I dont get it - how this movie is not feminazi propaganda made up bullshit...

I dont get it - how this movie is not feminazi propaganda made up bullshit. Literally muh stonk wymyn the movie and some cuck following her that supposed to be a hero. Oh yeah and gang of smart old woman that rule the desert and everyone ia afraid of them

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have sex

Max overpowers all of them alone

Acquire intercourse.

This. The last 10 minutes of the movie has Max save Furiosa's life like 5 times. 2 of them in the same scene

ffs..ALL of the Mad Max films have Max in a secondary position. He makes it possible for the women to defeat Immortan Joe..fuck he even snatches a gun of a old bitch to get the job done in one scene. He saves Furiousa...Nux sacrificed himself for them to get back. Many women died. If anything Fury Road was a very level playing field for both the male and female characters.

Ok cuck but tell me how come Joe was a bad character? He literally wanted to build a society from the ashes and all fertile woman run away because muh feminism

The women are realistic in the sense that no one is pretending that they're stronger than men or in any way extraordinary. All characters portray flaws and even Furiosa isn't all that remarkable.

fury road is anti feminist to its core, furiosa's entire plan was dumb beginning to end and would've failed had max not intervened, and her plans thereafter were just as retarded.
>nux wouldve killed her
>max couldve killed her
>canyon bikers wouldve killed her
>bullet farmer couldve killed her
>war boys/polecats wouldve killed her
The movie does nothing but show that furiosa is incompetent, heck, even her dusty cunt tribe all died 5 minutes after being introduced, and what happens at the end of the movie? the citadel all warship her and blindly accept her as the leader, the aquifer wont last forever, and immortan was wise to ration it, yet she just let's it flow freely, max leaving at the end is basically
>i cant fix this fucking mess
george miller did this on purpose, maybe it's because she was involved with alot of the action did people not notice how retarded she is.

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Are you a jew, because that movie is obvious feminazi propaganda

it really doesn't seem likely

Have sex

>ALL of the Mad Max films have Max in a secondary position

This. The first film was his story, and all the rest are him playing a part/enabling someone else's story. And they all have strong female characters in core roles but nobody complained about them back then.

You should probably go out a bit more.

>Waah waaah he said the truth so hes a virgin abloooo abloo

He was an asshole who hoarded water and they ran away because they were probably tired of being raped by a fat walking corpse

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There are hundreds of movies in which male characters do everything you are complaining, yet you unfuckable incels never acuse them of being propaganda.

Wake up, your time is up and we are coming for the people who think like you.

He was a practical man that wanted his shred of society to survive. Only careful rationing of water and keeping fertile woman (that had life like a fucking queens there by the way) alive was essencial for survival. He was literally the good guy and Max was nothing more than brainless mercenary

Ok Stacy you found out about Yea Forums - dont forget to mention youre hacker now on your blog

It's a matter of perspective
You can call the movie feminist since it's pretty much a rebellion of women that are used like objects in a patriarchic society.

On the other hand the patriarchic society is well and thriving under a male authoritarian figure while the socialistic matriarchic society collapsed and only thing that is left are some old women waiting for their death.
People just see what they want to see desu

cos evry1 knos men r the strongest

If he is so rational why is he hoarding all good fertile women to breed with his cancer ridden ass? He already has a son, that greedy son of a bitch

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Fence sitting faggot. Get a spine and made up your mind

Somalia must be the perfect utopia in your eyes.

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Instead of asking me if I had my cock sucked as a baby, tell me with a few point, why you think this movie is feminazi propaganda?

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Amin was from Hutu you uneducated fuck

It's a matter of morality vs pragmatism dude
I personally really liked the movie and i don't care about the feminist message cause it actually makes sense.
OP's description is retarded at best, as is your reply, probably the same person, must be the American education kicking in

Too much woman power thay literally start a rebellion when in real life they are uselles bitches that cry if shit hits the fan. All man are obviously either bad or weak and lets not forget about muh sand hags that fucking rule hell yeah im a feminist hear my roar. Fuck that movie its a brainwash

Im from Korea you prick

>in real life they are uselles bitches that cry if shit hits the fan
Says the guy crying over a movie.

No, they escaped and wouldve died at every point of conflict if it wasnt for max, NEXT
>all man are bad or weak
nux changed his tune and fought on the "good" side, but died doing so, the villains arent portrayed as bad, only warboys and immortan, if you noticed, bullet farmers and gastown didnt want to be involved, but had to because they were trading with immortan, NEXT
>sand hags rule
they had the dumbest tactic possible, play damsel in distress in the middle of nowhere, they only get 3 kills and there is like 10 of them, they didnt have any brains and agreed with furiosas suicidal plan of driving into the desert in no particular direction, then they proceed to get killed 5 minutes after meeting them.
The movie isnt pro feminist, if anything its refreshing to show stronk women who are idiotic on screen.

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