Karen Gillan

What's next for her career after the Jumanji sequel?

Attached: Karen Gillan Jack Black.webm (1018x1000, 2.91M)


Why does she speak American English in the video?

Her uncomfortably in such a revealing costume is so endearing.

Why is Jack "Askenazi Jew" Black interviewing his cast like this? Then why does he ask for emails? Does he want her to find work now that she is done with Jewmanji?


Attached: lank.jpg (650x380, 30K)

She doesn't look uncomfortable...

What's the problem? You aren't some manlet that's shorter than her are you?

Attached: karen gillan tall.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

manlet detected

Attached: rge34tv6U.jpg (720x612, 47K)

You really can't read women user.

Attached: Karen Gillan tummy.webm (1600x800, 2.99M)

why isn't there a show where karen gillen and aya cash are sisters or something.
how about a remake of the parent trap.
they could go away to camp and figure out they are sisters.
one scottish one american, cut each others hair, pjyama parties.
i would watch that.

It's a cultural thing. Put any bong girl in revealing clothing and she feels like she's drunk and waiting for a taxi at three in the morning in an economically desolate town centre while her best friend cries next to her.

Its okay, just be taller than her

You.. You are taller than her... right user?

insecure manlet

lesbian incest?

Based, I won't have to be the big spoon always.

I have a legs fetish

She can protect me.

>even the tallfus are still shorter than me

there are some days that i would gladly swap with manlets like you

Attached: tumblr_mmcedeKjGT1qewacoo1_500.jpg (500x573, 69K)

you are mentally ill

This is a very nice way of putting it user.

you are mentally ill

Is she a lesbian


IMAGINE. She could manhandle me around the house looking for furniture to fuck me over!


Shouldn't you be at reddit?

Never reply to my thread again.

Post her bare ass

Attached: 1473055473091.webm (1536x864, 1.96M)

ugh, she's too tall.

need more of this seriously

Will she ever be allowed to use her qt scottish accent in Hollywood?

Attached: karen g - I'm a kissagram.webm (1280x720, 532K)

Attached: karen jumaji.webm (450x798, 2.8M)

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Attached: 1522505281538.webm (1280x533, 3M)

Attached: selfie (4).webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Attached: karen gillan - selfie (2).webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

No such thing

Attached: 15-Elizabeth-Debicki-chat-room.w1200.h630.jpg (1198x629, 635K)

The best thing about having a tall girlfriend is seeing how manlets get intimidated simply by her presence whenever you go.

unironic cringe

in the middle frame she look slike she has a dick

>tfw taller than debicki

being my beautiful loving wife and having my children

I want to kiss her stomach and legs

Patrician taste user

Attached: Jumanji13.webm (1920x800, 1.98M)

just look at the way she's holding the controller. fucking disgusting scrub bitch

shes a bong she plays xbox

>What's next for her career after the Jumanji sequel?
Sitting on my face.

t. jack black

we have playstations


How can men not like tall women?

Attached: 146806643636.jpg (1096x1610, 306K)

post her in that cute constable outfit

insecure manlets, unlike me as a secure manlet who wants to climb karlie kloss like a tree and never come down

Manlets user. Manlets everywhere.

damn. her legs and face look like that?

Attached: karen gillan - dr who.webm (854x480, 2.89M)

That bra and top is like 90% padding....

But I am a manlet myself(at least according to the standards of this site average in my country) when you have to look down on someone it's just not attractive imo. A girl has to at least be on my eyeheight to be hot.

Attached: 142092035477.jpg (1600x2400, 1.3M)

>tfw 6'6" and will never be properly snu-s ued
I unironically envy your fantasy.

she's pretty hot for a victorian

that top she's wearing must have some extremely advance technology; it makes it look like Karen Gillan actually has tits.
spoiler: she really, really doesn't. much like Gal Gadot.

dumb redditor, flat is justice

I agree, same height is the best; unfortunately most women don't think that

post the one where she's running and fixing her skirt

My god... it's perfect

My God why is she so cute??

spot on

Attached: 1551554427371.jpg (480x360, 22K)

correlation is not causation

Attached: 1409457780110.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

hopefully a gas chamber

I wanna play with her station if you know what I mean


Debicki as always showing who's the boss

Why is "femlet" not a thing?

Attached: big gal.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)


most females are short which is why they make sure to call out the tall ones

what would you guys do to have a an NC-17 movie made about three friends (played by karen gillian, jameela jamil, and elizabeth debicki) having a lesbian awakening together?

Cut the uggos and make it about 3 Karens and I'll fund it

Attached: 23a.jpg (1080x1080, 253K)

Boring face.


Her face is kino. What is wrong with you?

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