Do any of you have a wilson tier bro?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Dr. House and Dr. Wilson
>Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

no i don't even have friends lmao

Wilson was an enabler.

haha, me too, if so alone

So a great friend?

they don't sound anything alike retart

Yeah I actually do. I failed in many things but good friends I have.

Better question, would you choose a wilson tier bro or you idea of a perfect gf?

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any gf really

What do you guys think House did after Wilson died of cancer?

A Wilson tier GF.

oh no homages are automatically bad

I had dropped the series when I read he got cancer, then I watched the last season. Thinking about him still gives me the feels.

wilson is perfect gf so checkmate

I am on season 6 should drop at the end of the season?

Dunno. I dropped at S6. You shouldn't drop if you're liking it.

Anything post season 4 is watchable with the occasional great episode. I think its worth watching to the end personally.

>What do you guys think House did after Wilson died of cancer?

discovered the cure for cancer

"Don't break your leg! I can only cure cancer!"

A House tier bro would be good too, I mean he would make your life hell but in the end he will protect you from getting your heart hurt.

I met my bestfriend in daycare before I was a year old.

I did, then he got a girlfriend and moved on with his life, leaving me behind as a kissless virgin.

My best friend is the House and I’m the Wilson.

Then he wasn't a wilson tier bro.

I did, then he got married and now I'm lucky if I get to see him once every 3 years or so,

This, Wilson never left House except when he died

This minus the lmao tbqh.

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Also these deluded virgins ITT thinking men who forgot them for thots is a good bro let alone a wilson tier one.

I mostly think of him as the inspired, doomed kid in Dead Poets Society. Terrific performance.

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Corpsman for a russian mercenary company