Why did they glorify this psychopath

Why did they glorify this psychopath

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They didn't, everyone in the regiment was scared of him.

He ended becoming a prestigious high ranking officer

winters called him the best soldier ever

Sometimes the world needs psychos on the side of good you virgin

No you idiot he called Bull the best soldier ever

>side of good

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Because he is literally /ourguy/

because he KILLED NAZIS


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It was pretty obvious that he was mentally unhinged, but a good officer. That doesn't make you a good person. Does make you an interesting character.

Because he knew exactly what pieces of shit Germans were and he made it his mission to kill as many of them as he could. I wish more men like him were alive today taking a Thompson to the fat greasy neo nazis we're burdened with.

good goy

have sex

he did nothing wrong and neither did the germans

Aside from shooting POWs, which is disputable as Malarkey didn't see it happen, he did literally nothing wrong.


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Jesus fucking Christ I hope that's texta...

He's not wrong.

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all war heroes are psychopaths

>whites vs whites
fuck off kike

Don’t bring your gay politics into my Brotherskino

were the rumors even true?

Because he was a phenomenally talented as both an officer and a combatant.

He was probably a psychopath to some degree, but he was not sadistic or Machiavellian. Simply a pragmatist unfettered by visceral emotion.

>dat white washing

MLK was black and everyone knows it. Get back to /pol/.

The only clever post on this entire board right now.

What film

Because he shot the bad guys.
