They play this shit at least two times per year here. Pure indoctrination.
Have those yellow jacket protests done anything? Have they died down?
I'm not a Baguette, user. I'm a Denbter.
Why are they playing french movies in Greece?
...Same reason they play movies from all around the world? Russian, Italian, Japanese, lots of BBC dramas and stuff. Alongside all the American ones.
Those movies are SJW mixed with casual racism. Cringy af, with a script justifying every racist "jokes" they can fit in. In baguette land, half of our "comedy" films are like these.
We don't like foreign shit in murrica.
Non Americans should NOT try and make mass media
I'd rather live in America than in this Socialist Hellhole, desu. The Government is taking over houses that people don't stay in and is putting rapefugees in. We're gonna get fucked by Albanians, Skopjans, Niggers and Roaches. All at the same time. I'm changing my surname and heading for the West for my PhD; I'll Don Draper it.
You'll have a cool background story in 20 years, user
Nah, fuck that. I'm changing my surname to Stark (it's relevant to my current one), my accent from British to Northern American (my teacher was from South Africa before the niggers took it down), and building a new future. Fuck this hellhole. Fuck it all to hell. Fuck the kikes here; fuck them all. Fuck myself for going into Physics too. And fuck the draft; I'm out. I'll literally Draper it.
>they didn't even do a porn parody
what's the probkem with Cho? he looks cool
Yeah that's what I'm saying, user. Pulling a Don Draper gives you a cool background story
the sequel is pure black-pill
>when you team up with the villain from the first movie in the sequel to defeat an even bigger threat
Like TV shows where the characters live on the coast, here in France this is totally incomprehensible to anyone who doesn't live in Paris
Parisians are the scum of the earth desu senpai
how do they call this movie genre?
Oh... Yeah, it's not like I'll share it with anyone. And besides, I'm not talking about literally abndoning everything. I've already talked with my folks about changing my surname to fit in better; I already look like more like a Western Euro than a Southern Yuropoor. I just need to do it a bit before I finish Uni, so that I can get my degree with the new surname. So by the time I apply for some Uni abroad for my PhD, I'll be set. I feel a bit like a traitor, but... I can't live like this. Literal clinically retarded family members are approaching. I've spent my whole life amongst them I... I can't pass that on; I can't stay close to it. I need to leave all of that behind.
God's honest truth, I did find Don reletable the first time I watched MM solely for that reason. The fake persona, the drinking, the self-doubts, the fear of mediocrity, the need to run away from the mess of his family. I'm selfish, I know. I'm not a good son, or maybe even a good person and I have some pretty bad plans, but... I can't. I have to do what I have to do. The walls are closing in, I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know whether I'm swimming for the bottom or the surface.
Basically this
>The left will say it's racist
>The right will say it's probably racemic
The peoples watching these movies are truly THE normies, oblivious to what the message is
>balkannigger wanting to illegally immigrate to the usa because he's angry about illegals
Don't you niggers ever read a whole post before posting? I know your father never was there to keep track whether you went to school or not Jamal, but come on; that's rudimentary stuff.
fake name strongly implied illegality turk-kun
...I said I want to change it; implying legally. Otherwise I would've simply said "I'm leaving for...". Fuck man, I literally mentioned wanting to leave for a PhD. How thick are you?