

>To Redpill normies and New fags about Trannies!
>closeted fag cope
kill yourself.

You sound gay as fuck

shoo discord trannie

What's the streaming schedule now? Are we wholesale just watching stuff on Wednesdays for convenience or was that a one time deal? I honestly hate when the torrents are late.

your mom sounds like a faggot

Attached: posie.jpg (757x600, 49K)

just look at those quads

Attached: fabio.jpg (634x860, 77K)

Fucking hell, looks like that fat Turk kid from my school, that smelled like urine.

Attached: Rainbow Puke.gif (303x357, 544K)

All I want is an answer

We have to save Charlie before it's too late.

Attached: 83021.jpg (1080x1080, 1.22M)

Go and cut your dick of faggot!



>"Jeanette went crazy, user. She just hacked up Jack's genitals with a pair of scissors and now she's after us. We're scared!"
>Sadly, there is only room for two passengers in your 2002 Honda Fit

What do you do?

Attached: Charlie Lindo and "Nicole" and Ari.jpg (1882x620, 319K)

legit only ari. Poor thing

>save ari
>use the other seat to save a random stray dog
And lowkey fuck charlie before leaving if possible.

>excludes emily

This. Absolute shock.

t. Russian


Rescue Charlie.

>That video

Attached: Soros J U S T.png (620x388, 307K)

turn 360 and walk away

Worthless bitch never posted shit like this when he still had a little bulge. Fucking retard. Thats when he was fuckable. Any shots of his ass in underwear like this?

>dr. Jess Ting

She barely turned 18 a couple months ago. In the USA that kind of shit is frownd upon

In my cunt you can legally fuck 16 year olds, even if you are 40.

I haven't been following the latest episodes, anyone got a summary?

jazz revealed to amir that his neovagina is made from stomach lining, to which amir replied, 'that's cute'.
the bonus situation remains undiscussed

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Jazz - "I need a vagina to be a woman" = Women are nothing but walking vaginas

Attached: 1546392632569.gif (300x300, 2M)

>This hurts the feminist
Roasties BTFO!

Attached: Roasty.jpg (866x369, 57K)

That's lovely dear let me know when you get a show on TLC so it will be relevant to the conversation

>t.American who can't bang 16 year olds legally

Attached: Anime Cute Laughing At You.gif (500x280, 521K)

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>Jazz: I wanted to talk about the complications after the surgery...


yes, with a shovel

Ahmir had an iron stomach for being able to remain calm in this situation

Attached: Nardbreak Hotel.jpg (1920x1080, 366K)

Nice meme

Attached: Nice.jpg (846x706, 79K)

beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

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>I think New York is stuck in the early 2000s
What did he mean by this?

he'll need it when he comes to ingest jazz's stomach mucus

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What is that thing?

Attached: Wot?.jpg (1080x1440, 153K)

Bless you

He's slowly working on making time dysphoria a thing too

Looks like a new Slipknot mask

It's something that AJ likes to fap to

>does dick inversons and LAYGZ removal
would have been the ultimate crossover

Nah, he like big booty Shemales with big cocks!

Attached: 735256.jpg (296x170, 9K)

inversions* jesus christ

Only the void remains.

Attached: no_*no*.png (1600x1192, 140K)

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.


Attached: 1552161596817.jpg (1024x768, 125K)

Not sure if I could get the blanket to look like that in Gimp. You used like 20 pixel feather select?

Attached: Jazz Jennings Receiving.jpg (1866x1077, 1.06M)

I am a 6f 2 tall gym bro, who fought some crazy people in his life but that thing scares the shit out of me!

Attached: Hans.png (500x684, 196K)


>my vagina and asshole hurt so bad I wanna die!
Oh God

I used Photoshop; maybe you could recreate it if the tools are similar - I picked a color close enough to shit, lowered the opacity, and smudged the paint til it looked like a pile, changed the layer setting to "Soft Light", then painted on the stink lines and then used the smudge tool with a big brush and dragged it across the whole page so it looked very faded.

Checked and kek'd

I think it's tied to the teeth to gum ratio

No he needs to lose like 40 pounds.

Attached: scooby-the-pec-chef.jpg (600x686, 90K)

>Christopher Salgado (surgeon Jazz was going to go to before Dr Ting) fashioned a transgender woman's dissected penis into the shape of a heart
These people should not be allowed to practice medicine

Attached: 1547502298452.gif (350x260, 973K)

This so ridiculous. Jazz is the star of a TLC show, he's probably making 10s of thousands of dollars per episode but they are putting on this little theater to raise a meager 1000 dollars to buy hormones for the fat fag.

Drive off alone with Vtec and fuck my flashlight to 2d girls.

This is what onions-drinks and speedrunning does to you.

how do I get a Charlie Lindo gf?

Attached: 39011.jpg (1080x1079, 1003K)

He's like Dr. Steinman and this is Rapture.

Attached: J.S._Steinman.png (400x730, 322K)

Why do circuses have sideshows? Why do car accidents result in slowdowns on the opposite lane from all its rubbernecking drivers? Think before posting next time.

Attached: Hypereality.jpg (640x360, 58K)

We are living in a simulation that started on 9/11/01

Most docs are psychopaths.

Thanks fren.

Well you can tell by the way I use my walk
Not a woman, damn, despised my cock
Lose the pounds, skin ripped for hole
I've wanted a mound since I was born

Now mound is so tight, skin is grey
And you say Ahmir's not gay
Doc prescribed a hundred grams
So suicide don't go as planned

Forever be a brotha and never be a mother
Your shaving your thighs, shaving your thighs
Feel the clit is aching and messy cunt is breaking, Ting is
Shaving your thighs, shaving your thighs
Ah, ha, ha, ha, shaving your thighs, shaving your thighs
Ah, ha, ha, ha, shaving your thighs
Ahmir will get gross

Attached: Bee Gees - Stayin Alive.jpg (300x168, 7K)

I was confused by that too since I've never been able to tell apart any of the post-90s culture. 2010s look almost exactly like the 2000s, they're all pretty aimless and without defining characteristics in contrast with the preceding decades that each had their own easily recognizable style / zeitgeist.

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29K)

You are just racist

The only kind of discernment I have is the different aspect ratio and camera quality between the 2000s and 2010s on TV - how those things actually are in real life, I'm sure is not very different.

Ayyyy based Scooby.

what you mean is psychopaths are overrepresented in high status professions like surgeons

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>fashioned a transgender woman's dissected penis into the shape of a heart

Attached: 13687481762186439738723762.jpg (792x658, 48K)

>Holdover from puritanical roots.
Actually it's meant to curb instances of drunk driving

HEY anyone got that pic of the dude that got the surgery over seas and slowly got more depressed from reddit?
Help a user out

>On the I Am Jazz episode, Jennings, 18, had a consultation with Dr. Salgado, who boasted about his 16 years in the field.
>“Typically we use the penile skin inversion technique,” he explained during the consultation. “But I think it is going to be quite challenging with anyone who does your surgery to try to create a vaginal canal with what you have using your penile skin. I would recommend in your situation a colon vaginoplasty, which uses your intestine.”
>Dr. Jess Ting ended up performing the operation.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g

So sepsis confirmed? How long do the dudes who get these operations have to live? If we are going by the 30 years timeline Jaron has ~12 years to live? Hopefully it will be sooner. Hell I'll even bet money on when I think he croaks.

Attached: please.jpg (410x298, 38K)

Do you think Jazz will get a sticky?

Attached: jazz_woods.jpg (784x583, 77K)

Poor guy, will he ever figure it out?

Attached: 341235421512345.jpg (900x600, 251K)

Donated for what?


>Part of me thinks she's right.
Yep that part is cringe

Depends user I have the uncensored version that might get me banned but fuck it

Attached: trannies.jpg (1408x5896, 2.7M)

Attached: 1541178759114.gif (220x145, 993K)

Call her a nigger

Attached: fbf_4chan.jpg (407x405, 78K)

what a god rip you

do you have the censored version? I don't like looking at genitals, normal or frankensteins

>Yo but my homeboy told me them hormone pills turn diccs into pussie tho

click on the imgur link user

You know it's fucked up if it is bad enough to horrify a Russian.

Attached: look_both_ways.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

Attached: 1530816826819.png (397x321, 222K)


Top fucking kek

>you have to be 18 to post here

i'm 26.

Most states AoC is 16

This is yet another scene that one could classify as very archetypally lynchian.

We are presented with a fairly normal scene of a young girl at the doctor with her parents. One may conclude that this is a school checkup or some such thing. It is only when the dialog begins that the utter perversion of normalcy comes creeping down.

This doctor is advising the girl to masturbate her penis, not for the sake of pleasure but to stretch out the skin, all for the purpose of cutting it off and turning it into a cheap imitation of a vaginal canal. The mother looks on with enthusiasm, with understanding, with some twisted version of love and the glint in her eyes gives away her glee. Glee for she is finally getting a daughter 17 years after birthing her third son.

The hapless father shifts uncomfortable as he is presented with this conversation about his daughters need to masturbate, the need to tug a penis that will soon be inverted. All while the middling thought in the back of his head "how is this right" chips away at the last shred of his backbone, a constant reminder of how he can never stand up to his wife, how he cannot save his youngest son. This is the look of hope dying before our eyes.

Attached: 1538908151499.webm (1440x792, 2.75M)

Can someone post the "most horrifying scene in television history" pasta pl0x.

We could have saved him bros

>Jazz = 2 assholes

Attached: 453254325.jpg (576x713, 58K)

trannydoctor looks like a burn victim


So did the guy kill himself or what?


>literally teeth
wow the teratoma meme was real

>The mother is an evil cunt. Using her own kid for a circus sideshow. Sickening.

i agree. that sex change process is still fairly primitive and it seems that legally and from a health point of view people are still winging it... especially for underage people . i understand they got caught in the positive impact they thought they could have with that show but it's not the right format... it'S more exploitative than inspiring. they should have made a documentary instead.

maybe the mother decided to go all in with the show as a way to dilute the struggle she must have had at facing that reality for her child, if she can inspire others she will be able to share her angst, that initial burst of negative emotions that must have been there, maybe she is doing the show out of guilt.

a valiant effort

>jazz general
>filled with trannybashing
Based jazzbros.
What went wrong with the rest of Yea Forums?

Attached: 1550261662658.jpg (618x750, 56K)

Boomer Titor said he will talk about Jazz Jennings in this live stream: youtube.com/watch?v=U62npfY9eJQ

pretty sure the rest of Yea Forums is disney shills

she probably weighs like 80 pounds lol

the longer you look the funnier it gets
he wont be able to hide what an ugly boy he is much longer

jannies have been seething non stop since we revealed the truth of the teratoma eye child

Attached: 1551117082367.png (2176x1676, 1.22M)

Will he ever be unJUSTed?

not likely

Attached: 1551155479308.jpg (1080x1350, 849K)

Nope. Especially if the neovagina prolapses

It's the most compelling horror story on tv these days.

Attached: Skylar Final Form.jpg (236x354, 23K)

>Especially if the neovagina prolapses

Attached: 1550951727468.png (1279x681, 1.21M)

Holy kek

Attached: My Sides.gif (350x193, 3.01M)

Attached: skylarfinalfinalform.jpg (599x900, 81K)

Charlie is doomed. Soon, his penis and testicles will be severed and destroyed.

Attached: 200.gif (350x200, 2.68M)

What's wrong with his tits?

Attached: Screenshot_20190310-163403.png (1200x1920, 1.5M)

Jewish man tits!

Attached: breast deformity.jpg (604x286, 32K)

he's just a disgusting mass of blobby unarticulated flesh
cue the carpenters thing gifs

not anymore

You would also need to be 11 years old.

HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HMMM hm hmm hmm hm hmm hm hm
HM hm hmm hm hmm hm hm

Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped

This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop

Cold: the memes and shitposts flowing
Hard: living in a Lynchian home
Push until my wound is tearin'
Feel the pain of what we popped

This: the song of discord trannies
Hide the sex of who we are
Making surgeons build my sutures
Strong, united, posting 'till we pop

And I can't get stiff, and my hole leaks shit, forever, forever
Through the Jew tricks, 'till we're statistics forever, forever

Attached: nezha.png (327x480, 152K)

google tubular tits
i'd post a pic but my eyecancer tolerance for the day is already met

>>Long Live the New Flesh.

Attached: 1531080164_tumblr_nunabs7hWz1tu1ckro1_500.gif (500x298, 816K)

ahmir is slightly bases

Attached: 5452.jpg (441x278, 17K)

its 2 bags of saltwater under some loose skin

Attached: 155214586680815.jpg (720x604, 88K)

>too young to legally consent to sexual intercourse
>old enough to decide he wants to ruin his body forever with hormones and dick mutilation
what did american lawmakers mean by this

>posting the censored version

Attached: 15522580440261.jpg (720x604, 126K)

not with current "genitals"
or that face

i messaged charlie on snap warning him about getting his dick mutilated, but apperently he’s already going through with it bros

Attached: 77E3E31E-6ADE-479D-9C8C-BCB5F9452B50.jpg (670x927, 534K)

you did your best. you cant UNbrainwash these kids

Did you ask if he had actually read the testimonies of people that went through with it?

I wouldve posted ss, but i blocked him before he could pull the typical faggot move and try to dox my social media for “trans violence”

there really is no way to save them is there, they go from healthy to mutilated by choice, and therapists allow and encourage it too

Attached: tvbern.jpg (1242x1501, 1.21M)

I told him to do his owm research and look up all the negative mental/physical effects of it online. Don’t let yourself be fed only positive info by your peers, etc.

In response i got “Excuse me?...i’m already going through with it...go fuck yourself...i feel fine.”

>i was so close scully
>the alien walked in the hospital with her grandson, apparently they were going to cut his dick in some kind of sick gender surgery
>i couldn't do anything

Attached: mulder.jpg (480x360, 8K)

Well it's his funeral. You tried.

>“Excuse me?...i’m already going through with it...go fuck yourself...i feel fine.”
spoken like a truly openminded 12 year old capable of making life altering decisions for himself

Attached: Bait.png (525x978, 331K)

>Again with this alien nonsense, Mulder?

Attached: 1_WTXwtS99DbuDfjrHAXiSFg[1].gif (500x260, 773K)

>i feel fine

FUCK lololol. hes way too far gone already. cant wait to see the level of denial after he actually gets his dick sliced open.

Attached: im feeling perfectly fine.jpg (700x466, 79K)

there's something really fascinating about this particular mental illness and how media an even doctors push it as normal for profit
i feel sorry for the kids though, they are not capable of making informed decisions at this age

The way Jazz moves is really scary

Attached: masturbation.gif (600x330, 3.66M)

I’m glad other people are trying to warn him, but from my interaction I think the brainwashing is too strong. Hope the adults are happy sacraficing these children to their fetishistdom. More suicides of confused teens, epic style baby.

>>You have to let him go...

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it's just a harmless old grandma, mulder
seriously we need to get you checked out for schizophrenia

he's floating on a cloud of anti-depressants

You are a good one user!

Hope he reads it!

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That's really sad, I thought there was a chance to save him.

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He's 8 years old, right?

You are a good person user, may god pay you back.

He will remember your words in the rainy days ahead.

She donated to give gender "confirmation" surgery to children in utero.


That's a old one.

She's been been taught that anyone who says otherwise is transphobic and/or ignorant. Only someone inside the cult could possibly get her to rethink it.

Based lynchian poster

What's the teratoma eye child?

this post made me rethink my love for smelly feet
>mfw I'm mentally ill too

Classic caption from youtube.com/watch?v=LTYqnhwbMGE

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-08 06:18:24.png (983x638, 428K)

I thought maybe someone could befriend her and use "progressive" arguments to convince her that she's great the way she is and that having a dick isn't what defines her gender, at this point that would be the only way.

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What's wrong with his tits?


FUCKING HELL. I told my gf that I would quit smoking, but every fucking day I see more and more shit like this floating around and being celebrated. I can only take so much before I walk out of our shitty little apartment and go for a drive around town with the windows down smoking a cigarette with absolutely no music playing. The sound of wind through trees, birds being retards, the far off sound of laughter, helps me forget how fucking AWFUL THE PEOPLE THAT ARE LAUGHING ARE. BECAUSE MORE THAN FUCKING LIKELY, THEY PROBABLY PUBLICLY SUPPORT THIS KIND OF LYNCHIAN SHIT.

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these vids keep reminding me to get a dashcam

sunk cost fallacy
He's already a dwarf with a dysfunctional micro-peen. those things will never come back.


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He can stay as a cute trap and not ruin himself.

You tried your best.
>>He will become the New Flesh.

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>he can stay 9yo forever
lol no

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Skeletal system keeps growing till 18, I think. He might be able to get some growth if he quits right now.

There are older cute traps, you are on Yea Forums you must have seen some.

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the best one could probably hope for is convincing her to delay the surgery. if she delayed it long enough she might no longer feel she needs it.

these are the end times

He had a chance, but once he cut his dick off he passed the point of no return

anybody have the webm of jazz rubbing her talons on the black guy's legs under the table?

Attached: TLC Network - She's seriously SO open 😂 😂 😂 #IAmJazz-1098041603845963776.webm (450x450, 853K)

Cronenberg has already optioned the film rights..

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Thats what gets me about this whole thing.
If an adult wants to castrate himself and subsequently commit suicide, than by all means do it so i can laugh at you
But these are kids brainwashed into thinking theres a magic surgery that can suddenly cut them into womanhood.
This could've easily been any one of us, if we were born into the wrong family with the right propaganda.
Shit sucks man.
Oh well, guess I'll just laugh it off like a bad horror movie.

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>woman brain
there's a pretty easy way to find out...

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how many SRS surgeries can a doctor do before they lose their sanity?

This confirms for me that a lot of the doctors who gladly go along with this shit are doing it to satisfy some bizarre fetish. The rest probably do it out of social pressure.

Trick question. No sane doctor would ever do it.

i hope his fake cunt rots

He's just a kid who has been brainwashed.

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I can't. Enjoy the clownworld we live in


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>Wanting to stick your dick in Jazz's frankengina buttcunt

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Yea Forums cares more about trannies than most libshits

I'd have to agree with this, and not just because I'm an anti-Semite.

They've been pushing the tranny meme since before any of us were born.

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More like psuedovagina

>only way he seems feminine is by posing like an IG thot because that's what he thinks being a woman is

She is cute and very feminine.

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It's a clown world and you should enjoy the show before things get worse.

where do I watch the latest episodes for fr$$


Still cracks me up that behind every shit there is always a jew, EVERY FUCKING TIME.


I always thought he knew it was creepy and was being ironic in these in these webms but now that I've actually read the chat text, it seems he thinks it's cute and quirky just like a real girl!

mother of god, it's like an alien trying to mimic human expressions

>those enablers
Discord trannies has been a thing for much longer than I thought.

You will never pass

That’s an actual woman believe it or not. Chloe Sevigny

>when trannies get to enjoy that "female privilege"
>right up their ramshackle fake pussy
>"We did it, /lgbt/!"
>"I'm living life on easy mode!"
>and then die from some numale dick ripping into it
>ultimate black pill

Attached: bitch.gif (500x358, 405K)

Look at how big his head is. You just date a longhaired teen and force him to wear girl clothes, done.

What if Jazz is the asshole?

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Is this new pasta?

They do it for money, playing god and knowingly mutilating a human being with little to no repercussions.

Imagine being so deluded and full of hate that you actually believe they cut it off. It's rearranged into the correct genitalia using the most advanced surgical methods available.

Your inaccurate view of the surgery and the mindset of the transgendered individual in general are so remarkably colored by bigotry that it astounds me.

Well hey, I can't totally chew you out, since I used to be a little bit like you before I met my girlfriend, who was actually my male best friend before. Being on the journey with her completely changed my world view about gender and sex as a whole.

You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of tea, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a MTF pussy is just as satisfying to eat as a cis girl's.

Next time it pops into your head that people like Jazz are "mentally ill" just remember that she has to be physically and mentally stronger than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your whole lives.

I've taken the steps to advance my line of thinking and my outlook, becoming better for it I may add.

I know who I am. And I love who I am - all I can say to you is: your move, douchebags

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Make sure more Russians see this to get them blackpilled on this degeneracy.

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Well, it's a man. Don't know how they think they can get away with larping as a woman into middle age, male skin doesn't age like delicate, female skin.

But Charlie is 15.

Pretty much every teen boy that looks remotely cute and hasn't hit puberty can be made to look like that when put in a wig and girls clothes. He has big paws like a puppy that betray the potential for growth he was robbed off. You're all pederasts for thinking that's hot.

Attached: allah.jpg (848x1200, 104K)

Men, better at being a woman, than women.


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skylar was, once

Stop it.

The thing is, women are used with working with what they have in their smaller skulls, and they do just fine, physically smoller does not turn them all into retards, hence female scientists, astronauts, doctors. There's a woman with a 200 point IQ. Men's bigger, testosterone fueled brain mass give them some advantage tactically, spacially, evolutionary probably for fighting.

Eunuchs suffered the same effect, but they got used to it as kids and could still be scholars and politicians.

But castration for delusional males? Those shrink brain volume, and men don't do so well losing part of the brain mass they were used to having and being able to work with. That's why all these "trannies in tech" and "game designers" produce shit all and need to start ebegging on twatter as soon as they transition.

Their skulls don't grow smaller, so they get these lightweight, atrophied brains floating in their huge man skulls. Poor Charlie has a big head too. It doesn't stand out so much because he's young, and has a round face like a cute cartoon, but he'll age like Yoda ten years in.

Look at his stumpy masculine fingers and nails. Poor kid, thotting it up for the penis harvesting gods of the deep.

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hes got stubby toes too. disgusting.

You're a pedo, Harry.

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To anyone who was familiar with Cosmo prior to becoming a tranny; was he like this before? Did he do all that creepy smiling and all the other weird shit? Or did he act normal?

Imagine pretending this doesn't look like a cute girl.

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it doesnt permavirgin. get out of your basement sometime.

for how much you anti-trans fags scream about denial, you're all really deep in denial lmao

It'll age worse than shit

theres hot trannies but that isnt one of them

>implying most roasties don't

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It looks like one because it's a pre pubescent boy that has been on hormone replacement treatment since before he could think rationally, he dresses like a woman, he wears makeup. Do you know how pedophiles mostly don't care about the gender of the victims? Because boys and girls are fundamentally the same until puberty hits, just wait to see how this poor retard ages, make up will not only not hide his manlyness forever, it will also deteriorate his skin.

>discord trannies
Absolutamiente asquerozo

Show me a tranny over 30 that looks good.

>rectum raiders

>Do you know how pedophiles mostly don't care about the gender of the victims?
This is completely false though, don't know where this meme comes from, most pedos have a specific gender preference and age range, just look at famous pedos like MJ.

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>this mishap

Bullshit. They have the base/balls of the dildo, the ENTIRE THING shoved up in there that far, there is no way to do that on accident unless you have an asshole the size of Goatse, and even then your asshole would be so loose it would have fallen right back out. That's not a mishap, that shit was intentional. They thought they could push it back out afterward but couldn't.

diversity? that's what that says? little hard to read but based

I don't really see what's supposedly transphobic about this. Unless they're saying it's trasnsphobic that he's implying a trans man can't enjoy a dildo up their ass.

He looks like an animu moe blob cartoon character. Big round head, big toes, thick fingers, with a tiny tight child's body that incels crave, because they don't appreciate the difference between a pre-puberty teen and a real woman.

He was normal, albeit kind of nerdy. He's the one who really popularized Until he broke up with his gf. He went full troon afterwards, and spiraled out of control when people wouldn't coddle him. It's gotten worse over the years.

They don't care, it's mostly boys who get molested because it's easier to get closer to boys when you're a man, specially if they respect you.

did you change the car in the pasta and if so why?


You are so wrong, where did you get this from?

Based Lynchian: Part 2 poster

Jesus Christ, there's more than one of that bitch?!?