Mods are gay and faggots

Mods are gay and faggots

Attached: Michael-Jackson.jpg (1401x788, 83K)


Jannies all caught MJ rapes as kids so they're sensitive af

*tongues your kids anus*
hee heee

shit i knew jannies were trannies but did know they were pedos too

I confer, tee hee is best hee.

Fuck jannies

how new are you?

>two of the dads committed suicide
>michael spent 30 days straight with a 12 year old boy
>he had his room setup so he would hear footsteps much louder

have sex incel

they deleted an actual thread with conversation for no reason. MJ fags were fine and anti pedo fags were fine with the discussion

Smooth *tips fedora* Criminal

I'm not sure how much mods get paid, but it should be less.



>tfw when you say niggers tongue my anus in real life

Attached: Leaving-Neverland-Wade-and-James-1096651.jpg (590x350, 23K)

OP from the thread

mods deleted the thread because they didnt like the "hehe"

Attached: 1552182939282.png (1152x794, 1.32M)

fun fact: they receive no monetary compensation in exchange for their time and energy

100% accurate and not up for debate



I'd rather have MJ tongue-scrub my bootyhole for five years straight rather than do anything for free, straight up
