This movie is really, REALLY bad

this movie is really, REALLY bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Obtain intercourse

Nah it’s fine.

Acquire coitus

That feel your mother provides the best intercourse I ever had, and whispers into my ear that I could of produced better kids than your father did.

Do fucks.


I wasn't going to watch it after the abortion that was Black panther but thx for letting me know anyways

Nah, its just fine

Get laid

>could of
Do me a favor, go ahead and obtain a shotgun, go into a crowded area, then blow your brains out so everyone can laugh at the dead retard.

Can I please have a quick rundown on this?

Keep posting OP and maybe every movie theater will refund all the tickets they sold and it won’t make any money....

Seek horizontal dancing

obtain new job

Only first-hand knowledge could help you understand. Have sex.

Fuck she's so cute. I love that determined focused look on women

uphold the prime directive

Her face says have sex, her body says not with me tho

I mean this board really drove my expectations down hard about this movie
But it's at least top 5, easily better than Black Panther

MCU is getting better at their solo movies. BP, CA: Winter Solider, and this are the best ones.

Fridge mode ENGAGE

It isn't.
Yea Forums is given to hyperbole, the truth is, this movie is neither very bad nor very good. It's a mildly entertaining but slightly bland pudding of light action, special effects and boring plot twists.

You must construct additional pylons

have sex

>t. incel

But captain, this race of "negroids" as you call them, will die without our assistance.

>get to Ronan's scene

Wait THAT was Lee Pace himself?
I thought it was a replacement actor trying to keep it subtle so people won't notice.

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Commit coitus

This tbqh desu

why in the shitting fuck would you post manga in this thread? i bet you liked this bland pile of shit movie you boner licking little pussyfaggot

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>Shapeshifting Reptilian aliens are actually the good guys
They're just laughing in our faces at this point

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>this movie is really, REALLY bad.

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>Tony realizes his father's weapons industry is bad and devotes himself to correcting things in the world
>Steve is a patriot and undergoes a military experiment so he could better protect his country and enforce justice
>Thor is a protector of the realm by birth and uses his godlike powers to fulfill his duties
>Peter lucks his way into spider powers but has to learn to be responsible and stand for good as his uncle would want
>T'challa inherits his position as the ruler and defender of his country and is willing to go to any lengths to do so
>Star-Lord has to overcome his learned mercenary urges and not fuck over everyone for personal gain despite not having powers since he's good at heart
>Strange has to leave his successful life behind in order to devote his life to defending the world against evil magic

>Carol lucks her way into superpowers and then fucks off to do her own thing

The biggest problem with her is that we never see her motivation, her drive, her principles, her conviction, in the movie she's just a random pilot and is never developed beyond that, we're expected to think she'll do the right thing because she's a woman, but she's never shown being dedicated to a noble cause beyond personal revenge. Undoing all of the achievements of fan-beloved characters built up over 10 years to give the spotlight to a self-insert non-character like this is story suicide.

refugees are pretty fucking great considering the common denominator white american is a boring, stupid fat pile of racist shit.

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i just saw the film.
its terrible. 0/10

the MCU is done. feige should be replaced! at least show loyalty to the source material!

>he went to the kinoplex, paid for a ticket, watched the latest capeshit and then posted this on Yea Forums
i think "yikes" is the proper reaction

Sounds like you don't fill the void in your soul with meaningless sex with strangers.


>he's convinced himself that sex has to have meaning
>he actually thinks girls care about him having "saved himself"

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>typical comic book movie operating budget
>60% for marketing
>38% for samuel l jackson
>1% for other bullshit actors
>1% for a no name director with no prior experience
>0% for screen writing. not necessary

massive profits because of the brand or whatever everyone watches it 90% positive tomatoes in gods stupid mouth

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it's not

You already know what you should be having

Some discord was probably like "if we keep spamming the same phrase over and over they'll go away" and it caught on. Now we just have a bunch of thread bumpers who haven't contributed to a conversation for a week

Women didn't like it either. Only incels saved the movie.

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nigger be sad

destroy your existence

>show loyalty to the source material
Captain marvel sucked in comics too. Theres no niche fan favorite stories like the guardians had pre-mcu. Shes just meh at best and cringe worthy most of the time. Fuck the black female captain marvel at least had nextwave

Did you even do as much as read a short summary of the movie?

Carol lucks her way into superpowers. Then goes from wanting to serve the Kree empire dutifully to realizing that the Kree brainwashed her, lied to her the entire and are in fact a bunch of murderous asshats and not the benevolent civilization they make themselves out to be. She then decides to fuck off helping the Skrull who the Kree want to murder.

Now the movie is still not very good, but this particular complaint is just untrue.

Can i get a source on this or could you tell me how I can find out demographics for ticket sales?

Execute order 69

The movie wasn't bad. It's your basic marvel movie. It has two directors and it shows sometimes with the characters personality

you know how i know you're an incel balding white poorfag?

Not that buy, but here is another source breakdown

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a LOT of the worst criticisms of Captain Marvel and Brie Larson on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoy figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it

now i don't know what to think!

He characters isn't constant. They couldn't decide if she was a strong silent solider type or a person who loves a scrape.

Participate in coitus

Wow, what a master troll!

Thanks user, any ideas where one goes to find that data, the demographics i mean, id love to monitor this on my own.

>really, REALLY bad

Nice try, Trump. You're not fooling anyone.

You silly ass, that's how Shattner shitposts.

Hi Will

Roast or gtfo

Yikes, it is pretty bad desu

That's not contradicting anything he said. Do you even read what you respond towards or just act on impulse the moment you see something that might critize your new hero?

Why two directors when such a big deal was made about searching for a female?

ok incel

Ayy lmao.


>I could of produced better kids
Oh, the irony.

That's a source. but it doesn't explain method. Only demographic at the counter is adult, child, senior, military (in the US). So how are they also getting additional demographic info?

Can’t be worse than Thor 2

I would say it's worse than thor 2 honestly

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ooga booga

>five boys kick brie larson in the guts
>you will not steal our penises!
>jude law starts clapping
>it's called a cockpit for a reason baby, now smile
>she activates her almonds
>suddenly penises of all boys and men start falling off
>just a girl by no doubt starts playing
I don't know what was Marvel thinking

t. DCshill

I hate that parts of your shit post are actually in the movie. Captain Marvel's basically a sjw shitpost. Fuck

There are some truly cringy lines and situations that are clearly sprouted from the fantasy of some self-absorbed overweight short-haired feminist but it wasn't any worse than Ant Man and The Wasp. Pretty generic Marvel movie. Larson was trying to come off as battle-scarred and stoic but mostly she just seemed bored. I don't plan on seeing it again.


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>common denominator white american is a boring, stupid fat pile of racist shit.

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Nico is wonderful.

>Captain MARVEL
>in MARVEL comics
>expecting her not to be a marysue

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put 8=D in {^}


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>3/4 originated in Japan
Makes you think huh


Japan's based but America can still get it right every now and again

And you have no visual appeal in this movie.

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>feige should be replaced!

Imagine the terror that will be fase 4 and 5
More miscast, many gays characters and more SJW agenda

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Its not.

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>Women love and like to see beauty and athletic women

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Thor 2 deserve more 2 star only because this

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Her milkers were covered up for basically the whole of both movies because no one would look at Portman otherwise.

It's better than the majority of phase 1 and the worst of phase 2. I say that as someone who went in expecting nothing.


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post screening polling by comcast

boss we gonna fill that hole with cat poop and piss

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Look at all that acting range brie got!

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So, in other words, its capeshit? What a surprise.

filling up the woke chamber

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Don't dilate on your way out

yfw the this thread stared by a left leaning feminist and confirmed sex haver and happens to think the film is shit and it doesn't really have anything to do with your weird frustrated misogynistic fat

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holy shit /pol/ is a left wing conspiracy! or os it a right wing conspiracy? or is it communists? or is it hitlerists? its feminist quad-dicked cartoon fox evangelists! donald trump! no, ronnie chang!! $1000 for everyone, right after the casino tycoon spends it all on a welfare capitalist libertarian communism. piss?

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Daft thing is, the movie doesn't even make a big deal out of her being a woman. They did a stupid thing trying to promote it as some sort of huge push for feminism. All they've done is piss off and alienate people.

>Daft thing is, the movie doesn't even make a big deal out of her being a woman. it totally did and it was cheesy as fuck. im sorry to all women everywhere that this cringey shit exists. im offended for all of them. i want justice.

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>it totally did
t. nigga who didn't watch it

So what happened in it?

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white boy, I watched it yesterday why else would i be pissed

i bet you liked it you fucking squishy milquetoast little pussy

i bet it was your favorite movie since jodorowski's holy mountain

>Then goes from wanting to serve the Kree empire dutifully to realizing that the Kree brainwashed her, lied to her the entire and are in fact a bunch of murderous asshats and not the benevolent civilization they make themselves out to be. She then decides to fuck off helping the Skrull who the Kree want to murder.

This happens but the drama was somehow minimal.

Seethe, incel, seethe!

Also, have sex.

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I just got out of watching it. The movie itself wasn't bad, but Larson was fucking terrible.

>but Larson was fucking terrible.
Of course, mental illness is a hell of a drug, incel.
You will also say she was never hot and isn't hot right now.

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Hormone therapy really taking a toll on you trannies. Do you pretend to not be an incel because you defend women? Would love to see any proof of you having any relationship.

>this movie is really, REALLY bad.

So bad it's surreal

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Spoilers 2

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How it is positioned compared to the other 20 marvel movies?

Shill harder

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you will die without having sex white freak. even trannies get fucked by closet homos and other men

Procure Bunga-bunga

>broke more than even in the first weekend (over 450 mil)
when will you incels ever learn??

>Would love to see any proof of you having any relationship.
this man gets it. definitely post pictures of your girlfriend spreading her tight holes

woman STRONG man BAD cat FUNNY

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I've fucked white, spics, arabs and gooks. Trannies fucking other swamp monsters doesnt really count as having sex since you'd fuck anything. Its why trannies are often furries too

>then fucks off to do her own thing
Helping refugees is a noble cause!

sure you have incel


>he's convinced that sex has meaning

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that's probably because they spend all their budget on marketing and branding you decreasingly relevant moron fuck.

its a bad movie. like, really bad. objectively. its the usual cookie cutter origin story, without anything to make it stand out at all.

its easily one of the most generic comic book movies they have made so far. there was nothing clever about anything that happened in the plot.

for the boss battle, she randomly flew up and punched out a fleet of space shops with her bare hands. she's less interesting than the most boring superman.

the characters not only failed to illicit the slightest empathy, they make you want to punch them in the face. they are cringey and they make no fucking sense.

everything about this movie sucks. its like zero effort formulaic garbage. its an insult to you and everyone else who is loyal to the marvel brand of shitty movies, and most of them suck pretty hard.

i give it a -63668/10. fuck you.

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Is that all you have to say tranny? The irony of you calling others incel. Pic related queerbag

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that's a good one, user; almost thought it was the real thing.

Fake, manlet incelface.

i don't even care that none of that is hidden behind spoiler text; the movie is so fucking bland it really wouldn't make a difference

>could of

LMFAO Swamp monster incel detected. Go practice what you preach and get human non-deformed pussy.

have sex, then
show us how it's done

That's a snap posted for everyone, fuck off.

im gonna fuck your girlfriend you little pussy bitch

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>my ex was a snap posted for everyone
cope more tranny incel

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theres no way a Yea Forums incel could get a gf


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>he said, in horrified disbelief

I bet it's one of those "premium" snapchats, why isn't she even showing you her actual naked breasts?

you're even more pathetic than i thought holy fuck

she looks fat my girlfriend is hotter but lmao posting her pic on Yea Forums nice one jackass

also this movie sucked

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Just got back from it, movies not bad. I enjoyed it as much as any other marvel flick.

you should post your butthole with your favorite dildoe in it

what girl sends a pic to her bf with her face covered and doesn't even show nudity?

you're a sad, sad, sad little incel, and you have my pity.


>posting your exes face on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
Are you going to ask she needs to show her ID and to valid it as well? Stay mad tranny incel

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>what girl sends a pic to her bf with her face covered and doesn't even show nudity?
its pretty obvious you've never had a girl send you nudes. showing your face in a nude is a lot to ask for, and pretty dumb nowadays in general. what if he were to screencap it and post it to Yea Forums to win an argument with some impotent little dumbass?

bullshit, how did you get a gf
fuck off polweenie

>bullshit, how did you get a gf
Do you want me to write you a tutorial on how to get a gf? Don't look like a disgusting tranny is step one

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go on zoomer incel

you're obviously too bored to be alive

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Plus I've gotten laid, gotten girlfriends, I was engaged. I broke it up due to the fact she wasn't the person I wanted to be with. When women talk about everything they want for their wedding, want for them, what "they want from the relationship" instead of what she wants for the both of us and to include me then she isn't a sane girl.

A submissive bitch is a happy bitch, and the girls who write those notes about what they want probably fucked a bunch of niggers and failed in their lives. You should't give a fuck what a woman wants because you enjoy some vidja games here and there, its your life just as much as she complains its her body. That's the real redpill.

>My name is John and I hate every single one of you

Cut back on carbs and go back to tumblr

Girls love white cock. Be tall. Be funny, talk to them. Being a male feminist won't get you pussy as much as you think. Women now a days often give their body up if you follow those steps.

how do you be funny lying incel uggo

Learn to code.

>how do you be funny
Speak English for one tranny. You sperg out all day on a website that has millions of visits and you think none are having sex? Are you just projecting? I post ton and you've yet to post any ex of yours. Go on.

yeah you cant make jokes, lying incel, if youre such a playboy how do you approach and talk to girls??? incel retard dodging the ques

If you're having sex and posting on Yea Forums you need to go back

>if youre such a playboy how do you approach and talk to girls???
Is it just me or does this sound like some hired pajeet shill

These retards make a typical capeshit fan look like the most noble patrician-genius.

It wasnt the worst shit ive seen but it wasnt amazing or anything. I felt she was overpowered and the emotional blocking she had barley mattered since the entire movie was a speedrun of her life. She never really has a villian. There was no threat. Like at all. This movie wasn't really the same formula because it had no true struggle. She never looked weak. Talos was the best character.
All the shots to white men where fucking cringey. When she immediately shoots I think it was a bond cut out aka the white male leaving just the women. Reminder out of the central cast the only non-alien males allowed were black.
Fucking Yon Roggs last fight scene was lame and bullshit. Made him look weak and dumb as fuck. Also having a characrer win by photon blasts rather than take up the hand to hand combat challenge logical all you want makes the character look mentally weak. Also she cant fake fight for shit and the choreography felt off the entire film. It was okay tho.

see a doctor schizo retard

Post your exes, I did. Lets see the swamp monsters you fucked

explain to me how you got laid, go thru the process incel liar

i like this thread

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dilate, then terminate existence

Yeah I knew you were lying. How did you meet your gf? How'd you first talk to her huh?


Did she get a nose job? Lol wtf, she talks about the patriarchy and then goes and does something so futile



dude you are so lame just stop its boring the crap out of me go join a discord or something

>How did you meet your gf? How'd you first talk to her huh?
Wouldn't matter because one how does that help you be less of a tranny incel? Are you going to somehow confirm the story? No you are grasping at anything because you're nigger ape that's never seen a pussy LMFAO

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here is my favorite review of this trash movie

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yeah i knew it youre AN INCEL someone who slays pussy would be able to back it up

can this kid be banned? pls

I posted my exes nudes. I backed it up. You keep deflecting and not posting any female exes. You sad pathetic niggermonkey LMFAO

ban yourself from life incel retard LMAO
How did you get with her in the first place, I wanna hear hte story

>Still no posted pics
ya this is getting boring. Keep projecting my dude, you will always be the incel.

why don't you want to answer? oh i know, because youre a virgin. HAHAHAHA

God damn is she really that stacked?

its a good movie but you really smokin homeless dick if you think this is somehow better. ragnarok black panther and infinity war are kino. this is honestly flick