Brie Larson Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

Why does she answer like a badly programmed robot?

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Other urls found in this thread:

is that face photoshopped?


she has no personality so she has to act like she has one, the problem is she cant act

she look weird because of the blue suit and the hair that doesnt match her eyebrows

>White blonde woman as the lead
Shouldn't that be racist since nazis find blonde woman attractive so they are therefore catering to racists?


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>can captain marvel beat Superman?

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oh look she finally smiles

>Superman is boring because he's OP!
>But Captain Marvel is fun because she can 1 punch Thanos

She was delightful, shame she comes across as a cunt elsewhere

Brie can smile.

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>Not even 30 years old
Jesus Christ.

Why can't she be like this 24/7
instead she bitches about race and politics and acts all peeved in her movie
I wouldn't mind seeing her in the movie of it had a good script and if she was all jolly like in this webm

That's too patriarchal. Pigmen must be denied access to any form of femininity, including smiling.

get laid

because daddy didn't love her and she's a cunt

>Why can't she be like this 24/7
This. She purposely makes herself have a horrible personality because she hates it when any man finds her attractive as she tweeted about feeling like she was abused when a guy spoke to her in public.

>she hates it when any man finds her attractive
She felt offended that a fucking TSA agent thought he had a chance with her

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apologise for abusing me when i was a child

Yea Forums btfo

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am i the only one who finds her and her facial expressions hot?

Of course not. The whole Yea Forums is tsundere for her.


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Why do Americans want everyone to look happy all the time?

Nope. We are just like Cecil who finds it hot when an attractive woman is disgusted by us

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she's like a politician at this point, she's searching her head for the most politically correct or mundane answers

which is odd because she has banged a black guy so why isn't she like Margot Robbie already?

She dodges a lot of questions. The point of the interview is to answer honestly. Samuel l Jackson admitted to watching anime, and hentai too.

Is she the nuJLaw?

how many times are you gonna shill this here again? we're already memeing it

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>it's not working

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He voiced Afro Samurai

>28 years young

>she cant act
The [problem is she's not a fun, instantly charismatic actress. She can act, but it's all "you walk into the room and see the body of your dead child lying lifeless on the table displayed for maximum shock impact, aaaaand ACTION". She can act the fuck out of stuff like that. They cast her because she won that oscar, realised their mistake and amped up the Samual L Jackson/other chap from SHIELD parts to compensate, but it was always too late. Miscasting a lead role is always disasterous.

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What's the censored one? Google is actually denying autocompletes if you type "is Brie Larson"

imagine having to sit through this google interview shit forcefully trying to make answering those questions funny because your fanbase likes you making a retard out of yourself
all these interviews are puke-inducing with their fakery and forceful overacting garbage to seem like a "fun" human being

fucking dumb social-media brainwashed americans

"Is Brie Larson" is actually censored on Google wtf

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she pulled the sticker badly, so the glue got stuck and she only peeled of a layer of paper, while the rest stayed on the board...

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the actual google results

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anglo genes

Literally just tested it and its fine, the 1st result is "is brie larson mexican"

Daddy didn't hug her enough and mommy hugged her too much

It works on duck duck go. Stop using google.

what are you talking about?

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Are people posting her part of some kind of marketing campaign? Like they realize that by making someone controversial shitposters start doing the marketing for them?

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I guess maybe in your country?

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she's so unlikable, wonder woman was a poor pick for the part but at least she has some natural charisma

These two youtube interviews were retagged as news to jump ahead of every other video about Cpt Marvel. The first one is a cringefest, the second one with the puppies is the worst mis-step in marketing since New Labour unveiled a granite monument with their policies chiselled into it, sending the real life malcom tucker into apoplexy. This shit is hilarious, and way more entertaining than the movie.

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She seems like a very intelligent and powerful young woman. I would not be surprised to see her running for president in the future. I know she would have my vote!

She's like that only for Chads

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All mainstream actors are politicians, always have

She can't even not be a cunt around puppies!

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When I did it is said “does Brie Larson take big stinky poos” in purple

to live life as a woman is to live life on the defense

I didn't care about her at all but the more people post her the more attractive do I start to find her.

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Because women aren't there to be pretty for you. You wouldn't give a shit if she was a man.

LOL they literally tried to make her likable by adding puppies! You can't make this shit up!

rate oc

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Seriously. How can they think a 7 movie contract is a good idea, she's going to look like Judy Dench in her last one.

Stop listening to Lena Dunham, newfriendess. This path leads only to neuroticism.

that's how you spot a true piece of shit

People give a shit all the fucking time when men talk about identity politics. Where the fuck have you been for the last 6 god damn years?

>brie larson
>why doesn't brie larsom smile more
>what is wrong with brie larsons feet
>why does brie larson hate white people
>why does brie larson hate men

tranny foot fungus cunt

Fucking hell. This image is perfect.

Same thing happened with AOC.

>Dog That Loves the Green New Deal

Bitch don’t know that defense wins championships

to live life as a woman is to live life on easy mode


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(you) for effort

>the second one with the puppies is the worst mis-step in marketing since New Labour unveiled a granite monument with their policies chiselled into it
Why did you have to remind me about the fucking EdStone

bc she makes more money than you and she can do what she wants you fat smegma smelling bitch lol

>Brie Larson
more like REEEE larson

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>She's a college dropout

oh yeah that picture confirms it, she is a cunt

>muh holes

>Samuel l Jackson admitted to watching hentai
He did that when he did press for the live action Kite movie.

>brie larson feet
>what does brei larson's feet smell like
>brei larson open toed shoes

brie cheese is a dog

she's literally incapable of joy

these are very dumb questions, i don't know how anyone can make that fun

Imagine being around puppies, and still being a fucking sad male hating angry piece of shit cunt. Holy shit how does she even manage to stand herself?

>that like to dislike ratio
Based INCELS at it again

Fuck off duck duck jew

Watched a minute or so, but she seems like someone who is absolutely not fun to be around.

>Well, DUH

>hey where are you from
> really need to know that? I'm from Sacramento but I moved to LA, ok so I'll say I'm from LA and people are like what do you mean? Nobody's from LA and then I have to say that I'm from Sacramento, I HATE when people ask that's just hard
Christ I had never even seen an interview of her...she's amazingly irritating

Someone's getting fired over the decision to make her the new face of the MCU

>Larson shoots back rolling one eye in the back of her head, "Uh... Well we've done three movies together so there is a lot of people to hate in three movies."

>Kimmel and Larson laugh, while Kimmel seems to be taken back with the response saying, "I don't think this is the message that Marvel wants to spread to children."

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It was pretty funny to see her get caught on her own lie mid video
>I didn't go to college
>...when i went to college
>Brief pause as she realizes she shouldn't have said that

The fungi is rotting her brain

>do you workout?
Holy fuck what's wrong with her? She's a millionaire, she's considered attractive by a lot of people, she'll never have to work a single day, she can literally do whatever the fuck she wants. Why is she so unhappy?

>is brie larson a man hater?

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She doesn't seem like such a cunt on the Kimmel interview

If they did a 180 and made Cpt Marvel the villain in End Game this would be the best marketing capaign in movie history.

But they won't of course.

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All the posters addressed here are incel virgins.

At least she finished middle school, unlike Jennifer Lawrence.

Truly ourgirl


>both didn't go to college
>both had fappening leaks
>both are (((oscar winners)))
>both have career in capeshit

>does brie larson sing?
>"DUH! why did you have to google that? doesnt everybody sing? lol"

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Why do you suck your dad's dick?

have sex

>Did Brie Larson go to college?

What the fuck? Why did she give such an angry response?


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Because in America higher education is a scam.

>fast foward
>do brie larson speak french?
>"i studied a bit in college"
what the fuck bitch make up your mind

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Brie was homeschooled

>I love that AOC is so "one of us" that she didn't reserve a suite at The Wing or a hammock at WeWork, but decided that Grate In The Bronx is the perfect place for the wheels of a political sea change to start turning. Someone put a historical marker up! Or a commemorative public art installation. I will personally fundraise for Great Grate Gate.
These people are legitimately insane, I still have no idea what she did to warrant having such a cult of personality.

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Incels BTGO once again:

>she's actually smart
>she's fun and funny
>her voice is nice
>she always knows what to say
>she's got ironic distance about herself
>she's humble

You incels really need to get checked, fast.

>Brie makes a joke about Superman
>incels take it literally and are all offended

You guys REALLY need some fucking help, holy shit. If you can't detect jokes, irony, and humor, please stop even judging who's a good/bad actor on this board.

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She didn't stay long, she explained it. The first question meant whether she got a degree out of it, numbskull.

"Did you go to college?"
"Yes, I stepped in and then out, does that count?"


Wtf is she retarded

Sensible chuckle

because she has sold her soul

>does brie larson got a degree?
yes yes, that was the question
couldnt she just say she dropped out? when did she explain? in the end of the video?
you fucking shill

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Everyone but you Mohammad

You can stop now Brie

>But sir, she's allergic to cats!

discord trannies SEETHING

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>tfw no grumpy bossy Brie Larson gf to make me miserable 24/7 but it's all worth it because she sits on my face every night

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Do what Michael Jackson and little boys do together.

Her inability to feel any happiness or human connection is Unironically Based and redpilled

>>Your twenty (20) Disney (™) dollars have been transferred to your account.


>is brie larson a gamer
Uh duh??
>does brie larson sing
Uh duh??
>can captain marvel beat superman
Uh duh??

She's just a femcel

why was she sitting at the mommy table?

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What is your guys' obsession with this chick? Don't watch the movie. Why would you even pay attention to superhero movies?