The lack of well done film adaptations speaks volumes

The lack of well done film adaptations speaks volumes

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The one with John Hurt was comfy though

>was comfy

Hmmm i'm not sure you know what that word means because that film was grim as fuck

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Who needs a film adaption when we've been experiencing it here in America for the last 3 years

>Cozying up with a cute naked girl under a blanket with a book, after having some coffee, jam, butter, and toast by the fire at the top of an old antique shop.
>Not comfy

It had comfy scenes my man


Trump's America. Literal race riots and nsa spying shit since that meme president took office

Brazil exists

>left-wing media calls anyone who disagrees with them "fake news"
>trump calls retarded leftist liar "you're the fake news"
>left-wing media pretends trump started the fake news meme
>similar situation for literally every single other contemporary social problem
based leftists keeping the goy under control

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Now, I am not a racist person, I would like to emphasize this. But the stupidity of Brazilians has never ceased to amaze me. Brazilians are so fucking stupid. Everything they do is wrong. Have a chance to elect someone competent? Instead they elect some retard who will only fuck them over more and make himself and his friends rich. Have the worlds carbon sink? Rape it. Have a chance to win world cup? Lose 7-1 and cry about it on TV. They can't do anything right, they contribute nothing to humanity except stupid footballers, shitty barbecue, a retard named Bolsofaggotnaro, and favelas.

>while the government watched your every move

no not comfy my dude

Don't u have a cousin to fuck? lol

Oh fug I forgot about that part. Good point my dude, not comfy

naw, I get plenty of tail on my favourite dating app

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Except "fake news" is literally a Trump meme that roughly translates to "reporting I don't like". The left only started using it after Trump to take it back to a meaning of "false information made to look like actual journalism" after Russian psy-ops on social media became more widely known.
Learn facts, embrace reality, stop being so asininely retarded.

That film was fucking spot on! Maybe even a little too accurate an adaptation. It had every scene from the book and it was completely accurate, did you even watch the fucking movie?

I think we've been so scared of playing out 1984 and we've gone down the Brave New World route.

>lol they only started using it after trump even though it predates him
based leftist perception of the world warping reality retroactively. can't wait for precrime to arrest someone for doing something that won't even be criminalized in their lifetime

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The left started using it first

Our current world is more Brave New World than 1984. The reality is that people are willingly eating themselves to death, are happy to put themselves into debt, gladly shell out money for expensive treatments caused by their bad lifestyle choices, enslave themselves to globalist sociopaths and are too comfortable to do anything to change it. Imagine if everyone on the planet stopped buying Coca Cola or refused to go see a Disney film.

>Literal race riots and nsa spying shit since that meme president took office
You mean Obama?
No dingus, 'Fake news' was coined by CNN, referring to stuff on the internet that contradicted them, or exposed their lies. They blamed Trump's win on it, after they spent a year shilling their fake polls. The loss exposed them as frauds and they began projecting hard. Trump just turned it back on them, and because their is more tangible truth in calling CNN fake than calling vague information online fake, it gathered more traction. memes based in reality go further than memes based in lies or deception.

dosent he mean the movie Brazil?

Ever read Neil Postman?
>Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.

>What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.

> Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.

>In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we desire will ruin us.

Oh oops lol

Yep, this is what woke me up to it. Neil got it spot on.

the 1984 version is very well done. didn't derive much. surely the best adaptation we're going to get

Holy Christ I've never seen a post this chalked full of retardation and pseudo intellectualism
Congratulations user

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atm huxley vision is much more relevant, but i think some of the end game would shift to orwell. both are great in its own way

erm, you're the retard here, he's completely right

Lol you are all wrong "fake news" was literally used since the cold war era you dumb niggers.
We used to call it propaganda then.

>when user mention a movie title and you went on an extreme detail prejudice rant against a country and its people because you don't watch movie for shit

two idiots talking about a dead guy named Neil lol Btw, her dad wrote an article for the Guardian stating her fear of Trump and that his books warned us of him. The idiots defending Trump in this thread look pretty foolish right now lol

is the brave new world movie even good? looks horrendous

nice argument bro .;)

I don't mean all Brazilians I just mean like 51 percent

Nice counter-argument, faggot

let turn this thread into more dystopian movies
you guys have any hope for that fahrenheit 411 adaptation? also any recommendation?

Samefagging lol

No, it's terrible. 1984 movie nailed the book but we need a good brave new world adaptation

Looks like Neil's daughter knows what's up exposing that jackass in office. Neil Postman is rolling in his grave

It's happening in England right now, so yeah

Better there than here in Midwest part of America

how the brexit shit going on bro? not really keeping touch with it lately, i heard you guys are playing that tv show deal or no deal with it

It's a marriage of Huxley feel good suppression vs Orwellian surveillance and information control. It's a matter of making totalitarianism cute and trendy.
You can't do it in a generation like in the past, you've got to ease them into it. It is purely normal that way

heh, very accurate my friend, xD good observation fuck le trumpf orange man bad

1984 is one of the most overrated books in existence, along with orwell as an author, and is only popular ecause Normies read it as baby's first dystopian novel

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