>Never plays with legos
what the fuck
>isn't very wise at all, in fact he's kind of an idiot
real subtle jackson
He was too busy helping Aragon formulate his tax policy
He is by the end of the movie
>he's actually a lad
What is Aragons tax policy?
>Not one of 17 autonomous regions in Spain
He was less his legos
That's why they called him legoless stupid
You could say he goes Legoless
Subverting expectations
I believe it's supposed to be a French homage to football.
>le gol ass
I think you mean "Lego(tm) blocks"
>is a man
>becomes sad
The plural of Lego is Lego you fucking mutt
>lego less
>expecting him to have legos
Are you retarded?
>is actually a Bowlad
Names used to mean something
>his arrows are in fact gone
>smaug the dragon
>is actually a wyvern in jacksons adaptation
>is always trippin
Seems alright to me
> Be Gandalf
> wants to genocide the orcs, the shitskins and the cleanse the ghettos of Mordor
> Tolkien didn't call him Gandolf
> fucking brainlet
>gandalf the grey
>actually from middle earth and not zeta reticuli
Dragons look gay as hell
>is Sauron's man
what the fuck
>Called Theoden King
>Coincidentally, is also a King
> Sauron
> Saruman
> Saron's man
Shit writing.
Just like
> Hitler
> Himmler.
honestly what were (((they))) thinking
I like how Hitler keeps one eye looking forward and the other one on the joo
>stubby legs
Wow, that's a F U N fact!
fun fact one of these is not like the others