Iron Man, still the best Marvel flick. How did they do it?

Iron Man, still the best Marvel flick. How did they do it?

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no disney magic


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Iron man armor had weight. Also MK1 going Slasher on towelheads.


The only good MCU entry is First Avenger.

The idea of big budget superhero movies was still relatively new. We didn't get a new one every three months.

How many people go out to see MCU movies simply because it's the next episode?

Ah back when the cgi was actually good

By most accounts Favreau had almost complete creative control, I've heard it described as being like a massive budget indie film. After Disney bought the rights it's CEO was a penny pinching Israeli who would demand the runtimes and screen time for villains cut down. After he left things have gotten mostly better, but it's still become too much of a corporate machine to reach Iron Man 1 heights.

They actually had to put work in. After the MCU took off they could slack off and people would still see them.

*color correction

I like Homecoming a bit more. IM's Special effects were pretty awesome but the third act was an absolute mess.

You should be ashamed of your taste

>2008 - iron man, dark knight, hulk, punisher war zone, hellboy 2, hancock, the spirit

>not deadpool

user... Hottest bird, best action, truest to source.

Imagine thinking that Deapool (either one or two) is a good film.

So how come Tony survived being blown out of the sky by a AA gun and smashing into the ground, why wasn't he a pancake in that 1 ton iron suit ?

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You need to be 18+ to post here.

Yeah no.


It wasn't even AA, it was a fucking tank.
Like how the fuck is a tank gonna shoot down an aircraft that's like 7 feet long and traveling that fast
Also no movie ever considers the transmission of force. Forget the ground the tank shell would have turned him into chunky salsa even if the armor held

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He usually wears a special suit underneath that absorbs the shocks and whatnot. In the first Iron Man he had it; that grey bodysuit. In other flicks they completely dropped it.

Comic fags Is there anything that can top Infinity war? Seems like It's gonna be downhill from there.

Anyone who didnt like deadpol is tired of fun, thus tired of life and should take appropriate steps. Capeshit is supposed to be fun, and morena baccarin was fucking hot.

It's not that it was new, it's that you didn't have a massive continuity, and you didn't have a studio churning out reliably entertaining superhero movies.
>How many people go out to see MCU movies simply because it's the next episode?
Some, but you massively underestimate the things Marvel does well, even over the years. There's only a handful of really bad ones. Even a movie like Thor, which had very poor reception, holds up pretty well and has a lot of entertainment value. Even when formulaic, most try to have something novel, funny or otherwise memorable about them. Shit on the lazy CGI and perfunctory no-tension action scenes all you want, but most of the movies still have good acting and competent writing and direction.

>guy sells weapons for a living for decades
>surprised that conservative muslim extremists use his weapons after being bought through the US military industrial complex in order to fight proxy wars against other governments
>only has a crisis when he himself gets blasted
Shit """"""hero""""""

>all you have to do to be considered good is not be bad

>Still the best Marvel flick
Well that's like...your opinion man

Well yeah, before he was extremely naive and didn't care about anything other than himself

>extremely naive
>knows he makes weapons and sells them to anyone and everyone
>doesn't know the US alone funds dozens of militant groups in the mideast
Either he's actually retarded outside of wepon or he didn't care, user, which makes it doubly worse that he ONLY cares when he himself faces consequences