She is right you know
She is right you know
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here is your doom bra
God I just played Doom. He's just a silent pissed off dude that wants to kill every demon that ever existed.
Playing him in the games is so satisfying. You wake up from your demon coffin and the world if overrun by demons and you spend the whole game brutally killing every demon you see. No dialogue no story just kill every fucking demon rip and tear get a bigger gun blow some eyes all off chainsaw a demon just kill kill kill until you killed all the demons.
Movies will never get this feeling.
The first person sequence in the film was pretty fun.
Pumped. The director has done shit cheap films, no way a Doom film will be bad though
Isn't this some direct to DVD shit?
Hope that post put you on a watch list.
You sound like a future mass shooter bruh, calm down.
>the cancer must stop the spread
I take great pleasure in seing Hollywood crumble from within.
Fuck you.
All I did was describe the gameplay of Doom
Sweet they're making a new Doom movie?
Please let be set in Hell and have all sorts of crazy creatures
>Who needs Lara Croft? #takingover
>Who needs Samus Aran? #takingover
>Who needs Bayonetta? #takingover
The shitstorm would be insane if this was reversed.
Have sex
Shut up nigger, white people are talking.
They're filming in California so that sounds like a guarantee.
Lots of people shit on d16 but I liked it alot more than d3 and the expansion.
Hyped for eternal.
T. Been playing doom since it's original 1992 release
>Lots of people shit on d16
Do they? I thought it was considered pretty damn good.
>that part in the elevator
>"We did this for humanity, you must understand. It was for the good of mankind"
>doom guy quietly looks down at the dead scientist
>the camera vibrates as he does so
>cracks his knuckles
>you can FEEL the fucking anger in just a few frames of animation
More raw emotion was portrayed by a fictional silent protagonist in this dumb action game than most big budget hollywood movies.
>Lots of people shit on d16
Boomers on Yea Forums aren't "lots of people"
Doom is the only horror game where the monsters are afraid of you.
I dont think any other media can make you feel that way.
In Doom: eternal all the warning systems warn the demons about you
Oldfags of v and vr hate it.
I like it and I'm 28
Idk I guess I went into d3 hating it even at the time it released
D16 wasn't very liked until it actually came out.
Can't wit for eternal even maybe a possible quake crossover
As a boomer they do not speak for all of us
These retards are the reason why we need to ban all guns. At least you're not playing out your murderous power fantasies in real life. Yet.
It is
doom classic right? I havent played the new doom yet. I dont like new games there are so many things to follow on screen it fucks my eyes.
The lore behind it was pretty interesting.
The doomslayer just kept getting more and more powerful with every demon he slayed, until they finally trapped and entombed him.
We get the portal to hell, and find the place where he's buried, where they said the demons guarding the ruins were 'extremley' violent about guarding it
Suddenly now the slayer is freed again, and the very first demon you see screeches at you like
I'll show you a murderous power fantasy, if you know what I mean.
you think they'll have budget for that?
Whats the fucking point then? I'll go back to playing the game
You sound like the columbine retards
Its just a trap, maybe someone will go into theatres by mistake lured by the title
Your repressed anger might vanish
Women make for terrible soldiers. And that's just for plain shit infantry; special ops they'd perform even worse.
>Doom created with a male soldier
>Omg FUCK DOOM where the female soldier
People that believe this shit are mentally ill
> no “ya’ll”
weak larp
I stand by my statement that Paul W.S. Anderson is the perfect director for Doom.
>one character people actually know from the games
>nah we don't need him
Who needs a Doom Guy that can actually fight a war. Lets hire some bitch with no muscle mass that can defeat thousands of Aliens with her bare fists.
I finished it yesterday. It was pretty fun. Especially the last parts where you just berzerker rage tear shit up. I don't even think women have that emotion. The joyfull massacre emotion.
>they do not speak for all of us
Yes they do, now step back up in line.